wandering--cryptid · 2 days
there's so few monkey therians on here that you can easily scroll to the bottom of the entire tag . wow
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wandering--cryptid · 2 days
i let him hit cause. uh. well i’m gonna be honest it’s cause i fucked up my parry timing
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wandering--cryptid · 4 days
I spent last night looking at Neocities sites and here are my takeaways:
There's a real push to keeping the internet weird, open and less corporate-driven -- info on bypassing paywalls, protecting your data, archiving web media and basic coding/tech literacy.
(I found one tutorial on how to make a pop up that detects whether someone has an ad blocker and suggests they install one if they don't! Love that.)
There's also resources on finding the kind of internet that isn't the default experience anymore - alternate search engines I hadn't even heard of, human-made link lists and webrings. (Webrings! Turns out they never went away!)
If any of that sounds interesting to you, by the way - sadgrl.online has a lot of it and is possibly the best thing on the internet????
The "90's web" aesthetic is really fun and nostalgic, but I particularly loved seeing some people bring the better parts of the "modern internet" into it. What if we had weird, eye-searing personal sites BUT with plaintext alternatives for accessibility purposes? CW for flashing lights and unreality triggers?
(Again sadgrl comes in with a lot of resources for making your website accessible.)
Most of all, I'm honestly emotional about all the sites I found that were like, "hi! I'm 14 and this is my website where I talk about stuff I like haha."
It's so good that so many kids and teens who never experienced the "old internet" are still finding stuff like this and making their own weird stuff! Not just because weird websites are more fun, but because these skills are being passed down.
Anyway it's great and who knows maybe I'll make my own site sometime to keep horror media recommendations or something.
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wandering--cryptid · 4 days
genuinely frustrated and upset about how much using neocities as a filehosting service is being spread everywhere. they disable hotlinking for non-html files for free accounts so it won’t even work properly for those purposes and even supporter accounts are asked not to be used as a file dump host directly by the website. neocities offers a service that no other website provides and that i think is extremely important, but they sure don’t make a ton of money doing it. please, please, do not use neocities as a filehost, they don’t want you to and i don’t want you to either. there is a reason they ask users not to
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wandering--cryptid · 4 days
oo cool! the 6 year anniversary of BTD6 is in exactly one week! june 13th!
no wonder this game has so much gay stuff in it (monkey village pride flag option, several other pride cosmetics and trophy store items, yearly pride artwork each june, a canonically nonbinary hero), it was released in pride month /j
y’all if I turn out to be a TDS tower Im theming the blog after that!! no way. also I’ll try to make it look neat and stuff (@clownsjoke inspired me (I have sent two asks talking about how his blogs are so so pretty and awesome)) BUT what I’m saying is. BEWARE
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wandering--cryptid · 4 days
good :3
and thank you !! the devs just recently released it for pride month and i was soo happy when i saw it
y’all if I turn out to be a TDS tower Im theming the blog after that!! no way. also I’ll try to make it look neat and stuff (@clownsjoke inspired me (I have sent two asks talking about how his blogs are so so pretty and awesome)) BUT what I’m saying is. BEWARE
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wandering--cryptid · 5 days
i dont play tds but i always love seeing ppl theme their blogs after their sources
also hello fellow person from a tower defense game :D
y’all if I turn out to be a TDS tower Im theming the blog after that!! no way. also I’ll try to make it look neat and stuff (@clownsjoke inspired me (I have sent two asks talking about how his blogs are so so pretty and awesome)) BUT what I’m saying is. BEWARE
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wandering--cryptid · 5 days
im not sure if i count as a fictotherian or not, given that druids arent considered animals in the bloons universe. me personally however, i feel like i would have been a lot more animalistic than most other monkeys from my world, had i gotten the chance to be my kintype.
ive seen people say that being a therian is more about the experience of being an animal and having an animal mind, and that what world you're from is irrelevant.
yk what...
who's going to stop me from calling myself what i want? the monkey police?
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wandering--cryptid · 5 days
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physically im here mentally im curled up among the moss covered roots of an old growth tree
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wandering--cryptid · 8 days
me while wondering why my back hurts:
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wandering--cryptid · 8 days
oh is THAT why i get the urge to do that
Monkey kin culture is idly picking through your animal companion's fur, checking for lice.
therian/otherkin culture is...
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wandering--cryptid · 8 days
me tooooo urgh
need to be in that 2nd image. its like a mini jungle
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I want to climd and run swing around these places so bad.
Lowkey envy monkeys and apes in zoos or parks cuz they got these fuckers
I just wanna be up high, i wanna jump all over the place and be silly :3
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wandering--cryptid · 8 days
being druid monkey fictionkin is a weird feeling.
i don't feel as human-ish as the other monkeys in bloons. most of the heroes are basically humans with fur and tails and big monkey ears. they wear as many clothes as humans do (save for a few; one of them doesn't wear any at all). they talk like humans, they act like humans. they operate tanks, they run shops, they fly around on jetpacks. hell, one of them even hacks into computer systems.
i'm not that humanoid. thats not me in the slightest, i'm not like any of those monkeys. i wanna roll around in the dirt and swim in a clear sparkling lake and climb a huge tree and watch over the great misty jungle from my sanctuary in the sky. i'm really just a monkey. i'm really just an animal.
but i'm not like. fully an animal. i'm not the same as earth monkeys either. if i got turned into my kintype, i would have the intelligence and reasoning capabilities of a regular bloons monkey. or, well... a human. just with the instincts and tendencies of an animal.
i fit in with monkey therians more than i do with fictionkin who have humanoid kintypes. even when we take my wolf kintype out of the equation. don't know where i'm going with this, just. sometimes i feel like some strange halfway point between a full on earth monkey and an anthropomorphic bloons monkey. what even am i. where do i belong
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wandering--cryptid · 8 days
shoutout to people with human/humanoid kintypes. just because we're not necessarily Animal doesn't mean we're any less valid
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wandering--cryptid · 8 days
I think being a shapeshifter would fix me
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wandering--cryptid · 9 days
*excited druid noises*
brb setting it as my icon ,,
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wandering--cryptid · 10 days
it's always "i don't judge !!" until a person is a therian or just nonhuman in general, their religion is something they don't agree with or don't see as a "real or valid" religion [like satanism or autotheism], they identify with xenogenders and use "weird" pronouns, they have a "cringy" style like emo, scene, goth, or harajuku fashion, they're disabled, they act childish and age regresses, they have extreme intrusive thoughts, they have "odd" interests, they don't have proper hygiene because of poor mental health, their identity "doesn't make any sense", they're "too fat" or "too skinny", or they're just "not attractive". stop cherry picking, you can't claim "you don't judge" when you can't accept these people. be better. /srs
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