tubbee372 · 1 month
Chapter 1: Hell Spares No One.
Ender Tomitski, a 19-year-old law school student, mainly seen as an outcast by the other students.
Ender had always been a weird child growing up and never had any friends.
They also had no clue of their identity until middle school, specifically 6th grade.
Though, if their Father were to find out they could kiss everything they had goodbye.
Ender sighed thinking about this, sometimes their mind would trail off to a world where their father would finally tolerate them and just accept them for who they are.
Suddenly, Ender heard a loud pounding on the door, causing them to jump from bed.
They immediately fixed their posture as their Father, David Tomitski. Stepped into the room.
“Ah, you’re awake. Now that you’re awake, get your lazy ass dressed before I drag you from your room.”
To say it bluntly, this wasn’t the worst thing he could do, but it was still bad either way…
Ender nodded and rubbed their arm, their Father exiting the room before them.
Ender sighed, taking their Maroon hoodie off before looking at themself. 
They were an absolute mess. 
How were they still alive?
With everything that has happened, they hated their parents with every ounce of their body, every vein, every bone, every neuron in their brain. Every atom they are made of. 
But they couldn’t do anything.
They knew they hated them with every little part of them they had, but another part of them.
Loves them.
And understands why they do these things to them.
Why they lock them in their room.
Why they beat them senseless then comfort them, telling them it’s their fault and they need to behave.
And obey.
They’re right, after all.
It is their fault.
Enough stalling, Ender.
Ender went through their closet, finally finding what they needed…
They really needed to start putting this in an easier spot to find…
Ender sighed, taking their Maroon hoodie off, then folding it and putting it on their bed.
They’ll throw it in the washer when they get home.
They would try to sneak out after school but, their father decided it was a lovely idea to pick them up and take them to his job, to supervise him for the day.
Once they had finished getting dressed, their hair needed to be fixed. 
They could never go out like this.
They adjusted their red tie, sighing sadly as they picked up their comb and began to fix their hair.
They hated mornings, they hated having to attend that stupid law school… They were so tired, they were so done…
Why did they have to fail all 7 times?
Ender brushed their hair back with their hands, smiling tiredly as they picked up their bag, heavy. As usual. The amount of paper they hand out is insane.
They walked out of their bedroom, being careful as to not trip on the way there. 
They stopped by the door, sliding their shoes on and ducking down to tie them.
“I’m leaving now, Father.”
Ender glanced over at their father, who was sitting with his wife next to him. David did nothing but roll his eyes and go back to watching the TV, It was like this every morning.
As they walked out the door a shiver ran down their spine.
After what happened a few days ago, they were scared to even step foot outside anymore. 
Even if they wanted to sneak out their fear of being caught would consume them.
But that’s something to remember later. 
After all, they’re allowed to go outside right now.
To go to school.
That was it.
Anywhere else, any stalling, any phone call home and they could kiss everything goodbye. 
They closed the door and began to walk to school, taking their usual route with caution.
Once they arrived at school, they sighed, walking down the chattery hallways, nothing but sleep weighing their mind. 
They walked into their classroom and sat in their seat, leaning on their desk tiredly.
“You do understand that this shit is-” 
Ender heard a conversation nearby them, they closed their eyes and mumbled something under their breath, but they didn’t bother to tune in on the conversation. 
“Boys. Quiet down, it’s too early to be this loud.”
Mrs.Kirton crossed her arms, shifting her weight to her right foot, the boys then scoffed.
As Ender kept their eyes closed, they eventually drifted off to sleep, nothing but dreams now flooding their brain.
A few minutes later, Ender felt a tap on their shoulder, they jumped and looked up at who it was. 
…Just Mrs.Kirton.
Ender sighed under their breath as they gave her a soft gaze.
“..Yes, professor…?”
“Ender, are you doing alright? You usually are wide awake every morning, did something happen last night that ruined your sleep?” 
Mrs.Kirton tilted her head.
Ender thought for a moment, then shaking their head, glancing back at their desk. 
“No, ma’am. I’m sorry, I’m just quite tired this morning…”
“...Alright, make sure to get your work done though, okay? I trust you will.”
Ender nodded and put their head back down.
As Mrs.Kirton walked away, two boys who sat behind them began to laugh.
Ender sat up and glanced at the two.
“Is something funny?”
Ender gave them a sharp glare, they usually weren’t one to butt in, even if they were getting made fun of.
These boys were so immature for their age.
“Why are you butting in my business, bro?”
“Maybe because you were laughing directly after I finished conversing with the professor?”
Ender spoke calmly, messing with their hair.
The boy growled, standing from his seat.
“Are you looking for a fight, you sorry ass waste of space?”
The boy looked at Ender with a look of anger and annoyance.
Ender didn’t seem too bothered by this insult, they shook their head and looked down at their desk.
“Then mind your business, bitch.”
