wisteria-winter · 10 days
The fear in a loved one’s eyes
“- ---- ---”
From all I’ve read, seen and heard, those should be the most beautiful of words. If both feel the same, then there should be joy all around, and if not, then there might be heartbreak, maybe some sorrow and there might be a slight hint of fear of what’s to come.
Though, nothing like this. This. This is new. This one is not afraid of what will be said in response, if anything it feels as though the response is the last thing on their mind. This one is looking into her void black eyes with the fear of prey who’s just be caught, cornered and shot. As though, if he lets go of her arms which he’s holding so tight, he might fall into darkness and never see the light. Or rather, it seems his hold on her is the only thing keeping him steady and grounded.
“It’s alright.” She says softly, trying to comfort him, with a hint of confusion, as she can’t fully understand what he’s afraid of. She would pet his little head and give him a hug if it weren’t for his hold keeping her arms steady by her side. He looks down at the ground, breaking off his intense gaze.
“...” He makes a sound, but nothing really comes out. He’s at a loss for words, guess that too is something new.
“Alastor?” She gauges, this is all so very unlike him.
He lets go of her-
“What’s-” She starts.
-and slumps down into the floor, disappearing into his own shadow.
“Alastor.” She’s alone, left confused. “What’s wrong?” She whispers out to the now empty room.
It gives no response.
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wisteria-winter · 13 days
Oh, imagen if Husk didn't just think he's just as horrible as Alastor, what if he thought himself worse?
Like Alastor does have people he care about, people he'd go out of his way to protect. Like he's still crule beyond compare to those that cross him, but he's not out to get everyone.
Not like Husk who might have seen everyone as just a soul to posses, just a stepping stone for his own power. What if he delighted in watching people rack up wins, watching them climb and build confidence, and then watch all that confidence and spirit disappear when he beats them.
I can imagen that if he likes the person he just got new ownership of, he might have them work. But if he doesn't? Maybe he'll just throw them out with nothing to their name, just have them roam the streets untill they get killed by the exorsists. He doesn't care, not his problem.
Imagien, he has no real friends, just business partners and all he ever thinks about is himself. Then he gets wraped up with Alastor, someone who does have friends he cares about deeply.
Husk hates being stuck on a leash, but the worst part is he's glad it's Alastor and not his past self. He's glad. He doesn't want to be, but sometimes watching Alastor 'remove' others makes him glad he's not on his bad side, glad the worst he got was just following him around like a loyal dog, despite being a cat on a leash
The worst part is, there are times Husk does enjoy the company he finds himself in. If anything, there are times when he wishes things were worse, just so that he could feel he's getting a proper punishment for all he's done (now that he regrets it all)
But in the end, all it leaves him is 'tierd', he will follow, he doesn't have a choice and he doesn't have any morals. He might not eat sinner flesh, but he's not one to judge. He tries to be the voice of reason and the more they don't listen the more he feels he shouldn't even bother, it just makes him more tierd, but then there are those times when they do listen. Those times are so vindicating, so he can't help but be that voice of reason.
I might have gotten a bit of track, but imagen all that, plus the fact that everyone seems to silently agree that Alastor is irredemable.
If so, what does that say about Husks ability to be redeemed? If he finds the most irredemable person to be more redeemable than himself?
|| 🍍• Unpopular opinion time…maybe…
…but I hope Husk was a fucking SAVAGE overlord.
• I hope he was an overlord that you’d think twice before fucking with.
• I hope he was actually the opposite of the Husk we fucking love from all those Overlord fics of him.
• I hope that one of - if not the only reason - he thinks he can’t be redeemed/doesn’t want to be redeemed, is because he knows how fucking god awful he could be.
• I hope - in a way - Alastor coming along, rocking Husk’s shit and stealing his soul, gave Husk the biggest fattest reality karma bitchslap he needed to realise how vile he was dealing in souls - in people - as if they were mere commodities.
• I hope he runs into someone who he used to own, and, with that, I HOPE we see how he truly feels about his past.
Why do I think this is all important?
Because I think it becomes massively important when thinking about his budding association with Angel Dust.
Someone who is currently also dealing with that torment of not owning their soul, but someone who HASN’T dabbled on the flip side of being in the Overlord role.
Someone who would likely have only bad associations with Overlords.
How would Angel really react to knowing Husk’s overlord story in its entirety rather than the glimpse we see him learn?
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wisteria-winter · 14 days
Wheel says: Husk and Mimzy
Idea: Husk, the gambling overlord, finds a new potential 'employee'
Words: 390
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He was an overlord, an owner of many and the furthest from a loser you could get. Husk’s winning streek was long and there had been many who wanted to be the first one to make him take a loss, but what they didn’t know was that he had more than just party tricks up his sleeve.
He was a gambler, sure, but he wasn’t stupid. He could see when someone was trying to cheat and whenever you cheat in Husk’s abode, or rather against Husk himself, you never get to leave again. Just a fun little rule for all those who enter. Husk though? He’s above rules, it’s his territory, he’s the one in control.
He can hear some boosting from one of the tables, seems like someone is on a winning streak. A smirk paints his face, can’t wait to take that one’s soul. She’s not really hiding her cheating that well, but the more he let’s her win now, the more he has to gain later. So, he waits, letting her believe that everything is going her way, letting her build the confidence to face him. Just so he can see her despair when she finally falls into his grasp. She along with all the souls she’s gathered for him.
It’s nice entertainment. Speaking of, she’s giving the air of an entertainer, maybe when he owns her, he can user her as a singer of sorts? Liven the place up some. He does have a sound stage after all, would be a shame if it was only him who got to use it. Plus, doesn’t hurt to earn some extra cash.
