whatiswhump · 18 days
Whumper kidnaps Whumpee, not realizing they were on psychiatric meds, thus inadvertently cutting them off.
They're horrified watching Whumpee go into withdrawals- anger, mood swings, vomiting, unable to sleep, agitation, losing touch with reality rapidly.
Whumper wanted to have some fun... not... this. They’ve barely even touched them yet!
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whatiswhump · 21 days
I’m always glad to see you back on Tumblr! I hope you recovery journey is smooth and I wish you the best! 💕
Thank you, that is so kind of you!
Here’s a pic of my shadow from our walk today as a thank you from her too :)
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whatiswhump · 21 days
Hey friend! How are you? How have you been feeling?
Hi!! I’ve been doing better!! I spent the winter going up and down on levels of chemo depending on how much I could handle- turns out I’m not very tough. But have been tolerating it well recently and we are trying to get up to my full dose this week! Which is exciting!
Also a crazy thing of suppressing my immune system means for the first time in my life I don’t have spring allergies! And suddenly the flowers smell so good! Which they never have before! So that’s wonderful.
My doctor said if my treatment continues as planned and pain levels continue to decrease, I may be well enough by the fall to go out and get a job again which would also be wonderful!
So thank you for asking, all in all definitely on the upswing. I’ve been writing too… but terribly slowly… but perhaps more will come soon, that would be fun :)
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whatiswhump · 21 days
I tried to find tumblr in my phone apps this evenings by typing in “whump” before thinking.
This obsession has certainly fully eclipsed whatever 12 year old me did with this website a decade and a half ago. Whump is all that’s left now
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whatiswhump · 2 months
Whumper kidnaps Whumpee, not realizing they were on psychiatric meds, thus inadvertently cutting them off.
They're horrified watching Whumpee go into withdrawals- anger, mood swings, vomiting, unable to sleep, agitation, losing touch with reality rapidly.
Whumper wanted to have some fun... not... this. They’ve barely even touched them yet!
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whatiswhump · 2 months
I just love insanity whump so much because there are two EXCEPTIONAL options to start with:
There are whumpers who can take advantage of the situation, maybe even mAke someone ill or brainwashed, but there's also underlying mental illness, and its just so tragic and messed up...
And in this.. the whumpee's worst enemy can just be themselves.
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whatiswhump · 2 months
recovering A is sitting outside with caretaker B. it’s a pleasant day, with mild weather and sunshine, and B figures that even though A’s still fairly weak, the fresh air will do them good. and for a while, it does seem to lift their spirits and bring a bit of color back in their pale cheeks.
A enjoys being outdoors at first, but despite their sweater and the heat of the afternoon sun, they’re barely warm at all.
suddenly, the sun darts behind a cloud, and A shudders.
“feeling alright?” B asks, brow furrowing.
“I’m okay.” A wraps their arms around themselves, trying to ignore the goosebumps that prickle down their spine, and wishes they’d brought out a blanket to tuck around them. I thought the sweater was enough, it’s not even that cold.
the sun returns a few minutes later, but it’s too late—A feels their frail body start to tremble, overcompensating for the slight change in temperature.
“A, you’re shivering.”
“Just got a chill, that’s all.” A hates the way their voice wavers, the way they can barely force the words out through their chattering teeth, the way their bones are suddenly, impossibly freezing, like someone dumped a bucket of ice water over their head.
B jumps up from their chair and instantly comes to A’s side, cursing softly. “I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t have brought you out—“
“It’s fine, B. I wanted to come outside for a change.” Still, B helps them up and guides them inside to their chair, then covers their shivering frame with one blanket, then two, and begins to build up the fire in the small cabin.
“I’ll make you some tea, too, try and warm you up from the inside…” B’s voice trails off as they rustle around in the kitchen.
But A knows it’s no use from experience: they won’t truly stop feeling chilled until their hot bath tonight. And I can’t take my bath too early or else I’ll inevitably get cold some other stupid way, and I’m not making B run me two baths.
Recovering has been slow and frustrating, this part most of all. Why can’t their body maintain their temperature like it used to? Why are they so damn cold all the time?
They don’t realize they’re crying until they feel wipe away the twin tears on their cheeks, and they see B crouching to eye level. The concern on B’s face only makes A cry harder—they don’t want to be this weak, they didn’t used to be this way, they just want things to be better…
And they must say all that out loud, because now B’s arms are around them. “I know. I know it’s hard. We’ll get through this, A.”
