wendily · 5 years
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this is my favorite tweet rn i live for the passive aggressiveness
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wendily · 5 years
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wendily · 5 years
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Mean Girls (2004)
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wendily · 5 years
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Don’t forget
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wendily · 5 years
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Literally no one who follows me is going to know what this means, but HBomberguy, a Youtuber known for Video Essays about pop culture and gaming made a promise that he would live stream himself playing Donkey Kong 64, in its entirety (including picking up every single banana) and all money would go to a UK charity for trans youth (Mermaids) and his initial goal was $3,000 and now it’s been 26 hours into the stream and he’s already over $51k. I just need people to know about this https://m.twitch.tv/hbomberguy
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wendily · 5 years
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wendily · 5 years
Credit: @notlikethecar
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wendily · 5 years
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wendily · 5 years
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add “your back hurts a lot” to the list
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wendily · 5 years
don’t mess with me fam, i’m a hardcore introvert, i’ve avoided more social events than you’ll ever attend.
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wendily · 5 years
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wendily · 5 years
rating all of the doctors outfits based on how gay they are
first doctor:
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i can tell this was once something gayer. it gives off the vibe of a brideshead revisited cover if u aged everyone up 70 yrs. the plaid pants mean something, the coat but its just not…cohesive. 5/10
second doctor:
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see, this is very much like ones, but the bow tie adds the nutty professor vibe. it very much gives off the vibe of someone who is the town eccentric who has a very straightlaced husband. the haircut might be a dealbreaker but its the same shape of one belonging to a lesbian living in 1982. 7/10 for the solidarity working here in this outfit
third doctor:
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this is a gay person. this is sincerely just the gayest of people. the ruffle shirt, the coat? whatevers on his shoulders?? the STANCE?? yes, pose is everything here too. and god does it bring this full circle. 10/10
fourth doctor:
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now see i love four as much as anyone but this distinctly reminds me of a straight guy i knew freshman year of college who dressed almost exactly like this, with no knowledge of the show itself, and i cant disconnect these two people now. sorry, dude. 2/10 bc of the rainbow scarf, thank you for showing your support
fifth doctor:
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this is the haircut ive only seen on gay women, and the squat + that jacket is making me dysphoric. good job, five only gay outfits can make me hate my body like this. 9/10
sixth doctor:
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this irritates me, but only a gay person would go to this level of carefully coordinated outfit disasterhood and i have to respect it. 8/10
seventh doctor:
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the stance, the vest, the umbrella, the scarf…..this outfit would be up there if it werent for the hat. it reminds of every straight guy i know from comic book clubs. you were so close but like icarus you flew too close to the sun. 6/10
eighth doctor (move): 
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this is gay in the fact its super victorian and the repression is just coming off in waves, an inherently gay act i know well from my childhood. the long hair rly solidifies the cohesiveness and vibe this look creates, but it doesnt hold the iconicness it needs to get rly up there. 5/10
eighth doctor (short):
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NOW THIS IS THE ICONICNESS I NEEDED! the outfits basically the same vibe wise but the loosening of everything? the blood? the haircut. this is the look of not just an icon, but a bicon. 9/10
war doctor: 
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aaaand here’s the same outfit again, but its……i dont know. i cant get into it. maybe its the weird fauxhawk. ill give props to the scarf, and whatevers going w the calf area. 4/10
ninth doctor:
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leather jackets inherently give off the gay vibe, and that’s my second choice in hair if i didn’t have the worlds lumpiest head. the v neck deters me slightly but i feel it could go either way. 8/10
tenth doctor: 
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i know so many butch lesbians that dress like this, and i love it. everything just works so well here. the suit, the hair, the sneakers, the coat….every piece is so unneccessary and just adds to the look of it all. 10/10
eleventh doctor: 
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this outfit is accompanied w the inherent vibe and premonitions of the twirling and hand gestures, and that should make this super gay. anybody who decides to look like a schoolboy from 1958 is gay. and i want it to be, but again straight guys have adopted this and made the connection in my head to the point where it detracts a little. so, 7/10
twelfth doctor: 
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twelve has like six different outfits but this one is my favorite, and i wanted to add bill in here because i love here and want to rate her outfit. like, honestly the bomber jacket? the patches?? the hair bow?? i love her so much. 10/10 always.
anyways, twelves outfit. this is peak emo. the shirt, the hoodie, the velvet jacket…..its hot topic chic, but in a good way. he looks like your cool gay uncle whose not rly ur uncle but teaches you how to skateboard. i want this exact outfit. i want both of their outfits, right now. 10/10 for the both of them honestly
thirteenth doctor:
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do i even need to say it. id say harold and leave it at that but i want to talk about this so bad. the boots n socks. the suspenders. the haircut, and let us just look at that rainbow shirt. this is the outfit i see all the popular tumblr lesbians wearing. this is what a gay person wears, and i have never felt so called out for my fashion choices until i saw this and knew i could probably recreate it with whats in my closet right now. 500/10. gay rights personified. i love women
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wendily · 5 years
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wendily · 5 years
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tgp gif series ★ one gifset per episode ↠ Rhonda, Diana, Jake, and Trent (2x11)
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wendily · 5 years
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In times of old when I was new And Hogwarts barely started The founders of our noble school Thought never to be parted United by a common goal They had the selfsame yearning To make the world’s best magic school And pass along their learning                              “Together we will build and teach!”                                   The four good friends decided.
↳ @hogwartsonline​ quidditch ⎢HOGWARTS IS HOME.
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wendily · 5 years
i may not be beautiful but at least i know a lot of useless information
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wendily · 5 years
adult life is truly just thinking “I NEED TO CLEAN” while dealing with the 17 other things that have a hard deadline
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