Things go as he expects, she’s finally at his table having racked up a considerable amount of both money and souls. She greets him, her confidence high. Oh, this one shall be fun to let fall into despair. He greets her back, a salesman smile masking his true intentions. He can’t wait until the light in her eyes becomes dim, until the energy she exudes becomes a dry well and until that girl becomes just a husk of herself.
“So, Mimzy, ready to gamble?” He can feel his mask slightly faltering.
“You’re on!” She says confidently, not a thought to the fact she might lose.
“Then let’s being.” Oh, this is going to be very entertaining.
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So, um, I was thinking about how Mimzy and Husk would meet. The first, kinda obvius one would be through Alastor, but then I though, what if Mimzy is part of the reason Husk met Alastor?
Like what if, similar to the lone sharks, Mimzy got involved with Husk and Alastor had to fix that whole mess? What if, Husk didn't lose all his souls to random people, but instead he lost them all to Alastor?
And what if, when Husk had nothing but his own soul left, Alastor offerd him a deal he couldn't refuse? One where everything could go back to normal, how it all was before Mimzy, but with the little caviat that Alastor would own Husk soul.
Also, been wondering, any idea of when Husk started identifying as a Bartender? Like was that something he has had with him since alive? Something he kinda got forced into by Alastor even before the hotel? Or was that just something he got when he was forced into working for the hotel?
But that's for another time, Instead, let's spin
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And he next two are:
Adam and Carmilla Carmine
Oh, I, hmm, well, who's to say Adam doesn't become a sinner after he died? Yeah, wonder how the two of them would meet if so. What feelings and questions would he have towards the wepons dealer?
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wisteria-winter · 15 days
Wheel says:
Vaggie and Lucifer
Idea: Lucifer requests to talk with Vaggie about something, while Vaggie has something on her mind as well.
Words: 461
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Should she tell him? Well, everyone already knew, maybe he did too? Plus, she didn’t really want to bring it up, but she also didn’t want him to find out and feel like Charlie did. She didn’t want to keep secrets.
Vaggie elects to just wait until a moment presents itself, best to just say it when the two are alone. Though she did not expect the moment to present itself that same day. Charlie had informed her that Lucifer had something he wanted to discuss, with her, only her.
‘Oh no.’ Where her first thoughts, it just felt like it couldn’t be anything good. What could he ever want to discuss with her? And why would he want to do it with Charlie explicitly not present.
What if...? He was the devil after all, maybe all the horrors she’s been told when up high did have an iota of truth? There’s no way he was actually just some guy. Maybe he was just like that when around Charlie? Maybe, she felt a fear come over her, maybe he wanted to give her a stern talking too. Just inform her of what mattered and that she didn’t. That if she ever hurt Charlie, he would-
No no, she shakes her head. He’s not like that... right? She can’t fully shake the nagging feeling away. It all just reminds her too much of things she rather just forget, of words so loud she could almost feel them hit, of pains so deep they will never fully heal. Her hand hovered over the x that was once her eye. It’s all in the past, she reminds herself. It’s all in the past.
She soon finds herself at his door, his room in the newly built hotel. She’s just about to knock when a thought hits her. She has hurt Charlie before, and it led to Charlie making a deal with Alastor. It’s something she regrets immensely, that she never told Charlie of her past, but that doesn’t change what happened. It doesn’t change the fact that Charlie did get hurt. So, what if Charlie told him about it all? Vaggie was starting to spiral back to her initial thoughts, she didn’t want to believe that her beloved would devolve something like that, but that doesn’t change the fact that that’s where the thoughts went.
The door swung open, “Vaggie!”, he got her name right. Wait, does that mean that Charlie had been talking about her? Wait, no, yes, probably, though I’m sure it was only good things, right?
She straightened her posture and greeted the man, “Heard you wanted to talk with me?” Her voice sounded steady, but she felt far from it. Her mind having poisoned her whole perception of the situation.
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Well, similar to the first one with Vox and Charlie, the interaction is more something that would happen in the next scen. Guess that means I lied again ᵔᵜᵔ Though these are just small exersises, so maybe that's fine
As spoilers, my idea is that Vaggie wants to tell that she was once an exorsist and Lucifer just wants ideas over what Charlie likes. So it would end with them bonding at least. So maybe I didn't fully lie?
Anyway, time to spin
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Next two are:
Mimzy and Husk
Oh. That sounds like an interacting best fitted for the past. Wonder what it could be though? They didn't really interact too much in the show and Husk doesn't seem to have the best perseption of Mimzy, the number one trouble maker.
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wisteria-winter · 16 days
Wheel says: Angel and Niffty
Idea: Angle comes home after a hard day, does anyone notice?
Words: 477
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Angel smashes the hotel lobby door open, his clothes slightly torn from a not so pleasant night. Walking in he almost trips over Niffty as she runs right in front of him. He’s tired, so damn tired. He just flops onto one of the sofas in the lobby, not even having the energy for anything else.
He hears the others around him but elects to just ignore it all, head buried in the sofa. To tired. Then there’s a cling of porcelain on the table. Is someone drinking coffee? Turning his head so he can get a grasp of what’s going on. He sees a cup of tea on the table. It doesn’t seem to belong to anyone. Did- Did someone make that for him? Husk? No, he wouldn’t really make tea, right? Charlie? Maybe, though, maybe it’s not really for him at all?
