Monday Drabble: Ride With Me
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Summary: You surprise Dean with a gift that leads to a perfect afternoon.
Warnings: Fluff
Word Count: 687
AN: Gif and characters are not mine.
You smiled down at it.  It was perfect. You’d seen Dean eyeing it and could almost see the thoughts “I don’t need it” running through his mind. The man saves the universe and he won’t give in to what he really wants.
So yes, it was perfect and just what he needed.
“I’ll take it,” you said, pulling out a fake credit card and flashing the sales associate a smile.
“Sure you can handle it,” he asked.
“It’s not for me,” you said, annoyed. “But yes, I can definitely handle it.”
“I don’t know,” said Dean, staring tiredly into his laptop screen. “Could be ghouls, but it could be some dumb kids digging up bodies for kicks.”
“Yeah, because we’ve seen that happen when?” Sam responded with a raised eyebrow.
“I’m just saying, Man. We might be grasping at straws.” Suddenly Dean sat up. “Do you hear something?”
“No I don’t hear-,” Sam cut himself off. “Is that-?” 
Dean stood up slowly staring at the bunker door.
“No,” he breathed in disbelief, already jogging towards the door of the bunker.  He burst out of the front doors in time to see you kill the engine and pull off your motorcycle helmet.
“Do you like it,” you asked, sliding off the leather seats.
“Y/N, what is this,” he asked incredulously. 
“Some would call it a motorcycle,” you teased.
“I know that,” he said quickly, approaching as if it might bite. “Why is it here?”
“Because you, my dear,” you sauntered towards him, waving the title in his face, “are the proud new owner of this bike.”
“What,” he said, mouth agape.
“I wanted to get you something special and I’d seen you looking at this one.” You wrapped your arms around his neck, running your gloved fingers through his hair. 
“It’s for me,” he asked dumbfounded. “Is it my birthday or something?” he paused. “Shit, did I forget our annivarsary?”
You giggled.
“Nothing like that,” you promised. “I just wanted to get you what you wanted because you deserve it.”
“Want you,” he murmured, giving you a chaste kiss.  “Y/N, it’s perfect. You’re perfect.”
You withdrew, reaching into the saddle bag to pull out another helmet and gloves.
“Well, what do you say, stud,” you smiled up at him. “Wanna break her in?”
“‘M worried I’m just going to break her,” he said, tentatively accepting the helmet.
“You’ll be fine,” you promised. “You’ve ridden mine plenty of times.”  He looked tentative so you took the helmet from him, pulling it down over his head.
“You know, this is really the wrong kind of helmet for this kind of bike,” Dean said as you lifted the front visor.
“Yeah, but I like your pretty face and don’t want your dimples filling up with gravel.”  Dean flushed as being called pretty.  You took a step back, tossing him the keys.  “Come on, baby. Let's go for a ride.” 
Dean was quick to catch the keys and pull on his gloves.  He approached the bike as if it might bite him.
“You know,” he said, unable to pull his eyes off the chrome, “no one has ever done anything like this for me before.”
“Well Mr. I-Saved-The-World, we’re going to change that. You deserve everything.”
He flushed again, and busied himself mounting the bike. You pulled on your helmet and climbed on behind him. You couldn’t deny that you’d envisioned his broad shoulders hunched over the bike. You were more than content to wrap your arms around his narrow waist. 
“You ready to ride,” he asked, glancing over his shoulder. The bike roared into life.
“I’m ready for anything with you,” you replied, resting your chin on his shoulder.  Dean revved the engine and pulled out of the driveway.
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gif request meme | @randomblabbling asked: 
favorite female character | rowena macleod
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Lainey Molnar
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✨the family business✨
an update of this I drew back in 2017
Instagram | Twitter | Etsy | BigCartel
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All Hail
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Characters: BoyKing!Sam x Reader, Dean
Summary: Sam knows what he wants.
Warnings: Dubcon, Smut, NSFW, Unhealthy relationship dynamics, trigger warnings, blood consumption, throat fucking, unprotected sex, a strange nod to toe sucking, angst, crying, oral, mentions of anal, belly bulge, name calling
Word Count: 3600
AN: This is seriously fucked up. Don’t read if you’re underage or just plan on yelling at me. Sam is seriously twisted in this one. Gif is not mine, neither are the characters. Let me know if you’d like to be tagged in future stories.