There will be more blankets, and hot tea, and against A’s efforts, two baths. But in that moment, A’s never been more grateful for the warmth of B’s arms.
I will get through this.
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whatiswhump · 2 months
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Glorious scene from the German series “You are Wanted”, SE01E06..
The way he focuses against all the drugs to squeeze her hand :(
Thanks @whumpappreciation for reminding me about this! Argh I can’t recall the name of the fellow whumper who recommended this initially! Thank you whoever you are!
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whatiswhump · 3 months
i love the phrase "cruel and unusual." not only is what you're doing mean but it's also quite frankly fucking bizarre
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whatiswhump · 3 months
THE FIFTH ONE !!!!!!!!!
When he just kind *grabs him* before he's even fully passed out like
"alright now, im not even gonna wait for some kind of ridiculous excuse- to the infirmary you go"
Like this man has clearly caught Daniel Jackson fainting one too many times and I LOVE IT
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Because Tumblr doesn’t have enough Daniel Jackson passing out and waking up in the infirmary…
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whatiswhump · 3 months
"If you think about it, court-mandated counseling is really just winning a scholarship for free therapy."
-Whumper, probably
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whatiswhump · 3 months
The best characters have:
-Some touch of insanity (make it alarming and devastating please)
-the ability to scowl very well
-a pet that loyally follows them around
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whatiswhump · 3 months
Insanity... When they finally realize they can't even trust themself...
The ultimate betrayal- their own mind.
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whatiswhump · 3 months
Holy mother of god this wrecked me im beyond consumed. This will be in my thoughts every day for the rest of my life, i demand that henceforth.
Hello, hope you're having a good day.
Could you write a snippet about a civilian taking in an injured stranger. The stranger is maybe a past lackey or assistant for Villan hiding from him. Villan appears at the civilians door asking kindly for them back🙂 Civilan is torn between keeping them away from villan or handing lackey over for their own saftey.
The second the door opened, it clicked exactly why the stranger had seemed so naggingly familiar. The civilian swallowed. They looked the villain up and down, slowly, like maybe that might make him disappear again.
It didn't.
The villain stayed standing on their doorstep, a perfectly pleasant smile on his face.
The civilian's fingers twitched on the door frame.
"Don't," the villain said. "Insurance won't cover me breaking your door down. May I come in?"
"I'd feel a lot better if you didn't." It came out raspy.
The villain gave an understanding nod. "Perhaps you'll send them out instead then?"
"Them?" the civilian squeaked. "I - I don't -"
The villain tilted his head, giving the civilian a gently chiding sort of look.
The civilian's mouth clicked shut. Their fingers flexed on the door again, mind racing through their options.
The villain stuck his hands in his pockets, seeming perfectly inclined to wait.
"...are you going to force your way in here if I don't?"
There was a beat of silence, and the civilian shifted squirming on their feet. "They're hurt. They seem -" The civilian cleared their throat. "You're not going to hurt them, are you?"
The villain's pleasant smile broadened a fraction; an offering of white teeth. "Of course not."
He was lying. The stranger's reactions, their sweating nightmares and soft cries of restless terror made that all too clear already. It had been a stupid question to ask. Maybe they'd simply hoped the lie would be more convincing; their guilt assuaged.
"Right," the civilian said again, faintly.
They scanned the night sky for any convenient heroes. Anything, really. The evening was quiet. The sound of late night TV drifted soothingly through their neighbour's wall.
They couldn't afford to pay for a new door.
It wasn't like they could stop the villain, was it? Any defence they put up would just be bravado, idiocy. Telling the villain 'no' might feel good for all of three seconds, right before it changed absolutely nothing except how much the civilian got hurt in the process.
The civilian bit their lip, studying the villain.
"Would you prefer I bribed you?" the villain asked, kindly. They fished their wallet out. It was sleek brown leather. Fancy like. The villain extracted a few hundred in crisp notes; enough to make the civilian give a strangled little wheeze.
"No, thank you," the civilian said. They wrenched their gaze from the cash. "Um."
"I'm not interested in you," the villain said. "Beyond being grateful that you offered them assistance when they needed it. We can keep it that way."
"You're not going to kill me?"
"I considered it," the villain said, in the same kind voice. "Nothing personal for you. Just a punishment for them, you understand, for thinking that there's anywhere they can go."
The civilian flinched.
The villain gave a theatrical wince. "Too malevolent?"
"A bit."
