unanswered-stars · 12 hours
I am notoriously not a fan of AU fics, specifically real-world AU but oh my goodness this is delightful. I swear chunky’s keyboard must simply sing in excitment everytime she touches it because it knows she is about to create something glorious.
@azrisweek || DAY 3: Contact || 9k words
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Physics and the Immortality of the Soul. The most ridiculous notion Azriel could have picked to build his career around. He had spent half a lifetime tasking himself with impossible questions which very few people took seriously. A strange nostalgia for things he didn’t understand manifested after a childhood accident. This set his life on a path that one day leads him to the front doors of a strange library full of precious and one of a kind books and an even stranger connection to someone completely unexpected. One of which might finally give him the answers he was seeking.
Little points of contact bloom and tensions heat between the pages of Azriel's notes and Eris' books.
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P.s. This one comes with completely irrelevant mini history fun facts in the notes
Snippet under the cut.
“You know,” Azriel started, smiling, “If you would just let me start checking them out again.-” “Absolutely not.” Eris interrupted, turning away from Azriel to grab at the book he had just placed incorrectly on the shelf above them. The heat of the spell they had fallen under had been broken but Azriel was ok with that. This was the most they had ever spoken to one another and he didn’t mind taking time to play. Azriel unfurled his arms and placed his hand atop Eris’ where it took hold of the book. He was frighteningly thrilled at the way those fingers trembled under his.  “Please?” He plied sweetly. Desperation tugged at the ends of his fingers. In the weeks that he had been coming here, the two of them hadn’t so much as exchanged more than a few cursory words out loud. Their flirtations were merely physical. An accidental brush of their hands when exchanging a book, eyes that lingered too long, breath that came too close. More than once, the fire left in the wake of those small pieces of contact erupted in flames, sending them both over the edge. Eris’ hands would find their way under Azriel’s sweater as he pushed him back up against bookshelves, mapping every bit of exposed skin with his fingers and lips. He was always the first to touch, and always the first to pull away leaving Azriel frustrated and confused. It did not stop him from returning time and time again.  With the weight of the impending storm pressing against Azriel’s skin, those memories and fantasies were beginning to spill over. The pressure was a lover's caress, making it hard to breathe, hard to think.  Eris shuttered every single emotion he had let slip and leveled Azriel with a bored look. “You lost that privilege the last time you brought a first edition back with notes in the margin.” He hissed, turning and stomping back to the table to grab more books. “Now, I have to monitor your use. You return them in abysmal condition.” Azriel scoffed lightly under his breath without meaning to. He thought that ‘abysmal’ might have been an over exaggeration.  “I paid for it.” He insisted. As if that alone erased any infraction.  When they made it back to the table, Azriel plopped back down in his seat and took up the book that had been lying open, into his hands, feigning reading.  Eris snatched it from him and frowned at the pages. More notes in Azriel’s handwriting could be seen scrawled all over the page.   He slammed it closed with a growl. “Even under my watch you manage to desecrate them.” “I wasn’t finished.” Azriel propped his head in his hand and lazily. “We’re closed. Leave.”
If anyone wants on or off the taglist please let me know!
Holla at ya boi if you want on or off the Azris tag train : @talibunny30 @iftheshoef1tz @born-to-riot @fell-in-luvs @fieldofdaisiies @aktrain @honeysuckle-daydreams13 @secret-third-thing @acourtofladydeath @pippsmcgee @youvereachedthenearest-lovergirl @baileybird71 @skyesayshi @yanny-77 @areyoudreaminof @unanswered-stars @futurehunt @ninthcircleofprythian @matrixsss @going-through-shit @c-starstuff-man0 @jules-writes-stories @the-darkestminds @krowiathemythologynerd @cauldronblssd @hieragalbatorixdottir @yourlazykitkat @hellolordling @climbthemountain2020
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unanswered-stars · 21 hours
This made me immediately nostalgic for All Things End so catch me reading that next
Azris Week Day 3: Contact
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Azriel and Eris have been hiding their relationship for years when they're separated when Amarantha traps Eris under the mountain. Despite it all, they find a way to communicate, and eventually find a way back to each other.
This is a prequel to "All I Want For Solstice Is You" and part of the "Winter Cabin" series
Have some angst and an emotional reunion for day 3 of @azrisweek! I love writing different ways that mates go about accepting their bond, and this is one rendition.
Thank you to @chunkypossum for her help betaing this fic and to @secret-third-thing for being my cheerleader as i edited!
