tumbleloon · 6 days
"So this is me, getting out."
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tumbleloon · 8 months
Sometimes, I wish you had been a little less kind to me. Just a little.
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tumbleloon · 10 months
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“Dad… Thanks for everything.”
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tumbleloon · 10 months
Recently made accounts on Bluesky and Misskey. Feel free to follow me there as well~
Bluesky: simpleloon
Misskey: loon
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tumbleloon · 10 months
That day was flawless, couldn't let it go
Was wonderstruck, dancing around all alone
I'll spend forever wondering if you knew
I was enchanted to meet you
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tumbleloon · 10 months
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They deserve a good time❤️
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tumbleloon · 11 months
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tumbleloon · 11 months
Looks like Twitter's down again.
Slightly related, but I might switch my Twitter (and AO3) icon to this meowth icon
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tumbleloon · 11 months
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Watercolors + Pencils [2021 - 2023]. Shop. Patreon.
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tumbleloon · 11 months
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Investigating the meteorite. 
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tumbleloon · 11 months
I've seen lots of posts about donating to AO3 when the outage is over.
You don't have to wait. Donate to OTW here. OTW is the parent organization for AO3.
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tumbleloon · 11 months
DDoS Attack Against AO3: Correcting Misinformation
Normally I don't make any posts like this, but I have an interest in cybersecurity and sadly I've seen people are being really ignorant about this recent DDoS attack against the site AO3 (Archive of Our Own), so I thought I'd remind people of a few things:
Anonymous Sudan appears to have no actual link to Sudan at all, or to any previous hacktivist groups that once operated there. This masquerade is probably based in anti-immigration and other racist sentiments, and utilizing those sentiments in other people to scare people and set up Muslims and Sudanese people as a target. This should be obvious from the language used in their note, but this was already known prior to this particular attack.
This so-called Anonymous Sudan has actually been very active recently—remember that they claimed to attack Reddit, Flickr, Riot Games, a huge number of Microsoft web portals like OneDrive and Outlook, etc. before AO3, so AO3 was totally a logical target for them since they've gone after smaller entities before. DDoS attacks like this are easy for any script kiddie to set up, so it's not weird that they'd go for a smaller target like this.
Honestly this group of posers probably just wants money, everybody. They sent AO3 a ransom note asking for Bitcoin (and just in case people don't know, do not pay a ransom if at all possible if this ever happens to you).
My advice to people who've noticed this attack is two-fold: calm down since this is part of a larger pattern that has literally resulted in basically no loss for the end-user of any of the sites, and... I don't really know a better way to put this, but don't believe everything you read. A religiously-motivated hate group wouldn't use terms like "LGBTQ+" and "smuts," and it's so blatantly obvious that the timing of every single one of these attacks is being used to smear Muslims and Sudanese people if you think about current events for like. One second. And if you look up Anonymous Sudan, you'll see their string of attacks and how all experts know that they have nothing to do with Sudan at all. Even AO3 itself told everybody that the group is lying about their motivations... though I think I'd go further than that personally because even their name itself is almost certainly a total sham.
To be clear: this post isn't targeted at anyone in particular. I've just seen a lot of people falling for this overall or not realizing this is part of a pattern, and I also wanted to remind everyone that this isn't anything to be concerned about. What is something to be concerned about is not doing research or thinking critically and then unwittingly spreading racist ideas.
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tumbleloon · 11 months
The worst thing you can do, as someone who has recently realised they are transfem, is to let terves and transphobes convince you cis women will never accept you.
I was told that when I came out everyone would reject me. That I would find myself isolated from the world, and from other women especially, who would react to me with horror and revulsion.
In reality, within the first months of coming out, in no particular order:
My sister's reaction on my coming out was, "Right, so I have a sister instead of a brother. Cool. I'm taking you clothes shopping tomorrow."
A friend, when she learned I am a woman, immediately invited me to her women-only, girls-night-out birthday party the following week.
Another friend, when a friend of hers expressed doubts about my gender, immediately shut them down and reaffirmed I am a woman.
I went camping with a group of friends, and we had two tents, one for the boys and one for the girls; I was unsure as to which I should enter, to which a girl friend responded by grabbing me and physically dragging me inside the women's tent.
In the women's bathroom at a movie theatre a random woman, whom I'd never seen before and haven't seen since, stopped me as I was going into a stall, to warn me there was no toilet paper in there, because she'd just used the last of it.
All of these, and more, some from friends, some from complete strangers. All within a few months, as a trans woman who hadn't started medical transition yet, and was very visible as being a trans woman.
I've had some people reject me, true, but the vast majority, including almost all cis women, accepted me as a sister with open arms.
Cis women are cool. It's terves who are bigots.
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tumbleloon · 11 months
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tumbleloon · 11 months
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tumbleloon · 11 months
Tumblr you have the opportunity to be the funniest bitch on the planet rn and set a reward for looking at more than 600 posts in a day
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tumbleloon · 11 months
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I don’t want to find out about world events anymore
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