Then he sees Niffty, she’s holding a sugar bowl and creamer. Oh. It’s her tea. Geez, why did he have to assume that someone would make tea for him? He doesn’t even like tea. Still didn’t stop the nagging feeling of no one cares that I had a rough day. Ugh. He goes back to burying his head in the sofa.
“How much sugar?” Niffty asks. Huh? Does she want him to decide her sugar intake or something?
“Leave me alone.” Angle answers not really caring how he comes across.
“No sugar then, how about milk?”
“Why are you-” He turns to face her, but instead the teacup takes his vision. She’s holding it out for him, with the creamer in her other hand, ready to pour. Oh. Adjusting himself so that he’s actually sitting on the sofa he quietly takes the cup. “Thank you,” he tells softly. Thank you. He takes a sip of the tea. It’s not to his liking, but he’s not really one for tea.
“Do you feel better?”
“Um, could maybe use some sugar?” Maybe the sweet taste could overpower everything? He doesn’t really want to tell her he didn’t like it, because he did. Well, rather, he liked the gesture and knowing people care.
Wait. That’s not what she asked. She didn’t ask about how it tasted. She-
“It’s supposed to make me feel better?” Angle asked bewildered, and right as he did, he realized how dumb it sounded. Of course, it’s to make him feel better, duh. Man, he must be more tired than he thought.
On the other hand, Niffty didn’t really seem to mind the questing as she answered. “Yeah, it’s to help against your fatigue,” while adding some sugar to the tea. “How’s that?”
“Huh.” He didn’t really have anything to add as he took the tea back and gave it a taste. Too sweet. “Yeah, think that’s enough sugar.”
He stared into the cup. “Thanks, Niffty.” He told with a soft smile.
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The inital idea was more to have Niffty fix up Angles clothing. As she seems to be good with handeling a needle, but I think this is quite cute as well. Maybe she fixed up his clothing afterwards?
Anyway, Let's spin
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The next two are:
Vaggie and Lucifer
Huh, well, that's an interaction that sounds interesting. Wonder what they'll talk about? Maybe they'll bond over their experience with Heaven? Or their love for Charlie?
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wisteria-winter · 17 days
Wheel says: Charlie and Vox
Idea: What if Vox decided to help Charlie before Alastor?
Words: 386
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The self-proclaimed princess of hell had been bugging the station for quite a while. She wants to share her redemption hotel idea or whatever, Vox wasn’t really listening. He first just told them to never bug him when it came to such small things. Like, everyone wants to be on TV and share their ideas, what makes her so special that they have to tell him about it? He might be the head, but he’s not the one to go too for things regarding the news station, he rarely even bothers with those people. He just lets them do whatever as long as they pay for using the bandwidth.
“She’s the princess of hell.” One of his employees said before they were ‘mysteriously’ shot for speaking out of turn. Then the words actually registered.
“Princess of hell, huh?” That has to be Lucifers kid, right? Meaning, she should be quite powerful. What if he was able to get her to trust him? Maybe he’d be able to use that power of hers, make her believe that he wants what’s best for her and all she got to do is just assist him a bit. Heh. Or maybe he could pay some people off and have them attack her. Then he could swoop in and save her, forcing her to feel indebted to him. Vox couldn’t help the genuine grin growing on his face. Yes, helping her sounds like a good idea.
“Vox?” One of his employees asks softly, clearly afraid of being the next one on the chopping block.
“Ah, yes, why don’t we help this little girl? For what is a better way to build trust than show your reliability.” Vox tells as he gets up from his seat. “Now, tell me, where is little miss sunshine right now?” Threat clear in his voice.
“Sh- She’s in her ho- hotel.” The poor employee answers, shaking like a leaf in the wind.
“Good.” Cold and calculating. “Make sure my schedule is empty for the rest of the day. I have a princess to visit.” His employees look at him with slight confusion. “I’m going to bring her some good news. I hope you all understand what I mean.” He gives them all a devilish glare. “Don’t disappoint.” Before he disappears in a flash of electric blue.
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I lied again, this is more of a setup for Charlie and Vox to meet an interact. Like, they aren't really interacting now are they?
Well, if there was a next scene then I'm sure they would interact. Do think it's a pretty fun idea. Plus, what if Al still came by to help? Wonder how Vox would react
Anyway, Let's spin
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The second two are:
Angel and Niffty
Huh, that sounds pretty cute, wonder what those two could be up to? Interestingly enough, they did actually interact a bit in the show
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wisteria-winter · 18 days
I quite like all the different kinds of characters we can find in Hazbin. Which makes it so saddening that the season was so short, we didn’t really get to see all the characters interact that much.
Therefore I’m going to try and remedy that by spinning a wheel, taking the first two characters I get and writing a scenario in which they interact. I’ll try and be as cannon compliant as I can get, but we’ll see how that goes ᵔᵜᵔ
As it’s mostly just a short exercise, the writings probably won’t be too long, about 200-500 words maybe? Though I won’t really limit myself to that
A little note, I'm very open for suggestions
So, let's spin
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The first two are:
Charlie and Vox
Well, we'll see what kind of idea I go with
Whelp, I lied, AU time it is
Though it's more of an 'what if' than an AU, so the characters should still be as cannon compliant as I can make them
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wisteria-winter · 20 days
In this wide open world I ask a tiny star "Do you think there is a friend out there for me after all?"