Read the snippet below the cut, or you can read the full fic on AO3!
“She’s taken our power, all the High Lord’s. We’re trapped.” Rhysand’s voice was choked and weak, as if it took everything he had left to send one last message. “I’ve shielded you in. Protect Velaris, I love you all.”  “No…” Azriel was running for the door before the single, desperate word had left his lips. Though voices sounded behind him, he heard nothing but the roaring of his blood as it pounded through his veins and his shadow’s song as they called him to get to his mate, his mate who was in danger. Hurtling into the street, Azriel immediately launched into the air and flew as hard and fast as he could toward the mountain where Eris was now trapped. Azriel felt the tug on their bond, weak but there, followed by a caress that was so tender it was painful.  And then it hit him.  Or rather, he hit it.  Azriel crashed into the barrier that Rhysand had constructed with the last dregs of his power as Amarantha had taken it from him. And when he did, he felt another shield go up. Suddenly, there was nothing twining with the frenzied threads in his chest. Eris had cut off their bond. 
This snippet does not start at the beginning of the fic. Read the full fic on AO3!
Please let me know if you would like off or on my taglist! @pippsmcgee @born-to-riot @chunkypossum @bubybubsters @queercontrarian @yanny-77 @fieldofdaisiies @iftheshoef1tz @secret-third-thing
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unanswered-stars · 1 day
It's like you read my freaking soul. Half my writing playlist is Sleeping at Last and I have a separate playlist with every single one of his songs on it. His songs never miss.
That is so sweet wedding are so wonderful and they just give me all the best feelings. I cried writing this so its only fair someone cried reading it. So glad you enjoyed this!
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Azris Day 2: Familiars - Our Hearts Collide
Read here on AO3
This is the song that was composed and performed by Matthan for Eris and Azriel’s first dance during their mating ceremony. He shared the lyrics privately with Eris and Azriel prior to the ceremony and only played the instrumental version on his violin for their dance as his ability to speak and sing was lost in an incident with Beron.
Glimpse of Us by Joji covered by Nasif Francis is what this was written to and I highly recommend listening while reading.
Matthan: Greek origins meaning ‘gift’ or ‘hope’
He is a character I have built for the sixth Vanserra brother. Named by Eris at birth, Matthan is a kind and gentle soul, who looks up to Eris more than anyone though that was not always the case. His singing voice was described as ethereal/angelic until he lost that ability (think Libera boys choir). He knew how to play the violin prior to the incident but afterwards the violin became an integral part of him and it is rare to see him without it.
I am in the middle of outlining backstories for each member of the Vanserra family for a larger Azris fic in the future but I really wanted the characters to have more depth before diving straight into Azris. All the Vanserra brothers are special to me but Matthan in particular is precious to me. I have written an outline that has much more about his character but I don't want to spoil a sweet little one shot backstory that I have planned for him.
He’d burn the whole world to ashes
If meant that I could live
He’d transform into the shadows
Till there’s nothing left to give
The whole world is constantly changing
It’s pulling us apart at the seams
Promises of our forever
Only in dreams
So for all of time
You and I
Hand in hand together we’ll stand
Against them all our hearts collide
Shadows twine and reach for your touch
The flames burning bright for both of us
Now we’re here I’m not leaving now
Please pull me close with your lips over mine
Our arms entwined
Our hearts collide
The pain and the anguish that made us
It could have torn us into two.
That was end to our story
Before it ever could begin.
But instead we chose each other
Laying our masks to the side
The future truly meant nothing
Without your hand in mine
So for all of time
You and I
Hand in hand together we’ll stand
Against them all our hearts collide
Shadows twine and reach for your touch
The flames burning bright for both of us
Now we’re here I’m not leaving now
Please pull me close with your lips over mine
Our arms entwined
Our hearts collide
Ooh, ooh-ooh
Ooh, ooh-ooh
Hand in hand together we’ll stand
Against them all our hearts collide
Shadows twine and reach for your touch
The flames burning bright for both of us
Now we’re here I’m not leaving now
Please pull me close with your lips over mine
Our arms entwined
Our hearts collide
Sing a little dirty if you want I’m or off the tag train
@chunkypossum @futurehunt @fieldofdaisiies @hieragalbatorixdottir @the-darkestminds @azrisweek
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unanswered-stars · 1 day
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Azris Day 2: Familiars - Our Hearts Collide
Read here on AO3
This is the song that was composed and performed by Matthan for Eris and Azriel’s first dance during their mating ceremony. He shared the lyrics privately with Eris and Azriel prior to the ceremony and only played the instrumental version on his violin for their dance as his ability to speak and sing was lost in an incident with Beron.
