So, no berries? Finnick Odair x reader smut
6/24/2023. This is a Finnick Odair x reader smut. Don't like it, don't read it.
Warnings: Almost character death. Minor character deaths. Public sex. (They're in the arena). Takes place in the third quarter quell. Rough sex. Unprotected sex. (Please be safe). Minor degradation.
My feet were racing across the rugged ground. My mind was spiraling and everything seemed to be whizzing past me. All of my attention was on the ground as I tried not to trip over the uncared-for vines of the jungle terrain.
The clock-like workings of this arena was taking a significant toll on my body. I had been separated from Finnick and now I was possibly going to be killed.
I don't honestly know what I was expecting. Having both Petta and Katniss in the arena with me put my odds at an astounding zero of getting out of this alive. But now it seemed as if I wouldn't die from another tribute, but my own starvation.
I had made it out of the affected area meaning I would at least be safe for a while. Or as safe as I could be in a place like this. I could hear a cannon fire in the distance, and part of my heart leaped in distraught when I thought of it being Finnick.
I found a cave hidden under some brush and managed to nuzzle my way in past the vines. I sat down and rested my back against the wall. Trying to regain my breath and stamina. I pulled the sack off my back and ruffled through the contents.
I had water, which I happily guzzled down. But upon searching for my food rations, I realized they were gone. Possibilities of what could have happened scrambled through my mind, but there truly was no telling what could've happened to them.
I sighed in utter defeat, laying against the cave wall, closing my eyes, and just wishing for this to stop. Hoping for my suffering to end. Then, my senses were engulfed. Pure sweetness making itself known. My eyes shot open and they darted around the cave floor, trying to find the source of the aroma.
My eyes locked on to some beautiful berries in the corner, and I thanked whatever god that was out there I was given some mercy. I crawled to them, picking them off the bush they stemmed from.
I held one in between my pointer and thumb, trying to determine what kind they were. Just when I was about to let one slip into my mouth, I heard it. My name being called. It was Finnick.
Without thinking twice, I called back, and within moments I heard his footsteps outside the cave.
"Are you in there?" He asked.
"Yes," I managed to mutter out, despite the fact my voice was hoarse, and yelling for him hurt it more.
I saw the vines being pushed away as his broad frame slipped in. I saw his smile grow before dropping completely. He raced towards me and I flinched back. Before I knew it, the berries were ripped out of my hand and thrown outside.
"What was that about?" I whisper yelled.
"Those are poisonous, are you trying to kill yourself?"
"No, but I was going to starve anyways," I stated matter-of-factly.
He sighed reaching back into his own bag, and pulled out some bread. It looked squashed, but it was food.
I grabbed it from him. Before I tore into it I looked at him and said, "So no berries?"
He froze, and while he sat there, I began to eat. There wasn't much there, but I could've sworn it was the best thing I had ever had.
Once I got done and returned my attention to him, I finally took notice of the way he stared at me. His eyes were filled with mixed emotions, some I couldn't make out. But one was very evident, fear.
"What's wrong?"
"What do you mean 'me'? What did I do?"
"You almost killed yourself, that's what you did. Do you ever think about the risks before you do things?"
Before I could give my rebuttal, his lips were pressed to mine. I let out a little squeak as big hands rested on my waist and I was pulled into his lap.
"Finnick, what are you doing?" I panted, once again out of breath.
His lips started to trail down my chin and to my neck, and between his kisses I made out "need to be with you, before I lose you."
My heart raced and my hands rested on his shoulders. He looked at me and everything else seemed to disappear.
"Is this fine?"
"Yes," I answered, locking my lips to his.
He was everywhere. He was everything.
My clothes were off before I even knew it. He was between my legs, taking off my underclothes as he looked me up and down. I could feel my face turn red.
"You're so beautiful."
"So are you."
He smiled at me and that was the last thing I was conscious of as my head fell back. His fingers were plunged inside me. They were working at such a quick pace and it made my head go empty. U could hear him muttering under his breath and I could hear him say something about me being his slut.
For some reason, this made the electricity in my stomach grow faster, and suddenly I was clenching around him. My head was thrown back and one of his hands was over my mouth while the other still worked inside me.
I came down from my high and watched him pull his fingers out of me. He pushed himself completely between my legs and lined himself up.
"Is this still okay?"
"Yes, of course," I whispered.
He groaned and then pressed himself into me. I let out a gasp and he quickly got to work. One of his hands was still over my mouth while the other was set against my hip. He was clenching his fingers against my skin in a bruising grip.
He was thrusting at a pace where I was never empty. I could hear him making soft sounds under his breath, clearly trying not to make noise. The whole world was gone except for Finnick inside me.
My world felt like it was crashing down in the best way possible as I met my second climax of the day. Finnick made a sound and his movements started to get sloppier, faster, and much more intense.
"Inside, please," I got out from behind his hand.
He moaned, pushing his head into the side of my neck before his movements stilled and I could feel hot liquid inside me.
My body fell back, now in relaxation as he rested himself against me.
Even if I die, at least I got to have sex with Finnick Odair.
That's a wrap. I hope you liked my first post. If you have a request, my asks are open :).
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