Thanks sis
so we know my sister @teenagedirtbagbaby0 so I know her DeviantArt (camcreepypasta) and fandom account (SoftcoreMushroom) so I check the wiki because I'm bored as shit of course and who do I see?
"x the child" and x's photo honestly thanks sis lol I don't really make wiki posts since I'm too bored and too much of wanting drama with staff
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so my user has a account on quotev and I check on it
(for everyone confused im pretty sure it's from something she watched)
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so my sister is uploading stuff to the wiki
So far she's uploaded (2 deleted)
X the child
Midnight axe
Tv Tina
Abigail the bloody child
The last photo
(she came up with the idea of x and it's shared between us)
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face claims for x
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(yeah finding red hair with yellow eyes is hell)
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drawing with my markers again
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im drawing in the damn dark and thought the skin was dull- so imma uh explain this picture basically it was x in a pink sweater which of course she soaked in blood but the damn skin color fucked me over-
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using the pallette sanity let me use
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Thank you @sanityisforlosers surprisingly alot of colors worked with this! Especially x's hair color- holy fuck that's been a rabbit hole trying to find a color for it espically her skin since it's so dull-
I circled the ones I used-
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poll question
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Im both amazed and afraid-
Julius, being held for ransom by the Mafia: that price is INSULTINGLY low, triple it.
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im now curious 🤨
Julius, being held for ransom by the Mafia: that price is INSULTINGLY low, triple it.
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Nice but that caught me off guard especially when I was just scrolling lol
Julius, being held for ransom by the Mafia: that price is INSULTINGLY low, triple it.
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Julius, being held for ransom by the Mafia: that price is INSULTINGLY low, triple it.
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drama nice and shit but I just darn lost my shit - me 2023
the person that made julius is a liar and stalker
Wait what:(? Is this a rumour or a joke? Im not fond of Julius character, so I barley know about the creator or fandom. Can someone tell me what happened 😭
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x info
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(thank you sister for allowing me this image)
name : x
height : possibly 4'11
age : possibly 8 but mostly unknown
species : "human"?
birthday : April 1th
home country/state : presumably Germany
languages : German,Russian,English, Spanish, French, Italian, Japanese, Chinese
last known location: unknown
she's usually described as a heartless hollow child but underneath that she's misunderstood since she suffered alot of trust issues since her death but she's genuinely a sweet and protective child
she's understanding and a emotional support buddy but of course she wouldn't be a killer if that was the case all the time. she can be extremely hostile when wanted/needed she has broken a man's spine once
hair : brunette either that or a red shade
eyes : amber gold
skin : tannish
blood : there's some leaking from her stitches on her mouth she has some leaking from her neck and forehead and arms
stitches : she them on her mouth stitching up to her ears
scars/cuts : she has them on her legs majority and one hole like one on her knee
clothing : she has a black shirt with a white text and white like guitar decorations. it says "I may look like I'm listening but I'm listening to music"
pants : pink shorts with a lighter pink stripe
shoes : blue and purple
she grew up as a calm little girl who had extreme social anxiety and trust issues so she was always a outcast so then when she finally trusted someone she was immediately wronged after some months after a enough manipulation she was pushed off a cliff ending her life young it's theorized now she wanders around her cries and screams echo in your head when she's chosen you to be her vitcim
it's very slim and unbelievable but it's thought her and the wanderer may be friends
she could be friends with hazel who enjoys children's presence
or even strawberry who is known for being motherly
[if anyone wants their creepypasta/marble hornets oc or character to be her friend ask :) )
mother : deceased
dad : deceased
sister : deceased
older brother : deceased
aunt: 4 (2 deceased)
uncles 5 : 1 deceased
cousins : 7 (3 deceased)
pet : Alive
she doesn't really sleep since she's scared of being "killed" and being vunerable so in battle she's very clumsy at times often struggling to keep awake so it's sometimes easy to attack her this way by using her disadvantage of sleep deprivation since the most sleep she gets is 12 mintues.she's a child meaning her abilities are limited like reaching for stuff higher than she can get, along with her weaknesses of being traumatized tho this will leave her screaming and crying afraid, the organization that killed her either it be real or mentioned it's sure to make her have flashbacks and leave for now.generally aim for her bruises,cuts,scars,bloody areas,stitches the most.she is insecure of her stitches and more so just mention those and she will be stunned
• floating but the limit is only hovering off the ground a few feet (like zaida from down to earth I don't remember the limit-)
• speed, she used to play soccer and more sports.
• stealth she can be very very quiet and sneaky since her ablity to float
• voice impersonation since her death she's been able to repeat her screams and her vitcims screams and voices
• somewhat strength but of course she still struggles
she wishes for a older brother figure or a real brother despite it not being blood. she wants someone to try and help her feel more protected and understood
• feeling safe
• sleep but that's just a wish
• helping people who are in her situation
• helping children in her situation
• soccer
• basketball
• kickball
• dodgeball
• trying to save inocent people
• writing• reading
• swimming (ever seen a pool turn blood red?)
• animals
• bullies
• the organization that killed her
• high places like cliffs
• bad people
• herself
• her scars
• her naive nature
• her naivety
• her stitches
she use to run a lemonade stand and likes cooking and writing since she has a alot of hobbies
(before I say anything! My sister usually does the digital artwork and stories/writing but we share equal work so if you see my content on a account named "camcreepypasta" leave them alone it's my sister. Reminder I'll make a post explaining this
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No my sister didn't just 💀 this was a violation-
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Vibing with mc Donalds since I was too tired to cook
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the person that made julius is a liar and stalker
Bitch don't involve me into this especially since I consider them a friend
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Im back on my account @teenagedirtbagbaby0 thank you sister for letting me use your account for a bit
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