willowknee · 4 years
At first glance I thought it was Freddie Prince Junior and thought “fuck me, when did they sign him up for the next season of TOWIE?”
I logged on and got scared of ur pfp
I wish the header gif would work 😩
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willowknee · 4 years
saw your post & i have no tumblr friends bc i’m scared so let’s be friends 🥺🥳
Oh my god of course I would love that 🥺🥺
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willowknee · 4 years
If this isn’t me, I honestly don’t know what is
me with no laptop or other means of writing near: ooohhh this would be a good idea, or what if i finally also write that au i always thought about, or maybe i could draft that third chapter, or *wakes up in cold sweat in the middle of the night* the conflict resolution to that unfinished fic that’s beem gathering dust in my hard drive—
me, with a laptop: *glances at word* eh, the vibe’s not right
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willowknee · 4 years
hey bro, just popping in to say i really appreciate and enjoy your fics. keep it up!
That’s the sweetest thing 🥺 thank you so much! I will!
0 notes
willowknee · 4 years
Me: *stops writing* well that’s enough writing for now
Me: *later* Alright time to write!
Me: *staring at where I left off*
Tumblr media
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willowknee · 4 years
Low-key wanna make friends but I’m mad awkward 🥺
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willowknee · 4 years
Could i request a really fluffy george imagine please
Tis done and up! hope you like it :)
0 notes
willowknee · 4 years
At Ease - George
Title: At Ease People: George X reader Word count: 1,282 Warnings: N/A Songs to listen to: Wings by Birdy Prompt/request: Could i request a really fluffy george imagine please A/N: Sorry it’s so short but I think if it was any longer than it would lose a part of it.
It had been a while since you were this at ease. Usually, you were preoccupied with your thoughts or busy stressing about something. Today was a rare occasion, where neither of those things were happening. Instead, you were on the balcony of your boyfriend’s apartment, in an oversized hoodie, a pair of leggings and fluffy socks, your glasses perched perfectly on your nose and you sit comfortably on a chair with your favourite book and a warm cup of your favourite drink.
Your hands deftly flick through the pages as you immerse yourself into the story, words floating around and painting a vivid picture in your head, the story coming to life. You were so gripped and invested in the story, you failed to notice that you had company.
You were brought back to life when a pair of hands wrapped around your waist and a head perched itself on your shoulder, you turned your head slightly, noticing the familiar scent of George making its way to you and you smiled softly cds.
“Hi,” You whispered, not wanting to ruin the peaceful atmosphere.
“Hi sweetheart,” he whispered back, “I was wondering why you weren’t replying,”
“You were calling?” You asked him.
“Yeah, for the past fifteen minutes, it’s okay though, just wanted to make sure you’re okay,”
“I am, even better now that you’re here,” You replied with earnestness.
“Are you planning on staying out here a while longer?” He asked.
You nodded in response.
“Alright, hold on then,”
George stood up and disappeared inside for a few minutes, leaving you to curiously wonder what he was up to, shortly after, he returned with his laptop, mouse, headphones and a few notebooks and pens.
“I’ll sit out here and work alongside you, I miss you,”
Your heart felt so warm, hearing those words from George meant so much to you. He wasn’t the one to always outright say how he was feeling, it took a lot for him to blatantly tell you what he was thinking, but in the moments he does, your heart warms up and you fall in love with him just a bit more (not that you were positive it was even possible).
For the next few hours, that’s how you were sat, both of you on the lounger, doing your own thing, just basking in the comfort of each other’s company, not saying a word, not that you needed to, it was nice, you enjoyed this. While the beginning of your relationship was exciting, staying up till stupid hours of the morning, not wanting to be the first one to go to sleep and stop talking to each other, constant dates as you constantly wanted to be with each other, you constantly had sex, you were always going at it and tugging at each others clothes, but now, your relationship has calmed down. You still talk to each other a lot, but you know your limits and when to sleep. You still go on dates, only these ones aren’t to impress you, they were more personal, chosen to make you happy. You still have sex, but not every waking moment. But you liked that.
Yes, the excitement had been fun, but the state you’re at in your relationship, you were even happier than before. You look up from your book to see your partner engrossed in his work, a pen resting between his lips, gently rolling it while he was reading the notes from the notebook and transferring them to a document on his laptop, most likely video ideas.
You smiled and gently stood up and walked inside, headed towards the kitchen. You knew now that he had started his work he wouldn’t want to stop until it was complete, so instead of a full course meal, you decided to make a small stay-at-home picnic, finger food would be better for him so he can eat while not breaking his train of thought too much. You made an array of sandwiches, sausage rolls, mini pork pies, some crisps, a salad, cut up carrot and cucumber sticks and some cheese. If he didn’t eat it all he could always have the rest later, but you knew he had a big appetite. You decided to make another drink since you left the other one to go cold accidentally.
Walking back onto the balcony with all the food, you placed it on the table in front of you both and handed him a sandwich to get him started, not really removing his attention, but letting him know that food was there.
As you thought, George regularly reached over to pick up some food and nibble on it while he continued to work, you didn’t pick up your book again, you just watched in pure wonder as your boyfriend got stuck in his work and evidently enjoying the food you had prepared. Sipping on your now luke-warm drink, you begin to think of yours and George’s future, if how you were now was anything to go by, it definitely looked promising.
Once it had begun to get dark, you cleared away all the empty plates and bowls and took them inside to be washed. As you stood and washed the plates, you felt someone wrap their arms around you.
“You finished your work?” You asked.
“Almost, I’m going to take an hour break, just spend some time with you. Hopefully I can get it done by the time we head off to bed,” he explained.
You nodded.
“Anything you would like to do?” You inquired.
He chuckled.
“I want to do what we did before, when we first started dating,”
“Endless amount of sex?”
He barked with laughter, “as much as i would love to do that, it isn’t what I meant,”
“Oh? What did you mean?”
“I meant, just laying down with the fairy lights, listening to music and just holding each other, I’ve still got the playlist we made,”
You turned around and faced him.
“Still? It’s been nearly three years,”
“Two years, ten months and sixteen days. I know, but those moments where we just held each other, looking up at the lights with the calm music playing quietly from the speakers and we spoke about pure waffle, it meant a lot to me, I cherish every moment with you, but those moments especially,”
Your eyes welled up with tears at his words, you loved this man so much. You dried your hands and you pulled him upstairs to the bedroom, flicked on the fairy lights and clambered into the bed and holding your arms wide for him to come to you, he smiled and after he connected his phone to the speaker, he climbed into bed with you, your arms wrapped around him and his head on your chest, relaxing to the sound of your heartbeat.
“Y/N, are you still happy with me?” George asked, you could tell by his voice that he didn’t mean offence by it, it was just a genuine question.
“George, I love every waking moment with you. Even when I’m not with you, I’m wondering how you are, if you’ve eaten, how well you slept. I love how we don’t have to spend every moment with each other and still be happy as if we never had a break apart when we next see each other, but nonetheless we still want to. I love being with you, I love you, I love our relationship and I honestly don’t know what I would do if I didn’t have you in my life,”
“Crash and burn, probably,” he joked.
“More than likely,” You laughed.
“I love you, Y/N,”
“I love you too, George.”
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willowknee · 4 years
Crushes and Crazy Hair-Dying- Will fluff
Title: Crushes and Crazy Hair-Dying People: Will x reader, Gee Nelson Word count: 2,600 Warnings: drinking Songs to listen to: idk Prompt/request: Hey! If you’re not too busy please can I request some fluff with Will? Maybe the reader could be Gee’s new mate and Will gets a crush on her and becomes all awkward? Or whatever you feel like writing haha 😂 thank you xxx A/N: I’m so bloody sorry this took like 3 decades to be written, honestly dunno what happened there. Really bad grammar and punctuation in this I'm so so sorry.
You had met Gee in the most bizarre manner, but you were completely grateful that you did, she honestly was one of the most intelligent people you have ever known and crazily funny to match. It was a random sunny Tuesday, you were sitting in front of the mirror at your mother’s hair dressers, you decided for once to do something bold, you were dying your hair. Not any plain natural colours like you’re used to, no, you were dying your hair a bright colour. You weren’t exactly sure what colour as you told your mom to surprise you, but you were sure it wasn’t any ordinary brown, when out of nowhere one Gee Nelson bursted through the door and let out a cry of despair.
“Look what that monster did to me!” She had cried.