And I can sit and ponder all I like But I know for a fact that my little star can only share it's light
It can not grant a wish It can not answer my questions It can not be with me through thick and thin
For it is only a star And all stars are dying from within Maybe I'm selfish to ask a star for a friend? Maybe wishes shouldn't be a means to an end? Maybe I'm lost and can't find my way? Maybe, just maybe I'm still okay Maybe I'm still fine Maybe, but I wouldn't count on it all of the time
It's lonely in the dark when the lights start to dim But maybe I should be happy, for I still have a star to confide in?
I heard that it's warm, but it's heat has never reached me I heard that it's strong, but can it truly lift me up? And I heard it is bright, but all I can see is it's dim light
I am truly selfish to expect so much of a star So instead, can I ask, "Will you tell me who you are?"
0 notes
wisteria-winter · 20 days
Why would the exorsists leave their weapons?
I don't know man, I can't see why the ones who want to kill the sinners of hell would leave the tools for doing so behind so that the sinners could do it themselves
~ It's a mystery ~
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wisteria-winter · 1 month
A happy heart, mother kind The dad may be as gone as the cats that roam But still a happy heart, a happy home And a smile for dear mother that shall always be known
Then came a time, where happy hearts are swayed A new joy found, a way to communicate, like never before And the happy heart tells, it wants more
So the happy heart decides to assist in the war
A new way to be, learning so much, can’t you see The smile always there is delightful and bright, yes, indeed this is what’s right
Then came a time, where happy hearts are swayed
Leaving nothing but destruction in its wake, oh look at all the carnage made
A hurricane strong, hundreds in ground
Could it not be different? Why did it have to be so? Why did his dear mother have to go?
If only he’d been there, like he had always said Then maybe it would all be different Or maybe it’s all in my head? Or maybe for better, I would be gone too For what is this world, if I don’t have you?
A home laid in ruin, memories buried deep Still my smile, is one thing I’ll keep
But time can’t let one focus on sadness and despair For there are far more important things to live for out here
A new era will begin
And I will stand at it’s dawn
People will hear my voice wherever they stand For my dear mother, I will make you proud of the boy you brought to this land
Dear Alastor, what may your past be? I know, a mess, we are not really that kind Still I hope it can be something to ruminate in your mind
Just a thought had, of what part of his past might be Still, I'm missing the blood, so I guess we'll have to wait and see
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wisteria-winter · 1 month
Did Lilith influence Vaggie 'defecting'?
From what we know, Lilith disappeared 7 years ago and, based on what Charlie says during her walk with Alastor, Vaggie fell 3 years ago.
Meaning, timewise, it's possible that they were both in heaven during the first 4 years of Lilith's absence.
So, it's not impossible for them to have met considering that Lilith had a deal connecting her to Adam. A deal which Lute was well aware off. Though, Lute's is the Lutendent, so it is possible that she's the only one of the exorsists that knows, but on the other hand, Vaggie was one of their 'best girls'.
I find it possible that just a select few of the exorsists knew of Lilith, maybe they were in charge of keeping an eye on her? Maybe one of those in charge of her, was Vaggie?
Vaggie does like Charlie's theatrics, so it's not really a stretch to say that she might like listening to Lilith sing. So what if she lissend and they spent time together?
What if she holds conversations with Lilith? What if she learns what hell is really like?
Learns that despite them being demons, there are still people down there that you could like to be around. Not everyone is an abhorrent monster, some are just people who made too many mistakes.
Vaggie may then start to think of the sinners more as human souls than demons. Like she still knows that many down in hell are bad people and doesn't really see a problem with killing those ones, but when being presented with a scared child?
She can't really see it as the monster she once saw all demons as, so she let's it go.
I think that Lute might have been suspecting that Vaggie was turning soft, so that one act of kindness was all she needed as proof. Have to get rid of the weak links. Have to make sure everyone does their job. Can't have anyone think Angles make mistakes.
Something extra I'd like to add, in all the appearances we've seen of Vaggie, she has pink in her sclerea. Were most other angels we've seen have it be white. Pink mostly being a combination of red and white might mean that she's been influenced by the red's of hell, in other words, Lilith.
Very surface level, but still interesting, I find
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wisteria-winter · 1 month
My general guess would be that Alastor's plans failed, and in his broken down state he asks them, "How could any of you ever believe, that I cared?" Laughing at the absurdity that he wishes wasn't so true.
For with all the time spent, he did start to care, but the plan was more important. So he keep with the road, which he always planed to walk.
But now he's at the crossroad, does he ask for forgiveness for all that he's done? Or does he dig himself deeper and get what he deserves? Hatred and vitriol, for the cruel he has done.
He doesn't want to change, he'll always be the same, so better take the fall, than to lie again.
He doesn't like that he hurt the one's whom he finds he cares for, but he doesn't seek forgiveness. For if given the choice again, he can't promise he wouldn't try to do the same, just better, so he'd never fail and they'll never figured him out.
So, he'd push them away, he'd push them all away! No one should care! No one does care! Not after all that they know he has done, for he is a true monster unlike anyone. He's caught, a deer in headlights it's true, and he doesn't really know what he should do. So, he pushes them away and let's the blow he deserves be easier to make. For it's far easier to hate someone who doesn't regret their 'mistake'.
He laughs in their face, tells of how stupid they've been and he does it all with his ever present grin.
But, there is a variable that he didn't expect, Rosie. She knows how he is, the horrors he brings and he knows she's the same, for they both delight in such morbid things.
She knows how he feels, maybe far more than he does. So she reached her hand out for him to take. But it all just becomes another mistake.
In his broken state of laughter and delirium, he's looking towards the ground, hand gripping his head as his vision starts to blur. He sees something coming towards him and swats it away. Then the worst sound he ever heard comes his way.
