vilmerswife · 2 months
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Jason London as Randall "Pink" Floyd in Dazed and Confused (1993)
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vilmerswife · 5 months
18+ reading!
Bo Sinclair-
As the car engine sputtered to a halt, Dawn found herself standing on a desolate dirt road in the middle of nowhere, engulfed by the dark abyss of night. The silence was deafening, only by the distant hooting of an owl and the rustling of leaves in unseen wind. A shiver ran down her spine, a mix of trepidation and intrigue. The inky blackness stretched out before me, dotted only by the faint glow of distant stars. Fear intertwined with a sense of adventure as Dawn contemplated the unknown that awaited her in this isolated place. It was an unsettling feeling, yet there was an odd allure to the solitude and mystery that unfolded under the cloak of night. *”Well good lady be safe & have a good night!”* The man said while he rolled up his window speeding off leaving an echo of cars screeching. *He didn’t want to deal with any trouble if it found Dawn*
*”Man…my jacket”* Don hugged herself, realizing something was missing, her coat! *”HEY! WHAT ABOUT MY COAT!”* Dawn yelled as she started to jog towards the car that quickly got further and further away. The cold breeze sent to shiver down her body, cause a goosebumps to form, the sound of falling branches coming from the trees, scared the shit out of her. She was out in the dark only very few streetlights. She started to walk in the middle of the road so she wasn’t so close to the edges which was closer to the forest. Anything could just pop out and grab her she thought.
*Tip tap tip tap* Was all she heard for the next few minutes. Her footsteps were starting to scare her. Sometimes it sounded like somebody was right behind her. She almost started to cry, but only let out a few tears sinking in her own thoughts. Suddenly, and thank God. She heard an engine from a far behind her down the road we’re bright headlights also caught her attention. She quickly turned around with her arms crossed her eyes ight up at the site of bright lights in front of her. *”Hey!!”* Dawn didn’t take any chances. She started to move jogging back where she came from, waving her arms above her head as the sped up and got closer to her. Eventually, it stopped waiting for her to come to it. The truck was mysterious. The headlights were so bright she couldn’t see in the car window. *”Do you need help pretty lady?”* a stern voice could be heard behind the wheel as a man stuck his head out. He was handsome and had black hair..god his jawline.
*”Ye..Yes please!”* Dawn quickly shouted out on how bad she needed help in this scary situation. She quickly walked across in front of the truck to get to the other side, She looked at the man through the window and noticed he was looking at her already she saw his hand move to unlock the doors, Dawn gently pulled on the handle opening the car door. *”You seemed to be lost? Don’t tell me you just escaped your kidnapper..*” The man said, reaching in his pocket, which scared Dawn but she saw the edge of his phone. *”Oh no no sir! I’m just trying to get around.”* She said hoping inside of the truck slamming the door shut behind her as she immediately felt the comfortable warm air hit her from the truck vents. *”Well thank god! What can I help ya’ with..? My names Bo’ Too you. ”* The man had a comfortable smile while he glanced at her up and down, Dawn could tell he was checking her out although she didn’t care if she was just happy that somebody stopped, Bo immediately noticed the goosebumps on her skin. *”You look a little cold! Can I offer you, my Jacket?”* He reached his arm in the back seat looking at her for an answer. *”Oh yes please! I’m so cold..”* She whined a little with cold tear stains rolled down her cheek, she wanted to cry and let it all out, but that would be embarrassing in front of a hot guy like him. *”Dawn! Dawns my name.”* Bo reach his arm further into the backseat, grabbing his leather jacket and handing it to the woman. *”Fawn..? I meant Dawn my apologies. Dawn is a beautiful name.”* Bo definitely did see her as a new he could play with. *”Thank you!”* Dawn quickly took the jacket blushing, his clone filled the whole truck it almost put her in a sexual trance. *Maybe that’s what he wanted.*