Glimpse of Us by Joji covered by Nasif Francis is what this was written to and I highly recommend listening while reading.
Matthan: Greek origins meaning ‘gift’ or ‘hope’
He is a character I have built for the sixth Vanserra brother. Named by Eris at birth, Matthan is a kind and gentle soul, who looks up to Eris more than anyone though that was not always the case. His singing voice was described as ethereal/angelic until he lost that ability (think Libera boys choir). He knew how to play the violin prior to the incident but afterwards the violin became an integral part of him and it is rare to see him without it.
I am in the middle of outlining backstories for each member of the Vanserra family for a larger Azris fic in the future but I really wanted the characters to have more depth before diving straight into Azris. All the Vanserra brothers are special to me but Matthan in particular is precious to me. I have written an outline that has much more about his character but I don't want to spoil a sweet little one shot backstory that I have planned for him.
He’d burn the whole world to ashes
If meant that I could live
He’d transform into the shadows
Till there’s nothing left to give
The whole world is constantly changing
It’s pulling us apart at the seams
Promises of our forever
Only in dreams
So for all of time
You and I
Hand in hand together we’ll stand
Against them all our hearts collide
Shadows twine and reach for your touch
The flames burning bright for both of us
Now we’re here I’m not leaving now
Please pull me close with your lips over mine
Our arms entwined
Our hearts collide
The pain and the anguish that made us
It could have torn us into two.
That was end to our story
Before it ever could begin.
But instead we chose each other
Laying our masks to the side
The future truly meant nothing
Without your hand in mine
So for all of time
You and I
Hand in hand together we’ll stand
Against them all our hearts collide
Shadows twine and reach for your touch
The flames burning bright for both of us
Now we’re here I’m not leaving now
Please pull me close with your lips over mine
Our arms entwined
Our hearts collide
Ooh, ooh-ooh
Ooh, ooh-ooh
Hand in hand together we’ll stand
Against them all our hearts collide
Shadows twine and reach for your touch
The flames burning bright for both of us
Now we’re here I’m not leaving now
Please pull me close with your lips over mine
Our arms entwined
Our hearts collide
Sing a little ditty if you want on or off the tag train
@chunkypossum @futurehunt @fieldofdaisiies @hieragalbatorixdottir @the-darkestminds @azrisweek
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unanswered-stars · 1 day
Petulant Azriel when he is relaxed and comfortable is canon
Thank you for this gem ✨
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In canon. Azriel finds himself utterly bored as he is lounging on the couch in Eris' office, waiting for his mate to finally be done with High Lord's business and so he comes up with an idea... azrisweek masterlist | read on ao3 | no warnings
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“Eriiiiiiiiis,” Azriel whines. The High Lord ignores him.
With a loud and dramatic sigh, Azriel then throws his head back. “Eris….” he moans a little louder, hoping to somehow catch his mate‘s attention, but the High Lord has the audacity to only grumble a few incomprehensible words, not even deigning the shadowsinger with a look.
Is he truly ignoring me? Azriel thinks and furrows his brow The shadowsinger exhales another loud sigh, letting his head fall back, now hanging over the side of the couch he is lounging on.
He intensely stares at his mate’s back, hoping that Eris can somehow feel it. But still no reaction from the High Lord. Not even when Azriel tugs at the bond. Not even when he tugs many times, and hard. Not even when he lets Eris feel how deeply the absolute agony of the other's betrayal affects him he is going through (namely getting ignored and desperately wanting his mate) through the bond.
The High Lord of Autumn continues to scribble something down on a piece of paper, one hand holding the pen, the other braced atop at least ten books and pieces of parchment.
“Eris, I am bored and I want you!” 
“You‘ll have me later,” Eris answers matter-of-factly, not turning to look over his shoulder. He keeps staring at the paper in front of him. 
Azriel’s eyes widen in disbelief, and he throws his arms up in exasperation, shadows shifting with the movement.
“I want you now!” Azriel grumbles and once again receives no answer. He isn’t really mad about Eris and his indifference — he is the new High Lord, has a lot to do and Azriel didn’t announce his visit. He is just there and needs his mate, but Eris is busy. He had spent a little time with his mate in the morning, they ate together, went for a walk and made love in the forest, when they returned Azriel fell asleep in Eris arms but woke up to find an empty bed. And since this morning —it’s now late afternoon— Eris has been working nonstop and has had no time for his mate.
