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Video by Butch Walker: “Butch Walker - Father’s Day [AUDIO]”
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Video by Butch Walker: “Butch Walker - 21+ [AUDIO]”
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Video by Butch Walker: “Butch Walker - Bed On Fire [OFFICIAL VIDEO]”
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Video by Butch Walker: “Butch Walker - Afraid of Ghosts [AUDIO]”
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Sleeper Agent - Waves
One of the new bands I'm digging right now. Not much to say as I am still letting the album percolate, but this song's rhythm makes me want to move. That counts for something right?
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This song really hits home right now - the concept of being discovered is an amazing thing to write about. Whether its in your career, or in your love life, or even just in personal endeavours. The up-beat tone and melody of this song illustrates that perfect moment when you know exactly what it is you are or what you want; mixed in with hopefully optimistic lyrics the whole tune resonates a happy outlook on a struggle.
"I just want you to find me. I’m not lost, just undiscovered."
Isn’t this how everyone feels at some point or another in their life? When we are 20 something and trying to figure out who we are; we aren’t lost just trying to discover ourselves. When we are single, hoping that someone special discovers us. When we are trying to pursue a hard career and literally just need to be discovered!
Like I said at the beginning, the words and concept and even the positive feeling of this song really hit home in my life right now - and I find I’m hitting repeat in my itunes to hear it again.
James Morrison - Undiscovered
[JC- Blondie-JBird]
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Fare Thee Well (Dink's Song) - Marcus Mumford & Oscar Isaac
I'm still really into this album. I think it might be my album for the summer. Can't say I share the same love for the movie, but this soundtrack I do love. Here's another gem. It's the second track and pairs the lead actor with the talented Marcus Mumford. I think there is some trading of melody/harmony going on, but I'm not sure. Listen and let me know!
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Hang Me, Oh Hang Me - Oscar Isaac
Well, things have been slow on WAWLT because we have been super busy! June was crazy and July has shaped up to be as well, but don't you worry...we are coming back bigger and better. Now we need to go plan something bigger and better. Anyway, here's a tune to hold you over. It comes from the Inside Llewyn Davis movie soundtrack (would have been great for our soundtrack week back in May!). The actor Oscar Isaac actually sings this tune. I'm always impressed when actors can sing well. Enjoy the sweet sounds of Mr. Isaac's voice in this gentle folk tune. 
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I had trouble sleeping last night and was searching for the perfect song to mellow me out and put me down - I came across this song in my Paramore list.
There is something so ethereal about this song.  It's peaceful and moving and the words are beautiful.  Needless to say, I did get to sleep :)
Thanks Paramore!
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It has been a busy past few weeks! (and more to come yay!) so sorry about the here and there posting.
Today to keep my momentum rolling on my art projects, I'm busting out an old album of hair metal proportions! I can still remember the first time I heard these boys playing at the Molson Amphitheatre as an opening act to a hair metal concert with Cinderella and ....Poison? back me up here [MC]!  Needless to say, the band that I didn't forget from the show was Silvertide.  This tune Ain't Comin' Home, comes off their album Show & Tell and it rocks my socks off.
Just try not to play your air guitar while listening to this tune!
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You're Gonna Miss Me - Joe Sealy (feat. Barbra Lica and Richard Ring) I don't listen to the radio very often, but when I do, I listen to CBC Radio 2. I was listening to the program Tonic on Wednesday, with Tim Tamashiro and was really digging his playlist. This song came on and I completely fell for it. It feels like it fits in with this rainy Sunday evening. Enjoy! And sorry for the delay in posts...I've been super busy! [MC]
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On this gentle Sunday morning, I wake to the smooth, Chris Martin style voice of Andrew Belle.  This Illinois born American singer-songwriter got his career push from a Microsoft commercial - featuring his tune Sky's Still Blue.  The song I have posted - The Enemy - is one off his last album to date entitled, Black Bear.  Great album.  Much more complex than most singer-songwriter music, with Coldplay like layers, although the artist's musical influences were Washed Out, M83 and Beach House.
The lyrics of this song are pretty deep, with a chorus that I can relate to.
"Don't try to follow me, I would hold you down, if I could make you the enemy, I would let you down"
I love this concept in music - as if to warn someone that they should stay away from you; that you know what you would do to them, and it isn't good.  I like the notion of admitting the monster in one's self.
If you dig this song, check out Sister as well; the Blackwatch remix is an awesome version too.
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I love when people like our posts - especially if they are artists!
Thanks to a like by Ty Turner of this band - The Icarus Account, I got a chance to peek at their music and instantly fell in love with this tune! Great lyrics and rhythm - that I can actually relate to (except about boys haha)
Can't help but sing along! ...and wonder what else these boys have out!
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Every so often I turn to Dallas Green with his solo music of City and Colour.  Off of his last album The Hurry and the Harm, I found 2 acoustic songs that are so calming and pensive - one of which is this tune: Of Space and Time.
I love the way Dallas writes his music - all guitar based and sung like a story with little notice of pauses, of a chorus, or verses.  It's almost as if your listening to him talk with a guitar in his hand.  (I think it also helps that this tune is totally in my comfort zone as far as vocal range)
It's an acoustic kind of thursday...
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Okay - A little behind this past week (it's been so busy!), but we are officially closing soundtrack week!  We had some super songs and some great films listed.  Its awesome to think that when you love music you can find it from any venue - especially since picture and sound are made for each other in film.  We apologize for the disarray of not posting ever day and promise that our next theme week will be a little more on the ball! :)  For anyone out there following us, we hope there were some new tunes you've found with us and some old favourites you can reminiscence along with us too.
Until next Theme-Week!
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Movie: Searching for Sugarman Song: Rodriguez - This is Not a Song, It's an Outburst; or the Establishment Blues
The documentary Searching for Sugarman reveals to us a talented folk singer from the 70's that was swallowed up by the music industry and most of us never heard about. It's a crime that Rodriguez wasn't acknowledged for his talent until now, but I'm sure glad we know of his music now. There are many great songs from his two albums, but this one caught my attention as it was featured in the film. Great lyrics, catchy rhythmic strumming, and a classic blues progression make for a simple yet great song.
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Movie: Wayne's World  Song: Tia Carrere - Why You Wanna Break My Heart?
Wayne's World not only is a funny movie, but has a killer soundtrack. It's filled with tons of rock...right up my alley. One song that has been in my iTunes library long before I used iTunes (if that makes sense) is Tia Carrere's Why You Wanna Break My Heart. The full song isn't played in the movie, but had enough of a hook that it made me want to seek it out. Although it might seem a bit dated now, it will always have a special place in my heart.
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