Dawn slowly put on Bo’s leather jacket holding her arm out too fit it through the sleeve. *”So where ya headed?”* Bo looked back at the road.
*”Nearest town please! My car broke down a few miles away..I got a ride but i’d say my cars at least twenty minutes away.”* his truck was actually quite comfortable and she was getting quite comfortable with him. His radio playing in the background made the atmosphere so comfortable she could almost sleep. She was tired from walking. “well done I’ll get you to the nearest town then no charge! all I ask, is you tell me about yourself.”* he had a smirk on his lips. As his foot gently pressed on the gas pedal, and he began driving again wearing his leather jacket, made her feel like she was in some type of romance movie, which hopefully was about to come true for her.
*”Well.. I do like painting there’s a bunch of art in the back of my car. I can show you once you drive me back!”* Dawn said excitedly. when Don said “once you drive me back”Bo’s smirk grew even larger. *”Oh i’d love too see it!”* Bo said with a proud look on his face knowing he was going to have fun with his now *new toy*
*”You’re in good hands, I actually own my own gas station…anything you need i’ll cover it.”* Bo said quickly glancing at her face features then back at the road. Bo liked the way her soft face cheeks looked, They would be fun to grab with his hand. Bo had her whole face memorized now…So he starts fantasizing about all the *nice* things he’d do too her while he drives. *”Oh! Well I thank you very much!”* Dawn said leaning back in her seat more as the leather in the car squeaked from her movement which made her hold in her chuckle,
Sometimes she wasn’t a serious person.
The inside of the truck grew quiet the only sounds were the tires driving along the road & the radio playing soft tunes..Dawn was looking outside the window fidgeting with her hands nervously as time passed, Knowing she was getting farther and farther away from her car. Dawn slowly turned her head around too glance at Bo, Now noticing his barely noticeable stubble & a visible scar on his neck which made her question herself. *”Where the hell did he get a scar like that?”* Dawn thought to herself looking at Bo as he drove..Dawn looked in front of her through the car window too see town lights not very far. She sat up as her eyes lit up. *”Is this it?”* Dawn asked raising her voice in eager & excitement. *”Yes! Yes It is..but first I need to stop at my house if you don’t mind..I need to grab my keys for the gas station.”* Bo claimed turning into the town. Dawn noticed how dead it looked but It didn’t bother her much since she was just here too get gas for her car. *”Thats alright..! Can I use your bathroom when we get there?”* Dawn asked rubbing the side of her face with her hand watching them drive up a rough road catching a breath taking view of a nice house.
*”Nah..Yeah of course you can I’m playin! When you walk upstairs it will be the first door on the left.”* Bo moved his hand down too the gear shift putting it in park while he stopped in front of his house. *”Alright! I’ll meet you outside then?”* Dawn chuckled after she asked. *”You bet!”* Bo responded stepping out of his truck glancing at Dawn while she wasn’t looking.
Dawn hopped out of the truck shutting the door behind her with her hands in her pockets while she waited at the door, She watched Bo walk too her. *He was way taller than she expected, He looked very well built as well which scared Dawn.*
Bo pulled out his keys unlocking his front door & opened it for Dawn. *”You can go first pretty lady.”* He smiled flirting.
Dawn blushed again, hugging her hands together at her waist, looking at the floor as she walked inside, then looked up to look at her surroundings, Bo watched her Hawkeyes when she walked inside. *This is exactly what he wanted.* he walked behind her and shut the door “you like it?“ Bo asked “I do! You seem too have a lot of stuff.” Dawn added once she took a step forward Bo saw his opportunity. Bo wrapped his big arms around Dawns waist.