Everyone was looking at her, clearly bewildered but your mom just walked up to her and sat her in the chair beside yours.
“What happened?” Your mom had asked, looking at Gee’s hair which was, well, a complete home hair-dye disaster.
“Bloody Will! He convinced me to let him dye my hair for a video and this is what came of it! Last time I let that man come within five feet of my hair I’m telling you now,” She whined and you had let out a giggle before you could catch yourself. She turned to look at you.
“Is it that bad?” She asked.
You looked again and you knew you couldn’t lie to her.
“Horrendous, but don’t worry, you’re talking to a pro and her legendary daughter, your hair will be salvaged and the world will return to normal,” You proclaimed making her smile.
“I’ll hold you to that,” She said and you both had begun talking non-stop as your mom worked on saving her hair from the disastrous work of this ‘Will’ as you sat waiting for the dye to work it’s magic in your hair.
Six months later you were at her apartment which she shared with Will, but you had never actually met him before, only heard the wacky and wonderous stories about him and his childish antics that he and his friends got up to. Gee had actually sent you the link to his youtuber and you came to find him to actually be pretty funny and you and Gee would share memes over text or on twitter about the videos.
“Oi, Gee! What we feeling today, eh? Lazy and slobbish so we get a maccies, lazy yet somewhat classy so we order Dominos or shall we finally decide to get off our arse and go out for lunch?” You say, walking out the kitchen to where she was sitting on the settee.
“Oh, actually I just got a text from Will, he’s invited me to go for lunch with him and the rest of the boys,”
You smile slightly and hand her the cup that she always uses. “Ah alrighty, no problem. I’ll head out as soon as I’m finished with my drink then, yeah?”
She looks up at you and smiles widely, kind of freaking you out considering it was out of nowhere.
“Why don’t you come with me?!” She exclaims.
“Say what now?”
“No seriously, it will be fun! You get to meet my roommate and the rest of the crazy lot, you’re going to meet eventually when you come along to one of our parties, might as well meet them while you’re sober!”
You thought about it but really you didn’t see why not, it wasn’t like you had a valid reason to decline either, what was the worst that could happen? So, you accepted and after borrowing some of Gee’s clothes and makeup so you didn’t look like an absolute slob walking around in your paint-stained joggers and oversized hoodie, you ended up in front of Nandos where you were to meet everybody.
You both walk in, still mid conversation as you made a joke which had Gee in stitches, drawing the attention of everyone in the restaurant, including the table of four boys that you were currently walking towards.
“No way, imagine that,” Gee giggles in response to your joke.
You arrive at the table and greet everyone to which they then greet you back in return.
“Hey everyone! This here is my dear friend Y/N, I invited her along so she can meet you weirdos now and get used to you before being exposed to the pure madness you all are once drunk,” Gee explains to which they all protest before simmering down and introducing themselves.
“Hi, I’m James, it’s lovely to meet you,” the one with soft features says, his brown lock slightly messy but it makes him look adorable, despite his unkempt hair he looked well put together and you could tell he put a lot of effort into his appearance.
“I’m George,” the smaller of the lot says with a soft smile, offering his hand for you to shake which you accept and gently shake his hand.
“‘Ello, I’m Alex,” the one adorning a bright pink jumper with a slogan you couldn’t quite read says, you smile and give him a small wave before turning to the last boy when your breath catches in your throat.
First of all, Will was far more attractive in person compared to in his videos or the pictures Gee has shown you, his hair mainly hidden underneath his beanie but his fringe was poking out, exposing the silky brown locks that looked soft to touch. His brown eyes looking at you, slightly widened and his mouth slightly left ajar. Was he okay? Was there something on your face? George nudges him and he looks like he broke out a trance before smiling widely.
“Hey, I’m Will,” He says, the big voice you’re used to hearing in his videos weren’t present, instead a gentle and soothing voice replaced it.
“It’s so nice to finally meet you all, I watch all of your videos and think they’re brilliant,” You compliment, sliding into the booth so you’re sat next to Gee and across from Will.
A chorus of ‘thank you’ made its rounds and you smiled at them all and began to engage in animated conversations, your arms flailing wildly as you retell the story about the time you met Gee, Will’s face becoming flushed which you found utterly adorable.
Few hours later your food was long finished but you were still sitting in the restaurant with your drinks talking to everyone as if you had been friends with these people for years.
“I need to pop to the loo, come with me?” Gee asks you.
You nod in confirmation and tell everyone you’ll be right back before walking with Gee into the toilets, lifting yourself up to sit on the counter.
“So, how’s meeting everyone?” She asks through a stall door.
“They’re absolutely lovely,” you exclaim, turning to look at your reflection in the mirror.
“Have a liking to anyone in particular?” She asks in a suggestive tone, which makes you look at the stall door through the mirror in confusion.
“I don’t know… a certain Northern lad with brown hair, brown eyes and has been looking at you like a lost puppy for the past three hours.”
Your heart leaped at the thought of Will looking at you while you were busy talking to others, not realising.
“Was staring at him too, you’re not subtle either of you,”
You stumble for words while Gee laughs softly, walking out the stall and over to the sinks to wash her hands. You look down at her and curse her for being so observant.
“He’s cute… and funny, doesn’t necessarily mean I have a liking to him, if we’re going by those two adjectives then I must have a liking to everyone sitting at that table. Including you.”
“Oh come off it, you know you like Will, stop being a big baby and admit it,”
“I literally met him three hours ago, this isn’t a Disney film I can’t fall in love with him and accept his hand in marriage just because we’ve got a mutual attraction,”
Gee nods and smiles.
“You wanna marry him, huh?”
You nudge her and shake your head. Both of you head out and back to the table before noticing everyone’s getting up and leaving, you notice you still have almost a full glass of beer so you decide to neck it in one, eliciting whoops and hollers from
everyone and you laugh and shyly wipe away the froth from your face.
Everyone begins to head out but you hang back,
not wanting to have to walk fast so as to not get trampled on.
“Are you coming to the party this weekend?”
You turn your head and see Will standing next to you, looking sheepish which makes you smile.
“I believe I am, yes, Gee would have my head else,” you joke which makes him laugh.
“She is a fiesty one I’ll give you that,”
“Too right she is, damn woman frightens me,”
You both laugh and continue the journey back to Will’s and Gee’s apartment, joking with each other the entire way there. Gee joins in at some point but soon dips to talk to everyone else since you were walking too slowly for her liking.
Once back at theirs you all play a few rounds of fifa which you were absolutely shit at which Will spares no effort to remind you of that, but soon it’s time for you to go home since you still have to clean your apartment and get some studying done.
“See you on Saturday yeah?” Will shouts which you smile and nod at in agreement.
“It’s a date.” You say before walking out the door with a wave.
Will sits there, mouth agape. He turns his head to Gee and points to the door.
“She said it’s a date,”
“It’s not like you had the balls to do it,” she comments before standing up and walking towards the stairs, discreetly watching Will
dance around happily with a smile.
Saturday came around faster than you thought it would, although it seems like it took forever because you are looking forward to seeing Will again. You’ve been texting non-stop since you all went out for that meal but you haven’t had the time to go and meet them, so you are excited for tonight. You want to make sure you looked amazing.
Grabbing your clothes and makeup you shove them into your bag alongside some alcohol for pre-drinks that you had promised. You drive to Gee’s and Will’s to get ready with her while listening to a playlist you had created sometime ago, you had suddenly remembered the password to your Spotify and decided to reminisce with some old tunes.
The drive seems quicker with the music accompanying you and you find yourself walking towards the apartment building and soon enough, you’re knocking on their door.
“Come in~!” You hear from inside.
“Gee!” You greet as you walk up to her and give her a hug.
“Let’s go get ready! We’re late enough as it is!”
Getting ready goes without a hitch, no mental breakdowns, no wardrobe malfunctions and even your makeup goes on well. It’s almost as if things were perfect. Maybe too perfect.
“It’s time to partyyy~” Gee squeals down your ear excitedly.
It turns out the party has moved from Will’s and Gee’s apartment to George and Alex’s because of their next-door neighbours, which explains when Gee walks past she sticks two fingers up in payback and squeals with laughter all the way to the elevator.