Azriel rather starts to worry about Eris. He is working so much – too much probably, and Azriel is afraid that it might become overwhelming for his mate.
“And you are working too much.” Azriel shifts his gaze to one shadow curling and swirling around his stretched out arm, quickly glancing sideways to his mate and then back at his hand.
“I have a lot of work, my love.”
A silly grin appears on Azriel’s face at the nickname. He wants to wipe it off his face, trying so hard right now to be angry at his mate. But he can’t. He just can’t be mad at him. Not when Eris says things like my love.
Azriel folds a hand over his mouth, hoping for the grin to disappear so he can glower at his mate again. “When will you be done?”
“If you stopped distracting me, I would be done much faster.” Eris’ tone edges on annoyance and it hurts Azriel a little. It also disappoints him. He doesn’t like it when Eris threatens to fall back into old patterns and talks to him like this. But instead of confronting Eris, the shadowsinger decides to really shut his mouth and keep calm.
He flips onto his side, careful of his wings of course, and his eyes land on Ares, Eris‘ youngest greyhound, casually stretched out on the luxurious carpet in front of the couch. The animal‘s gaze is fully focused on him and Azriel smiles, but then realises—
The hound is not looking at him, or at least not directly. Ares is ogling the shadow that is curled around his arm, and that with a predatory gaze.
The corner of Azriel’s mouth quirks up, and an idea sparks in his mind. His lips form a happy, and slightly mischievous grin, and he pushes up on his elbow, resting his chin in his palm.
“You want to play?” This draws Ares‘ attention to his face, and the hound meets his gaze, ears twitching. His tongue pokes out and he begins to pant, looking like he is about to jump up and dart into Azriel’s direction.
A big grin spreads over the shadowsinger’s face, and a devilish idea forms in his mind. He allows the shadow to slide down his arm, down his hand until it is only connected to the tips of his fingers, and then he says, or rather commands, “Go!”
The shadow darts ahead, swirling over the ground and Ares after it. The shadow is fast and so is Ares, but whenever his paw reaches for it, it is nothing more than black mist he touches, not able to catch it. 
Azriel loves this, laughing from the bottom of his heart while he directs his shadow and allows his precious hound to run after it. Ares is relentless, and fast, blazing through the entire office, and somehow Eris still manages to ignore them. 
Azriel’s annoyance grows, and his brows bunch. He allows Ares to chase the shadow for a few more rounds and then he gets another idea. An idea that sounds absolutely brilliant in his mind and one that he knows will make his mate finally focus on something else than work. 
He commands the shadow to change course, now slithering over the ground, right into the direction of the chair Eris is sitting atop. Ares follows, his paws padding loudly on the floor. His snout is pressed against the cool stones, his tail wiggling excitedly. 
The shadow reaches Eris' chair, climbing upwards until curls around his arm and slides onto the parchments he is currently reading through. 
The large hound lands on top of Eris‘ desk and work and half on top of Eris who yelps in shock. Ares' weight almost makes Eris fall backwards and he now has to hold onto the hound and the desk, hoping to not tumble and really fall to the ground. “AZRIEL!”
The shadowsinger has to laugh so hard, he is bending over, eventually tumbling onto the floor, after seeing how the large greyhound jumped onto its owner and hearing his mate shriek in horror.
“Azriel!” Eris shouts, his voice sounding furious. He knows exactly whose doing it was. Who the culprit was! It must have been his mate. Ares wouldn’t do something just like that, Eris knows this, so it had to be his mate’s brilliant idea.
He somehow manages to help Ares back to the ground, staring at him for a moment before his gaze returns to the crumbled papers in front of him. Rolling his eyes, he smooths his hand over the paper, and then has to crack a smile.
He wishes he could be mad at his mate for what he has done, but damn, does he fail miserably. Azriel is just…he is a menace, but he loves him just too much and maybe he has truly been a little inattentive. 
“Ares,” Eris lifts a hand. “Be a good boy and play outside.” Waving his hand, Eris magically opens the door, allowing the greyhound to blaze outside, following his owner’s command. With another flick of his wrist, the door closes after him.
Slowly, Eris shoves the pieces of paper, now crumbled and messy, back on the table, placing a pile of books atop them.
“Now to you!” Slowly, the High Lord rises and then turns to his mate, a frown on his face. “You are impossible.” He approaches Azriel with long and slow steps, staring down at him from above.
