so glad we're not the only ones thinking about this!
Something about the Titanic submersible that’s missing keeps reminding me of the Under Pressure podcast (read: audio drama). Presumably because it’s also an underwater vessel that by nature of it’s job/function is extremely dangerous and if something goes wrong it could cause life-changing events to happen.
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What happened to Under Pressure? Was it cancelled or is another season still going to happen?
Dear mj-comics,
This is actually a very timely question!! Under Pressure is coming back with a plague special… sometime this year, probably (we’ve gotten good about not over promising). The special will be 5 episodes long, though those episodes are about twice as long in script pages as any of season 1 was, but ya know, who’s counting?
All jokes aside, though, we are really excited to be coming back, and are happy there’s still interest in this weird little project. We look forward to seeing all of you… soon.
Best wishes,
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by belliesartboutique
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Over the last few days, a lot has been made of the changes to the Patreon fee structure. We have a lot to say about it. If you agree, please signal boost this post. If you’re another creator, send us an ask, a DM, an email, a carrier pigeon (okay, maybe not that last one) and you can sign onto the letter. We can’t afford to be complacent about this.
Dear Patreon,
Over the past few years, many creators from diverse genres and mediums have used your services to get long-term funding for their art. We, as creators, value your services, but we value our patrons and our relationships with them more, even those patrons who are only able to pledge a small amount of financial support.
We are writing to you as members of the Audio Drama community, which as a whole has used Patron for years as a source of production funding. Your changes will not only cost us our small-donor supporters, they’ll also hurt us as individuals who support each others’ projects. We, as a community, value every amount of financial support we receive, no matter how small, which is why we believe that your proposed changes to processing fees will hurt the AD community on Patreon as a whole.
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Send chicken soup. SO MUCH CHICKEN SOUP. 
Love, J
Our Season 1 finale is now out! You can listen to it via the link above or your podcatcher app of choice. Click the link above or listen here, or you can find it on Apple Podcasts, Google Play, or in your podcatcher app of choice.
This is the end of the first season of Under Pressure, and we’ll be on  hiatus for a while. However, while we won’t be charging patrons, our Patreon will still be active as we catch up on rewards we didn’t get posted during the season, such as commentary on episode scripts, vignettes, and other patron-only rewards. If you’d like to see a second season, please pledge your support!
This episode was written and directed by Margaret Clark and Phoebe Seiders.
This episode featured:
Madison Schaeffer as Jamie MacMillan-Barrie
Danielle Shemaiah as Capt. Phaedra Aspros
Georie Taylor as Dr. Sidney Petersen
Zach Valenti as Jack Vernon
Peter Coleman as Hamish Turin
Thea Rodgers as Dr. Mona Ramirez
This episode also featured guest stars James Oliva of What’s the Frequency and Greater Boston, and Jessica Washington, also of Greater Boston.
Our theme was written by Dominic Wright and the show is edited by Erin S.
Follow us on twitter @U_P_Podcast or @ProcyonPodcasts.
Transcript is here, and will also be posted to underpressurepodcast.com.
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Day 4: Underwater
How could I even think about doing this on something else, it was obviously going to be about the people on my favourite deep sea station, the Amphitrite. (nb: this is a headcanon of mine, but both gals are gay so yeah).
Ch: Jamie McMillan-Barrie and Mona Ramirez Work: Under Pressure Podcast
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Wait the show isn't ending, is it?
Dear @child-of-the-sky-people,
Worry not, this was not the last episode, and the show hasn’t ended. We have 10 episodes planned for the first season, and the second half of the finale will be out sometime in October.
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do you all have a list of what every crew member does on the station? especially jack? i get a little turned around (plus i have no idea what jack does besides hit on jamie and fix a pipe or two) thanks! i'm so in love with this podcast!
Dear @gothdog,
Cap Aspros manages the long- and short-term part of the station. This includes (at present) approving researchers and types of research in the long term wing.
Dr Hamish Turin studies seismic activity in the Marianas Trench and, when required, monitors said activity if it threatens the station.
Dr Sidney Petersen conducts research on the long term health effects of the pressurized of the station’s inhabitants (both long and short term) and often provides necessary medical care.
Dr Mona Ramirez studies micro (and sometimes macro) organisms that live at depth.
Dr Jamie MacMillan-Barrie...you know what, the whole show is about what Jamie does, go listen to the episodes. She does philosophical research badly.
Jack Vernon is the station’s maintenance-man. Basically if something is broken, he fixes it. Since the station is relatively new he doesn’t have all that much to do on a daily basis, so he spends a lot of time just looking over all of the parts. In some ways, Jack conflates his self worth with the upkeep of the station.
Hope this helps.
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[Sent: Sept 12, 2017] Rebecca, About that offer to stay in your guest room...I have a different request instead. Think you could help me figure out a high-pressure recipe for honey apple cake? Love, J
Under Pressure Episode 9: The Old Man Under the Sea is out now! Click the link above or listen here, or you can find it in your podcatcher app of choice.