Dawn had no idea that it was coming, She automatically screamed & kicked flailing her arms around while she felt Bo lift her up by her waist while he rustled his face against the side of hers shushing her in her ear. *”Shh…Shh”* He held her up so Dawn was leaned against him, causing her to kick at the air. he eyed Vincent across the room as he suddenly appeared.
*” Can’t you see I want some of my own time! Go on!”* Bo shooed him away with his words.
Vincent slowly walked behind the wall before getting a good look at the girl his Twin brother held. Bo slammed himself forward into Dawn so she hit the table in front of her.
*”If you stayed still this would be a lot easier for the both of us!”* The writing supplies, the books all on the table fell on the floor from the impact. *”Ngh!”* Dawn cried leaned against the table while she heard a belt unbuckling. Bo started to take out his belt from the belt holes, His body weight was crushing Dawn. *”You..You’re crushing me!”* She yelled out. *”Oh i’m sorry?!”* He threw his belt on the floor moving Dawns hair with his hand revealing her neck. The sight of Dawns neck made Bo go crazy, He could taste her skin on his lips already just staring at it. *”I love it when you struggle.”* He breathed out moving his face towards her neck biting down on her soft delicate skin causing Dawn to scream & her body freezing. Bo shut his eyes moving his hand down Dawns helpless body groping her, He let out a small moan just gripping onto her..he moved his hand up too her stomach. Bo pulled his teeth away from her skin kissing his bite mark on her. *”I promise your going too love this.”* He whispered letting her feel his hot breath against her skin. He ran his hand up her shirt grasping his hand around one of her breast kissing around one side of her neck while sweaty & panting.
*”Are you gunna be quiet for me?”* Bo whispered in her ear teasing her with fear while he ran his free hand up her neck squeezing it once then flipped her around so they could face each other.
Dawn avoided looking at him with tear filled eyes..tears falling onto Bo’s scarred wrist. *”Why do you have to be so difficult Dawn..”* Bo grabbed Dawns jaw pulling it towards his face closely. *”No no! I’m sorry.”* Dawn whined watching as the man in front of her observed her face features, Trying to pull away Bo would only move her face back towards him in a hurtful way. *”Guess i’m gunna have to shut you up in another way huh?”* Dawn forced her eyes shut not prepared for what he was about too do next.
Bo leaned down too reach her level easier forcefully putting his lips against hers & shoved his tongue in her mouth, letting go of her jaw while he shut his eyes tasting her strawberry chapstick which made him hard tasting something else of hers he never thought of.
Dawn opened her eyes in shock letting out a groan upset, She couldn’t walk back since her back was against the desk, She moved her eyes around looking for anything she could use a weapon against him until she thought of something. Feeling his tongue in her mouth she pushed into him more too act into it, She wanted to barf. *”1..2..3”* She said too herself in her head before biting down on Bo’s tongue & kicking her leg at his crotch. Bo opened his eyes forcefully pushing her back causing the table too fall as well as Dawn on her back on the floor. *”GOD DAMNIT, BITCH!”* Bo hissed holding the side of his cheek & held his hand above his crotch with his knees kneeled slightly, Dawn picked herself up running out of the living room too the front door open it. *”FUCK YOU!”* Dawn yelled pulled at the doorknob Violently with no budge. *”No!”* She cried out as she got yanked back with an arm around her neck. *”Where the fuck do you think your goin’ huh? Hah!?”* Bo husked as he began choking her out of anger. *”Bit my tongue, Kick my fucking dick after all i’ve done was treat you nice!”* Bo yanked her back into him with his arm in front of her around Dawns neck. *”Hmh!”* Dawn squeaked struggling. *”See how this fucking feels.”* Bo dragged her with him towards the stairs, Dawn tried reaching behind her to grab his hair or poke his eyes but he put his other arm around hers locking them in. *”Sto..stop..ngh”* She started to lose vision while her body started to go limp.
Bo’s eyes widened gasping realizing he was killing his Fawn, He quickly removed his arm off her neck letting her breath as he sat on the steps letting her body collapse onto him. *”Im so sorry!”* He said worried moving his hand around her face.
