writing-autism · 11 months
I need people to stop blaming the death of movies on “quips”. A quip is just a funny line of dialogue. That’s all. Like I just saw a post talking about quips and the death of movies and brought up Pirates of the Caribbean as an example of a better movie and yes it is but also that movie is FULL OF QUIPS. I just rewatched The Princess Bride. It’s all quips. Every single line. And it’s a masterpiece.
Movies suck when people don’t care about the art they’re making. That includes them not caring about their quips. Which is why a lot of comic relief dialogue ALSO sucks now. But the problem isn’t that funny dialogue exists.
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writing-autism · 1 year
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3. Nature of violation
Directors/Officers/Persons are using income/assets for personal gain
Organization is engaged in commercial, for-profit business activities
Income/Assets are being used to support illegal or terrorist activities
Organization is involved in a political campaign
Organization is engaged in excessive lobbying activities
Organization refused to disclose or provide a copy of Form 990
Organization failed to report employment, income or excise tax liability properly
Organization failed to file required federal tax returns and forms
Organization engaged in deceptive or improper fundraising practices
Other (describe)
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writing-autism · 1 year
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Moon Knight + Letterboxed Reviews ♡
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writing-autism · 2 years
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3rd batch of ko-fi doodle comms; if you're interested, check the deets here!
[ID: 5 doodles drawn with a brush pen.
Tim Drake in a leather jacket over a hoodie over a tee, and a face mask with a rip-off Wonder Woman logo. He looks like he's about to fall asleep while standing.
Tim and Conner Kent hold hands in casual wear. They're on a date.
Stephanie Brown and Kon teases a blushing Tim.
Bart Allen, Cassie Sandsmark, Kon and Tim are sat in a braiding train.
Tim is bundled up in blankets and a cup; Cassie, Kon and Bart hug him. They're all smiling. Above them is a tiny heart.
End ID.]
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writing-autism · 2 years
For the DADWC: “I really like your hands”
AN: Ayyyy I actually finished my first @dadrunkwriting prompt! Thank you for the prompt! It managed to help me kick my lowkey writing slump to the curb. Anyway have some very early act one Handers
“I like your hands.” Scorra blurted out before realising that wasn’t exactly a normal thing to say to your… friend? Where they friends? At what point did you call someone a friend? Did you ask? Was it weird to ask? Was it rude to assume? Scorra hoped they were friends. She wanted to be Anders’ friend. Scorra would have liked to have friends at all. But she particularly wanted to be Anders’ friend. Scorra liked Anders. Anders was kind and he was passionate, and he was unashamed of his magic and his feelings. And he had nice hands.
They were rough and they were honestly impressively clean considering he just had water and rags and lived in Darktown. But they felt gentle too.
They were a healer’s hands.
A real healer’s hands.
It was still a really weird thing to say.
Especially when she could only feel those hands because Anders had caught her when she’d tripped over a stray box because his clinic was a cluttered mess and she’d been too damn worried about looking rude continuing to use her staff and not concerned enough about being able know where she was going. And now Anders had his arm wrapped around her waist and his hand on her shoulder and she’d just said she liked his hands like she hadn’t just fallen, and it wasn’t a really weird thing to say.
“Uh- Thanks?” Anders stuttered withdrawing the moment he was sure she was righted.
Yup. She’d made it weird. She’d made it really weird. She should leave. Would leaving make it weirder?
“Sorry about that. I- should probably keep the floors clearer.” Anders offered.
Okay. Move on. Just move on from the weird comment. She could do that. That must be what you did when your friend(?) said something weird. It was not what you did when your sibling did something weird, but siblings and friends weren’t the same thing for most people.
“And deny me the opportunity to end up in your arms?”
Bad Scorra. Terrible Scorra. That is not how you recover from the weird hand comment. That was its own weird comment to recover from.
Anders forced an awkward laugh and damnit if they were friends Scorra got the feeling she was very quickly cementing the past tense there. Or maybe she was just giving Anders more reasons to not want her as a friend. To not want her.
“Maybe more to stop you from smelling like sewage.” Anders said.
“There are worse smells.” Okay maybe this was recoverable. It was okay. Anders wasn’t acting like everything was ruined. It was just two weird things. You didn’t stop spending time with someone over two kind of weird comments. Did you?
“Name one.”
“…burning darkspawn?” That was worse. That was easily so much worse. The smell of burning darkspawn meant danger and running and exhaustion and running and running and running with no hope of making it far enough. Sewers were just sewers.
“I burnt darkspawn down here about a month ago.” Anders shot back.
“There were darkspawn here?” Scorra hated that she felt her heart accelerate for it. She had an expedition into the void damned deep roads to go on. She’d killed darkspawn again, she could do it again.