“And yet you love me.” Azriel beams, his cheeks rosy, his grin reaching from one ear to the other.
“I guess I‘ll have to reconsider…I had important business to do.”
Azriel shrugs a casual shoulder, allowing one of his shadows to curl around Eris‘ leg, slowly climbing upwards until it reaches his head, softly brushing his ear and the side of his face.
“Well, I think you‘ll have important business to do with me as well.”
This elicits a low and breathy chuckle from Eris, and slowly he steps into his mate, crouching down so they are on eye-level. “Is that so, Shadowsinger?”
Azriel straightens his posture which allows him to almost touch Eris mouth with his lips. “I need you.”
Eris leans in as well, gaze dropping to his mate’s lips. He can feel Azriel’s desire through the bond, the raw carnal need, and has been feeling it for the past hours. 
“Yes, you do,” Eris breathes. “I guess the letters can wait a little.”
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general Azris tag list (please let me know if you want to be added/removed): @azrielsbabyg @lady-riel @moonlightazriel @aayo-whatt @brekkershadowsinger @ladyelain @banasheefan56 @a-frog-with-a-laptop @ofduskanddreams @acourtofladydeath @secret-third-thing @born-to-riot @chunkypossum
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thank you so much for beta reading @queercontrarian and @born-to-riot 💛
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unanswered-stars · 1 day
I have been waiting for her to post this on tumblr because it is simply scrumptious and needs to be shared
@azrisweek || DAY 2: Familiars || 14k words
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Elain is nice, quiet and easy to be around. Azriel and his shadows find solace in her company. When her powers as seer become evident however, Azriel is forced to reckon with a familiar part of his past that is about to take on a whole new meaning.
NGL I did too much this week and I'm being such a HATER about every word I wrote y'all. And this one is my least favorite😅 but the idea wouldn’t leave me alone sooooo here we are. This week I'm posting and running away to hide and devour everyone else's content. ANYWAY... Happy @azrisweek !!
Hope you enjoy yourselves I know I will!
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Snippet under the cut.
Screaming into his hands, Azriel started laughing at himself. The more crazed his laughter became, the more agitated his shadows grew until they were swarming around him in a massive dark cloud. The sight must have been terrifying but Azriel was mindless in his confusion and anger, taking no notice. He had to trust that his shadows would not let him be discovered in that state. They veiled him and brought Azriel into the void between worlds while they tried to find him a private place to calm down. As much as he wanted to, Azriel could not stay in the void indefinitely.   His feet touched the ground in several places at once. There was nowhere in Prythian he could run from these thoughts. His best option was the icy wind of the Illyrian steppes. Azriel groaned as the wind chafed his wings and clarity hit him a moment later. Right or wrong, Azriel had to know. It took him a long time standing in the Winter night to gather up the courage to utter his demand. The significance of it hung heavy in the air and crawled along his bones. Better kept in the dark corners of his mind, Azriel was acknowledging something by saying it outloud. It was the possibility that the pull towards Autumn meant more than his hatred, his protection of Mor and the duty to his court.  “Take me to him.” Nearly lost in the howling of the wind, Azriel whispered those simple words. Nothing had ever been harder for him to say.  He didn’t have to specify who he meant, the shadows just knew. 
If anyone wants on or off the taglist please let me know!
Holla at ya boi if you want on or off the Azris tag train : @talibunny30 @iftheshoef1tz @born-to-riot @fell-in-luvs @fieldofdaisiies @aktrain @honeysuckle-daydreams13 @secret-third-thing @acourtofladydeath @pippsmcgee @youvereachedthenearest-lovergirl @baileybird71 @skyesayshi @yanny-77 @areyoudreaminof @unanswered-stars @futurehunt @ninthcircleofprythian @matrixsss @going-through-shit @c-starstuff-man0 @jules-writes-stories @the-darkestminds @krowiathemythologynerd @cauldronblssd @hieragalbatorixdottir @yourlazykitkat @hellolordling 
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unanswered-stars · 2 days
Will never not freak out when @chunkypossum reblogs mystuff
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Day 1: Contrasts - Two Souls Entangled
A short poem for @azrisweek highlighting the contrasts between the two characters.
Read here on ao3
I adore poetry and write it quite often as my way of journaling, that being said it is also one of the most intimate pieces of my soul and it was actually quiet difficult to share this piece but I hope you enjoy it.