“Run,” Dean shouted at you, casting a dark look in your direction as he changed clips. There was already a full magazine lodged in his brother’s chest with deadly precision. The younger man was still approaching.
“Dean,” you called, training your gun on the man you’d secretly loved for years. The younger Winchester’s sneering smile was enough to let you know it wasn’t Sam anymore. The black eyes were just a reminder that somewhere along the way he’d fallen back into his dark affair with demon blood.
“Run,” Dean snarled.
“There’s nowhere to run that I won’t find you, little one,” Sam sing-songed to you, those dark eyes boring into your soul, making your chest ache with fear and loss.
Keep reading
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Jensen being curious about his mic. x
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All Hail
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Characters: BoyKing!Sam x Reader, Dean
Summary: Sam knows what he wants.
Warnings: Dubcon, Smut, NSFW, Unhealthy relationship dynamics, trigger warnings, blood consumption, throat fucking, unprotected sex, a strange nod to toe sucking, angst, crying, oral, mentions of anal, belly bulge, name calling
Word Count: 3600
AN: This is seriously fucked up. Don’t read if you’re underage or just plan on yelling at me. Sam is seriously twisted in this one. Gif is not mine, neither are the characters. Let me know if you’d like to be tagged in future stories.
"Run," Dean shouted at you, casting a dark look in your direction as he changed clips. There was already a full magazine lodged in his brother's chest with deadly precision. The younger man was still approaching.
"Dean," you called, training your gun on the man you'd secretly loved for years. The younger Winchester's sneering smile was enough to let you know it wasn't Sam anymore. The black eyes were just a reminder that somewhere along the way he'd fallen back into his dark affair with demon blood.
"Run," Dean snarled.
"There's nowhere to run that I won't find you, little one," Sam sing-songed to you, those dark eyes boring into your soul, making your chest ache with fear and loss.
After two weeks of frantic searching, you and Dean had returned home to find Sam drenched in blood. At first you'd thought it was his but his bone chilling snicker had alerted you to the truth. The man you loved was gone. The brief flicker of hope at seeing him was quickly extinguished.
"Sam, we can help you," you pleaded.
"Y/N, just run," Dean shouted. Sam, it seemed, had returned for one reason alone: you.
You had no choice but to turn, streaking up the metal stairs of the bunker that sang with the melody of your frantic footfalls. Dean fired off another round, your ears rang with the vibration. You glanced a look down towards the brothers when you reached the door. Sam had stopped approaching and was tracking you, a cruel smile twisting his lips. His tongue licked at the blood still staining his fingers.
"Run, run, little rabbit," he said as Dean fired off another cluster. "The hunter will always find his prey."
A sense of terror blossomed in your chest. What would he do to you when he found you? This wasn't the gentle giant with whom you'd listened to true crime podcasts. Stay out of the forest and don't let Sam catch you. You wrenched the door open and fled into the gravel drive. 
Your car was parked outside. You fumbled for the keys you'd tossed on the dash. Sam had disappeared several weeks ago and you and Dean had been out of your minds looking for him. Only now he’d resurfaced with black eyes and a penchant for demon blood.
Your mind raced as you sped away, narrowly missing hitting Baby. Would your absence escalate the situation or would Dean fair better alone with his brother. Had you just signed your friend’s death warrant by leaving? Thoughts swirled in your mind. Was Sam after you specifically?
“Boo,” came a voice from the backseat. You couldn’t help but turn to look, facing Sam’s smirking grin from the backseat.
You shrieked, vering the car away from the road. You barely saw the tree before you struck it.
You heard Sam’s dark chuckle as your head collided with the steering wheel.
Your head ached as you woke. You wanted to call out to Sam or Dean, to ask them to bring you some aspirin and to never let you drink that much again.
Realization was sudden.
You jerked upright, finding yourself alone on a bed in what looked like a penthouse. Outside the city was burning. Faint screams wafted up on the embers. 