The boy sat back down and smiled with pride, to which Ender mumbled lowly under their breath as to not be heard. 
Because if they were heard, it would only mean trouble for them, in all honesty.
They decided to just shut their mouth for the rest of the period to avoid any more conflict.
When the bell shortly rang, they got up from their seat, grabbing their light brown backpack before leaving. 
This school was an actual living nightmare.
People in a literal LAW SCHOOL act so childish and immature, they’re all here to study law, not sleep around and waste their lives.
At least that’s what Ender HOPED they were here for.
As they continued to walk their mind drifted off to how their Father treated them.
Slamming them into a dresser, or drawer. 
Or even slamming their face into the floor, hoping to get blood from their face.
Burning them with cigarettes, locking them in the basement for days, using electric razors to press against their wrist, knives, you name it.
They hated the way they were treated.
But it was their fault, wasn’t it?
Christ, Ender.
No more distractions. 
Get through the day.
As Ender looked up, they noticed Ariana. 
Jesus Christ… 
Not her. 
Ariana Richardson, the one girl at the Kansas University Of Law who was beloved by absolutely everyone. 
Except outcasts.
By her words.
Outcasts are people like Ender.
People too scared to stand up for themselves.
Punching bags.
Ender tried their hardest to avoid any contact with Ariana, covering their face with their hand as they nervously walked by her.
“Oh~! Look who it is~!”
Ariana cooed, walking to Ender. Who froze in place and began to back away.
��What do you need, Ariana…?”
“What? I can’t say hello~? That’s kind of rude, don’t you think?”
Ariana chuckled.
“Hello. Can I leave now? I’m going to be late if I continue to stand-”
Ender was cut off by Ariana grabbing their hair tightly, causing them to yelp and begin to shake.
“Look at you, I haven’t even hurt you and yet you still start to shake. How does it feel to know what a PATHETIC waste you are?”
Ariana slammed Ender’s head into the wall with a smile, Ender groaned and mumbled. 
“Answer me.”
Ariana shoved Ender’s face rougher against the cold wall. 
“I-I don’t know, okay? Please, just-”
Ariana growled, shoving Ender to the floor and stepping on their face with her heel.
“Now you don’t have proper answers for when I talk to you, huh?” 
Ender growled under their breath, staying silent.
Maybe Ariana would leave them alone if they just stayed quiet.
After a few seconds, Ariana slammed Ender’s head against the floor harshly once more drawing blood. 
“You’re lucky I don’t drown your sorry ass.”
Ariana smiled before punching Ender harshly in the eye, causing them to wince and cover their eye using their hand.
Ariana walked off before she was caught by a professor.
Ender laid there for a minute before getting up and walking to their class as if nothing happened, covering their eye with their hair now as to avoid drama.
The bell had rung as soon as Ender stepped foot outside the door, meaning they were now late by only a few seconds, which was still late.
They sighed and sat in their seat, giving the excuse of slow walkers to the professor.
The professor shook his head.
“Damn slackers… Take a seat.”
Ender nodded and did as they were instructed, placing their head on their desk.
Their head was pounding.
It felt as if it was about to explode into multiple little pieces.
Well… it obviously wasn’t.
But it felt as if it was going to.
Ender rested their head on the desk for a few minutes, blood dripping slightly onto their desk.
They just felt like staying there and not doing anything for the rest of the day…
Not having to worry about Father, Mother, School…
Ender closed their eyes and drifted off to sleep...
But when they woke up, they were in the nurse's office.
They sat up and realized where they were, staring at the nurse in horror.
They looked at the nurse.
“Oh! There you are! Are you alright? There was blood on your desk when your professor lifted your head.”
“I’m okay, but…-”
Ender paused and messed with their fingernails.
“You didn’t call home, did you?”
The nurse nodded her head.
“I did as it is my job. Your father is coming to pick you up soon.”
The nurse looked at her clipboard.
Ender’s eyes were filled with horror as they stared at the nurse.
“Would you mind telling me what happened, sweetheart?”
The nurse glanced up at Ender.
“...uhm..- well I-I was walking to my class and uhm…- Ariana, Richardson..? You know her, don’t you?”
The nurse nodded in response.
“Okay…- uhm… she grabbed me by my hair and bashed my head against the locker…- uhm…-”
Ender stuttered on their words.
“And punched me in the eye...-”
Ender looked down at the floor and sighed. 
The nurse nodded and wrote these things down, apologizing to Ender for what they had to go through, and then informing them she was going to tell the principal.
Ender looked to the sighed and let out a soft sigh.
A few minutes of silence and tension later, Ender was now walking to the office to go meet his father.
They were going to be in huge trouble for getting David to take them home so early…
Once they arrived at the office they looked softly at David, who was doing his usual act of caring for them…
What a waste of time and energy.
David said a few more words, then left.
His demeanor immediately changing when they got to the car.