You giggle at her childish antics and balance yourself in the lift, cursing yourself for not eating before you both began pre-drinks. You eventually end up at the party, after multiple trips and snapchat videos of each other acting a complete fool. “We are here!” Gee shouted as she threw open the front door. There was a massive roar of ‘welcome’ as you both stumble your way deeper into the apartment. You found the usual friendship group aka the Nandos Lot, and you smiled brightly and you wave enthusiastically at everyone, genuinely happy to see each and every one of them.
“Y/N! Glad you came!” Alex chimes, coming for a hug, which everyone else shortly repeats, not wanting to feel left out.
Everyone but Will, that was, who was sheepishly stood to the side, when he noticed you were looking at him expectantly, arms open, his eyes widen as he began stuttering something about needing a drink before running off towards the kitchen. You shrug his odd behaviour off and began looking for a drink, you quickly whip up a concoction and then after you down the entirety of your red solo cup, you walk back to your friends, grab the closest pair of hands and walk into the middle where the make-shift dance floor was.
Dancing freely to the music blasting through the speakers and barely being concealed through the wide walls of the boy’s apartment, you smile up to your dancing partner and to your pleasant surprise you see Will looking at you in bewilderment.
“Come on! I didn’t drag you here to stand there! Dance with me!” After a lot of convincing and a couple dozen shots, Will finally calmed down and began dancing with you, you both started to have a really enjoyable time. You began to notice how he seemed to have a childish glint to his eyes while drunk, he looked really happy and carefree this way. You loved the way he was constantly smiling and let out a rupture of laughs at your choice of dance moves and even his silliness when he took you up on your offer of a dance battle.
“You should be like this sober! You’re so much fun to be around!” You exclaim, grabbing his hands as you try to twirl around to which he aids you with, not bothering to stop twirling you which makes your head spin.
“I would but I always end up makin’ myself look like a right tit in front of the lass i have a crush on,” he explains, nonchalantly, seemingly not realising what he was saying.
You stop twirling and look at him as much as you could, the alcohol and the twirling wasn’t the greatest mix when you were looking for stability,
“You have a crush on me?” You ask in surprise.
Who would have thought. Will fucking Lenney had a crush on you. Of all people. You were ready to scream with excitement when his eyes bugged out, he looked scared and began to curse himself under the sun for his slip.
“Naw- fuck, I just meant that- no, I-” He began tripping over his words and you giggle over how cute he was.
You raise yourself onto your tip-toe and give him a shy peck on the lips, it only lasted a short few seconds, but it left your lips tingling and you smile wide at him.
“Will, I like you too, dummy,”
He smiles one of the most gorgeous smiles you have seen like ever, and shyly pulls you closer to him.
“How’d ya feel about ditching and coming back to mine? We can watch a movie and get to know each other more,”
You giggle at that.
“Sure, let’s play two truths, one lie, for each wrong answer we take a shot, for every right answer, you get a kiss,” you proclaim with a smile.
“You’re fuckin on, Love.”
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willowknee · 4 years
The person I reblogged this from deserves to be happy
I tried to scroll past this. I really did
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willowknee · 4 years
Hey! If you’re not too busy please can I request some fluff with Will? Maybe reader could be Gee’s new mate and Will gets a crush on her and becomes all awkward? Or whatever you feel like writing haha 😂 thank you xxx
I’m so sorry for the late response! I’m currently doing it but currently procrastinating has gotten the better of me, hoping to get it up by the end of tomorrow!
0 notes
willowknee · 4 years
Thank you for the tag @topsshaggerwillne ♥ Name: Zara
Nickname: ZeeZee
Zodiac: Aquarius
Height: 5′1″
Languages Spoken: English
Nationality: British
Favourite Season: Spring 
Favourite Flower: Lillies 
Favourite Scent: Lavender (or Johnson’s baby shampoo... don’t ask)
Favourite Colour: deep red
Favorite Animal: Dog
Favorite Fictional Characters: 
Leo Valdez from the Heroes of Olympus series
Yumeko Jabami and Runa Yomozuki from Kakegurui
Souma Yukihira, Rindou Koboyashi, Megumi Tadokoro and Erina Nakiri from Shokugeki no Soma
Stiles Stilinski from Teen Wolf
Castiel from Supernatural (I really like Food Wars!)
Coffee, Tea, or Hot Chocolate: Tea, but you can’t go wrong with a good hot chocolate
Average Sleep Hours: used to be 9-10, now with my son about 6 
Dog or Cat Person: hm, I like both equally
Number of Blankets You Sleep With: one duvet and maybe a throw if its too cold
Dream Trip: South Korea, it is so beautiful there, I want to experience the culture and lifestyle first-hand
Blog Established: A few months back
Followers: 28 wonderful people, thank you sm guys
Random Fact: I also draw as a hobby Tagging the following wonderful bloggers: I haven’t actually made any friends on here yet, but if you see this and want to join in please go ahead!!
20 Questions Game
Answer 20 questions, then tag 20 bloggers you want to get to know better.
Thanks for the tag @captain-marverica
Name: Katherine
Nickname: Katie
Zodiac: ☀️Aries, 🌙Libra, ⬆️Gemini
Height: 5′5″
Languages Spoken: English, and like advanced in French, I never got to go abroad 😔
Nationality: American
Favorite Season: Again, depends on my mood. I love the August-October time of year
Favorite Flower: Sunflowers, or pretty much any yellow flower, and the cute lil purple flowers that grow in my yard among the grass ☺️
Favorite Scent: Freshly cut grass, the ground after it rains, coffee shops
Favorite Color: Depends on my mood, but mostly sea green, light yellow, and hot pink
Favorite Animal: Dragons! More seriously, dogs, koalas, and horses.
Favorite Fictional Characters: 
Kylo Ren/Ben Solo
Merlin/Emrys & King Arthur/Arthur Pendragon
Thor, Dr. Strange, Captain Marvel
Coffee, Tea, or Hot Chocolate: Coffee 
Average Sleep Hours: Really depends. During quarantine it’s been 8+ hours. 
Dog or Cat Person: Dog, I have an (Apricot) English Mastiff and I LOVE HER 
Number of Blankets You Sleep With: One, all the way up to my chin 😌
Dream Trip: I mean I want to go to Disney World for Halloween or back down to my aunt’s house in the keys but like if we are seriously talking “trip of a lifetime”…. there are so many places
Places my ancestors came from (Lithuania, Ireland, Italy, and more places in the U.S.)
Literally all of the UK (WALES!!!)
Some tropical places would be cool too
Blog Established: Fall 2018
BUT I’ve had a tumblr blog consistently since 2012 (thepersonfrommemorylane, she-the-sea, both deleted)
Followers: 1,287
Random Fact: I have heterochromia in one of my eyes, so I have three random bars of brown in my otherwise green eye 👀
I am absolutely not tagging 20 people but I will tag @mother-of-lionss @tolkienlockian @i-really-should-change-my-url
20 Questions Game
Thank you so much for the tag @pretty-pendragon :) <3
Name: Theodora
Nickname: Dorina
Zodiac: Aries
Height: 5′8″
Languages Spoken: Greek (my native language), German and English
Nationality: Greek
Favorite Season: Spring and early summer
Favorite Flower: That would be jasmine, I just love their white color and their scent
Favorite Scent: Freshly brewed coffee, the nature after rain, and the scent of a newly-bought book
Favorite Color: Bright Purple
Favorite Animal: Horses and cats :)
Favorite Fictional Characters: Oooh, that is tricky, I’ll just pick from three random fandoms I love:
Merlin & Arthur from BBC Merlin
Jean Kirstein & Sasha Blouse from Attack on Titan
Teresa and Newt from Maze Runner
Coffee, Tea, or Hot Chocolate: Coffee
Average Sleep Hours: Usually four to five. Now with the quarantine it’s 8+
Dog or Cat Person: Cat Person, 100%
Number of Blankets You Sleep With: A thick duvet and a blanket in winter, a light sheet in summer
Dream Trip: London is Number One, I’ve never been there and I would love to visit and see everything there is to see. Plus, it’d be a chance to practice my English, tehehe Places my ancestors came from: Asia Minor, specifically the region near Trabzon and Callipolis
Blog Established: A couple of months ago, though it’s existed since 2014, I believe
Followers: 63 wonderful people
Random Fact: When I get nervous or am lost in thought, I play with my hair. Tagging the following wonderful bloggers: @thegreymoon @pen-dragonlord @clotpolesonly @stilesedit @pendragonlord-at-camelot @dumbhotbitchknightgwaine @party-hat-legolas @merlocked4life @blue-sky-and-sunny-day @poetryincamelot @merlinmyrddin @deathcomeswithakiss and @emrys-holmes-stark-winchester
Thanks for the tag @tolkienlockian
Name: Ana
Nickname: Buba
Zodiac: Aquarius
Height: 167cm (about 5'4’’)
Language: Slavic languages (I don’t wanna really reveal which), English, German
Nationality: I’d rather not reveal
Favorite season: Fall
Favorite flower: Idk, I know a total of two flowers, and it’s dandelions and roses
Favorite scent: Macaroni and cheese? jk, i love the smell of books but m&c comes first
Favorite color: Black
Favorite animal: Dog/Wolf
Favorite fictional character:
Of all time: Percy Jackson
Current obsession: Arthur or Morgana Pendragon
Coffee, Tea, or Hot Chocolate: C O F F E E
Average sleep hours: either 2 or 15, there’s no in between
Dog or cat person: D O G
Number of blankets I sleep with: 1 duvet
Places my ancestors came from: Idk, I don’t do history
Dream trip: I would love to visit London, but I also really wanna go to New Zealand once
Blog established: This one, maybe two months ago? But I have another one that has been active since 2016 I think
Followers: 51!! :DD
Random fact: My favorite genre is punk/rock, so you can imagine what I look like. Also, my favorite band is My Chemical Romance
Tagging: @magnus-the-fabulous-entp-bane @dumbhotbitchknightgwaine @elf-loving-dragon @shipallthegayships @lighthouse-on-the-sea @ye-olde-norrington-stan @incorrectpercicoquotes @pretty-pendragon @black-rosegold @ultimate-fangirl34 (it’s 10 people, but whatever)
Thank you for the tag @party-hat-legolas!
