utteringsofamadone · 18 days
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utteringsofamadone · 1 month
I'm gonna need a detailed breakdown of this one, 9/11 barbenheimer style plz
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utteringsofamadone · 1 month
there's no fucking way. he did not i can't believe this
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utteringsofamadone · 1 month
Think I’m finally going to go up another level of lesbianism and try to commit to being vegan. Any tips and tricks are welcome 🙏🏽
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utteringsofamadone · 2 months
hey op, I've never liked a Taylor Swift song, but I'm curious. What's a long time favorite artist of yours..?
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cant believe they gave this woman enough money to ruin the environment for singing vapid shit of this caliber for over a decade. have some shame man. get a grip. what the hell are any of you even doing
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utteringsofamadone · 2 months
especially if you shop at a Walmart bc their vegan nuggets are slightly cheaper per nugget than their meat nuggets, they're really solid i eat them frequently (they are comparably priced, the first time i checked they were cheaper for some reason maybe a supply chain thing idk)
I really need people to understand that veganism is not fundamentally against subsistence hunting. and also that subsistence hunting has very little to do with a person living in an high income country going to the supermarket and buying a pork burger and some steak
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utteringsofamadone · 2 months
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outcast of the village
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utteringsofamadone · 2 months
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utteringsofamadone · 3 months
Sure, you can care about being kind to animals! But only if your ideas of kindness fit neatly within and preserve the current systems. Sure, you can question animal ethics, but don't you dare come to any conclusions that threaten capital! Or threaten people's freedom to drink milkshakes and watch rodeos and race horses and breed cute little wiener puppies. Sure you can love animals! Aww, we all love animals! But don't you dare let your love go deeper than aesthetic appreciation and wholesome-ified exploitation. Don't let your love radicalize you into questioning things too deeply. Don't let your love become a threat to what is normal. /s
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utteringsofamadone · 3 months
basically i just want more vegan friends 
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utteringsofamadone · 3 months
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utteringsofamadone · 3 months
if videos of what occurs inside slaughterhouses and dairy farms and egg farms disturb you and are hard to watch, then it should be easy for you to stop supporting it.
either witness piglets being PAC (pounded against concrete—standard humane industry practice) like the apex predator you keep claiming to be, or stop funding it.
you don’t get to just ignore it and not think about it.
the gall of thinking you have a right to “out of sight out of mind” what you put into your mouth every day is astonishing and sickening and cowardly and truly as first-world privileged as it gets lmao
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utteringsofamadone · 3 months
The crazy thing about that argument is that it actually isn't. Like they had to revolutionize slaughter houses in the 80s bc the murder was making the flesh taste worse. but I'm glad we live in a time where ignorance is protected by the idea that all are above external judgement. stupid pieces of shit
Sure, meat is murder. But it is very tasty murder.
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utteringsofamadone · 3 months
if the fortnite und cola kid went viral 15 years ago people on 4chan would have sent him death threats. but in today's internet I have literally never seen anyone say anything negative about this child. and that's progress I think
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utteringsofamadone · 3 months
Really over non vegans hijacking posts with legitimate criticisms of PETA and using it for their anti vegan agenda. I’ve seen multiple posts from vegans explaining the problematic aspects of PETA’s advertisements and they have been reblogged by thousands of non vegans with added commentary like “yeah! And fucking stop telling people what to eat!!” and that’s when I realised that most non vegans don’t actually care about the body shaming, misogynistic and racist nature of PETA’s ads, they just want more reasons to discredit their vegan advocacy. That’s the main reason you won’t see me making any such posts because I know about 95% of non vegans hate PETA for different reasons than I do. Oh and by the way, if you’re a non vegan you really don’t have any place shunning PETA for the animals they kill because the fact you are a non vegan is proof enough that you don’t really give a shit about animals being killed.
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utteringsofamadone · 4 months
ok im in a bit of a pickle here, i think i need advice.
i got a new job recently, blue collar, working with a bunch of conservative leaning men in an automotive service center (in The South). I wanted to stay unassuming in my veganism until i had been around long enough to earn people's respect, or whatever, so it would be like "oh, mad one is vegan... huh." instead of "christ the new guys VEGAN too???" but i think time is running out.
one of the men was talking about bringing lunch for everyone and i don't know how to address the fact that i won't be eating whatever he brings. i alluded to having many dietary restrictions but gave no other details he thinks i just gave IBS now. if im plain and up front about my convictions, i will likely be ostracized and lose any chance of presenting these views in a manner where i'm respected for them, but if i am not direct about this lunch event i will be ostracized as rude and disrespectful to the people bringing the food.
is there a way to present veganism that won't come off as an attack to my coworkers? or am i just about to be hated. should i say nothing and be personally rude, or speak up and potentially harm people's perception? help plz @acti-veg
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utteringsofamadone · 4 months
reminder that cows don’t need to be milked, horses don’t need to be ridden, and that animals are not on this earth to be used for human convenience.
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