A door to your left opened and your body jerked at the noise. Sam strode in, seeing nothing but you in his dark eyes. He smiled and the black melted away. For a moment he almost looked human.  You slid away from him on the bed, fingers trembling as they glided across the silk sheets.
“Are you going to kill me?” Your voice trembled and you hated yourself for it. You’d faced death before. Now you feared for your soul, what you knew you would do to save the man before you.
“And have to wash the sheets,” he chuckled, approaching you. “I think not. Plus I’d like to have a little fun with you.”  He stalked closer and you took him in. The black button down, unbuttoned far enough that the tips of his tattoo were showing. 
“What are you going to do with me?”
“Nothing you won't enjoy,” he promised. He was at the foot of the bed now, close enough to smell blood on him and a scent that was uniquely Sam underneath the twisted creature he’d become. He bent, his hand stroking the sheets just below your feet. It was only then you realized how naked you were before him, stripped down to your sports bra and ill-matching underwear. You tried to cover yourself and his hand shot out to grasp your ankle, dragging you down the bed.
“Sam,” you whimpered. “You don’t want to hurt me. Please, I know you’re in there.”
“Let’s play a game, sweet, not-so-innocent, Y/N,” he crooned.  “You’re going to tell me the truth.”
“And what are you going to do,” you asked, staring him down, tears clinging to your eyelashes but refusing to fall.  
“‘I’m going to make all your dreams come true,” he said with a smile. His tongue darted out, tracing the edge of your toes. There was blood on his teeth as he smiled. “Or all your nightmares. It’s your choice, little rabbit.”
Your heart hammered in your chest.
“So what will it be,” he asked. “Will you swear to tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help you,” he chuckled, “me.”
You nodded frantically, your mind racing for ways to save him.
“Uh-ah,” Sam scolded. “Use your words, darlin’. Have to hear you say it or it’s not consensual.”  He sucked your toe into his mouth and you couldn’t help but blush as a wave of pleasure washed over you. You wanted to debate with him, to scream that it couldn’t be.
“I won’t lie,” you promised. Sam released your toe with a pop and smiled up at you.
“Good girl,” he said. “Now where should we begin.”
He pressed your legs apart, crawling up your body in a predatory way that shouldn't have set your skin ablaze. Sam licked his lips and bent to bury his face between your thighs, drawing a breath that made the muscles on his back ripple. You drew a shuddering sob, your body betraying you as you fell further under his spell.
“You smell so good, Y/N,” he murmured, lifting his head to lock eyes with you.  You were trembling, pressing against his shoulders as he climbed up your body. “You smell so sweet. I know how wet your pussy is for me. I know a thing or two. All those nights you touched yourself thinking about my fingers, my cock splitting you open.”
His face was inches above your own, his breath fanning hot across your cheeks. A tear escaped your lashes. Sam chuckled, bending closer.
“Don’t worry, Y/N,” he crooned, bending to lick the tear from your skin. You squeezed your eyes closed, turning away from him. His hand caught your cheek, forcing you to face him. “Open your eyes, little thing,” he urged. And you couldn’t help but oblige. 
“Sam,” you whimpered, staring up into his smiling gaze. A smile danced on his lips as he stared down at you.
“I would never do anything to hurt you,” he promised, stroking your hair out of your face.  You wanted to protest but the words died in your throat. You’d sworn not to lie to him and you couldn’t bring yourself to say how wet you were, spread open for him, his adoring gaze heavy on you. He’d never looked at you this way before and in the darkest recesses of your mind you were grateful for the attention, basking in it as if he was the only sun in your sky.
“Tell Daddy what you want, kitten,” he murmured. “Tell me how badly you want me, how badly you’ve always wanted me. Tell me so I can sink into your wet pussy.”
“I’m scared,” you finally gasped, staring up into his black tinged eyes. Here at least you couldn’t lie.
“I know you are,” he said, running his fingers through your tangled hair, his nails catching in the knots. It promised a harder touch, fingers clenching in your hair and tugging hard enough to make your body sing. “And I know how much that excites you. I know what videos you watched on my computer all those nights Dean and I were out drinking at the bar. You don’t really think ‘ingcognito’ means I can’t root it out.” 
You gasped, choking on your own tears. 
