vinzoka · 4 months
get a bully to leave you alone (part 1:introduction)
welcome, i am vinzoka and here is an introduction to getting rid of troublesome people.
through this thread, i am aiming to offer you some practical advice to get out of such situations. dealing with bullying is not easy, as it will require a long time and commitment to building yourself up (not into a giga-chad or by of that nonsense) in every single way. 
the biggest change i would personally recommend would be mental. emotions are hard but rationality and logic can help you achieve better things. eventually, logic and rationality simply become tools to achieve things/states in/of mind/life.
small teaser:
the methods i will be suggesting will require a lot of personal analysis from you, and by that, i mean, analysing the situation. they will also require courage. 
that’s all i have for the introduction. 
disclaimer: i do not have a consistent posting schedule.
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