this is my own personal confession, i don't care about being anonymous/making an edit for it, but honestly i think we should start taking merch ideas from a certain jerf terf rerf's magical school books series and apply it to twst to make our own merch.
there was an old gryffindor sweater i got at universal several years ago long before she revealed her true colors and i LOVED that sweater. I still do! It's actually a kids sweater that I just got in the biggest size and it wasn't my actual house but GOD that sweater was so cute and i loved it so much. It had a hood and it had embroidered patches on it. Idk how I managed to fit into children's clothing when I was 17 since i was already cursed with booba but I DID IT.
i can't wear it anymore bc it was already strained and a crop top which is hilarious considering actual crop tops are long on me, but now that i'm older i REALLY can't wear it (and obvs i don't love the series anymore but that sweater is PEAK merch design) but anyway i guess what i'm saying is if no one's going to make house merch but it's twst instead then god damn it i'm going to do it (and i am absolutely making a diasomnia version of that sweater).
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Alright, logging in one last time.
I’ve recently been sent this very concerning doc regarding Proud Hufflepuff from this instagram account. As some of you might already be aware, I am not her first victim of harassment and this doc outlines in detail all of her previous cases of harassment which she has gotten away with it scotch-free and without any apology towards any of her previous victims. It also includes irrefutable evidence that Proud Hufflepuff = The Heartslabyul Hatter.
This should really hit the nail on the hammer of how you all are letting a grown women run around completely unchecked. Like I said before, this fandom is a hellhole and I’ve already seen so many creators leaving the fandom. Maybe y’all should sit down and re-evaluate why there are so many weirdos and creeps roaming free. Hold people accountable for once.
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I'm sorry for hijacking this post, but I've got something to add. I received an ask last September that made me furious and upset regarding Team Avalon. I blocked the sender and deleted the ask before I could screenshot it, which I regret now. I don't know Team Avalon, but as someone who did a lot of fan voice acting in their past, attacking fandubbers is one of my beserk buttons. I copy-pasted the ask's text in Discord messages I sent to a friend and another Twst server I was in because I was upset and needed to vent. I had to redact some personal info, but here's a screenshot of my DMs with a friend where I'd sent them the ask's text.
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I'm well aware I don't have definitive proof this was poison-apple-tarts, but I also don't have proof that exonerates her. It could very well be a coincidence and someone unrelated to this situation sent it in, but I think it's awfully strange I got this ask around the time the initial Team Avalon stuff was going on. Either way, the only thing I know about the sender is that they're apparently possessed by the spirit of a disparaged Victorian child, judging from the way they talk.
Idk, I'm sorry for adding something that might not be related to this post bc again, no proof, but this ask has been eating away at me and it still makes me mad even now.
Concerning Behavior in the Twisted Wonderland Fandom
We're done sitting on this. We've agonized for the past couple weeks on how to go about this, but I'm just going to come out and say it for everyone: @/the-heartslabyul-hatter has an incredibly alarming pattern of behavior of bullying and hypocrisy going on and she needs to change her behavior for good.
I'm not really sure where to begin, so I'm going to start at the beginning of our involvement in this and what led us to a lot of this information. Back in September 2020, we ended up stumbling into the Team Avalon and Tumblr user poison-apple-tarts drama. My friends and I did some digging into this as none of us knew who Team Avalon was so all of the posts were reading weird to us. We learned poison-apple-tarts was trying to get people to turn against Team Avalon, who was fandubbing Twisted Wonderland. She claimed it was illegal and that Team Avalon was profiting from their fandub. I am not even going to get into this because this would make this post even longer, but keep a pin in "Team Avalon was profiting from copyrighted material."
During our search, one of my friends found that poison-apple-tarts had commented under a Tumblr post that was a video of one of the Night Ravens' performances saying she was glad people liked the video. And what do you know, they found a post where poison-apple-tarts admitted to being ProudHufflepuff on Youtube.
We kept an eye on things for a while, because to be honest, we were wondering if there was a story there and we could do a video in the vein of When Posting Goes Wrong, or something. We thought this would be some weird, petty drama like Ms.Scribe or Cassandra Clare's laptop drama. But nothing seemed to happen, so we stopped looking for things (and our internet drama channel idea collapsed), but one of our friends kept our receipts because they never delete anything from their computer ever.
Now let's jump to the present, July 2021. I was scrolling through someone's blog looking for something to read when I stumbled upon the drama surrounding the-heartslabyul-hatter, Proud Hufflepuff, and kulfiedraws. I immediately recognized ProudHufflepuff from our previous investigations and while looking through the drama, I saw an "apology" post from the-heartslabyul-hatter where she denied being ProudHufflepuff, but something about it felt off to me and others were suspicious that Hatter was lying. So my friends and I decided to do some more digging, this time trying to find evidence that tied Hatter and poison-apple-tarts/ProudHufflepuff together
We found out that Hatter had, at one point, a Wattpad account, and they had a fic called "Poison Epel." Hatter explained she had deleted the account and fic, so one of us decided to dig through the Internet Archive to see if it'd been captured (it hadn't). So I decided to go and Google around to see if someone had reuploaded it or if others were talking about it. We figured if
What I found was old listings for Posion Epel, attributing it to, you guessed it, poison-apple-tarts. Here is our receipts compilation. I'll explain everything underneath.