“Bondage? Anal? Forced orgasms? BDSM? All those naughty thoughts in your mind. Tell me, Y/N, was it me tying you up? Was it me forcing you to come over and over and over again until you begged me to stop?”
You couldn’t help but nod.
“That’s not enough, princess,” Sam scolded.
“Yes,” you breathed. His hand slipped down your cheek to dance across your neck, his gun calloused hands tracing errant patterns across your racing pulse. 
“Do you want me to squeeze,” he asked, his lips grazing your ear.  “I can do everything you’ve ever dreamed of and more,” he promised. “Every deep, secret fantasy, every video.”  He chucked and your heart sank in panic. “Except the one with the gang bangs. No one else will ever touch you again. You’re mine, Y/N. You belong to me. Your body, your mind. Your soul.”
“What did you do to Dean,” you asked brokenly. Sam withdrew, black flooding back into his eyes as he looked down at your body, still pinned beneath him.
“Why does it matter,” he said coldly.
“Because he’s like family to me. He’s practically my brother,” you said, trying to read his empty eyes. “Did - did you kill him,” you sobbed.
“Don’t cry,” Sam crooned, smiling down at you with those same empty eyes. You couldn’t stifle a sob at the thought of Dean dying.  “I said: don’t cry!” Sam shouted all pretenses of control shattering abruptly. You squeezed your eyes closed. 
He drew away from you, leaving your body cold where he’d pressed against it. When you opened your eyes he was towering over you, his chest heaving.
“I didn’t kill him,” he spat. 
“Thank you,” you breathed. You climbed off the bed and onto your hands and knees,wrapping your arms around his legs. “Thank you, Sam. Please, please don’t hurt him. I’ll do whatever you want, just please don’t hurt him.”
A hand darted out catching your hair, turning your head up to face him.
“You’ll do whatever I want because you want me to do it to you.”
His shoulders were shaking as the black faded back into his pupils. He released you as if you burned him.
“I do,” you said softly. Looking up at him as he stared at his hands. He seemed human. But it was only a momentary lapse. Even as you trembled on the ground before him, you wanted him. You had to know Dean was okay, but you couldn’t deny how badly you wanted this version of Sam, the one that wasn’t terrified to take what he wanted. He made you crave him in ways that made your earlier feelings seem like a crush. Sam, this Sam, could take you to new highs you could only dream of. And it frightened you.
“Don’t be afraid,” Sam said, looking down at you, looking almost holy with the last embers of the sun’s light dying behind him. “I would never hurt you. I would never take anything you weren’t willing to give.”
“If you don’t want Dean and I dead, what do you want,” you asked as he relinquished your hair. He drew away from you, strolling over to the window to look out across the sunset soaked chaos outside.
“I want to watch the world burn,” he turned back to look at you. “With my queen by my side.”
You climbed shivering to your feet.  Your approach was unfaltering even as you trembled before him.
“Why me,” you asked. “You could take anyone you wanted to.”
“It’s always been you,” he murmured against your lips before claiming them in a passionate kiss. You could almost convince yourself that you could taste the demon blood on his tongue. It didn’t stop you from kissing him harder.
“My queen,” he murmured against your lips, gripping you tight enough to leave indents in the soft flesh of your hips. You were all too aware there would be bruises left in the morning.  "What do you want, Y/N?"
You were speechless. A part of you wanted your Sam back even if it was only platonic. Another part of you, a darker part wanted this Sam, wanted the promise of how he could make your body sing. How he would never grow old or die. How finally, finally you would be safe nestled close to the biggest predator you'd ever encountered.
"You, Sam," you whispered, unable to meet his eyes. Your body ached for his touch, so why did you feel like a virgin on her wedding night?
Gently he lifted your chin with his knuckle. You met his smoldering eyes.
"Do you want me to tell you what to do?" He asked, his resonant voice softer with you now. You nodded, feeling your tears drying on your cheeks, pulling the skin taught. "On your knees, kitten."
"What," you couldn't catch yourself from asking. His fingers twisted in your hair as he sneered down at you and you knew you were going to hell for the arousal that coursed through you.
"I said," he said, twisting your neck backwards to arch before him. "On your knees before your king."