Name: I’d prefer not to share
Nickname: don’t have one
Zodiac: Virgo
Height: 165cm (I won’t look it up in foot. Meters are more logical)
Language: German, English (second language), Italian (I’m still learning and bad at it), Latin (I learned it but forgot most of the grammar but I still can translate easy sentences), Icelandic (I’m teaching it myself so not much progress but I’m trying)
Nationality: german
Favourite season: fall
Favourite flower: Lavender
Favourite scent: the air in a forest after it rained
Favourite color: blue, probably dark blue like the ocean before a storm
Favourite animal: wolves!
Favourite fictional character: Magnus Bane
Coffee, tea or hot chocolate: tea when it’s peppermint tea or coffee
Average sleep hours: 6-11
Dog or cat person: both
Number of blankets: one thick or two thin ones
Places my ancestors came from: I don’t know
Dream trip: road trip through Scotland, Wales, England, Ireland and a week or two in Iceland
Blog established: 30 September 2019
Followers: 143
Random fact: I have too many unread books
Tagging: @mark-blackthorn-bi-guy @thepoorgroomsbrideisahorse @rebelromance @sarcastic-one-liners-18 @strugglingpansexual @fistupheaddownhailhailtotheking @petewentzfrommychem @enchantedpendant @emo-bi-mess @emogayrat666 @chemicalgee @tyrell-for-the-throne @ryebread356 @miss–devil @matthewwfairchildd @numberoneobsessednerdfighter @blastercat @beebo-at-the-church @bingedreamin @gerardbutnotgerardway @im-just-trying-to-get-bi
Thank you for tagging m @magnus-the-fabulous-entp-bane
Name: Cole. It’s my middle name because I hate my first name.
Nickname: I guess it’s Cole, since no one calls me by my first name.
Zodiac: Taurus
Height: 5’ 11” (180.34 cm)
Languages: English
Nationality: American
Favourite season: Autumn
Favourite flower: Blue roses
Favourite scent: Peppermint
Favourite colour: Dark purple
Favourite animal: Horses
Favourite fictional character: Adam Parrish and Mark Blackthorn
Coffee, tea, or hot chocolate: I like all three.
Average sleep hours: 2-5
Dog or cat person: I like both.
Number of blankets: three
Places my ancestors came from: Germany, England, and North America
Dream Trip: Ireland
Blog established: About a couple of months ago.
Followers: 33
Random fact: I know how to hunt.
Tagging @domsberto @cristinablackthornkingson @christophers-lightwood @themerrythieves @ti-bae-rius @tsc-living @tenthprinceofhell @a-very-gay-spider @lucievherondale @bi-disaster-kit @brotherlipsmackariahs @my-archerboy @drusilla-morgenstern @jem-is-my-greatest-sin-herondale @jem-sillymelon-carstairs @wickedestpowers @samildanach @fair-y-child @cartwrightsgrace @cecilyfightwood
Tagged by @mark-blackthorn-bi-guy thanks! 🖤
Name: Jessica
Nickname: Jessi, Jess, bitch
Zodiac: Libra
Height: 5’ 1”
Languages: English
Nationality: American
Favourite season: Autumn
Favourite flower: Cherry blossom
Favourite scent: Coffee, maple & cinnamon
Favourite colour: Teal, dark gray, black
Favourite animal: Fox
Favourite fictional character: Alec Lightwood
Coffee, tea, or hot chocolate: Coffee
Average sleep hours: depends on the day
Dog or cat person: I like both, but I prefer small dogs
Number of blankets: 1, unless it’s freezing, then 2
Places my ancestors came from: Germany, Poland, maybe Israel? Idk
Dream Trip: Australia
Blog established: I can’t remember…2011?
Followers: 1400ish
Random fact: I was once paid $10 for a book review I wrote on Six of Crows
Tagging the last 20 people in my notifications:
@snowelysium @theheavenlybooks @livewellloverory @bling—ping @redscrollsofmalec @be-so-lonely @grxceblqckthxrn @abbykaye28 @nastienhka @thenamelessbelle @feltonmeds @waywardarcher02 @facialteeth @khaleesiofalicante @yourhighnessluna @ur-life-is-ur-own @blackandwhitecircus @chibi-tsukiko @hailandbeech @aimforthedogstar
Tagged by @my-archerboy thank you angel!!! ♥️♥️♥️
Name: Emmy
Nickname: Emmy, Em, Hedgie
Zodiac: Pisces 
Height: 5′
Languages: English, Japanese, and American Sign Language
Nationality: American
Favourite season: Fall
Favourite flower: Orchids
Favourite scent: Eucalyptus and Spearmint, Peppermint, and Vanilla
Favourite colour: Black and golden yellow 
Favourite animal: Panda
Favourite fictional character: Magnus Bane
Coffee, tea, or hot chocolate: Coffee
Average sleep hours: before Quarantine 5-7, since Quarantine 4-10
Dog or cat person: yes
Number of blankets: 1
Places my ancestors came from: Germany, Puertorico, Ireland, Italy
Dream Trip: Japan
Blog established: Oh gosh 2012? 2013? 
Followers: 362
Random fact: I have a dragon Squish-mallow that’s blue and I named him Blueberry cuz he reminded me of Max-Lightwood Bane. 
Tagging the last 20 people in my notifications: 
@cloudburst-ink @redscrollsofmalec @embooks @khaleesiofalicante @moonbender @disneylovegoodsanders @christophers-lightwood @mewingatmycat @vampire-mojo-strikes-again @evalevv @that-one-bi-kid-1048 @newstarkr @nastienhka @kit-herondales-gucci-sunglasses @topazastral @legendofconsullightwood @nancyloumm @thomaslightwoodx @banesbitch @immyownghostwriter
So sorry if you’ve already been tagged!!! 
Thanks for the tag @chibi-tsukiko!!💙
Name: Ashley
Nickname: Ash
Zodiac: Virgo  
Height: 5′9″ (imma tall child)
Languages: English, though I’m in the process of learning some other languages
Nationality: American
Favourite season: Autumn
Favourite flower: Forget-me-not/Rose
Favourite scent: Raspberry, ocean mist, vanilla, books
Favourite colour: Light blue and light yellow
Favourite animal: Wolf
Favourite fictional character: Alec/Christopher/Thomas Lightwood (that’s kinda a lot, but what can I say, I have a type)
Coffee, tea, or hot chocolate: Herbal tea
Average sleep hours: Around 6
Dog or cat person: Cat
Number of blankets: 6?
Places my ancestors came from: England, Denmark, Sweden, Wales, Germany, Scotland, Ireland, France (pretty much everywhere in Europe)
Dream Trip: Backpacking around Europe.
