twenty-gay-t ¡ 1 month
The Iranian Regime is going to execute rapper Toomaj Salehi for supporting protests of Jina Amini’s murder by the regime in his songs.
Iranian activist Elica Le Bon says, “Iranians in the diaspora picked up on the fact that the regime tends not to execute people who become known to the international community. We have seen many examples of prisoners that were either released on bail or had their sentences commuted through our “say their names to save their lives” campaign on social media, using hashtags to garner attention for their causes, and even before social media existed, through getting the stories of political prisoners to international media outlets. Once reported on, and once the eyes shift to the regime and the reality of its pending brutality, realizing that the action is not worth the repercussions, we have seen them back down and not execute. For that reason, this is part of an urgent campaign for readers to talk about Toomaj as much as you can, using the hashtag #FreeToomaj or #ToomajSalehi. Every comment makes a difference, and if we were wrong, what did we lose by trying?”
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twenty-gay-t ¡ 2 years
I can’t help but wonder if truly no one in the writing room thought it would be weird for someone to just decide to initiate sex with a dying person who can barely move or speak. And no. Saying someone’s name, painting on a wall, and showing no resistance doesn’t translate to “bang me.” The more people I see defend THAT scene, the more I doubt they’d say the same thing if the roles were reversed.
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twenty-gay-t ¡ 2 years
This may or may not affect my enjoyment of “The Sandman,” but does anyone know whether Nada’s supposed to be older in the show?
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twenty-gay-t ¡ 2 years
I think people should be more concerned with #TurningProblematic tweets than a film about puberty and menstruation.
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twenty-gay-t ¡ 2 years
Like I said, easily forgiven.
I have two main questions after watching season two of “DOTA: Dragon’s Blood.”
Why is Luna so easily forgiven? Mirana literally called her a monster for her insatiable bloodlust towards the elves yet decided to save her genocidal ass. Not to mention she’s already a dangerous fugitive of the law in the Helio Imperium, and caused a prison break.
How does Mirana plan to resolve the conflict with the elves? Is she just going to defend the Helio Imperium and reclaim the Nightsilver Woods? Or is she going to send troops to the enclaves like Selemene?
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twenty-gay-t ¡ 2 years
I have two main questions after watching season two of “DOTA: Dragon’s Blood.”
Why is Luna so easily forgiven? Mirana literally called her a monster for her insatiable bloodlust towards the elves yet decided to save her genocidal ass. Not to mention she’s already a dangerous fugitive of the law in the Helio Imperium, and caused a prison break.
How does Mirana plan to resolve the conflict with the elves? Is she just going to defend the Helio Imperium and reclaim the Nightsilver Woods? Or is she going to send troops to the enclaves like Selemene?
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twenty-gay-t ¡ 3 years
Help Support a Black LGBT Family!
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[ Image description: the graphic contains a multicolor gradient with decorative shapes with a transparent block and white sparkles. Black text at the top reads, “HELP A BLACK QUEER FAMILY SURVIVE!” below that is a grou photo of Imani, a dark-skinned black nonbinary person wearing a black hat, Jon, a black dominican man eith his hair in twists, Nyah, a dark-skinned black trans woman with her hair in locs (with her ends dyed blue), Ivy, a mixed Black and white nonbinary person, and Beryl, a lightskinned afrolatina trans woman, wearing a purple flowery bonnet. They are all smiling at the camera. Below the photo, black text reads: “the Jellicles are a Black queer+trans family who are in urgent need of financial support while navigating the process of moving and settling into their new home! / V: @stemmonade C: $stemmonade P: https://www.paypal.me/stemmonade” end image description. ]
hey all! please rb and donate so my family and i can get what we need to get settled in our new place! we also have a wishlist of household supplies we need if folks  wanna  support us that way! thanks so much!
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twenty-gay-t ¡ 3 years
Hello. We have been here before. And unfortunately we are here again. I'm a mentally ill genderqueer asexual just trying to survive. I'm currently unable to work because of the mental illness and also painful back problems that prevent me from standing for longer than a couple minutes at a time.
I have an application in for social security disability, but they're only 35% done processing it and it's been more than 2 months. It could be another 3 before they make a decision, and my doctor says that because I'm so young (24) they'll probably reject me on this first try, and that I'll have to appeal, which could take another 5 months conservatively (could take up to a couple years depending on how many times they reject me), so I'm getting some help from my family. They give me as much as they can, as well as housing me, but they're also really poor, so it's just not enough to cover everything (which is why I keep coming back with donation posts).