Rosie got hurt. She backs away, a bloody nub where her hand once was. She looks with confusion and shock at her new nub, not fully understanding what happened. She then looks towards Alastor, and is stumped by the pure horror and shock, painted on his face, with a mix of disgrace, he lost control.
He lost control.
He can't fathom what he's done. He can't fathom that he did something like that towards Rosie. He- He's not himself. NO! Nonononono
STOP! Quiet
He has to say sorry, tell he didn't mean to, but he can't. He just can't.
He just stands there looking like he just committed his worst mistake. For that is truly what he's done. He has finally hurt the most precious one. He's truly a monster, no need to debate, he has finally now sealed his fate.
He wants to cry.
For he's finally done something he truly does regret.
But he doesn't cry, he doesn't ask for forgiveness. He just stairs at what he's done, in the silence he is left. Untill Rosie tries to get closer.
He steps back, not fully in control of the motion, but understanding why. He doesn't want to hurt her again.
She stops her approach and tries to speak.
He can't take it, whatever she wants to say he can't listen, he physically can't. He can't handle it. Before she can even finish saying his name, he's gone. Down in the shadows, down in the depths, down in a place where he can wallow in his regrets.
I might have gone a bit overboard, but who doesn't like some fearful delight, something to keep you awake at night?
In other words, really looking forward to what you may have in stored ᵔᵜᵔ
It kinda reminds me of:
This is what I fear To be abandoned by non other Than the one I once was To see it slip away from my very own touch And to stay in the darkness of my own mind A place which no one can ever find
Gosh, it's one of my favorites
i wanna do some rdiorose angst
and i wanna be cool and go full color with it, and it's gonna have like 4 or more pages, so it'll take a while...
Radiorose cuteness is always good, BUT ANGST IS BETTER
They are so besties. I wanna make them suffer.
have some spoilers why not
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this hand right here. i'm obsessed. I hope i won't fuck it up...
your guesses into the studio please
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wisteria-winter · 1 month
Indeed he does!
He feels sort of like a character who Always tries to stay composed and keep others on their toes. So, him having such a visceral reaction to Lucifer can't be just because he's bugged about not being as powerful.
If anything, Alastor doesn't really strike me as power-hungry, at least not in the traditional sense.
Don't know how best to describe it. Maybe like an RPG battle? Where strength represents one’s level. Like you can still beat a foe that is over your level, as long as you have the right strategy. (Like in some games you can be Level 1 up against a Level 100 and still come out on top, if you're able to play your cards right.)
Oh! I didn't even think about that, but that's pretty hilarious ᵔᵜᵔ
I can imagen that after Lucifer leaves there is a moment of silence before Angel asks the real question of "So, I think we need a new wall?" Ro which everyone looks towards Alastor, who puts on his normal persona and snaps his fingers. Slightly happy that he can be of use, but taking back any positives he might have had of Lucifer. Lucifer who just left, leaving the hotel with the damages he didn't even bother prevent.
So much for being the most powerful being in hell.
I wonder if Alastor had an absentee dad that just showed up one day when he got famous as a radio host and tried to re-enter Alastor’s life.
Maybe that’s why he was so pissed at Lucifer for just showing up like he did.
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wisteria-winter · 1 month
Glad to hear you find these thoughts of mine good, thank you ᵔᵜᵔ
Indeed, it's true that he came down just a bit before Lucifers arrival, but I don't really see that as an obstacle.
Based on how manic Charlie was in the morning, I feel it reasonable to assume that it had probably been building for a while.
My thinking is that Alastor saw how Charlie was starting to spiral and just felt it was a matter of time till she hit a brick wall, realizing how futile redemption is. Then when she's in that slump he could come to her with his deal. Tell her there is still a way she can save the others without redemption.
So, imagen how he'd feel when he comes down and sees that they are welcoming Lucifer. Regardless of if they call or he called, it still puts a wrench in Alastor's plan. Which I can imagen would bug him immensely. As Lucifer is an unexpected variable, one which he has no reference for at that point.
Yes, "Why should they try and throw a big welcoming party for someone who’s been absent all this time?"
I can totally see him feeling something like that as well, especially if he had a father like that. One that only reaches out when he needs something.
Makes me wonder, was Alastor ever informed about the purpose of Lucifers visit? If not, it wouldn't be odd that he thought Lucifer was there for some ulterior motive. (Like his dad) Giving even more reason for grievances.
Indeed, it does feel that he was a bit worried about being replaced, but he'd never admit that. During the whole episode he seemed to be very tense, all the way up to the fight with the lone sharks, were he proved his use to Charlie.
For my part, I find there are a multitude of reasons for why he'd be so bothered by Lucifers presence. Like, he's clearly bothered enough to lose his cool some, despite usually being very composed.
If it was just one thing, I think he’d be able to keep cool, just trying to reason that thing away. But if there are many, then removing one would just invite another. Resulting in Alastor losing his cool a bit.
I agree, he very much feels like one who's practically cursed with wanting to help others. (You know, a heart of gold that helps old ladies over the rode... halfway.) Sorry, but yeah, he does give off the energy that he likes being of use. Like, if he didn’t, I doubt he would have bothered fixing that clog. For that sounds like a very menial job that I’d doubt any other overlord would do. Like, can you imagine Vox doing that?
___ Indeed, Alastor probably hasn't really been given an opportunity to show how useful he can be. Which would lead him into worrying over being replaced.
(Like, he hasn't even been able to bring in some new sinners, even though he probably does semi-regular radio shows.)
Makes me wonder if he’s in a way actively scaring others away with his radio broadcast.