He dropped you and you almost fell before sinking to the ground before him. With trembling fingers you reached for his belt buckle, taking several tries to free him from it's confines.
"I want you to crave me, Y/N," he said staring down at you as you pulled his zipper down. His cock was straining through the denim. His compression underwear did nothing to hide his length and girth. You swallowed thickly. “I want you to need me with every fiber of your being.”
You shuddered as you rolled his jeans down his hips.  Apparently you were moving too slowly for Sam and with the snap of his fingers he was bare before you, his cock bouncing from its restraint and hitting the tip of your nose. You stared at him, growing wetter at the thought of his monstrous cock squeezing inside you. Would he fit?
“Suck my cock or do I need to throat fuck you?”
You shouldn’t have groaned at the thought of it, wondering how you would even take more than half of him into your mouth.
“Times up,” he said with a disappointed sigh. In one motion he was grasping your jaw, forcing it open. In the next moment he was sliding forwards into the warm wetness of your mouth. You groaned at the taste and smell of him, grinding your thighs together to ease the ache that blossomed in your core.
“Fuck yes,” he groaned, eyes slipping closed as his velvety head struck the back of your throat. But he didn’t stop. A hand twisted in your hair, the pain distracting you from your triggering gag reflex. Somehow he squeezed his way into your throat, pushing past the limits you expected from your body. He came to rest with your nose pressed against his thatch of coarse pubic hair. He held you there until you struggled to breathe. 
When he finally released you, you collapsed back onto your legs, strings of saliva still connecting you to Sam’s glistening cock. You whiped away snot onto the back of your hand as you drew rappid, gasping breaths.
Sam opened his eyes, his predatory gaze lowering to you.
“Did I tell you that you could stop,” he asked?
In a moment his hand was back in your hair, dragging you towards the bed. You stumbled to your feet and tumbled onto the bed. In a moment he was on you, spreading your thighs wide with his powerful arms. You shreiked at the motion, your over heated sex exposed to the cool air of the room.
“I love it when you scream for me, baby,” he said, grinning up at you. “No one’s coming. Lets see how loud I can make you scream.”
In one motion his thick tongue was thrusting in your pussy, making obscene sounds as he fucked into you. Your fingers found his long, thick hair, gripping it as your thighs tried to close around his head. He held you fast, his fingers leaving a bruising graph on your legs. You whimpered, squeezing your eyes closed.
“Uh-uh,” he tutted, pulling back from you.  He blew across your overheated clit and your body jerked. “You’re not going anywhere.”
You couldn’t help but groan. There was nowhere else you wanted to be.
“How does it feel baby,” he asked, lapping at your clit between words. You whimpered in response.
He withdrew from you, glaring up at you.
“Answer me or I’ll use your pussy as a cockwarmer and won’t let you cum.” I was a valid threat but you felt yourself growing wetter at the thought of him using your body.
“Please,” you screamed, so close to the edge.  He knelt to circle your clit with his tongue, not giving you the satisfaction you craved.
“Please what,” he asked, his voice husky with want.
“Please fuck me,” you begged.
He chuckled, releasing one of your legs to thrust his fingers into your channel and sucked your clit into his mouth.  In a moment you were coming, screaming as waves of pleasure washed over your body.  Before your aftershocks abated Sam was drawing away from you.
“You really shouldn’t have done that now, Y/N,” Sam said darkly, absently stroking his cock. A ripple of fear ran through you.  “Did I tell you that you could cum?”
You shook your head, immediately realizing your mistake.  “No, Sam.  I’m sorry,” you stuttered.  Sam let go of your leg, but you knew better than to close your thighs, no matter how exposed you felt before him.
“You’ve disobeyed me, Y/N,” he said slowly, his eyes flooding with black. You could feel the heat radiating off his body in waves.  “What am I going to do with you?’
You weren’t left to wonder too long. In one fluid moment he was flipping you over on the bed, drawing you closer to him so you were straddling his lap.
“Just remember,” he said darkly, “You brought this on yourself.”
His hand struck out across the sensitive skin of your ass.  You couldn’t help but scream. The scream immediately melted into moans of pleasure as Sam bent to lave his tongue across your asshole.  You clenched at the intrusion, whimpering as another blow fell across the other cheek.
