woosanslight ¡ 4 years
therapy group- ateez ff
warnings: none :)
((intentional lowercase!!))
a/n: hellooo atiny!! first off, this isn’t really edited.. it’s kinda brief and quick, so.. sorry? this is my first post, so i’m not entirely sure if it’ll become a series yet.. but i mean- if y’all get into it, it could very well happen ;)
gentle sunlight filtered through the room, sending glittering golden light onto the rooms’ cozy atmosphere and settled occupants.
the walls were supporting flowering vines hanging from little white pots, dangling from the ceiling, the white daisy-like flowers dusting the room in a honeyish fragrance. the small pots were patterned with pastel hearts and illustrated meadows, both making the room even more aestheticically pleasing.
in the center of the room was a large, hollowed out, cushioned seating area, accompanied by many fluffy blankets, poofy pillows and a small firepit in the very middle. there were also long, thin strips of flowery clovers surrounding the large pit.
the comforting aroma of baked cookies and cinnamon muffins whispered into the room softly, with the rooms’ occupants already being in a sugar-fazed state by the tempting smells. everyone glanced at the romanised clock eagerly, noting how much longer until they could actually eat these delicately crafted goodies.
someone cleared their throat, “uhh, so.. wait where were we..?” his legs were dangling over the edge of a honey-coloured hanging chair, a white fluffy pillow hugged against his stomach, “because like, i’m pretty sure that distracted all of us,” he said, gesturing to the thin tendril of pretty-smelling smoke hovering in the air. the boy himself, had peachy-corally coloured hair, slightly drooping over his big, playful brown eyes. he had a tall, slender frame despite his puppy-like gentleness. he was wearing a turquoise-tinted hoodie, with the sleeves far past his hands creating sweet little sweater paws. he also had plain white sweatpants on, accompanied by spotted white fluffy socks. the name scrawled onto his nametag read a messy “yunho”.
sitting on a lavender-coloured beanbag strewn onto the white carpeted floor lay another boy, with sandy blonde hair, a slight frame and a beautifully perfect face. he fiddled with his shirtsleeves distractedly, his mind elsewhere. he wore a black sweatshirt, grey sweatpants and plain white socks. despite his typically boring outfit, he was still surrounded by a god-like aura. he was undeniably gorgeous, but his insightful, intelligent and settled personality made him even more intriguing. his own nametag was carefully scripted with the name “yeosang”.
after a few seconds of thoughtful silence between the huddled group, yeosang spoke up in a deep, gentle voice; “i think i might have the answer to your question, hwajoon hyung,” he glanced briskly at yunho, a slight look of disregard aimed towards his easily-distracted self.
their female councillor, hwajoon, smiled warmly at yeosang, “tell us your insight then, yeosang”
he smiled back at her, once again a godly sight, his eyes twinkling with a knowing look. he knew exactly what he was going to say next. and expectimg the usual length of his ‘insights’ everyone started complaining and groaning in dreading tones.
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