Blog established: 2017
Followers: 36 😭
Random fact: I hate milk specifically in the morning, at any other time I am absolutely ok with it.
Tagging some of my meager little group of 36 followers! Because I love you, even though I don’t know why your following me! 💙 @sarcasticmalecfan @damy-blake @darkwolf3400 @aswanae @the-sads @yep-das-me @tired-flowers @black-out-wonder @halfjackets @teaface @darkwolf-lightangel @jgatf2 @unfortunately-i-love-it and anyone else who wants to! 
hiiiii i know this was a while ago and i’m sorry i got lazy but here we are so thank you @moonbender for tagging me!! 💙
Name: Laaibah
Nickname: Lala, Layla, Laaibruh, Llama - Lala is the most commonly used one though
Zodiac: Taurus
Height: 5’ (don’t bully me please iM tiNy)
Languages: English, Spanish, some French, some German, some Italian, Urdu, Punjabi, I can read Arabic, I can understand Hindi
Nationality: British
Favourite season: Spring
Favourite flower: Lillies, orchids, dahlias, daisies
Favourite scent: Rain, chocolate, that sort of sweet dewy smell on grass when it’s just finished raining and the suns coming out
Favourite colour: Green, black, silver
Favourite animal: Chameleon, sloth, koala, dog
Favourite fictional character: I have loads so I’ll name a few - Cristina Mendoza Rosales, Jem Carstairs, Christopher Lightwood, Alastair Carstairs, Simon Lovelace, Mark Blackthorn, Julian Blackthorn, Inej Ghafa, Kaz Brekker, Ty Blackthorn, Kit Herondale, Lily Chen, Thomas Lightwood, Sherlock Holmes, Aristotle Mendoza, Dante Quintana, Elio Perlman, and probably a whole deal more.
Coffee, tea, or hot chocolate: Coffee or hot chocolate
Average sleep hours: 3-4 hours
Dog or cat person: Dog
Number of blankets: 1
Places my ancestors came from: Pakistan or what would’ve been known a while ago as India, Spain, and probably some other places
Dream trip: Going to Mexico or Greece
Blog established: I think like 2018/2019
Followers: 394 I think
Random fact: I play loads of instruments and my favourite is my violin however my music taste is nowhere near that, I actually really like rock music
Tagging: @volkvolny-sails @christopherlightwood @jordeliaz @beclynn-herondale @jazzkaurtheglorious @immyownghostwriter @ab-cedario @my-lady-of-roses @tillytriestumbl-ring @ria-coakley @everysquareinch @evalevv @jamescarstairss @girlwhohatesstuff @mordaitemoni @skepticalcatfrog (sorry if y’all have done it ❤️)
Thank you so much @sarcasticmalecfan !
Name: Ellie
Nickname: El
Zodiac: Cancer
Height: 5’3 (i am also smol and people bully me too 😂)
Languages: English but i’m trying to learn Spanish 😊 i’ve gotten out of routine with my lessons tho so i need to start them up again
Nationality: Irish
Favourite season: Summer, but i really love cosy winter evenings too.
Favourite flower: Lillies and Roses.
Favourite scent: Rain, and this is weird but y’know how every house has it’s own scent? I love the smell in one of my friend’s houses 😂
Favourite colour: Green atm
Favourite animal: hm, I love cats but dogs are more my speed. I also really love elephants as well as dolphins
Favourite fictional character: oh god no don’t start this debate in my mi- whoops too late. Magnus bane, Peeta Mellark, Will from divergent, Alastair and Cordelia Carstairs, Apollo, Percy jackson, Nico Di Angelo, Will Solace. TO NAME A FEW.
Coffee, tea or hot chocolate: Hot coco always
Average sleep hours: with school: 3-6 without school: 8-11
Dog or cat person: Both
No. of blankets: 1
Places my ancestors came from: Ireland, but based on my surname and stuff i think i have some English ancestry (makes sense with all of the damn plantations here)
Dream trip: Venice, Florida and Greece with my gals
Blog established: 2020, not sure what month
Followers: 40 ish
Random fact: uhhhm, i have a fear of commitment which has really taken a lot from me. And i have a fucking phychopathic bitch of a grandmother.
Tagginng @banesbitch @everysquareinch @idontgetit-whydoihavetosaymyname @cityof21darkclockworkcrows @bi-blood @beclynn-herondale @katie33333 @jamesgideonbane
Thanks for the tag El!
Name: Ash
Nickname: I guess that’s already a nickname
Zodiac: Aries
Height: Roughly 5’ (don’t worry, I’m short too)
Languages: A variety of languages from India (I won’t be specific for personal reasons), English, and I’m learning Spanish currently
Nationality: American
Favorite Season: Winter
Favorite Flower: Hyacinths
Favorite Scent: I don’t think I have a favorite scent. I guess something metal-esque, but I’m not sure
Favorite Color: Seafoam Green
Favorite Animal: Dolphin
Favorite Fictional Character: How much time do you have? I can name many, but I guess I can narrow it down to THE ENTIRE CARSTAIRS FAMILY TREE, Aristotle Mendoza, Dante Quintana, Arthur Suess, Castiel, SPN Gabriel, Nico Di Angelo, Annabeth Chase, Alex Fierro, Samirah Al Abbas, Anna Lightwood and THE ENTIRE LIGHTWOOD FAMILY TREE, Baz Pitch, Inej Ghafa- I guess I should stop now otherwise I’d end up filling a page full of characters
Coffee, Tea, or Hot Chocolate: To quote James Herondale, “I LOVE TEA”
Average Hours Asleep: Usually 7/8 hours
Cat or Dog person: Both
Blankets Slept With: 1
Places my ancestors came from: I’m going to be rEaLlY specific and say Asia
Dream Trip: The Mediterranean: Spain, Portugal, Greece, Italy, and such
Blog Established: The last few months of 2019
Random Fact: I once almost burnt down a hotel during a school trip
@everysquareinch @katie33333 @banesbitch @fairchild-squad @sleepygreywolf @crying-is-your-latest-fashion @my-failed-attempt @dimlybeautifulx @carry-on-my-notwhatsherl @riceloversblog @yeetthedragon @thefandomshavemurderedmysanity @slightly-sane-fangirl @thiscrazyfangirl31 @throneoftsc
thank you for the tag @idontgetit-whydoihavetosaymyname
Name: Charlie
Nickname: Deborah or Debra (it’s a LONG story but you can ask about it)
Zodiac: Libra/Scorpio
Height: 5’9??
Language: Mostly English, but i’ve STARTED learning French, Spanish, Latin, and Enochian
Nationality: American
Favourite Season: Autumn
Favourite Flower: Angel Trumpets
Favourite Scent: that of a forest that goes right up to the sea, the smell after you’ve been working on your car, and the faint scent of post-sparring sweat
Favourite Colour: blue
Favourite Animal: a seagull
Favourite Fictional Character: ok i have wayyyy too many so here’s just a few—Dean Winchester, Merlin, Crowley (GO and SPN), Charlie Bradbury, the Tenth Doctor, Baz Pitch
Coffee, Tea, or Hot Chocolate: all three tbh, but coffee and hot chocolate are so good when you mix them together
Average Hours of Sleep: like ¾
Cat or Dog person: both, but i lean towards cats
Blankets: minimum of 2 at all times
Places My Ancestors Came From: uh Germany, Ireland, England, Scotland (basically northern Europe), and fun story, i’m directly related to the Dunbar family (that housed Queen Mary of Scotts)
Dream Trip: the Mediterranean and norther Europe, only to end up staying somewhere in Ireland
Blog Established: i want to say mid-2019?