I'm working toward getting bariatric surgery, and am in therapy, as well as going to frequent doctor's appointments to combat my health issues caused by my obesity, including diabetes, high blood pressure, iron deficiency, etc. And even though you all helped me pay for getting my car back to being operational, there's still gas--there's just a lot to pay for that I can't afford 😓
TL:DR I really need some help paying for co-pays, bills, gas, and food. Any little bit helps. Thanks, and sorry to inundate your dash with another donation post.
Paypal: @kikml2
Cashapp: $kikml2
Venmo: @kikml2
Zelle: message me
If you feel you need proof or more detail before donating to make sure I'm not a scammer, please feel free to message me.
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twenty-gay-t ¡ 3 years
Queer-coding and Queer-baiting are not the same thing!
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twenty-gay-t ¡ 3 years
I love it when spectators (including retirees) forget that athletes are human beings, as opposed to verbal punching bags, when they don’t do their best.
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twenty-gay-t ¡ 3 years
Hey, it's nat!
I'm at a point again where I need to urgently ask for financial help. Links to donate are at the bottom of the post.
I have a history of housing insecurity (past homelessness) and I generally go hungry a lot (especially right now) because I cannot afford food. I also financially support my partner as best as I can through begging. I also have an eating disorder (ARFID) that makes food a higher expense to make up for lost nutrients, because there are only specific foods I can eat. ARFID isn't a choice, has little to no awareness, and there are no free treatment options that I know of. I frequently deal with iron deficiency anemia as part of it. On top of this, I'm trying to fundraise for tuition (around $5k CAD immediately to be able to go back ASAP, w/ future costs pending), a portable laundry machine (around $200-300), and to pay off outstanding student debt from the first time I went to school as a teenager (>$20k, though I am allowed to go back on loans again if I make a downpayment on the interest, which means a min payment of $500ish). I initially went to university at 17, and had to drop out (after being on academic probation) at 18 due to homelessness, family death and estrangement. I'm currently 26 and went back to school briefly for the Winter 2020 semester, before everything shut down. Prior to the pandemic, I had a 98% average in all of my classes. Going back to school was immensely gratifying for me for the time I did it in. It gave me a huge sense of direction, purpose, and something to do that I was passionate about, in ways I couldn't experience before because I was homeless. I desperately want to go back full-time, but I'm still paying off last semester's tuition. I cannot currently work the majority of entry-level jobs because I am physically disabled in ways that most jobs of that variety do not account for accommodations for. (Using a rollator wouldn't really work out well in a McDonald's kitchen, and jobs often like to sneak in ableist criteria like, "must be able to lift up to 50 lbs" - which I can't do.) That said, I hope people who regularly read this blog know and understand the degree of effort and expertise I put into helping you all, and maybe some who are able to would like to forward a few dollars as a tip or something.
Boosting is also very much appreciated.
I'm poor and desperate for financial help. Right now my bank account is at $11 CAD, and I have bills that get taken out randomly throughout the month. Welfare is not enough.
Here are some options to donate:
Patreon (for consistent support, which is most needed)
E-transfer ("canadian" banks only unfortunately) - [email protected]
T-shirts and stickers for sale
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twenty-gay-t ¡ 3 years
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twenty-gay-t ¡ 3 years
Hey, it's nat!
I'm at a point again where I need to urgently ask for financial help. Links to donate are at the bottom of the post.
I have a history of housing insecurity (past homelessness) and I generally go hungry a lot (especially right now) because I cannot afford food. I also financially support my partner as best as I can through begging. I also have an eating disorder (ARFID) that makes food a higher expense to make up for lost nutrients, because there are only specific foods I can eat. ARFID isn't a choice, has little to no awareness, and there are no free treatment options that I know of. I frequently deal with iron deficiency anemia as part of it. On top of this, I'm trying to fundraise for tuition (around $5k CAD immediately to be able to go back ASAP, w/ future costs pending), a portable laundry machine (around $200-300), and to pay off outstanding student debt from the first time I went to school as a teenager (>$20k, though I am allowed to go back on loans again if I make a downpayment on the interest, which means a min payment of $500ish). I initially went to university at 17, and had to drop out (after being on academic probation) at 18 due to homelessness, family death and estrangement. I'm currently 26 and went back to school briefly for the Winter 2020 semester, before everything shut down. Prior to the pandemic, I had a 98% average in all of my classes. Going back to school was immensely gratifying for me for the time I did it in. It gave me a huge sense of direction, purpose, and something to do that I was passionate about, in ways I couldn't experience before because I was homeless. I desperately want to go back full-time, but I'm still paying off last semester's tuition. I cannot currently work the majority of entry-level jobs because I am physically disabled in ways that most jobs of that variety do not account for accommodations for. (Using a rollator wouldn't really work out well in a McDonald's kitchen, and jobs often like to sneak in ableist criteria like, "must be able to lift up to 50 lbs" - which I can't do.) That said, I hope people who regularly read this blog know and understand the degree of effort and expertise I put into helping you all, and maybe some who are able to would like to forward a few dollars as a tip or something.
