wheremyloveis · 2 days
like he’s actually going through it this is sick work☹️
i love percy so bad omg im actually so scared to read his reaction rn😖
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wheremyloveis · 2 days
i love percy so bad omg im actually so scared to read his reaction rn😖
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wheremyloveis · 18 days
me and the five other people that didn’t see the northern lights are throwing a party and you’re not invited btw
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wheremyloveis · 23 days
everyone talks about "oh what if Percy could bloodbend" but I think there is woeful little discussion about other potentially fucked up big 3 kid powers:
I mean it's already canonical Hades/Pluto kids can just. straight up kill you. Like literally Nico can just tap people on the shoulder and they get Thanos Snapped. Totally fucking dusted. Sometimes bones are left and he just starts controlling that but that seems to be optional. He does it like three times in Tower of Nero.
Not to mention Nico also being able to just rip people's souls out of their still living bodies. Is that a Ghost King thing or a Hades kid thing or a combo from both? Who knows.
All the different ways Big 3 kids can make somebody just. Explode. Zeus* kids can just build up air pressure, Poseidon kids can build up water/blood pressure, and Hades kids can just make your bones splinter and shoot out.
I don't think Zeus kids would be able to mind-control people by controlling electrical impulses BUT they could just send several thousand volts directly through you via touch so like. That's not great.
Bloodbending for Poseidon kids is obvious but Hades kids have SO many options to potentially control people. Puppet their bones? Control their actual literal soul? If you go the route of "shadows are connected to the person" then dragging somebody around by their shadow? Or given that Hades kids are heavily implied to just have nearly all abilities ghosts are said to, there's a decent chance they could Just Straight Up Possess You.
Poseidon kids can control blood (and actually exemplified in canon - seemingly just about any bodily fluid, as Percy makes Achlys start choking on her own tears/snot). They could also theoretically completely dehydrate you in an instant.
Zeus* kids meanwhile can. Make air bubbles in your blood or etc. Which is VERY bad for those of you who are unaware. Hades kids can probably just yoink all the metals out of your blood. Casually revokes your iron privileges. Poseidon kids are just yoinking your blood In General. Etc etc.
And then yknow, the casual natural disasters stuff. Zeus kids making tornados and hurricanes? Plus the aforementioned just throwing massive amounts of electricity around. Probably also able to make dust storms and stuff. Poseidon kids making hurricanes and floods and earthquakes? Or being able to create geysers just wherever they want? Hades kids also being able to make earthquakes or just shatter the ground or create giant ravines and etc. And, yknow, ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE. And aforementioned insta-killing I guess. Bonus Hera kids probably being able to also do tornados and dust storms and etc, possibly moreso than Zeus kids.
*Zeus with an asterisk because wind/air powers actually seem to be more of an Hera/Juno thing and so exclusive to Jason and not Thalia, while Zeus/Jupiter seems to be just the storms/electricity.
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wheremyloveis · 1 month
does nobody else think that minnie is the one who’s been behind all of this or am i crazy
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wheremyloveis · 1 month
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wheremyloveis · 1 month
spoilers for Doo and sosf beware !
was the pain percy felt in his chest from silena orr am i crazy😭
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wheremyloveis · 1 month
guys im so sorry.. i think me and a few other ppl said this but still😭(Doo spoilers)
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wheremyloveis · 1 month
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wheremyloveis · 1 month
Hi everyone, I'm back with another Gaza G*fundme post. Both of these people reached out to me over Instagram to help them evacuate and rebuild their lives. Please donate or share if you can, it would mean the world to them and to me personally to help them in whatever way you can - even if it's just a little. People in Gaza need our help more than ever.
If all of my followers donated just one dollar each, we could raise thousands together.
(Obligatory disclaimer: I am not Palestinian.)
Dr. Alaa Saleem is a surgeon in Gaza. She is such a kind soul and is trying her best to evacuate. Dr. Saleem's life, career and livelihood have been completely destroyed. For all the people she's helped and lives she's saved as a medical professional, the world has rewarded her with unfathomable horror. Please help her here.
Heba Hani is currently trying to rebuild her life. Despite the ongoing genocide, she's found some meager joy in making pastries with the little aid Israel allows into Gaza. The zionist entity destroyed the only home she's ever known. Please donate to help Heba below.
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wheremyloveis · 2 months
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Son of Sea Foam Series
Chapter 14
Bianca twitched. "Well," she said, tucking her hair behind her ears again. "I solved two problems, really. Eros is weakened to combine his forms, so it was easy enough to steal his bow and arrow-" Hazel's heart shot down to her stomach. "And, I know. I know that's wrong. But I was thinking about it, and it's actually perfect because if we want free will, then Eros is a stupid idea anyway, right?" she asked. "So, maybe Percy and Jason should be the last pairing Eros makes!"
"Wha- what?" Hazel managed, fighting to keep calm.
"What does that mean?"
"That Eros shouldn't exist in this new world. And if Percy gets Zeus' divinity, we'd need another to bring Nico back."
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Hazel couldn't breathe.
"What did you do?" Hazel asked, going cold. "Bianca, where is Eros?"
"I hit a snag," Bianca said, not noticing the horror on Hazel's face. "I stole his bow and fixed Percy, but I didn't get around to taking care of Eros because Aphrodite came. I forgot he's also her kid," Bianca muttered, nose wrinkling. Hazel put a hand over her mouth. "We had an altercation, but it's fine."
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wheremyloveis · 2 months
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Palestinian activists get their message across on Londons iconic Tower Bridge landmark- one of the cities most historic buildings. We need a ceasefire now.
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wheremyloveis · 2 months
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wheremyloveis · 2 months
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wheremyloveis · 2 months
time to break my silence…
this is how i imagined percy for a long time😣
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wheremyloveis · 2 months
Hair LookBook 9
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links to some long hairstyles ❥ all maxis match
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& ofc a biiig thank you to the amazing cc creators | @daylifesims | @simstrouble | @enriques4cc-blog | @dogsill | @simcelebrity00 | @oydis | ~ DelSolSasha
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wheremyloveis · 2 months
WHY DID BIANCA HAVE TO DO THAT 😣 she meddled with things she shouldn’t have :/
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