“You think you can drag me out of the house by getting into a fight, with a GIRL?!”
David shouted, gripping onto the steering wheel with anger.
Ender flinched and shrunk down in their seat.
“..No.. that’s not what…-”
Ender was cut off by David smacking them against the head, causing them to yelp.
“Yes, sir..-”
“You’re lucky I even FEED you, rat.”
“I’m sorry…”
“You better be.”
David continued to drive as he stared directly at the road.
Ender looked out the window and stared at the passing road, dreading every moment of being in this car.
Once David arrived, he got out of the car to which Ender followed.
“Thanks to you, I’m going in early.”
David locked his car and then headed inside, Ender followed with hesitation, David’s demeanor changed yet again in front of his co-workers.
David waved at some of his co-workers before going to his office.
Ender’s father was a psychiatrist, a really good one from what they’ve heard.
No wonder he was so good at changing his demeanor at will.
Ender followed David and sat in a bean bag in the corner of the room. 
David had made his a seemingly comforting environment for his patients.
But for Ender, it was just like every single part of the house all over again.
Since David wasn’t supposed to be in for a few more hours, he had all the free time in the world. 
David went over to his door, locked it then looked over at Ender with a glare.
David walked over to Ender silently, he then lit a cigarette as he stood in front of his timid child. 
“You think you acting like a pussy is going to save you, boy?”
Ender’s eyes widened as they looked at David with fear.
“F-Father please…- I-I didn’t do anything she grabbed me by my hair and I-!”
Ender was interrupted by David grabbing their wrist roughly, rolling their sleeve up, and sinking his cigarette into the skin of their wrist.
Ender shrieked out in pain and recoiled slightly.
“I don’t give a fuck who started it. The reason she did this is because you aren’t strong enough to stand up for yourself verbally or physically!”
Tears began to form in Ender’s eyes.
“I...I’m s..sorry...- I-”
“I don’t give a FUCK what you have to say, boy!”
David shouted, slapping Ender before burning them again.
Ender shrieked as tears rolled down their face.
“STOP FUCKING CRYING! You’re lucky these fucking walls are soundproof!”
Ender shook and looked at their wrist, whining in pain.
David stared down at them with a look of annoyance, he took a puff from his cigarette, then blew the smoke into Ender’s face. Causing Ender to cough.
“You’re pathetic.”
“I know…”
“The only reason you’re still here is to have a successful job like me and make money to support me and your mother when I retire.”
“I know…”
“You better.”
David sat in his chair, continuing to smoke.
Ender looked down at their wrist with an empty look in their eyes.
Their only purpose is to get a good job, work, and support their Mother and Father. Nothing more.
Not to finally have friends.
Not to be free.
To serve.
That’s all they’re needed for.
That’s only reason they were made.
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tubbee372 · 1 month
I'm so back guys! I'm going to be posting the first chapter of a new series "Reaching Our for a Change" <3
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tubbee372 · 3 months
Considering the recent allegations that have come to light about Alex Kister, I am unsure about the status of my TMC AU 'Hail, True Body'. Whilst I will wait to see if Alex provides a response/addresses all of this, I won't be reblogging or interacting with anything Mandela Catalogue related outside of HTB. In the meantime, please support the victims.
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tubbee372 · 3 months
Due To Alex Kister Controversy 
I need to think on everything due to the controversy floating around
I will be deleting "The Dropdela Catalogue" off of here.
(and possibly any TMC related posts)
I have been going through a lot mentally recently, and I have not had motivation to even write.
I was going to write the next chapter yesterday until just a few minutes ago
(It is currently 03/12/24 7:37 PM EST as of writing this)
I am contemplating just separating the entire fic from The Mandela Catalogue and make it it's own thing.
i apologize if my grammar or spelling in this is horrible I am typing this after a breakdown.
Please let me know what you think, thank you for reading this. 
(If any of these accusations are deemed false, I will still probably separate it to be safe.)
Again, thank you for your time, and thank you for reading.
- Tubbee (Tuh-Bee)
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tubbee372 · 4 months
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tubbee372 · 4 months
reading that gave me stomach pain
i need my uterus to be clawed out.
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tubbee372 · 5 months
Bar romantic ant (It's calling me short)
the first three words you see describe your 2024!
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tubbee372 · 6 months
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tubbee372 · 7 months
im trying guys pleas
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tubbee372 · 7 months
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tubbee372 · 7 months
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they would be best friends u cant change my mind
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tubbee372 · 8 months
*getting suited up because I know y'all are gonna beat me up*
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tubbee372 · 8 months
ilove misspelling
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tubbee372 · 8 months
do care + did ask + im hugging you + im hugging you + im hugging you + im hugging you + im hugging you
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tubbee372 · 9 months
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tubbee372 · 9 months
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tubbee372 · 9 months
@fallenwillow21 LOOK AT MY GF!!! LOOK AT THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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