The song of the dark
Meets the flame and the spark
One shackled unseen fed by cold icy rage
One displayed within a beautiful gilded cage
Piercing hazel finds
Honey amber eyes
The spy
The general
Two battlefield cries
One the holder of truth
The other a master of deception
The shadows
The flames
A perfect inverse reflection
The thrill of the flight
And the glow of a blaze
The stars
The leaves
The heat of their gaze
The edge of the knife
Over a sharp silver tongue
The singer
The dancer
To words yet unsung
One family found
Another divided
The bastard
The prince
By fathers hand’s guided
Dark lines of ink
Meets pale freckled skin
The torturer
The tortured
Buried by their sins
One filled with rage, loathing, and hatred
One with love and hope for the one long awaited
So broken and mangled
These two souls entangled
Sing a little ditty if you want on or off the tag train
@chunkypossum @futurehunt @fieldofdaisiies @hieragalbatorixdottir @the-darkestminds
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unanswered-stars · 2 days
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Day 1 : Contrast @azrisweek
Cold cobalt sky
Forest of red leaves
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unanswered-stars · 2 days
This is beautiful
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Azris Week - Day One: Contrasts
~~~ Hello hello! I found the Azris ship and the community this year and have absolutely been consumed by it. I love this idea, I love these two characters, and I love that there's so much potential between them and for them to feed and inspire such a wonderful community. I've never participated in the acotar fandom apart from this, and I'm so excited! Thank you so much to @azrisweek for putting together this event, I have had so much fun letting my brain run free like a dog off a leash with these prompts :D ~~~
Tell me
Azriel calls him tatlım, and Eris doesn’t know what it means.
It’s a secret, he supposes he can accept it—relate to it. Nooks and hidden corners itch and snarl with the weight of his own. An enchanted drawer he keeps in the washroom holds his greatest wonder and his greatest shame.
The journal weighs heavy in Eris’s mind. He traces back the parchment pages with intangible fingers during lulls in his father’s council meetings. The drone of bees, lazy and fat in the afternoon sun becomes the hushed whisper of a canyon gale through dried grass. The lines he inks, stroke by stroke, Azriel matches in full, thrumming strides. Words next to his are clean, unbroken, while Azriel’s remain thick, written in charcoal with smudges at the corners from where his fist has run over the line.
When it’s dark, a time when even shadows cannot creep and loom larger, Eris presses his own fingertips to those words. The smears of charcoal because Azriel had told him early on in their budding friendship when they were young that he can’t use quills.
“They're too thin, my hands shake too much.” A smaller version of Azriel speaks the memory into his mind. The whorls and pockmarks on his hands hidden between the gap of his thighs.
Eris had taken it as a challenge—and now he revels in it. Azriel is messy with his charcoal pencil, too free with his mistakes and smudges and it leaves Eris half a country away and entirely breathless.
‘Tell me what bothers you, tatlım.’ Azriel had written him earlier, the familiar scrawl of his heavy hand appearing stroke by stroke in the filled pages of Eris’s enchanted journal.
Two were made, Eris gave one away. He could not bring himself to regret it even if his life were on the line.
‘Tatlım?’ Eris had asked, his letters looped and coiled together in the way they get when he rushes, when he needs answers.
There was no sound save for Eris’s own steady pulse, the whistle of air through his nose as he waited for a response. And yet he could’ve swore he heard Azriel’s laugh, the breathy one, brush against the point of his ear.
The words appear in the space between one breath and the next: ‘Maybe one day, gach’lilit, I will tell you. For now, stop avoiding my prying.’
Eris places a hand on the rise of his chest. Holding in something that seems to be rising from his stomach to his throat and lands gently on his tongue like the orange and black patterned butterflies in the garden.
‘Tell me now,’ he begs, ‘and I will tell you whatever you wish, Azriel.’
‘Come back to visit me, sweetheart. That’s all I ask.’
It had formed a pause in their effortless back and forth. Eris wanted to—Azriel knew that. No, the issue wasn’t in Azriel’s plea, he knew just how much Eris longed for the little village in the Illyrian steppes. The stable in the field and the small, knobby kneed, black lamb that follows Azriel around like ducklings in the Forest House pond in spring. He misses the creeping, ruby red moss and the yellow and sage aspens that crop up from out of the golden plains like the jagged teeth of a cliff.
Most of all, most desperately of all, he misses Azriel. There is not one inch of his soul that doesn’t.
The inked tip of his quill hangs over the page, a knife poised for the final push. Through skin, muscle, bone, to the heart of everything—the rot that waits, festering under the floorboards of his adamant desire to run. It is one thing; it is also a collection of things Eris has stored like the most gruesome of trinkets, the most harrowing of trophies.