strangely, Dawn felt comforted with Bo’s soft yet reassuring words though he almost choked her too death. Dawn moved her chin up too look at the man’s face hovering over her, He had worried child eyes. She felt like she was looking at his child self for a moment, How could someone so cruel turn soft in an instant. *”I’m okay..just..let me go.”* Dawn gasped for air while panting. Bo looked at Dawn like he had seen a ghost, he opened his mouth & scoffed. *”No?”* He had a smug look on his face suddenly as he sat up grabbing Dawn by her hand dragging her back up the stairs now knowing that Dawn was perfectly fine. *”NO!”* Dawn whined out reaching too her side too grab her other hand in an attempt too escape.
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vilmerswife · 7 months
Kirk will leave you for a second, Too grab a cloth & wet it down too clean you. Your sweat & any cum. He wanted to make you feel worth it, Because you are.
[B] Body Part (their favorite of theirs & their partner)
Kirk doesn’t have a favorite part of his own body part since he struggles with body dysmorphia, But. He loves his partner’s beautiful eyes.
[C] Cum (anything to do with it)
Kirk loves to get a little messy, He loves too cum in his partners hand, Mouth or face. (He tries to avoid the hair.
[D] Dirty Secret
He’s a virgin but he gets his experience from sex scenes in movies & sometimes his friends give him tips if it ever happens
[E] Experience
[F] Favorite Position
The Classic missionary
[G] Goofy (are they serious or humorous in bed)
Both! He’ll chuckle if both your bodies make a funny sound during sex, same with his member not going in his partner the first few times because he’s nervous.
[H] Hair
He’ll move your hair away from your face everytime it’s in the way, Or before sex he’ll put it up for you.
[I] Intimacy
He’s like a nurse, He’ll take care of you during it, Making sure you’re not feeling uncomfortable or getting too hot.
[J] Jack - off (masturbation hc)
OFTEN! He can’t get you off his mind sometimes when he’s feeling desperate, Like seeing you in your new swimsuit, dress.
[K] Kink
Praising, Scratching, Slow sex.
[L] Location
His bed, The woods.
[M] Motivation (turn ons etc)
His unbalanced hormones lmfao, ALSO YOU!
[N] NO (turn offs, deal breakers, things they wont do ever etc)
[O] Orgasm Denial (how do they do it, do they like it done to them)
He’s too shy too do it to you, But if you did it to him he’d whine about it, Slight chance he will just cum there on accident because he’s super sensitive.
[P] Pace
It depends, He’ll ask you how you want it.
[Q] Quickie (where, how often, do they like them)
The back of his car maybe, Often! If you’re feeling touchy. You usually want to be teased in public but you end up teasing him which turns you on even more. He’s to scared to try it in public himself.
[R] Risk (experiments, do they like pushing themselves/their s/o)
He’ll push himself for his partner.
[S] Stamina
He can go a pretty long time! four rounds top!
[T] Toys (do they own any, do they use them, how often, where)
Nope! Only lube he buys online.
[U] Unfair (how do they tease)
Tiny pecks around your face, neck, Chest.
[V] Volume (how loud, what do they sound like, what sounds they make)
Loud, He whines, moans & whimpers a LOT, So get ready.
[W] Wild Card (random NSFW hc)
He has the cutest puppy eyes during sex.
[X] X - ray (what do they have going on under their clothes)
Black boxers!
[Y] Yearning (how often to they think of sex, how long can they go without it etc)
He doesn’t think about it too often unless you’re teasing him or hinting him.
[Z] Zzz (how quickly do they fall asleep, do they snuggle, etc)
QUICK! But he first is determined to take care of you, He sleep talks & moves around a lot in his sleep.
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vilmerswife · 7 months
Smutty ABC with Vilmer <3😍✌🏾
[A] Aftercare
After both of you are drenched in sweat. He’d give you a wet sloppy kiss on your cheek & lock you in his arms keeping you secure. He isn’t perfect at After care, But he likes to whisper & praise about how good you did in your ear, If you asked he’d get you something to drink or an extra blanket to shut you up.