Followers: 48 (no idea why you follow me but I LOVE EACH AND EVERY ONE OF YOU)
Random Fact: one time in sixth grade i accidentally broke someone’s collarbone
this is not going to be 20 but it’s ok: @carry-on-my-wayward-asbutt @perpetuallypansexual @the-anime-idiot @the-light-from-your-eyes @draginfyre16 @shxtteredsami @thesherlockianavenger @taylorstiel @do-not-forget-your-towel @dumbass-dean @teamfreewill06 @icantbelieveitsnotcanon
Thanks for tagging me @carry-on-my-notwhatsherl
Name: Jette
Nickname: Never really had one
Zodiac: Sagittarius
Height: 5′7
Languages: German and I learned English and French
Nationality: German
Favorite Season: Autumn
Favorite Flower: Cornflower
Favorite Scent: Old Books
Favorite Color: Forest Green and a dark Red witha dash of purple in it
Favorite Animal: Raven
Favorite Fictional Character: Okay there are a lot but I thing the ceshire cat from Alice in Wonderland and Bartimaeus from the book series written by Jonathan Stroud oh and every single character in the Lord of the Rings
Coffee, Tea, or Hot Chocolate: Tea
Average Hours Asleep: Usually 7/8 hours
Cat or Dog person: cat, even though I’m allergic to most cats
Blankets Slept With: 2
Places my ancestors came from: I don’t know, I guess somewhere in europe
Dream Trip: Old librarys
Blog Established: I don’t know, I guess something around the middle of 2018
Followers: 55
Random Fact: I own and drive a motorbike
this is not going to be 20 but it’s ok: @justkeeepswimmming​ @fictional-worlds-are-exquisite @winchester-dumb @zodiyack @katie-is-a-lesbian @scent-ofbooks @beans-n-a-pan @wait-wtf-just-happened @the-and-sign-anon @letthestarssing @theimagineparadise
Thanks for the tag! @do-not-forget-your-towel
Name: Katelynn
Nickname: Katie or Kate
Zodiac: Taurus
Height: 5'1
Languages: English and very very minimal french
Nationality: American
Favorite season: Spring
Favorite flower: Sunflower
Favorite scent: Freshly cut grass
Favorite color: Blue but I’m also a fan of dark reds
Favorite animal: Crow
Favorite fictional character: God there are so many but to name a few: Adam Parrish, Alec Lightwood, Magnus Bane, Julian Blackthorn, Helen Blackthorn, Emma Carstairs, Izzy Lightwood, Hetty from Wilder Girls, All the protagonists in the asylum series, and Baz Pitch
Coffee, Tea, or Hot chocolate: Hot Chocolate
Average hours sleep: like 5 all the way through
Cat or Dog person: I have both and I love them all very much but dog
Blankets slept with: 3
Places ancestors came from: England probably I honestly don’t know
Dream trip: To go see the northern lights
Blog established: ummm 2014 I think
Followers: 150
Random Fact: I broke my arm in kindergarten because I was trying to climb up the slide and a kid decided to go down it at the same time
This probably won’t be 20 but it’s all good:
@pansexual-lilychen @its-all-ineffable @queenmollixofshadows @her-ondale @clawsnbeak @jaskiegg @solaroppositestrash
Thanks for the tag @katie-is-a-lesbian!
Name: Rebecca
Nickname: Becky or Becca mainly
Zodiac: Leo
Height: 5'4
Languages: English and Sarcasm
Nationality: British
Favourite season: Summer, I guess, it’s when my birthday is
Favourite flower: So many…I’ll pick the red rose.
Favourite scent: Freshly baked goods - usually my mum’s coffee cakes! 
Favourite colour: Red, but I like blue and dark green too!
Favourite animal: Dinosaurs. If you ‘don’t count them’ (weird), then horses.
Favourite fictional character: Only 1?! I can’t do that! To name a few - Ianto Jones from Torchwood, Sherlock from BBC’s Sherlock, Merlin from BBC’s Merlin, Castiel from SPN, Alec Lightwood from TSC, Magnus Bane from TSC, Loki from MCU, Tony Stark from MCU, Pepper Potts from MCU, Draco Malfoy from HP…There are many more. SO MANY MORE.
Coffee, Tea, or Hot chocolate: Coffee, or depending on my mood, hot chocolate
Average hours sleep: on average, over a week, about 5.
Cat or Dog person: I like both, but I yearn for a dog, so Dogs.
Blankets slept with: Just my duvet
Places ancestors came from: England, I guess? Possibly Wales too?
Dream trip: Warkworth, a small village in Northumbria. It’s been the family holiday spot for years, and this year was gonna be our last trip there, but now I don’t know if we’ll get to go. :(
Blog established: late 2019
Followers: 279! How’d that happen?!
Random Fact: I hate all social media, apart from this. But I have to take breaks from here, even so.
Tag 20 people: @taraap, @sometimesrelativelyokay, @runwithtinyshoeson, @squeakyparrot, @goma-nia, @heresforthegays, @revengeerafrankie, @coffee-cats-sarcasm, @incorrect-ts-quotes, @lonelygodsmuse, @writerworm1550-blog, @ireallydontknowhowtoclassifythis, @whimsical-fluctuations, @septic-art-wolf, @zanypenguintaco, @goswlpncmcrfobpjsthpltruaqhb9942, @angelinapink, @peterickswhore, @phire23, @wilyserpentanthonyjcrowley
Awww thank you for the tag!!
Name: Lois
Nickname: Nothing really
Zodiac: Taurus
Height: 5′8″
Languages: English, Spanish, and I’m trying to learn French and Korean lol
Nationality: American
Favorite season: Autumn is amazinggggg
Favorite flower: Orchids are pretty 
Favorite scent: Some clean laundry lol
Favorite color: Jade green but also electric blue
Favorite animal: W A L R U S
Favorite fictional character: Crowley from Good Omens :)
Coffee, tea, or hot chocolate: Dirty bean water
Average hours of sleep: It depends…sometimes I get like 3 hours of sleep, and other times I make people question if I’m alive or not
Cat or dog person: They are both great, but I’m more of a cat person
Blankets slept with: Only 3 of them hehe
Places ancestors came from: On my dad’s side of the family, our early ancestors came from Ireland
Dream trip: I don’t really go anywhere….anywhere with a big bookstore or something lol
Blog established: Some time in April 2020
Followers: 277 :))))) Thank you guys <3
Random fact: Oop- ummm….Twitter is s c a r y
Tag 20 people: 20 people??? well ummm… @enbyincrisis @library-fae (my tap buddy) @neon-lazerr @probablynotpeterparker @crash-the-cemetery-gates and anyone else that’s interested lol (i’m sorry that i didn’t tag 20 people haha)
Name: Alex
Nickname: Idk possum I guess
Zodiac: Gemini
Height: Short
Languages: English and then I can vaguely speak 8 different languages but not well. Throughout my life I’ve probably spoken about 20 to a point but I pick them up quickly and then forget them quickly.
Nationality: Australian
Favourite season: Autumn
Favourite flower: Bottle brushes
Favourite scent: Strawberry
Favourite colour: Red or ocean blue
Favourite animal: FISHHHHHHH
Favourite fictional character: probably Gansey right now
Coffee, tea or hot chocolate: C O F F E E
Average hours of sleep: either 2 or 14
Cat or dog person: DOG DOG DOG
Blankets slept with: One. Two at most.
Places ancestors came from: mostly India and Denmark
Dream trip: The Great Barrier Reef or Bangladore in India because that’s where my family’s from
Blog established: Idk a couple of years ago
Number of followers: 68 (so close)
Random fact: I eat so much dip. Just. Any dip.
Tag 20 people: I don’t know 20 people guys. @library-fae @scoutisahuman @ anyone else who wants to
Hey yo, I’m sorry it’s so long :(
Name: Scout (yes, really lmao)
Nickname: Scot (bc I am, in fact, a Scot), bitch, Ski, Pep (that one’s a long story)
Zodiac: Cancer
Height: 5′11 I think
Languages: English (duh), a strange mix of Italian, Spanish and Portuguese , and a little bit of Gaelic
Nationality: British/Scottish/English
Favourite season: Winter!
Favourite flower: fuchsia :)
Favourite scent: mushy peas or fish and chips (but like proper British ones)
Favourite colour: #4ff0af
Favourite animal: caiman
Favourite fictional character: Draco Malfoy - that dramatic-ass gay child deserves such a fucking massive hug & redemption arc
Coffee, tea or hot chocolate: hot chocolate :)
Average hours of sleep: 3 lmao
Cat or dog person: CAT CAT CAT
Blankets slept with: however many are around ig. I live in a cold cold place
Places ancestors came from: I’m half Celt, and half large ethnic mix that idek all of. So, as I say, spicy white.
Dream trip: honestly, at this point just like, Greggs or Wagamama (quarantine gang am I right?) 
Blog established: idk man time? doesn’t? exist?
Number of followers: a big fat 1 (thanks @enbyincrisis, ly)
Random fact: I am basically a roadman at this point.