Because Azriel calls him sweetheart. He writes in his tongue letters of longing and punctuates them with words like tatlım, and gach’lilit. As much as Eris wants to stitch those given titles to his chest, he already has one.
Eris Vanserra. Heir of Fire. Son of Autumn.
Sweetheart. Tatlım. Gach’lilit.
He cannot have both. The heir who wears the crown, who feels it’s golden spiked thorns pierce the thin skin of his head knows this. Eris Vanserra was not born with room on his chest for titles other than this: his father’s son.
When his quill meets the page, a heaviness in his hand that wasn’t previously there, he knows Azriel already knows what he will write.
‘Soon,’ he lies, ‘when the festival of the summer sun comes, I’ll visit.' Eris Vanserra cannot flaunt about the wilds of the Night Court without purpose or reason. Even less if the hint of the reason is his desire to see an Illyrian male—but he can set out on inter-court business to strengthen alliances, break down information, and gather intel. Eris Vanserra cannot winnow straight from the quilts of his bed into the hay-strewn floor of Azriel’s stable.
No matter how much he wants to.
His chest pinches, a sharp point digging into the sensitive skin between his ribs when Azriel takes a minute longer to reply. The page remaining horribly empty with their spare words, their delicate dance.
‘Then I will just have to hold onto these words a little longer, besheirt. I wish for you to hear them in person, for they are as sacred to me as you are.’
Something cracks, folds then splinters and out pours a smile like evening sunlight through the painted colors of autumn leaves in the canopy. The tension building in his shoulders leaks down and pools around his feet, an unwanted puddle he completely forgets about Eris may be an heir, a son of autumn, and child of a loveless, forced marriage; but he is also sacred. Something holy and divine by only the rights of Azriel, and Azriel alone.
Eris has his titles. The stitched corners of his heart taken up piece by piece, but he will forever play the game of keeping himself in between the two if it will let him keep Azriel.
He has his own titles to give him.
(Key for words:)
Tatlım - ‘Sweetheart’
Gach’lilit - ‘Firefly’
Besheirt - ‘Notion of a soul mate, but mostly means Intended in terms of spouse’
aH. Alright okay cool I'm so normal about them. This is a short little thing, and it doesn't follow canon lore lol sorry about that. I really loved the idea of contrasts because for me it's what first drew me to this pairing. At first it seemed like there were too many contrasts for them to even be compatible, and then through softening my perspective of both of these characters and their flaws (and no small amount of delusion in which we merely squint from afar at SJMs portrayal of these characters) I found that maybe these contrasts actually enhance their chemistry. what crazy imagine that.
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unanswered-stars · 2 days
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Day 1: Contrasts - Two Souls Entangled
A short poem for @azrisweek highlighting the contrasts between the two characters.
Read here on ao3
I adore poetry and write it quite often as my way of journaling, that being said it is also one of the most intimate pieces of my soul and it was actually quiet difficult to share this piece but I hope you enjoy it.
The song of the dark
Meets the flame and the spark
One shackled unseen fed by cold icy rage
One displayed within a beautiful gilded cage
Piercing hazel finds
Honey amber eyes
The spy
The general
Two battlefield cries
One the holder of truth
The other a master of deception
The shadows
The flames
A perfect inverse reflection
The thrill of the flight
And the glow of a blaze
The stars
The leaves
The heat of their gaze
The edge of the knife
Over a sharp silver tongue
The singer
The dancer
To words yet unsung
One family found
Another divided
The bastard
The prince
By fathers hand’s guided
Dark lines of ink
Meets pale freckled skin
The torturer
The tortured
Buried by their sins
One filled with rage, loathing, and hatred
One with love and hope for the one long awaited
So broken and mangled
These two souls entangled
Sing a little ditty if you want on or off the tag train
@chunkypossum @futurehunt @fieldofdaisiies @hieragalbatorixdottir @the-darkestminds
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unanswered-stars · 3 days
So excited to see all the Azris content coming out next week!
I had all but one day plotted out but unfortunately haven’t had the time to write them the past few weeks so I adjusted the first two days into shorter formats. I will probably still write the rest, just not nearly in time for Azris week.
Azris Week
Day 1: Contrasts
150 word short poem. Poetry, though not my strong suit, is my heart and soul.
Day 2: Familiars
258 word song written by one of the Vanserra brothers for Eris and Azriel’s first dance.