His short radio number with Vox didn’t really give the impression that it would be safe to go where that one resided.
Also wonder if sinners decided against going to the hotel, due to Vox and Alastor being enemies. Like, would you want to risk possibly being banned on all of social media by going to some odd 'redemption' hotel?
Quite right! Alastor tells of all he's done so proudly and the response he gets is dismissal. What a hit to the ego. Can imagen him thinking "We'll it's not like you were providing any support." Which is probably why he decided to lean into that angle a bit. Telling of how useful he's been to Charlie while Lucifer's been an absent no-show.
Yeah, it's no wonder that they beef when they’re practically trying to steal each other’s positions.
I do agree with those points, and I also like your addition of him being calmer due to "Lucifer’s no longer trying to win Charlie over with monetary goods".  It’s kinda sweet in a way.
When they are singing, he's looking at them so softly. What if he deep down wishes his dad had actually said something like that? (Not that he'd ever admit that)
(Does make me curious though, wonder if Alastor’s dad went to heaven or hell? And if hell, how would their meeting go?)
Well, I for one think it's a delight! Fun that we can talk about it in such lengths, right? Really brings it into a new light.
To summarise it all,  (Does this sound correct?)
Alastor saw Charlie spiral and was waiting for the right moment to strike his deal.
"The faithful day might be today," he thinks before being met with an unexpected atmosphere.
All he knows is that Charlie's never present dad is coming for a visit, reminding him of his own dad. His own dad who only visited when he wanted something from Alastor.
Then the first thing Lucifer does is force Charlie into a hug. Something Alastor would despise if he was in Charlies shoes.
Then Lucifer insults his additions, but if anything, it’s an improvement over whatever tacky circus décor was there before.
Alastor then takes note that his closeness to Charlie bugs Lucifer.
They have a musical number where Alastor shows how much he has given Charlie, while Lucifer only offers material things.
Alastor keeps an eye on Lucifer until disturbed by Husk and then the lone sharks.
Despite the lone sharks attacking the hotel (Lucifers property). Lucifer doesn’t even entertain the idea of fighting them. (A bit odd considering how bugged he was over Alastor making some changes to the hotel.)
He let’s of some steam fighting the lone sharks and with it, proves that he has a role to play in this hotel.
Then Lucifer finally shows that he does truly care and is willing to help. Which gains him some appreciation from Alastor, as he now knows that Lucifer isn’t like his own dad. (Still can’t accept the tacky décor though)
I wonder if Alastor had an absentee dad that just showed up one day when he got famous as a radio host and tried to re-enter Alastor’s life.
Maybe that’s why he was so pissed at Lucifer for just showing up like he did.
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wisteria-winter · 2 months
Greetings all!
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Just want to start by informing that I am AroAce, on the repulsed side of things with no drive at all, and I'd think that Alastor is quite the same (or I guess that is more my head cannon of things). So, I'm quite curious if there are any fanfics that explores that?
Or more specifically, if there are any that really go into how uncomfortable he'd be when it comes to things regarding romance and intimacy. Like, is there any writing in which Alastor is asked to hold hands and all he wants to do in response is to stab his hand with a pair of scissors? Or one in which he's offered a kiss and just wants to peel the top layer of his tongue of?
We all haven't forgotten he's a murderer, right?
So, wouldn't it be interesting if his visceral reactions were quite gruesome? He might not act on them, for he is a gentleman after all, but that doesn't change fact that they exist.
Just imagen, one thinks of flowers and sunsets, while the other thinks of blood and broken bones. I think it would be a really fun read.
Like ideas for things that could happen are endless! Just imagen someone asking for his hand and that's all he gives them. He just cuts of his hand and hands it over to them.
"Here you go my dear, though I can hardly see what use you'd have for it."
Which I feel could be a part of why he likes cannibal town. For if they ask for his hand and he gives it, they actually appreciate the gesture. All others just seem to throw it to the side in horror. He does find joy in that reaction too, but it's nice when people actually mean what they say.
There is also the idea that Rosie might have, in the beginning, tried to gauge if he had any interest in her. Just a way to figure out his possible motives. Which would then be the reason for how she can be so sure that he's (Aro)Ace.
One fun thing might also be that she sees his tail and comments on how adorable it is, and him being him, just rips it off.
"Well, that makes one of us." He says giving it to her. "So, you can have it my dear."
The best part would then be that she'd invite him for dinner and have it as a centrepiece, making a great meal with the theme of adorable.
"Isn’t this adorable?" She'd ask with a smile.
"You've quite outdone yourself, my dear Rosie." He'd say with a sigh, putting his cutlery down. "Yes, it's very adorable." To which she would be quite delighted, and he'd just smile at her reaction, she's a good friend.
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And if he does have a drive, what if he dislikes it?
Like in his mind he has rules that should be followed and if his body decides to break those rules, then there will be consequences. One might be to bite the arm, creating a sensation that is far more prominent, a distraction of sort.
Then if the arm 'accidentally' comes of, the only logical choice is to use it for dinner. (Though it could also be eaten as is, I'd guess)
All this to ask, Does anyone know a story of that sort?
Honestly, it doesn't even have to be from Hazbin.
If there exists a repulsed AroAce character whose response to any advances are thoughts of the gruesome kind, then I’d be really delighted to read that ᵔᵜᵔ
I just feel that it falls very nicely into Alastor’s character to have that sort of response, (while still remaining composed, of course).
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wisteria-winter · 2 months
I quite like that thought!