“Please, Sam,” you whimpered into the bedsheets, the neatly folded corners coming untucked from your grasp. Another blow fell and you keened into the sheets.
“Please what,” he asked, circling your tight ring of muscles with his index finger, the calloses catching on your tender skin, making you crave more.
“Please fuck me,” you begged. You needed it. You needed to feel him splitting you open.
“Can you even take it,” he asked with a chuckle.  “I might break you.”
“I don’t care,” you whimpered.  “Please.” In the moment you would have done anything to relieve the ache and the emptiness you felt.
“Be careful what you wish for,” Sam said, shifting behind you on the bed.
In one fluid thrust he was in you to the root, the tip of his cock kissing your cervix.  You shrieked, back arching to accommodate his size.  Sam held deep inside you, his body stiff. His hand reached beneath your stomach and he chuckled.
“Do you feel that,” he asked.  “I barely even fit. You’re all stretched out and used.”  Sam chuckled, grinding deeper into your body.  You wailed, already on the cusp of coming.
“Please, Sam,” you begged, not even sure what you were begging for at the moment.
“You’re cunt is going to gape from my cock, baby,” he continued, pulling out to thrust back into your sucking channel. “You’ll never be able to take a lesser man. You’ll never be able to take a cock other than mine,” he promised.
“Yes, Sam,” you promised, meeting his urgent thrusts. His thumb tracked your ass hole.
“I wonder how you’ll take me here?”
You hiccuped a sob, needed to cum so badly but holding off to spare Sam's wrath.
“Do you need something, baby?”
“N-need to c-cum,” you stuttered, eyes rolling back in your head. You weren’t sure how much more of his torturous pleasure you could take.
“You want my cum,” he asked.  “You want my evil, demon cum filling up your used pussy?’
“Yes,” you begged.  
“Then take it,” Sam snarl and you could feel him cumming deep within you. “Cum, you dirty slut.”
You finished with a wail, your walls tightening against his oversized cock, milking him for all he had to give you.
You collapsed onto the bed, spent and aching.  Sam chuckled, stroking your back and hair. He curled up behind you, turning your back to face him and placed a possessive arm across your chest.  Outside you could still hear screams and the sounds of death ushered in by Sam’s new reign.
“Sleep, little one,” Sam crooned in your ear. “You’ll need your strength for what I have planned for you next.”
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This gives me life.
Dean in one of those elastic 90’s crosshatch chokers...
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Classic Jared & Jensen
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Anyone ready for some dark, smutty boyking!sam x reader tomorrow?
It's dark and smutty and definitely NSFW. See the excerpt below!
He pressed your legs apart, crawling up your body in a predatory way that shouldn't have set your skin alaze. Sam licked his lips and bent to bury his face between your thighs, drawing a breath that made the muscles on his back ripple. You drew a shuddering sob, your body betraying you as you fell further under his spell.
“You smell so good, Y/N,” he murmured, lifting his head to lock eyes with you.  You were trembling, pressing against his shoulders as he climbed up your body. “You smell so sweet. I know how wet your pussy is for me. I know a thing or two. All those nights you touched yourself thinking about my fingers, my cock splitting you open.”
His face was inches above your own, his breath fanning hot across your cheeks. A tear escaped your lashes. Sam chuckled, bending closer.
“Don’t worry, Y/N,” he crooned, bending to lick the tear from your skin. You squeezed your eyes closed, turning away from him. His hand caught your cheek, forcing you to face him. “Open your eyes, little thing,” he urged. And you couldn’t help but oblige. 
“Sam,” you whimpered, staring up into his smiling gaze. A smile danced on his lips as he stared down at you.
“I would never do anything to hurt you,” he promised, stroking your hair out of your face.  You wanted to protest but the words died in your throat. You’d sworn not to lie to him and you couldn’t bring yourself to say how wet you were, spread open for him, his adoring gaze heavy on you. He’d never looked at you this way before and in the darkest recesses of your mind you were grateful for the attention, basking in it as if he was the only sun in your sky.
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Jensen Ackles | Radio Company [x]
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