[B] Body Part (their favorite of theirs & their partner)
Vilmers favorite body part of his body is his chest because of his abs. His favorite of his partners are their their Neck because it’s an easy access too pleasure. 

[C] Cum (anything to do with it)
Vilmer loves cumplay. He loves spilling his warm cum down their partners throat, On their stomach & his most favorite deep inside of them, It’s a possessive thing.
[D] Dirty Secret
He wears expensive cologne that smells so good, It almost puts you in a sexual trance. 

[E] Experience
A few times, Vilmer & Darla messed around a little when they were together, Sometimes he’d also pick up a hooker & they would have sex, Then you know..

[F] Favorite Position
Cowgirl! He loves it when his partner rides on top of him, His second favorite is doggy style so he’s up close & personal. 

G] Goofy (are they serious or humorous in bed)
Both, He laughs A LOT, Either mimicking your pace of breath or mimicking what you say. With seriousness he’s a jerk, He’s rough & not so nice.
[H] Hair
God he loves grabbing hair, Playing with it, and most favorite wrapping it around his wrist if it’s long enough. 

[I] Intimacy
He loves it, It’s always on a part of his mind, Looking at you even drives him crazy. If you asked him he’d say yes & take care of it. 
[J] Jack - off (masturbation hc)
It’s not his favorite thing, But if you leave & he can’t get his mind off you he’d drive too you, But if the weather was bad that would be his solution 

[K] Kink
He loves it when his partner acts like they are all his, They can’t live without him. *They need him.* 

[L] Location
In his bed, Anywhere honestly, In the woods, In a comfortable ditch, Secretly fingering you at a restaurant? You name it! Just ask. 

[M] Motivation (turn ons etc)

[N] NO (turn offs, deal breakers, things they wont do ever etc)
He’ll NEVER! Let you continue if you’re absolutely in pain in a different area of your body, If he cares about you he’d stop. 

[O] Orgasm Denial (how do they do it, do they like it done to them)
He’d go berserk.

[P] Pace
He won’t wait for you to get wet, His pre-cum will be your lube. He starts off at a quick pace & He’ll keep it that way. 
[Q] Quickie (where, how often, do they like them)
He’d love it if you asked him in public, Anytime; Anywhere. *He’ll make you wanna scream* It’s pretty risky.
[R] Risk (experiments, do they like pushing themselves/their s/o)
Yes, He’ll push them no matter what. How uncomfortable the position is or how long they can go. 

[S] Stamina
He can maybe two or three rounds at most, When he’s drunk probably one round which would last a lot longer. 

[T] Toys (do they own any, do they use them, how often, where)
Not his thing!

[U] Unfair (how do they tease)
Degrading them, Calling them names. Gently biting or sucking their sweet spots, Building up your level making you want too fuck him right then & there. 

[V] Volume (how loud, what do they sound like, what sounds they make)
Loud, He will yell out words, chuckle, Definitely make both of your skins clap outloud together, Unless you guys are being sneaky he can be quiet. 

[W] Wild Card (random NSFW hc)
He loves having you close, It’s his favorite thing during sex or cuddling. 
[X] X - ray (what do they have going on under their clothes)
Kelvin C dark blue boxers.

[Y] Yearning (how often to they think of sex, how long can they go without it etc)
Often! You’re always on the back of his mind. Vilmer can wait a few hours, But if his eagerness grows he’ll get what he wants. 