Tag 20 people: lol idk 20 ppl, and I was tagged by my only friend on here, but idk, here are some active accounts I’m a fan of - @memeuloves @zadisvns @willlne @topsshaggerwillne
alright let’s go :)
name: sophie
nickname: soph, soap, soup, pretty much any variation of those, spooky
zodiac: libra
height: 5’1
languages: english, russian, french
nationality: american
favorite season: autum :)
favorite flower: lilacs!
favorite color: red or yellow
favorite animal: fennec fox
favorite fictional character: emily prentiss
coffee, tea, or hot chocolate: coffee
average hours of sleep: 5 i think
dog or cat person: can i say lizard? if not dog
blanket slept with: one if it’s a comforter, up to 3 if it’s just throw blankets
places ancestors are from: ireland, italy, & france mainly but a little from everywhere
dream trip: australia or italy
blog established: july 2018!
number of followers: 899 i uhhh don’t know how either
random fact: i’ve bought all but one line of james’ hoodies :)
tag 20 people: i cant think of 20 so here’s a few and if you want to do this feel free :) @lilwenney @lil-revenue @meperdonasimallex @memeuloves @nadlix-writes @memeuloser @willxolenney @willowknee
490 notes · View notes
willowknee · 4 years
Will laugh 🥺
117 notes · View notes
willowknee · 4 years
I was the anon the requested the Will fluff and omg that was the most beautiful thing I’ve ever read, it was so soft and pure and I can’t cope 🥺 thank you so much for writing it 💕
I’m so glad you liked it 🥺 thank you for requesting I loved writing it, I had so much fun! 💜
0 notes
willowknee · 4 years
Forever is a long time - WillNE
Title: Forever is a long time  People: WillNE x reader Word count: 1,549 Warnings: n/a Songs to listen to: n/a  Prompt/request: Anon requested: Hi! Please can I request a really fluffy Will one shot? It can be anything I just need more cute Will haha 😂 A/N: I hope this is okay! I tried to make it as fluffy as I could, but it didn’t quite turn out how I wanted it. 
Will was someone who you had never expected to be the romantic type, sure he flirted with you a lot and sent you cute messages in the morning for you to wake up to but he was very secretive when it came to relationships, it took your friends nearly a full year to figure out that you two had far crossed the line from being just friends. But despite Will’s preference to keep everything between you two, he was one of the softest and sweetest boys you had ever had the pleasure of loving.
Opening your eyes on a particularly frosty Wednesday, you take in your surroundings, beige wallpaper, a desk full of recording equipment and two strong arms wrapped protectively around you. Will. You smile and turn around to face him and was pleasantly surprised to find out that he was already wide awake and had recently showered, his gorgeous brown locks still slightly damp and a few strands sticking to his forehead.
“Mornin’ love,” he says softly, brushing a strand of hair out of your face and gently tucks it behind your ear.
“Morning handsome,” you reply just as softly, leaning into his touch, closing your eyes.
“Nuh huh, I’ll be having none of that, you need to get up we have things to do,” Will shakes you awake, his voice normal volume and he laughs loudly when you let out a groan and try to bury yourself under the covers which he rudely pulls away from you.
“Will it’s my day off! What could we possibly need to do at half ten in the morning? Its lie-in day!” You complain.
“Hush woman, just get your pretty ass out of bed and get a shower because quite frankly, you stink,” he says playfully, but pulls you out of bed and pushes you in the direction of the bathroom.
“I need clothes, William,” you chide, trying to turn around.
“They’re already in there, now stop fighting me before I Batista bomb you to assert my alpha male dominance,” 
He wasn’t joking.
“Fine, if you want to get rid of me that much, jeez,” you chuckle before stepping into the bathroom and locking the door in an ultimate power move.
Walking towards the shower you start it up before waiting for it to warm up, as you stand and wait you notice a bag on the toilet seat lid, you peek inside and find brand new lingerie and pyjamas that you had been eyeing up in the store about a week ago. 
“Oh Will,” you sigh happily.
You take your time in the shower, deep conditioning your hair and shaving, exfoliating the whole works. After drying off and moisturising, you slip into the new clothes and brush your teeth, smiling the whole time. How cute was he? He always noticed the small things, you hadn’t even told him that you wanted them, but he still noticed and bought the exact same pair in your size in secret so he could surprise you.
Walking out the bathroom you go on the hunt for your boyfriend before finding him in the kitchen. He was surrounded by burnt food and messy pans and he looks up from his phone sheepishly.
“Okay so phase two didn’t exactly go to plan, normally I’m alright at cooking but the one day I need it to go well I just get done dirty, therefore as substitution, our Maccies breakfast is currently being picked up and will be here within the hour, so let’s move to phase three!” He exclaims.
You laugh at how adorable he was.
“First, we clean, you know it will be on my mind otherwise,” 
He nods and you two make quick work of throwing away the burnt food and rinsing the bowls and pans before putting them in the dishwasher. Once you were done, Will races you to the front room. The first thing you notice is how many sheets, blankets and pillows were on the sofa. 
“Uh, Will? Are you having a sleepover?” you question, confused.
“Nope, we’re building a fort!” 
You both have a blast building the fort, a couple of arguments about pillow arrangements, but you hear a knock at the door and you kick Will out of the semi-built fort so he can go collect your food while you finish up building.
“Bob the builder has nothing on you, ay love?” Will jokes to which you just poke your tongue out at him in response.
You both climb into the fort and Will sets out your food while you turn on the TV and turn on Disney plus. Will groans as you scroll through the selection of tv shows and films before you stop at a childhood classic. Phineas and Ferb. Will shakes his head with a smile at your choice but stays quiet nonetheless as you both get comfortable and dig into your food. 
The whole day was spent in the fort, around 5 in the evening Will began to frequently get up and disappear before returning with a smile. You didn’t question him, you just let him get on with it because you were sure that you would find out soon enough. 
A couple of hours later Will calls your name, you pause your game which you had switched to out of boredom of watching things without actively participating in it and you follow the sound of Will’s voice to the dining room. 
The table was properly laid out, decorated with a lit candle and a few rose petals which made your heart skip. Two glasses of what looked like wine had been poured and the plates were full of chicken dippers and potato smileys, which made you grin widely. It was a nostalgic meal that you always raved to Will about, you used to eat it all the time as a kid, a meal that reminded you of home. 
You walk over to Will and plant a soft and slow kiss to his lips, your heart was pounding hard and your chest felt tight, you were so in love with this man, you couldn’t imagine a life without him. 
He leads you to your seat and tucks you in before sitting opposite you, you both raise your glass in cheers and you take a sip to find out it wasn’t wine, after all, it was Vimto. Nostalgia level 100. The entire time you were sat at the table was full of flirting and playful banter, reminiscing about times you’ve spent together alone and with friends, peeling with laughter as you bring up embarrassing memories, this was well and truly perfect.
“There’s one more thing to end the day with,” Will says, walking off before returning with a neatly wrapped gift and an envelope. “Happy birthday, Gorgeous,” 
You feel your eyes begin to water, in all honesty, you had forgotten about your birthday, it just wasn’t something you celebrated to the point where on occasion you forget about it completely. You pick up the envelope and open it carefully, reading the card more tears appear as you fall deeper in love with the man before you who was looking sheepish. 
To the love of my life,
It’s your big day! No, I’m not proposing, when your man starts wracking in as much as Alex then I’ll consider buying you a ring, but until then, I just want to say Happy Birthday! And I want to tell you that you are the most gorgeous, kind and talented person I have ever known and I’m glad I get to call you mine. While I may not show you off a lot, that’s just simply because I don’t want to share you, I don’t want others to see the smile you wear when I make you happy, because that smile is mine, it’s my prize and it gives me something to look forward to and work for on a daily basis.
I love you, Y/N, and I want you to be mine forever.
Love, Big Boy Will. 
You laugh, tears streaming down your face and you look up to Will with the biggest smile you think you could ever wear.
“Will, I-”
“Open the present,”
You nod and pull the box closer, inside was another box, this one made out of wood that was delicately decorated. It was beautiful. 
“It’s beautiful Will,” you say, putting it on the table before you.
“Look inside it, Dummy,” 
Unlocking the clasps you open the lid and look inside, taking in all the little items and smiling more. 
“It’s all the things I’ve collected over the three years I’ve had the pleasure of knowing you, I cherish all of them because they’re all little pieces that make us… well, us,”
The piece of cardboard they put around the Starbucks cups so you don’t burn your fingers, he had both of yours with your names on from your first date together, he has the photobooth strips from your cousin’s wedding that you asked him to go with you so you didn’t look like a loner, it was all there.