“Apparently Darktown extends into the deep roads somewhere.” Anders answered almost flippant. Of course, he was flippant. He was a grey warden once. He had lived and breathed darkspawn. Even if he didn’t anymore. “…It’s not a tunnel that sees a lot of traffic from the darkspawn, wherever it does connect. There was only three of them and I haven’t heard of any other appearances before I got here and there’s definitely only been the one since I did.” He said softly in what Scorra could only assume was a reassurance.
“Well, that’s good.” Scorra pulled out a strained smile. “I’d hate to have to flee Kirkwall just as it was growing on me.”
“Kirkwall’s growing on you? Are you sure that’s not just the mold?”
Scorra laughed. “You’re right. It’s probably the mold.”
Anders let out a huff of air that was a little like a laugh and went back to cleaning, including cleaning up the box responsible for all her tripping and losing all her social graces. Not that she’d particularly had them. Scorra didn’t exactly do people. Or friends. She’d never really done friends before. Except for her siblings. But that was different. They were stuck with her. They loved her. They understood her. There was no getting to know them because she learnt things about them the same time they learned things about them.
Her family were her only friends. Because they were the only safe friends to have. Anyone else could turn her in. Anyone else would get left behind if someone else did.
No one at any of the villages they settled in understood what it was like to live with magic.
But Anders did.
“Are we friends?” Scorra blurted out because apparently, she couldn’t shut the fuck up for five minutes.
Anders was silent for a beat and yeah that was definitely not something you were supposed to ask. She’d messed it up again surely. Because she always did and even if he knew she was magic, and he didn’t care he wouldn’t be able to get past the rest of her because no one ever could.
“…I’d like if we were friends.” She admitted softly. Honestly it was probably better if Anders didn’t hear it.
But he did. Because he whispered back “…me too.”
Scorra’s face broke into a smile so large it made her cheeks hurt. “Thank you. -… that’s not usually a thing people say to agreeing to be friends, is it?”
“Well, I’ve never been directly asked to be friends before.” Anders noted.
“Well I’ve never really had a friend before…” Scorra twisted her fingers together because she always did that, because she was the weird kid. Because she’d always been the weird and the shy kid but she wasn’t a kid anymore and she had a friend now.
Anders gently grabbed her hands, untangling the knot she’d made of them and just holding her hands. …She really liked his hands. Callused after however long he’d spent fighting darkspawn and living in Darktown, but gentle despite it.
“That’s a pretty normal way to establish a first friend.” Anders said softly. “…And I like your hands too.”
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writing-autism · 3 years
PC Overview
(As previously mentioned they all exist in the same world state because I’m messy) Had all these OCs for a long time I know I’ve changed a lot since first designing them and honestly they’re in the beginnings of changing a fair bit as a result so don’t be surprised if this post gets edited
Lyra Tabris
Rogue, daggers
Duelist, Assassin, Shadow,
Love interest: Lelianna
Spent her whole life doing her best to remain mostly unnoticed, until she Snapped
Ruthless and angry and just fucking tired
Regularly jokes about having a hit list of nobles for the next time she snaps/when she has to go to her calling anyway. No one is sure if she is joking
Became the warden commander and Arlessa of Amranthine
Does her damn best to be a good Commander and regularly causes incidents in court fighting for elven rights
Being pretty unkillable in her own right and her friendship with Zevran are probably the only reasons she hasn’t been assassinated yet.
Anya Surana
Mage, Creationism and Spirit
Spirit Healer, Arcane warrior, Battle Mage
Love interest: Morrigan
Her time in the circle was spent keeping her head down, trying to remain unnoticed and therefore unharmed, which she mostly succeeded in
As a result she was unable to draw on anything but wisps without strong enough virtues to call them until she sacrificed her life to give Jowan a chance at escape, and a Love spirit formed from everything she felt.
Was assigned Anders as a mentor in the circle in the hopes that her nature would be a positive influence on him/lead to less escape attempts. (It very much Did Not Work.)
Deeply interested in elven lore and her heritage there, happily teaches anyone who wants to know about the magic and culture she learnt from the ancient phylactery
Becomes Lyra’s Warden Constable until she resigns to be with Morrigan and her son (Although she still visits frequently)
Laylan Mahariel
Rogue, Bow
Ranger, Duelist, Bard,
Love interest: Amell and Zevran
Actually also a mage but their magic is minor and mostly used in minor subtle ways to be a better fighter and more effective hunter
Falon’din vallaslin both as a reminder of their duty to bring death as a hunter and a protector of the clan and in remembrance of their parents and everyone else who had already joined Falon’din’s side
Fiercely proud of their heritage and not afraid to cut a bitch.
Stays with the wardens but will occasionally go on detours to help Zevran with crow business
Ethan Amell
Mage, Primal and Entropy
Blood Mage, Shapeshifter, Keeper
Love interest: Mahariel and Zevran
Interested in all things prohibited by the circle. The moment he heard wardens don’t forbid blood magic he snatched the blood magic tome that he’d been eyeing for years.