[Z] Zzz (how quickly do they fall asleep, do they snuggle, etc) 
If you don’t bother him about what you want after sex, He’ll fall asleep peacefully once you do, He snores often.
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vilmerswife · 8 months
so prettyyyyy
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vilmerswife · 8 months
𝓼𝓶𝓾𝓽𝓽𝔂 𝓱𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓬𝓪𝓷𝓷𝓸𝓷𝓼
“Dumb bitch..” Vilmer would mumble upset because you couldn’t take his length all the way down your throat~. Vilmer rolled his eyes placing his large hand on top of your head forcefully pushing it further down on his member causing you to gag, Either because you physically couldn’t take it or you were just nervous to take his length.
Bondage Is the most exciting for Vilmer, Tying your wrists together with his belt against his bed frame, Or using rope from the back of his tow truck. The rope would be thick & every time you would struggle to get out of them your wrists would hurt even more, He loved too see you in pain, It turned him on.
Too keep you quiet. Vilmer would shove two of his fingers in your mouth with no warning, He’d use it if he’s fucking you in a public space & he wants to be sneaky.
(His fingers would taste like pennie’s because this man is always working on things like metal for the gear on his leg, AIY IM BEING REALISTIC🙅🏾‍♀️)
When driving and in the mood he’d make you crawl between his legs & suck him off. “Outta girl!” Vilmer would yell excitedly.
Vilmer couldn’t care any less about your comfort, As long as he’s able to get his cock the deepest he can inside you & scraping that sweet spot with every snap of his hips
Vilmer’s favorite position is you facing him riding in his lap. He loves to get handsy in this position, Wrapping his hand around your neck squeezing it, Grabbing the bottom of your face covering your mouth just so he can feel you’re struggling breath on his palm, he knew how hard it was to keep yourself together while he thrusted himself inside you. 
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vilmerswife · 8 months
𝒱𝒾𝓁𝓂𝑒𝓇 𝒮𝒶𝓎𝓌𝑒𝓇 𝒶𝓈 𝒶 𝒷𝑜𝓎𝒻𝓇𝒾𝑒𝓃𝒹
•Vilmer loves too take you out too his favorite movies at cheap movie theaters. Mostly slasher films, (He definitely loves too brag about his knowledge of the films.
•Vilmers love language is Physical touch & definitely sex. (which he’s extremely rough in.)
• He loves tracing your body features when you’re asleep. (Stretch marks, Scars, Birthmarks. Etc.)
•He loves scaring you awake yelling at the top of his lungs then jumping on top of you wrestling you roughly.
•Oh my goddd he LOVES to dress you up in things he thinks you’d look good in, Most things are revealing or straight up lingerie, Perferbly red otherwise dark blue.
•When Vilmer gets upset thinking you were talking back to him he’d shove you extremely hard because of his strength or hit you. But soon after passive aggressively apologizing.
(I couldn’t leave the violence out because in the movie he is very physical with Darla & people.)
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vilmerswife · 8 months
𝓥𝓲𝓵𝓶𝓮𝓻 𝓢𝓪𝔀𝔂𝓮𝓻 𝓱𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓬𝓪𝓷𝓷𝓸𝓷𝓼
SMUT HC? (Some)
(But i’m real with it he ain’t a nice mf)
- He’s obsessed with you, He wish he could wear you around his neck.
-He loves leaving his love bites (🤭) on your body, His favorite spot is your collarbone too leave dark purple bruises, Sometimes he bites you hard enough to break your skin.
-He loves to show you off, He’d make you wear revealing clothes because he knows your attractive & everyone would want to have you but Vilmer would never let it happen, He likes to make everyone jealous knowing he won’t let them touch you.
-I seriously doubt he’s an emotional person, He loves you because he only gets to fuck you & keep you around.
-He likes to cup his hands around your cheeks or grab the back of your head during sex, He definitely loves to get a good grip on your hair.
-If you drive or not, He’d let you drive his tow truck for practice around his family’s house & large trails in the woods, He’d get complicated with you though if you got too scared, He’d force you too finish the course.
- He loves to drive you past your limit even if he’s done with you. This man would put all his energy into you thrusting his hips into you like a wild animal. He’d please you anywhere. In the kitchen, The bathroom, The living room. You name it.
-He most definitely calls you a dumb bitch 🙅🏾‍♀️
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vilmerswife · 8 months
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vilmerswife · 8 months
𝓜𝔂 𝓥𝓲𝓵𝓶𝓮𝓻 𝓮𝔁𝓪𝓶𝓹𝓵𝓮~
Vilmer dragged Derla too the kitchen, god he wished her hair just would’ve snapped off. *”You know what!”* Vilmer moved his face away everytime she tried to throw a punch.
”Got a damn lotta’ energy you got!”Vilmer walked into the kitchen throwing her against his kitchen table causing her to collapse against it. ”I almost missed you yellin’ out my name Darla! Gotta admit!” He smiled.
Vilmer grabbed her by the shoulder’s moving his face by her ear whispering. “You come into my new god damn house & think you can disrespect me? Well, I've got news for you, sweetheart," Vilmer hissed, his voice filled with venom. He then moved his face in front of hers.”Look up.” Vilmer hit his head against Darla’s head-butting her in the forehead with his. ”BOOM!” Vilmer yelled then laughed while he moved beside her putting his hand on her chin lifting her head up pointing at the ceiling with a small crack in it. “Theres your money! Your prize! Get it!” He looked at her from her side.
godd this mann SHOULDA BEEN MEEE
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vilmerswife · 8 months
Hey! I’m Mytha <3 & I made this account for my Vilmer lovers! I don’t see much of Vilmer anywhere but here Is that one page just for him! (The movie was so bad but good because of Vilmer, thank god LOL🙏🏾) Oh yes I also roleplay him! If your interested let me know if your interested in rp-ing with me.
So i’ve had almost 7 years of experience writing semi-lit & most of the time more because of details I write.
I haven’t had the chance to rp him a lot so I’m still a little new at his character. So please dm me if you wanna talk or if you’re interested I don’t bite! I usually prefer to use discord which I’ll send too you personally if you’re interested <33
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