wymanpang4 · 4 years
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wymanpang4 · 4 years
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wymanpang4 · 4 years
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wymanpang4 · 4 years
Feedback and Next Steps
Jacquie’s Feedback
Solid and focused research and trajectory. Great developmental design and concept. Good references that begin to ground your project beyond mere fantasy! Think about the identifiable remnants of the current city and how these can locate an audience in a de-familiarized scenario (the strangely familiar). Keep focusing on what is the spatial design research question here - while we understand that a world is being built, and this will be done with great effort and skill through powerful visualizations, it is the range of socio-cultural, economic and environmental impact on society and therefore on life in cities that you are responding to and which is the basis for your origination of spaces. And this needs to be done so that we can understand it - based on clear decision making processes. That's were the originality and strength of the project will come from. Also, of course, the clearly tangible environmental changes are being worked through on an urban scale which you have already shown. Looking forward to the further development of your project and design. Some great collaging work you have achieved to date. Well done.
Next Approach
- Identify Remnants of Lambton Quay of buildings and sculptures and producing it through digital renders.
- Research more and display the range of socio-cultural, economic and environmental aspects impacted upon the city
- Develop my narrative to figure out the Scenario
- Further Develop the important aspect of your design (Elevated Surfaces, Bridges and Sea Wall)
- Use Concept Design practice that you've learn from our courses for this project. (Sketches, Story-boarding etc)
- Look at Ellen Lupton's Design is storytelling on Scenario Planning.
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wymanpang4 · 4 years
[VIDEO] Future Scenario with effect of climate change.
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wymanpang4 · 4 years
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[COMPOSITE DRAWING] A2 Composite Collage
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wymanpang4 · 4 years
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[COLLAGE] Concept Collage
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wymanpang4 · 4 years
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[SITE PLAN] Concept Design on Site
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wymanpang4 · 4 years
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wymanpang4 · 4 years
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wymanpang4 · 4 years
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wymanpang4 · 4 years
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[CONCEPT] Concept Sketches
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wymanpang4 · 4 years
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wymanpang4 · 4 years
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Changing my initial test idea to respond more towards my research. 
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wymanpang4 · 4 years
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wymanpang4 · 4 years
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wymanpang4 · 4 years
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[PRECEDENT] Linked Hybrid
Aims to counter the current urban developments in China by creating a new twenty-first century porous urban space, inviting and open to the public from every side. Filmic urban public space; around, over and through multifaceted spatial layers, as well as the many passages through the project, make the Linked Hybrid an "open city within a city". The project promotes interactive relations and encourages encounters in the public spaces that vary from commercial, residential, and educational to recreational.
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