Wasn’t even helping Jowan and Anya when he got recruited he just got caught in the crossfire and figured in for a penny in for a pound
Thing with both Laylan and Zevran start casual and then oh no caught feelings whoops.
Elentiya Cousland (I’m the most hesitant about her design so we will sure see if any of this stays)
Warrior, sword and shield
Guardian, Templar, Spirit warrior
Love Interest: Alistair
She has a good heart but she’s a noble and it Shows.
Regularly gets taken to task by the other wardens
Was very bubbly and outgoing until Howe slaughtered her family, so spends most of the blight focused on vengeance, and becomes a lot more reserved in her grief
Wants what’s best for her country and always has, can be incredibly ruthless about what that means when it isn’t personal
Listen the conversation on who should rule was a long one with this group ultimately having them agree it should be Alistair as quite a few of them, Lyra the most vocal of them were not content with the status quo for which Anora was at least partially responsible.
And then in an incredibly impulsive move that wasn’t a conversation at all Elentiya announced she’d be marrying Alistair in front of the landsmeet.
Camila Brosca
rogue, daggers
Legionnaire Scout, Bard, Assassin, 
Love interest: Aeducan
I am of no Caste or Clan and yet I have defeated all of you!
Probably one of the least developed characters but we’ll get there
Endlessly in love with the world on the surface, yo butterflies slap what the hell
 Not quite proud of being Casteless but refuses to take any shit for it and cares deeply for her fellows
The rest of the wardens pretty much came to the conclusion they should keep the Anvil because the use outweighed the risk when they’re facing the end of the world almost entirely alone. But Camila refused to budge knowing the casteless would be the first on the anvil condemned to eternal servitude
Maysa Aeducan
Warrior, Great axe
Berserker, Reaver, Champion
Love interest: Brosca
First thought watching Camila’s reveal was ‘what a desecration of the provings’, her second thought was ‘hot’
haven’t really got much for her except prideful and always ready to fight
Put Bhelen on the throne because she realized he’d probably be a better king, did punch him first though
Scorra Hawke
Mage, Primal, Entropy and Creation (With even some vague interest and knowledge in spirit)
Spirit Healer/Blood Mage
Love interests: Anders and Justice
Blue (with shades of purple and red)
Spirit is Perseverance
Half elf
Not to have favorites but she’s my favorite (I have about like five au’s for her lmao)
Has a natural inclination for Primal and Entropy, and was just so fucking stubborn she learned and became skilled in Creation through sheer determination alone.
Found Perseverance by basically banging pots and pans in the fade demanding a spirit help her heal
Mage rights or mage fights
Is determined to help anyway she can and is fiercely protective of her family
Has a lot of Complicated feelings about her magic she hasn’t had the chance to work through when it’s constantly putting everyone she loves in danger
Is officially the champion and the one to challenge the Arishok because she stood the best chance and Meredith had already seen her use magic so she was fucked anyway
Leo Hawke
Warrior, Sword and shield
Love interest: Fenris
Purple (with shades of blue and red because like come on they’re siblings they’re similar in a lot of ways)
Half elf
Thrives off positive attention
Doesn’t like change
Talks a big game about protecting everyone and not caring what people think about him but just really wants to be liked
Takes great joy in making people laugh
Dew Hawke
Rogue, bow
Love interests: Merrill and Isabela
Half elf
Red (with shades of blue and purple you know the drill)
Is very much terrifying and is very much like that on purpose
Isn’t good at people so fully gave up
Listen all my Hawkes just want to be liked by more than just their family
Loves deeply and honestly but just, doesn’t know how to express it
I currently have no inquisitors because it’s my least favorite game and it shows lmao
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writing-autism · 3 years
Character Pairing and Prompt List
All custom PC’s and I don’t write explicit NSFW. (Also theoretically accept Inquisition prompts but it’s my least favorite of the games and it shows.) Also overall world state is multi-warden and multi-Hawke because I’m indecisive and also messy. (Also in a state of reconsidering/remaking said worldstate so very much subject to change.)
F!Hawke/Anders/Justice (Not to be biased on main but I’m biased)
Also completely down for any platonic prompts with the Origins, Awakening and DA2 crew (Minus Sebastian, sorry)
Overview of all my pcs if you’re interested
Prompt List (Please ignore the NSFW ones on a larger list)
100 ways to say I love you
More ways to say I love you
DA Prompts
More DA Prompts
Dialogue prompts
More Dialogue prompts
Practical Magic Prompts
Childhood Prompts
Platonic Prompts
More Platonic Prompts
Drabble Prompts
Mass Effect Prompts
Lyric Prompts
Hug Prompts
just any prompts you feel like throwing at me
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