"I'm on a time schedule," the villain said. "So if you'd just...step out of the way or go get them. I'd hate to squash you."
"I'd hate to be squashed."
"Ah, The Princess Bride." The villain swept forward, ruffling the civilian's hair. "I love that movie."
The civilian didn't mean to step in the way. It just sort of happened.
They imagined the villain's former right hand, inside, huddled looking terribly small under a fluffy blanket on the sofa.
The villain raised an eyebrow. He turned what felt like his full attention on the civilian for the first time.
The civilian nearly passed out on the spot. They squared their shoulders. "I think they know where to find you. If they, you know, want to."
The civilian squeezed their eyes shut for a moment. They drew a steadying breath.
"Perhaps," the villain said, "you'd like to go and ask your guest what happens to people who cross me. Perhaps you'd like a story about one of the many, many times they hurt someone like you because I asked them to. How healed are they now, do you reckon?" The villain placed two fingers beneath the civilian's chin, tipping their head up. "Enough to break every bone in your body if I ask really nicely? It might get them back in my good books."
"You said you wouldn't hurt them."
"And I won't. Do you think they'd try and protect you so sweetly, if the tables were turned? You know who they are. What they are."
The civilian opened their eyes. They looked at the villain.
The villain dropped his hand, and put his wallet back in his pocket. He did not step back.
"You have three seconds, love, or I'm coming in."
The civilian went and fetched the villain's former right hand - still feverish and halfway to broken - helping them to the door with an arm around their waist.
The former right hand didn't seem surprised to see the villain, though their grip tightened on the civilian for a heartbeat. Like the civilian, they scanned the empty, black skies for salvation.
There was only the villain, who assessed his former right hand for a moment, noting the limp.
"Tell me, if you want to live," the villain said, idly, to the civilian. "What they are."
Guilt, rancid and world-ending, rose up the civilian's throat.
"They're yours."
"Damn right they are."
The villain offered the former right-hand a steadying arm, a crutch, with that same pleasant smile on his face.
The ex right hand shot them a look, muttered a half-delirious "sorry" and "thanks" to the civilian, and painstakingly shoved past and began to walk down to the car.
The villain winked at the civilian, and followed.
The civilian never saw either of them again.
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whatiswhump · 3 months
Hell yea. anything beyond simple food they just cant digest. They also don't think to eat when they're hungry because theyre not used to it being an option (whether not given or it made them sick before) so they dont eat unless someone prompts them.
then of course always out of breath at the tops of the stairs. Joints crack at every movement. Muscles eternally stiff. Nails pitted. Headaches from clenching their jaw absentmindedly (stress or pain).
Incision scars that they keep applying scar creams to... the doctors said they would fade. They promised they would fade...
Love it when characters have been through some torment or captivity or illness or Big Bad Event and come away from it just...gaunt. Thin and hollowed out, circles under their eyes that refuse to fade no matter how much they rest. So pale and skinny they look like a breeze could blow them over. Thin hair, shaky limbs. Eyes squinting outside, unused to bright light. You know, all that.
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whatiswhump · 3 months
Reasons why your lab rat whumpee might be being experimented on:
CW: lab whump, medical whump, unethical science, military mention, drug mention
Whumpee is a different species and the scientists are trying to figure out how their body works. (cough cough alien abduction cough cough)
An ethically questionable military organization is trying to create a living weapon.
Or, military organization testing the effectiveness of various types of weapons.
A scientist who has been thrown out of their academic circle for their outlandish theories and horrifying techniques is trying to prove themself. If they just run the right experiments on whumpee, everybody will have to believe them and they’ll be hailed as a hero. 
A big biomedical company needs to test some new drugs/procedures.
Whumpee is the only person who survived some sort of extreme event (radiation, virus, etc.) and now scientists want to know why.
Whumpee was given a choice: either go to prison for the rest of their life or be a lab rat for a year.
A sorcerer uses whumpee to test new spells and potions. 
Whumpee has super powers and scientists want to figure out how they work.
Whumpee was spying on organization conducting unethical experiments, but was caught and is now a lab rat themself.
And of course, there’s always old-fashioned sadism masquerading as science.
Happy whumping! If any of these ideas sparked your imagination, we’re accepting submissions for a lab-whumped themed anthology called The Whumpboratory. Head here for more information about how to submit!
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whatiswhump · 3 months
“I could fix him”; “I could make him worse!” Why??????? Why all this DIY???? I just wanna stand over his shoulder and see what he can possibly fuck up next
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