verinall · 2 years
***The Kingdom of Brèost***
Chapter 1
Up until my 25th birthday, everything was pretty normal.
I'd finished uni, had a couple of part-time jobs and had settled into an admin role full time. I spent my weekends with friends, nights out, watched films, dated no-one out of the ordinary.
Since I was a little girl I'd always had pretty vivid dreams. I'd transcend to a magical realm with warriors and hero's, palaces and princes, magic and mischief. But I'd be on the outside, watching the action, the main characters, never interacting with my surroundings. As I'd gotten older, I'd thought about writing everything down but really, who had the time?
Apart from that, I figured I was pretty ordinary.
The day of my birthday was a work day, so I had the usual routine of trying to get in the shower, get dressed & get out on time. Whilst having breakfast, I opened cards and gifts from my family. I drove my sister to school and then headed to work.
Work was long but we had cake which made it better.
I headed home at about 5 and when I got in, my parents were already home. They were sitting in the living room with a strange looking woman. My mums face was streaked with tears, my dad just looked so sad.
They looked up at me when I came in, the strange woman turned to face me. She was blonde, middle aged and beautiful. Power radiated from her but it was calming; like she would protect you from everything.
"Ella..." My mums voice cracked as she looked up at me, "Ella... We're so sorry, we should've been open with you from the start..."
"Mum, what are you talking about?" She's started to cry, my dad couldn't meet my eyes.
"Mum, you're scaring me, Dad, what's happening?" I could feel the panic starting to rise in my chest.
"I'm sorry Ella..." My Dad started "I'm sorry but we were told we couldn't have kids. When they came to us, they said if we raised you, they would gift us with a child..."
"Dad, what do you mean..."
"Ella, you're adopted. You're our daughter, you'll always be our daughter, we love you so much; but it's time you knew the truth..."
I could feel my head starting to spin, my legs felt weak and bile rose in my throat. I put my hand on the back of the sofa to steady myself. The soft plush underneath was of little comfort as memories swam in my mind. My sister and I running through the house shouting at eachother, my mum redecorating every few years when she got bored, Dad setting up our first PlayStation one Christmas and then beating us at every game.
Had it all been pretend to them?
"Ella?" The blonde woman stood up. I could see she wore a long yellow gown and she had a single long gold chain around her neck. A pendent held a deep blue stone, it's colouring looked like a storm was being waged inside.
"Ella, my name is Queen Parris. Your birth mother was my best friend. I'm here to explain everything to you..."
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