“I love you, Y/N, and I will for a very long time,”
“Well, forever is a long time,” you smirk at him.
He smiles back with a little laugh. “Then forever it is.”
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willowknee · 4 years
Hi! Please can I request a really fluffy Will one shot? It can be anything I just need more cute Will haha 😂 congrats on being a mum btw! ❤️
Of course, one fluffy Will coming right up! And thank you so much! ♥
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willowknee · 4 years
Changes- George Imagine
Title: Changes People: George X reader, ImAllexx Word count: 1790 Warnings: Swearing Songs to listen to: N/A Prompt/request: “I think I’m in love with you, and that scares the crap out of me” A/N: This is the second Angst one-shot for George, one with a happier ending than the last 
Being best friends with Alex and George definitely came with its perks, for one, you were never lonely and you never had to worry about being judged for the stuff you watch or the games you like to play, you always had someone to go out for meals with, and you had your own personal councillors who only charged in snacks. On the other hand, it definitely had its disadvantages too, for example, the fact that you were desperately in love with one of them.
One George Andrew. 
For the most part, you were fine, you got on like you would any other time, and if you ever got shy, you would always find a way to play it off and pretend that you were acting shy when he made certain comments or jokes. But there were times where your Grammy worthy acting fails you, and that’s when you became jealous.
You would say you were close to George, really close, you confided in him about your past and all your worries and he confided in you too. That’s why it came as such a shock when out of nowhere George got a girlfriend. Just to clarify, it wasn’t you. You were taken aback, it seemed so out of nowhere, he had never mentioned talking to anybody or even having any interest in anyone.
You were hurt, to say the least, were you more invested in this friendship than he was? You hated being jealous, it was the one thing you hated the most about yourself, how easily you became jealous and how harsh you became, you hated it and you tried to avoid it as much as possible, to the point you refused to develop feelings for people in fear of getting hurt, but with George, it happened so fast and so hard there was literally no way you could have stopped it. You fell head over heels for him and for once, you didn’t mind.
When you looked at George you feel your breath literally catch in your throat and when he smiles at you, you can’t help but smile back, even if you had been sobbing your eyes out mere seconds before. The playful banter between you both is something you will always cherish, the times at 4 am when you were both still awake sat at the kitchen counter eating Alex’s cereal straight out of the box even after being told off multiple times by Alex himself for doing so, fights over what you would be playing, FIFA (George’s choice) or the new Modern Warfare (your choice). 
Every moment with George felt like a treasured memory, but after he started dating his girlfriend he became cold, distant, once instant replies now took days to come through, and even then they were short and somewhat evasive. He no longer had time to meet up and spend time, even if you were at Alex’s and George’s apartment, he was either out or in his room with her doing god knows what. 
When George first introduced you and Alex to her, you felt yourself distancing mentally, something you had done since a young age to help deal with stress, a coping mechanism as such, it was weird, really, you could handle stress. Art GCSE coursework? Fine, understaffed at work? No problem, but when it comes to emotional stress that’s where you seriously struggle. 
She seemed… nice. You weren’t exactly sure what to make of her, she seemed to love Alex, was joking around with him freely but when it came to you, she seemed to have a problem. You weren’t sure if it was your brain just making up the evil glares and dirty side-looks but you knew you felt off about her, she clearly didn’t like you. You knew that would cause a problem, how could you and George continue to be friends if his girlfriend had a problem with you? 
And you were right, of course. It did put a massive strain on your friendship with George, which ended up in a massive fight. 
“We’ve been best friends for so fucking long, George! You’re seriously going to throw that away because of your new girlfriend who has a problem with me- for no apparent reason?!” You scream, finally catching him alone in his front room, his girlfriend nowhere to be seen and Alex had just popped to the shops.
“She is my girlfriend, for fuck’s sake, Y/N, grow up! I’m not a kid! I like this girl and I want to make this work, I’m not throwing anything away!” He shouts back, feeling just as frustrated. 
“You fucking are! You’re so distant now, we don’t get to spend time together, it’s all about her, I get that you want to be with her, it’s a new relationship and it’s exciting- I get that! But you’re pushing me away, isolating me and it’s not fair,” You tried to get him to understand, but he ended up letting out a cry of rage, scaring you.
You hated confrontation and yet here you were, fighting. You were fighting for the attention of someone you couldn’t have. He clearly liked this girl if he was going as far as cutting you out of his life, you were being spiteful and you knew it, you hated that you were jealous when you had no right to be, George wasn’t yours, he was hers, it’s not you that he’s fighting for, it’s her. You knew that, but you still couldn’t help the tears that pricked your eyes as you watch the man you love, stand in front of you, slowly back away, as if he was disgusted at what he saw.
“Maybe if you fucked off and spent time with people other than me and Alex you could get yourself a relationship and you’ll be able to put yourself in my shoes,” 
His words were like a slap to the face. If you thought him getting a girlfriend hurt, watching him turn into somebody you knew he wasn’t hurt twice as much. 
“Maybe if you spent time with anyone other than your girlfriend you’ll realise you’re not you anymore, you’re not the loving, caring George we all know, you’re a dick.” You whisper the last part before walking towards the front door of their flat, needed to get out of there as soon as possible. 
It felt suffocating, your breathing was out of sync and you couldn’t see as the tears stream down your face, why does it feel like you had broken up when George wasn’t even yours to begin with? You barely register walking past Alex who had heard everything and you didn’t hear him as he shouted after you, desperate cries for you to come back. 
Alex turned to George who had come to the hallway to watch you walk away from him, he shook his head at the younger. 
“Why don’t you just tell her the truth, mate? You’re both hurting yourselves for no reason.” Alex sighs, shutting the door, texting Gee asking for her to check up on you.
“I can’t… wait, what do you mean both of us?” George asks, whipping his head to face Alex.
“What do you think I mean, you idiot? How can you be so goddamn oblivious to her feelings for you? She fuckin loves you mate, has for a long time,”
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
“It wasn’t for me to say, but as good as she thinks her acting is, it was bloody obvious George, she loves the fuck out of you and you just fucked her off for some random ass girl whom you’ve never spoken about,” 
George shakes his head, visibly at war with himself before he grabs his keys and races off, shouting a goodbye and thank you to Alex who just shakes his head in response, hoping that you two stopped being so childish and just accept the truth. 
Half an hour later he finds himself outside your door. He gently knocks on the door, before knocking with a bit more force just in case you didn’t hear. You open the door and glare, still not over the hurtful things he had said, maybe it was true, but that doesn’t make it hurt any less. 
“Hi,” George says, quietly. 
“Hey,” You reply, your words blunt and your tone flat.
“Uh, can I come in?”
You contemplate it but ultimately decided that if you were to argue, it would be best to do it inside than in the hallway where anybody could listen in. You step aside and open the door wide enough for him to walk in. He kicks off his shoes and puts them on the shoe rack, you didn’t like people wearing shoes in your house, especially on the light coloured carpet. 
“Why are you here, George?” you ask, returning to your spot on the sofa, buried under your blankets.
“I’m here to apologise, I let things get out of hand, I turned into somebody I know I’m not and it only resulted in me hurting you, that’s not what I wanted,”
“What did you want then? It doesn’t make sense, George,”
He sighs heavily. “I wanted to forget you,”
Ouch. Talk about adding insult to injury. 
“You’re not doing a very good job stood here then are you?” You snarl, wondering what was the point of him driving twenty minutes to your house just to say more hurtful things. 
“No- look, Y/N. I wanted to forget you, things were changing and I panicked and thought the only way I could get some stability was to push you away and get a girlfriend, a distraction,” 
“What the fuck, George? If you had a problem with me you should have just straight up told me to fuck off, not toy with me and drag someone else into this!” You yell.
“For fucks sakes! You don’t get it, do you? I think I’m in love with you, and that scares the crap out of me! I’m in love with my best friend and that never normally works out well, does it?”
You stare at George as if he had magically grew a second head. Did he just say what you think he said? 
“You what?”
“Just forget about-”
He never got to finish his sentence, you leap from your position on the sofa and run to him, barely giving him time to catch you in the process, you place your lips to his own in a very unceremonious manner, the kiss was rough and abrupt but it was perfect for you both, it was your first kiss and the first step into new territory which is both scary and exhilarating. 
“I love you too, dummy,”
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