Now, either hikariart1st isn't Hatter and reuploaded it without permission, which honestly that's awful if true, or hikariart1st was poison-apple-tart/the-heartslabyul-hatter's Wattpad username and they just had different names for different sites. But either way, that fic, Poison Epel (among others) was attributed to poison-apple-tarts. She wrote Poison Epel. The-heartslabyul-hatter claims to have written Poison Epel. Poison-apple-tarts admitted to being ProudHufflepuff. They are all the same person.
So why are we bringing this to light? Because Hatter has a history of harassing and bullying other creators under the guise of protecting copyright. Let's call it what it is: bullying. Hatter, we don't know why you're doing this, but knock it off. For starters, it's so hypocritical of you to go after people for allegedly making money off fanworks when YOU HAVE YOUR FANFIC COMMISSIONS OPEN. Listen, I totally get it, all of us get it: it's fucking unfair that fanartists can get money from their fanworks but us writers can't. My friends and I regularly complain about it. That's not our problem in this situation, you get your money however you want. Our problem is that you are doing what you condemned and accused others for doing.
You have hurt so many people and clearly, this is your brand. You have been doing shit like this for months and this needs to end now. Look, we don't know you. We don't know why you're harassing people. Is it for clout? Is it to feel superior to others? Or maybe you just like making people feel like shit? We don't know, but this behavior needs to end NOW. You tried to smear Team Avalon's name. You bullied a LITERAL CHILD OUT OF THE FANDOM. You have hurt COUNTLESS people and there's probably even more that my friends and I don't even know about!
You need to stop this. This is hurting so many people, and to be honest, this behavior isn't helping YOU, either. This isn't healthy and if you keep being this toxic, this is going to take a huge toll on you. This toxicity you keep running off of isn't healthy. If you're going to change for anyone, do it for yourself. Your behavior is hurting so many people and I am begging you, WE are begging you, stop this. Take accountability for your actions and change for the better. We know you can be a better, happier person. We want you to change for good and we want you to stop hurting people.
We've said our piece. We're leaving the conversation now. We just hope you change for the better, Hatter. This behavior is unacceptable.
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If anyone's interested in participating in a zine, here's one looking for applicants!
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An Interest Check for “Memories! In Wonderland,” an unofficial fanzine for Twisted Wonderland is currently ongoing! If you or someone you know may be interested in the project, then more information can be found here!
Interest Check will run until March 11th, midnight, CST. Thank you for your time, and I hope you have a nice day/night!
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I want to make something very clear, everyone, but especially Voice Actor Anon
I’m honestly so fucking angry but I’ll try to be coherent and I wanna make something clear. I absolutely WILL NOT STAND NOR TOLERATE people sending hate about fandom-generated content in our inbox. If you send something hateful, you are getting blocked.
This is a place for us to talk about how much we wanna smooch Malleus Draconia or talk about how we wanna adopt Cheka. This is NOT a place to spread hate about content someone in the fandom’s created. You’re entitled to your opinion. Listen, I get people not fitting what you think a character should sound like or the JP voices. You’re entitled to that opinion. But trying to spread around your hate is fucking disgusting. Especially doing it behind not just an anonymous confessions blog but also through an anonymous ask. 
These people are creating free content. FREE. If you don’t like it, just ignore it (like you said you were going to anyway) or privately complain to friends who feel the same. But trying to spread hate over a blog is hella gross and I am absolutely not playing your little game. As long as they aren’t hurting people, let them have fun making content! Not to mention characters should have multiple vocal interpretations. And also their project is for FUN. FUN. As long as they’re having fun, why are you trying to incite shit around them? 
Like tbh I have never even HEARD of these people until your ask, so admittedly some parts I don’t get. Like if they’re doing stuff that’s ACTUALLY problematic that’s totally different! But I don’t get why you’re coming to us and spewing hate over a couple of people doing a project for FREE and FUN.
Voice acting isn’t easy.  “Azusa,” you may be asking. “How do you know that?” It’s my job! I freelance voice act! I have been for years! I did fan voice acting for years prior! I got my start in voice acting doing ATTACK ON TITAN FAN VOICE ACTING. I survived the AUpocalypse. There were CLOSE TO A HUNDRED DIFFERENT ATTACK ON TITAN AUDIOPLAYS. I WAS IN SEVERAL OF THEM. I was ON THE COUNCIL OF AUs. Believe me, I have SEEN and HEARD some shit when it comes to fan voice acting. 
But do you want to know what happens when people think characters can only sound one way? You get less fan voice actors. You get less fan content. 
I certainly had some Opinions on things, but I never once went to a confession blog and bitched about other productions. None of us did! Because we were all having fun! You’re allowed to have opinions but publicly being a jerk about it is absolutely not okay and I am not going to have any of this. 
And this isn’t just for voice acting. This is for ANY FANDOM-GENERATED CONTENT. Do not come here bashing people’s fics, or art, or edits, or whatever. 
So yeah. TLDR: Any negative submission about fandom-created content will be deleted and you will automatically be blocked.
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Do the mods have a favorite character? Thanks so much for running this blog I am so thirsty for these boys lmao
oh bro me too lmao I can’t speak for the other mod, but my (azusa’s) favorite is Malleus.
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are confessions currently open?
Yes, confessions are open but we still have a bit of a backlog to get through, so it might take awhile for your confession to get posted.
- Mod Azusa
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