vanquinnation · 21 hours
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Hellcheer is in the ice cream ad……why are we not all doing backflips right now [x]
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vanquinnation · 21 hours
are you still a fan of grace? a lot of people are leaving :'(
Of course I am! And an ardent VQer. ^_^ She is wonderfully talented and just a sweetheart. I can't wait to see her new projects! (And Joe's of course--so excited to Hellcheer A Quiet Place!)
I never stop becoming a fan of someone or something (unless the someone assaulted another person). But we're about two years out from the debut of Hellcheer. I am still just as motivated to write fic and gossip about VQ as I was two years ago, but until the season 5 premier, we're probably in for a few quiet months.
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vanquinnation · 5 days
Hey do you know why so many vq are leaving? I feel like a lot hate grace now which sucks
So many who? I didn't see anyone leaving
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vanquinnation · 8 days
yesterday kez said she wouldnt and shouldnt have to turn her profiles private. she refused. then she went private. so im assuming, her latest tweet is just an episode of her bipolar, incredibly unstable frame of mind and she’ll be back to being a cunt in no time at all. she’s only mad because she doxxed herself to a gossip blog and then revealed her and her friends are in cahoots with joe moi.
Can you all just leave ppl alone for once? Idk what this kez girl is doing, i don't even follow her, but just leave ppl alone and stay out of internet for a few days at least... This is so weird and disgusting 😭 the way yall are saying things about her being bipolar wtf is wrong with you?
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vanquinnation · 8 days
kez got caught submitting anon hate to joseph quinn gossip blogs. she mods for grace. she bullies other fans, her and her friends stalk joseph, befriended his ex girlfriend to get close to him and have been caught red handed submitting to JQ gossip blogs. this is a person grace keeps in close company. this reflects on her too.
you guys have a obsession with this girl, is so weird... like?? Idc about her at all 😭 go outside, get some air idk...
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vanquinnation · 10 days
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new goggles alert
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vanquinnation · 12 days
a journo just self submitted to peppermintbuttlemon that was was linked to joe - it was a self submit. she follows joe’s alleged finsta, she recently followed orville peck because joe followed him, she pays for her verified badge, she follows other accounts linked to joe. she’s a stan. and she wanted the attention. shes loving the attention, her latest story ‘DMs full of spam, message if you need me’ girl you have 100 followers that ARENT spam accounts - the other 150 are. no one is messaging you. nice try.
shes called madeline austin.
what are you talking about? 😭 i didn't understand anything
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vanquinnation · 15 days
Same jumpers!! Ahhhhhhh
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i don't think is the same 😄 but they look so cozy 💕
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vanquinnation · 19 days
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AU: Rockstar!Eddie and Popstar!Chrissy on the cover of Rolling Stone magazine 🎸⭐️
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vanquinnation · 26 days
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vanquinnation · 1 month
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i'm back in panama but this is from the other day 🫶🏻 so excited to debut new home and stream more!
in the meantime, i am acting on set then getting back to hotel and writing!
antidepressants have made me so motivated to do things and life is so pretty now
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vanquinnation · 1 month
i danced for four hours last night
also look at that crazy man
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vanquinnation · 1 month
the difference between today and this time last year is insane
i am in the best place mentally.
producing and directing a movie i've written
currently acting in a movie directed by an oscar nominated director
writing a movie that several massive production companies have already shown interest in
writing a show that my favorite artist wants to do all the music for
this is my peak
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vanquinnation · 1 month
the difference between today and this time last year is insane
i am in the best place mentally.
producing and directing a movie i've written
currently acting in a movie directed by an oscar nominated director
writing a movie that several massive production companies have already shown interest in
writing a show that my favorite artist wants to do all the music for
this is my peak
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vanquinnation · 1 month
kez’ desperate attempts to be ‘in’ with alicia and her friends is hilarious and so obvious. a little lorn in the making. do they know how obsessed with joseph quinn ya’ll are? theres a blog here too that has screenshots of kez jumping for joy over grace coming for alicia last year with the ‘calling him your ex when it was never that serious’ so why the shift? does alicia know? does grace know? ya’ll are shameless.
and what the f do i have to do with kez or alicia? 😭
"yall are shameless" like
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vanquinnation · 1 month
i got a producer for my book adaptation script 🥺🫶🏻
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vanquinnation · 1 month
Hope you enjoyed that panel in January. Because thats the last time you will ever see Joe and grace in a room together again
ok 🤭🤭
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