I get the feeling that his dad wasn't necessarily a bad father, but more in the sense that he wasn't really a father at all. Meaning that most of the time it was just Al and his mom. Which could explain why he's such a mama’s boy and feels pretty comfortable around women.
I can imagen that his mom probably had to bring him along to many gatherings, which might have helped him socialise better with girls. It could also be that due to not having a real father figure, he didn't really see the appeal in things considered 'manly'.
In addition, he might have actually felt uncomfortable in groups of men due to his Ace-ness. I feel that excess conversations pertaining to intimate activities would make his skin crawl. Like, if it's just a part of a whole, then it's kinda easy to brush of, listen to the other parts. But if it's the whole conversating, he'd just want to throw a sledgehammer at their legs so there is something more interesting to focus on.
In contrast, the conversations he has with girls probably wouldn't veer into that territory a lot, and if it does it's probably more in relation to something romantic (instead of intimate). Which I’d think he’d have a far less visceral reaction too and at times might even enjoy listening to, as long as it doesn’t pertain to him. I can imagen he might find it fascinating how all these humans can fall into those situations. For he truly can’t grasp how one would and that’s what makes the retellings so interesting.
Moving on from that, to what I actually wanted to say,
I think that part of his irritation could also be because he feels like he lost an opportunity.
We see that in the beginning of the episode that Charlie is on the verge of breaking down and we also know that Alastor has yet to tell anyone of what he knows in regard to killing angels. So, what if he was just waiting for the right moment to use that information to do what he did in "Hello, Rosie!"?
Like, if Lucifer hadn't shown up then it's very likely that Charlie would have had a similar break down to what she had in the forementioned episode, (though maybe with a bit more mania). Meaning that Lucifer showing up threw his plan into wack, like there is no way Charlie would care for a deal with Alastor if her dad could just show up and fix everything.
So, Alastor looks for ways to undermine Lucifer, undermine what he can do for her. Subtly telling her that she doesn't need Lucifer, for she has him. In other words, Alastor wouldn't want Lucifer at the hotel, for it could jeopardize his plans.
Then at the end of "Dad beat dad", after the loan shark fight, Alastor is far calmer than before. Which is most likely a combination of finally letting of some steam and him proving his usefulness to Charlie. All while Lucifer decided to do nothing, showing that the king of hell most likely wouldn't want to help too much in preventing the exterminations.
Meaning that Alastor still has a chance in finding the perfect opportunity to get that deal from Charlie. There's still the chance that she'd meet a brick wall and need her good old pal Alastor's help ᵔᵜᵔ
I wonder if Alastor had an absentee dad that just showed up one day when he got famous as a radio host and tried to re-enter Alastor’s life.
Maybe that’s why he was so pissed at Lucifer for just showing up like he did.
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wisteria-winter · 2 months
I just had to say that your last Anon's dream, and your thoughts, are absolutely BRILLIANT, and have my mind buzzing with theories all over again!
I've definitely always gotten a Wizard Of Oz type vibe from Alastor, where he could be possibly using intimidation as a smoke screen to hide something...or someone...else. "Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain!"
It would make perfect sense for our favorite Radio Demon to make a deal with someone to have them take his competition out for him, so that he can take the credit and move up in the ranks of the Overlords himself, in exchange for his soul.
The fact that we just hear the missing Overlord's screams, and never hear of any bodies, tells me that they might not even be dead at all, but imprisoned by whoever Alastor made his deal with. Juicy future plot hook alert if somebody finds out that Alastor didn't actually kill the overlords himself, or the Overlords Alastor had taken out show up again!
Eve as the embodiment of evil, and a possible candidate for who that person could be, is something that had never crossed my mind before, and I really like it! The fact that Eve hasn't made an appearance yet, or mentioned much, leaves things wide open for her to appear as the ultimate Big Bad somewhere down the line!
The one thing that's always intrigued me, is how Husk knows that Alastor is on a chain, too. If I remember correctly, I think the chains don't really appear in physical form unless the person who owns the soul pulls on it, so Husk must have seen the chain himself, and possibly whoever was on the other end of it.
Does Husk know the person somehow, I wonder? And did Alastor win Husk's soul in the card game, in order to keep him quiet about his own deal?
Sorry for rambling a but, but there's just so much to think about!
Oh, thank you dear! You really make one smile from ear to ear
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Alastor is indeed one who likes to keep himself as a mystery.
Very much one who would hide his powers when he knows he's the strongest. There is far more joy in seeing the face of one who thought they could take the world realize that they are simply a rat to be stomped out. Seeing that confidence turn into despair, hearing how quickly spats of arrogance turn into pleads of mercy. Quite a joy indeed.
And on the other side of that coin, he is also one, that when weak, would show off his powers. Making himself out as the strongest, like a snake dawning the skin of one with venom. For if others believes his ruse, then there will be no one who'll challenge him, and with that, figure out his bluff.
An interesting note is also that, we don't really see many magic users throughout the series. Which makes me believe that when the overlords speak of strength, it's mostly referring to the power they hold over others, and possibly, the more souls you own the more physical strength you get. (Which could be why it is seen as hard to overthrow an overlord)
So, there really doesn't seem to be many magic users only ones I can recall are, Charlie, Lucifer and Alastor. Which I feel is a part in what makes Alastor’s powers unique.
Though there is an interesting thing about magic, most of the time, it's just smoke and mirrors. It's like he's a non-magical magician who found his way into a world of fantasy and is pretending to be a powerful mage. When in reality he's just normal man with a great talent for fooling others and tricking their senses.
This is clearly not the case for Charlie and Lucifer, as they have inherited magic.