Boosting is also very much appreciated.
I'm poor and desperate for financial help. Right now my bank account is at $11 CAD, and I have bills that get taken out randomly throughout the month. Welfare is not enough.
Here are some options to donate:
Patreon (for consistent support, which is most needed)
E-transfer ("canadian" banks only unfortunately) - [email protected]
T-shirts and stickers for sale
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twenty-gay-t ¡ 3 years
Why do I get the feeling there’s gonna be a plethora of more athletes speaking out against a trans woman competing in the Olympics this month?
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twenty-gay-t ¡ 3 years
⚠️HB1475 AND WHY YOU NEED TO CARE⚠️ /SRS (contains mentions of pedophilia and transphobia)
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the bill was passed today and is formally called 'hb1475.' it bans trans people from playing on their same genders team, forcing them to play on their assigned sexes team. not only does this further isolate us, it pushes the idea that we will never be "real" enough.
If someone suspects you are not playing on your biological sexes team, they can call you into question, and literally force you to prove if your cis or trans. They supposedly are doing this through testosterone tests and consulting a physician, but they're allowed to look at a students reproductive area to see if they're trans. Our educators, the ones we are supposed to trust, can look at children's genitals, without reprecuasions because they believe the student is trans and has "an unfair advantage" against other peers.
This doesnt even mention that you legally do not need the students consent for an examination of their "pelvic regions."
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No one in that house thought it was remotely wrong to be able to look at a minors genitals when they are not a certified doctor, and are certainly not preforming tests actually beneficial to a students wellbeing, and making sure they are okay. The doctors who do that go to school for ten years and they can still be held legally accountable if they act out of line. Our teachers dont even need our consent.
Thats not "ensuring equality," thats furthering the problem by enforcing rules that will lead to even more discrimination. Dont claim that this is in pursuit of equality, its blatantly transphobic and pedophilic.
There's no way to excuse looking at a minors genitals, especially when you do not have a doctorate or a reasonable cause. Their "reasoning" for this intrusion of privacy and the right of bodily autonomy is that a student does not meet their idea of cis.
What do you do if theres a cis women who presents extremely masculine and/or androgynous? Do you say that they might not be cis? Where is that determination made, between who should be examined and who shouldn't? If someone binds or just naturally looks femine or masculine and they play on their "assigned" team, can they be tested? If someone doesn't meet an adults standard of a women or man, if they dont look cis, according to that person, it's legally okay to examine their genitals without consent due to myth of an unfair advantage?
Name one case where a trans student won due to the unfair advantage of being trans, I'll wait. Senator Tuck, the literal one proposed the bill could not name a case in Florida, citing one from Connecticut where a trans female won the race due to her being biologically male and therefore stronger. A) studies have shown that this difference is not nearly as impactful as one might think. B) Does that not imply that males are superior to females down to their basic biology? Does that not translate to the mindset of one being inherently better? Doesn't sound like a push for equality to me.
This goes against the very fundamentals of sports, if we ban everyone for having a "biological advantage" then anyone above average height should be banned from basketball, no? Is it not unfair that someone who is average height is playing against someone who is 6"6? Is that not a biological advantage that allows them to be better than others who are not above average? With this logic we should be banning most Olympians.
Not to mention you can literally be sued for "violating" this act. You can be sued for playing on the "wrong team" according to them.
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TLDR: HB1475 is a bill in FL that prohibits trans athletes from competing on the team they identify with, and failure to comply can lead to a literal lawsuit. This bill also allows for a student to be examined under a "reasonable" belief that they may be trans, and does not require the students consent.
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twenty-gay-t ¡ 3 years
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twenty-gay-t ¡ 3 years
USA - Florida bans transgender girls from school sports
USA – Florida bans transgender girls from school sports
USA – Florida bans transgender girls from school sports Florida’s Republican governor signed a bill Tuesday barring transgender girls and women from playing on girls sports teams at public schools, plunging the state into the national culture war over transgender rights. “In Florida, girls are going to play girls sports and boys are going to play boys sports,” Gov. Ron DeSantis said as he signed…
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