Day 4: Free Day
Chapter 6 of Shadows of Regret and Redemption or if I’m unable to write that in time then it will be the first chapter of my next WIP Heaven Help The Fool Who Falls in Love: The End which is a continuation of @the-moth-writes beautiful oneshot
Sing a little ditty if you want on or off the tag train
@chunkypossum @futurehunt @fieldofdaisiies @hieragalbatorixdottir @the-darkestminds
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unanswered-stars · 8 days
My younglings have been playing pass the parcel with the plague the past fortnight, and we also picked up an extra baby youngling to add to the brood for the next few weeks/months so mama’s been busy.
No time to focus and write but my brain has been going a million miles a minute and I now have several fic ideas swirling around so we’ll see what happens.
I will get back to Shadows of Regret and Redemption when my MOTN nursing sessions do not including a screaming sick youngling and we can go back to our peaceful nursing while I write at 2am.
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unanswered-stars · 16 days
Please go read Shaodow and Ash.
Wait also My Old Friend, Fire
Wait also, It was You Right down the Line
Creator Highlight - Week 6
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Welcome to our Creator Highlight Week 6!
Every week, we’ll use this space to recognize the amazing individuals in our fandom who kindly use so much of their free time and creative energy to share their work with us and bring our imaginations to life via writing, art, visuals, and many other creative mediums. 
This week we want to highlight @futurehunt, a massively talented creator for Azris in the fandom whose stories are imaginative, creative, and wonderful. Her nominator, @unanswered-stars, said the following: “[she] is a wonderful creator and deserves all the praise. Her current WIP is absolutely stunning and is the most beautiful long Azris fic I have had the pleasure of reading.” 
Thank you for sharing your works with us, and for adding such an engaging, creative, and lovely fics to the community and fandom space! Your contributions have been so adorable and well-written, and we hope to see much more from you for a long time to come!
Below are some of our favorite Azris creations.
A Court of Shadows and Ash
Behind the Tapestry
It Was You, Right Down the Line
Roots in My Dreamland
Pumpkin Tart for One
Thanks so much for bringing such unique, interesting, and creative works to the fandom! We’re so glad you’re here!
You can find @futurehunt on Ao3, too!
To submit a Creator Highlight nomination, drop a username and some kind words in our ask box!
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unanswered-stars · 19 days
Why did I just write an epilogue for a fic that I’m not even halfway through instead of writing the next chapter for my current WIP like I was supposed to?
I do not have ADHD but for some reason every time I sit down to write my mind is going in 20 different places at once and I find myself flitting from one project to the next without any rhyme or reason other than the pull of my heart.
Writers please help I need advice for how to stay focused and on task so I don’t abandon my work.
Good news is my next fic has an epilogue now though 😅
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unanswered-stars · 19 days
Your life will be changed for the better once you read this
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A Court of Shadows and Ash
Azriel x Eris
"A thread of longing for you has always been wrapped within me. It was inescapable. Even though I loathed myself for feeling it, nothing dampened its ache."
Chapter 28 now on AO3
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unanswered-stars · 19 days
Stop what you are doing and go read this thing
Just Enough Light to Cast Shadows
Azriel x Eris
If you've asked to be tagged, or I haven't replied to your comments yet, please forgive me. I am a trembling baby colt falling on my face on this app and still trying to figure it out. I will get my act together. Let me know for Chapter 3, and I will tag you!
Chapter 2 is up on AO3.
"The red of Cassian’s cyphons caught the early morning sun, conjuring up the image of flame-colored hair. The Sidra, far below, curved around Velaris like a golden serpent, its surface reflecting the sunrise. Even as the Shadowsinger cut between strikes, the gleaming river water morphed into sad amber eyes, the scent of rainstorms on moss. Fuck. Get out of my head. Azriel wanted to shout it from the rooftop, to echo over the Illyrian steppes and jagged mountain peaks."
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unanswered-stars · 20 days
Shadows of Regret and Redemption
Azriel x Eris
Chapter summary: Eris is big sad and I am not sorry
Eris remembered the searing silver light that momentarily had blinded him upon waking this morning, and only after several forceful blinks had he been able to orient himself to his bed chambers.
He had to hurriedly pull himself together piece by piece to ready himself for his meeting with the Night Court. Not taking as much care with perfecting his image and locking each mask and glamor carefully into place is probably how he had ended up in that ridiculous conversation with Cassian in the first place.
Chapter 5 on AO3 now
If you want to be added to my tag list let me know:
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