Oh, there is also Adam, whom I'd guess got some magic when he became an angle.
Makes me wonder if all winners gain some sort of magic.
Which also leads me to wondering, how do angels gain more power? Do they also have some sort of soul deals or is it simply that there is no way to gain power in heaven? So you just get what you've been given and there is no way to change that?
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Indeed, Alastor having someone that cleans up the riff-raff and then using that action to his advantage, feels quite fitting. He'd take credit for cleaning the streets while also sharing the last songs of the ones who dirtied them. Making everyone believe that he's a force never before seen and one you should be weary off. When the reality is not actually that cut and dry. For in reality, he's just a little deer falsely reporting the news.
Though it does beg the question of, why? Why would he sell his soul for something like that?
He doesn't strike me as immensely power hungry, more someone sees himself as always deserving respect. Like, I do feel that he'd be pretty content just spending most of his time sitting in his radio tower doing whatever he does. So, what pushed him into making the deal?
(What if at first it was just a simple deal? Something similar to the one he made with Vaggie, but then over time, those kinds of deals escalated and before realizing it, he was stuck on a leash.)
We don't really have enough info to conclude anything, but there had to be something that pushed him. Or maybe whoever did the killings wanted him to broadcast the screams and the first deal was really just "I'll make them scream and you broadcast it to everyone" and then after a while they allowed him to take credit as well. (Possibly in a way to keep their own actions hidden.)
Regardless, of how true any of that is, it is clear that the flashback that Mimzy tells isn't the whole story. Like I doubt we can even fully trust the visuals, considering that he shows up with his current show outfit. In contrast, he is shown with his pilot outfit in the photo Vox has of him.
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Quite so, the screams and lack of bodies leaves the possibility of them not being as dead as one would presume, open. I like your idea that instead of being dead they are more just imprisoned. And having them at some point return does sound quite interesting, would Alastor be able to beat them? Would they be able to expose him? Does anyone remember them?
To add to that, what if they are alive, but in pieces? Alastor does say "I'll tear your soul apart" when 'disciplining' Husk, which makes me wonder if he's done that before?
What if the overlord that disappeared had their souls pulled apart? Had those pieces sown into puppets just to be used? Letting them to lose their sense of self and just follow orders. Left to only be seen as a doll on string.
I do feel that that could explain where his little minions come from.
An interesting note is that the only other character we've seen summon 'minions' is Lucifer, though his 'minions' were more just copies of himself. Which just further the fact that Alastor is indeed powerful, but his powers are more just a cheap imitation of Lucifer's powers.
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Glad to hear you find it reasonable that Eve could have become the embodiment of evil as a result of consuming the apple. Maybe that means were onto something?
I do like the idea that she could be the ultimate challenge for our crew. Wonder if they would just kill her like they did Adam or try to, in a way, purge that evil from Eve and then try to redeem her?
Hard to tell, but knowing that, somewhere in the embodiment of evil, there is a girl who just made a mistake of trusting someone. That has to hurt. I wonder how Lucifer would feel, like he can't really condone killing Eve(Evil) for in the end, it's his fault. It's all his fault.
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Indeed, Husk knowing Alastor is on a leash is quite an interesting fact. Considering that it doesn't really ley in Alastor to tell something so demeaning, and based on his reaction it very much seems like something he rather Husk didn't know.
I feel you are quite right in the chains only appearing when in used.
So it could be, as you noted, that the only reason Husk knows is because he saw the chain being used on Alastor. Husk probably wasn't meant to see that, bringing further irritation to Alastor. As it being a mistake means it could have been prevented.
There is also the possibility that Alastor accidentally blurted it out on accident and regrets it to this day. I can imagen that he hates the fact that Husk knows his biggest secret, and in a way, may fear him telling someone. Like Husk was able to say it to Al, so there is always the fear and possibility that someone could overhear.
Like, I wonder is part of his visceral reaction was in part that Husk said it when the Morningstars + Vaggie where just a few steps down the hall. What if they heard? (They probably didn't, Charlie was talking, and Lucifer was focused on her. The only one that possibly could have heard would have been Vaggie, but she also seemed pretty distracted. Plus, none of them seemed to have noted that Alastor stopped.)
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Oh! That's an interesting though,
Which could mean that Alastor and Husk were well acquainted before the 'accident'.
Oh, imagen having such a powerful friendly fellow, finding out their secret and as a result you lose all their trust, and it's not even your fault. Then they force you into a game, knowing you can't refuse because you need the power. It's pretty interesting, if not a bit half-baked.
As for Husk knowing the person, it feels very up in the air. I think it mostly depends on how attentive Alastor’s handler is and how they communicate. Like if they visit in person, then at the very least, Husk should recognize them. But, what if the communication is over the radio waves? What if it's Alastor’s mic that's connecting him to them and it's through that, they communicate? If such was the case, then I'd doubt Husk would know them in any way.
A fun little note, when the chain of Husk is shown, it's very much wrapped around Alastor’s mic, not really his hand. Which makes me curious if the mic is some kind of conduit for his powers. Like others are connected to him through his mic. Like, what if the mic is a creation between Alastor and his handler? Making him bound to his mic, but anyone else bound to his mic will fall under him. While his handler is more bound directly to him.
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I don't mind the ramble, if anything I welcome it! Plus, can't say I'm much better when my own response is around 1500 words
Regardless, Thank you so much! I really do appreciate the ask, it really made one think, Which is always a delight, right?
I hope my letters, sown into the words the you've read, have given something thoughtful for your head ᵔᵜᵔ
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