The show is completely supported by you, the listener! If you would like to donate and get cool perks, you can find us on Patreon.
This episode was written and directed by Margaret Clark and Phoebe Seiders.
This episode featured:
Madison Schaeffer as Jamie MacMillan-Barrie
Danielle Shemaiah as Capt. Phaedra Aspros
Thea Rodgers as Dr. Mona Ramirez
Zach Valenti as Jack Vernon
Our theme was written by Dominic Wright and the show is edited by Erin S.
Follow us on twitter @U_P_Podcast or @ProcyonPodcasts.
Transcript is here, and will also be posted to underpressurepodcast.com.
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If you like our show, or audio dramas in general, check this one out!!
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A missing lab partner, a tape recorder and a ship at sea. The SS Astrid departs.
Episode 1 - Standard Operating Procedure
Starring: Emily Wang and Jo Chiang as Miranda Quan Zach Libresco as Sebastian Fredricksen Hunter Grin as Jonathan Costello Audio Engineering by Erin S and Alex Yun Theme music by Dominic Wright
Listen on: Spreaker | iTunes | Google Play Links: Website | Twitter |
To help make this show, please consider supporting us on Patreon
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Things have been rough for everyone on the station lately, but a little more so for some. At least I was able to be there for someone when they needed me -- did my best impression of you. 
Love, J
Under Pressure Episode 8: The Beach House of Asterion is out now! Click the link above or listen here, or you can find it in your podcatcher app of choice.
The show is completely supported by you, the listener! If you would like to donate and get cool perks, you can find us on Patreon.
This episode was written by Margaret Clark, and directed by Margaret Clark and Phoebe Seiders.
This episode featured:
Madison Schaeffer as Jamie MacMillan-Barrie
Georie Taylor as Dr. Sidney Petersen
Zach Valenti as Jack Vernon
Danielle Shemaiah as Capt. Phaedra Aspros
Thea Rodgers as Dr. Mona Ramirez
Our theme was written by Dominic Wright and the show is edited by Erin S.
Follow us on twitter @U_P_Podcast or @ProcyonPodcasts.
Transcript is here, and will also be posted to underpressurepodcast.com.
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Completely unrelated,  but I wanted to show you these robots. Yes, these are not fish, these are robots - the future is now.  Not to mention that they’re moving apparently randomly through a three-dimensional space, and not touching each other! That’s impressive.
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Not currently dead, though that could be up in the air (as it were). If you receive this, then at least we got the internet reconnected! 
Love, J
Under Pressure Episode 7: In the Dark of the Trench is out now! Click the link above or listen here, or you can find it in your podcatcher app of choice.
The show is completely supported by you, the listener! If you would like to donate and get cool perks, you can find us on Patreon.
This episode was written by Phoebe Seiders, and directed by Margaret Clark and Phoebe Seiders.
This episode featured:
Madison Schaeffer as Jamie MacMillan-Barrie
Zach Valenti as Jack Vernon
Danielle Shemaiah as Capt. Phaedra Aspros
Georie Taylor as Dr. Sidney Petersen
Thea Rodgers as Dr. Mona Ramirez
And extra special guest star Alexander Danner of @greaterblogston as the comms officer of the DSV Bubble Annie!
Our theme was written by Dominic Wright and the show is edited by Erin S.
Follow us on twitter @U_P_Podcast or @ProcyonPodcasts.
Transcript is here, and will also be posted to underpressurepodcast.com.
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Actually, as of *hand waggle* now-ish, Under Pressure has in fact had over 11,200 downloads!
Margaret and I are incredibly grateful to each and every one of our listeners as well as all the kind folks who’ve ever signal-boosted us. We’re in the home stretch of Season One now, and we hope you’ll continue to enjoy the ride.
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there was some science that got done that involved putting a camera on a humboldt squid and
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all i can think about is how fucking weird this must be for the squid??? like??? squid do not wear clothes, when left to themselves so how is this one adapting to its new clothes-wearing paradigm, how does it feel about this situation where it is now the only squid in a t-shirt and bodycam
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Hey I just started/caught up with this podcast and I really enjoyed it I really want to thank you for making Jamie Jewish. Ive found it rare to find a Jewish protagonist in not explicitly Jewish media and I love her and the show that much more for giving me/us this. Thank you so much
Dear @maris-rose,
Thank you for your kind words. Here at UP, and in PPN in general, we really try to portray people from a variety of backgrounds, for both diversity’s sake, and because having a rich cast, in my opinion, makes stories better a lot of the time.
On Jamie specifically: I am also Jewish, and one of the things I try to do in my writing is to show Jewish people in in the real world--or as close as you can get, in a sci-fi setting. The right to exist in public is something that has long been denied to us, and it’s something I want to explore in my writing.
Shalom aleichem,
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