trueamericanvet 10 years
What is up with people being rude now a days?
This is mostly aimed at woman. This is an amazing thing we have now a days called modern technology. So why is it that the excuse of "oh I've been to busy to message you back" still flys? To make this word a better place, people need to be better. Start cutting people out of your life that pull this shit. you would be amazed how much happier you feel. I'm not saying someone doesn't txt you back blow them off. I am saying don't put up with this bullshit and rude behavior. It takes two minutes to send a txt or respond to a email. Half the time now you can see when people read your message. So that makes it much more rude. Also woman, Grow a Back bone. Don't give your number to a guy if your not interested. Don't make plans and say ill txt you when I'm ready then don't do it. have enough guts to tell a guy straight or tell him to fuck off. We will respect you for it. Even if you say never talk to me again. I mean we know most people have there phone attached to them 24/7, so even if its to cancel plans, or say that your busy. Be polite, be a decent person and if you want to keep friends in your life make an effort.
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trueamericanvet 10 years
They Made the Human Torch Black?
WHY!? Before anyone claims I'm racist or cause he's black. Its not. I and a movie buff and I love my comics. Nothing annoys me more when they make a movie featuring one of my favorite characters and they have to change them so drastically. You have source material, use it! Stop changing things to be P.C., P.C is wrong! I just wish people would keep stuff what it is. You want a black superhero, Make a new one! Be original. Don't take someone Else's idea and just change everything and still call it that movie. If we can just change characters skin color and it not matter cause color shouldn't be an issue, then i am going to make a Dr. Martin Luther King movie with him being white. a remake of Blade with him being Mexican and crouching tiger hidden dragon with Irishmen (though they kinda did that with the whole man with the iron fists thing lol)聽 cause the race of the actor shouldn't matter right?
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trueamericanvet 10 years
Something to make this country better.....
Set term limits for public office.We have term limits on the president to prevent him for becoming a dictator or something like that. So why do these Congress members get to become career congressmen? This is something that is supposed to be a civil service for love of your country. The way things are now. Congress is run by the rich. Why are these senators making more money per year then some professional athletes. These are representatives for the people. Not running company's or anything like this. I understand they are serving this country so pay them well, But by that logic our service men die for this country so they should make a mil. a year since they might not get to spend it anyway. If we set term limits for these senators then things could accidentally change in this country. Don't people realize you got the same guy with the same messed up mind set in office since he is 35 no wonder why things either don't change or just get worse. For things to change. Everything needs to change.
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trueamericanvet 10 years
Liberals are Anti-American. The government needs to learn Control
Yea i said it! come on! Again shit in the News about Gun Laws and wanting to be able to come into your homes and seize your guns. Ok people its time for this nation to realize that we need to stand up for our rights. Our government needs to fear us not the other way around. Wanting to come into our homes and take our guns. The ammo Tally laws going into effect in New York. The Government is over stepping there bounds. These Liberals need to realize that they are restricting our freedoms! Our Country is supposed to be free. But these Liberals are constantly fighting to take away our freedom. I can understand laws about carrying and using these guns. However we should have the right to own our guns and keep our guns. All of these Liberals need to shut up. Its your right by the founding of this country to either own a gun or not own a gun. So why are these Liberals trying to micro-manage This country? They are small minded people in positions of power that need to be removed. They are dividing this wonderful nation and making things increasingly difficult.Wake up America! These Government Officials need to remember what there role in office is.
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trueamericanvet 10 years
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trueamericanvet 10 years
Whats wrong with the News?
Seriously. When did the News become about talking something to death? Today they are still talking about that plane crash! I'm not trying to be insensitive but lets face it, there gone. Constantly talking about this in the news day in day out is just stupid. Especially when Half the stuff they mention has nothing to do with America. And its not like a small mention. I mean that they talking in depth and preforming interviews for weeks. and today was the same thing! I wish i would hear on the news about stuff that matters and effects this country. Directly. Not indirectly. Meaning the Russia Ukraine thing. Why do we care? The lines on the map are constantly getting redrawn. We have no stake in Ukraine that i know of. No abundance of resources or that there a ally. So News channels. please talk about American things. And no, not what snookie was wearing last night, i mean what our troops are doing, Are scientists doing something to save the polar ice caps. That competition to get to space was a cool story. So please News stop harping on things that are over and done. Or about things that don't influence America. Keep the headlines about stuff that effect the people. I'm not saying to not tell us whats going on in the world. Just don't harp on it.
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trueamericanvet 10 years
Just posted about how stupid someones views like this are. this just proves how sad some people can be.
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trueamericanvet 10 years
Let Gays adopt!
Ok seriously. What is the problem here? Are people really so stupid as to think that cause a kid has 2 mommy's or two daddy's that there gonna turn out gay? NO! maybe more tolerant and a little more effeminate (in some cases lol) sorry bad joke. But these are people who are loving and kind (hopefully) but they can not have children. So why deny them the chance to give a child a happy home? Now granted they may not always be the best parents but then again neither are us straight people. However it is proven that children that get adopted and have a home do better in life then the ones that get bounced around the foster system. I would rather a child be happy then not have a family. So lets shut up and let people be free to be who they are and let them be free to give someone a better life!
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trueamericanvet 10 years
Happy 4th everyone
Lets not forget, that this is the day that we became America! Freedom Rang thru out the World and we were born as a true nation. Never Forget your freedom and never forget your roots. Today always remember all those that are and have defended freedom. Do not just remember the ones who have died for it, but all who have defended it. Freedom is a difficult thing to hold on to but it is worth defending with every breath you have!
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trueamericanvet 10 years
Shut the hell up and keep it to yourself.
The main point of this rant will be about liberal opinions.This is America! SHUT THE HELL UP AND LET PEOPLE LIVE THERE LIVES! It is my humble opinion that people should not be being controlled. If you don't like guns. Don't buy them. If you don't believe in abortions don't get one. Why do Liberals feel the need to impress them selves on others. I know this is a little hypocritical because by the definition of freedom they have a right to press there beliefs and do what they please.However freedom states that people have a right to live there lives. I don't see conservatives shoving guns in peoples hands or going around forcing abortions. They simply live there life. I am not saying im conservative but i just feel that in these instances they have freedom in there hearts. Live your life and stay out of others. This is America let people do there thing. I don't understand either why laws are passed that say people can't own certain things (fully auto weapons, switchblades, asp's). Guns don't kill people. People kill people. Let people do there own thing, thats why we have police and other governments to monitor what people are doing with there toys.So please Liberals, SHUT UP! I like my guns. Woman have a right to there body (more on this topic later) I don't want to be a vegetarian. I like who i am and what i do!
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trueamericanvet 10 years
Was Facebook鈥檚 emotional manipulation study worth getting angry about?聽
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trueamericanvet 10 years
Facebook Social experiment
Why are people making a big deal about this? It is not morally wrong. This is America, where company's have freedom. Everyone knows that your facebook isn't really "private". Hell potential employers can look at it to see how they feel about you working for them! This "social" experiment is perfectly allowed in the company's rights. If you don't like it, then get off facebook! social media runs this country. Yesterday i saw a show that 20% of Americans would give up sex for social media. WHAT THE F! Now I personally feel that they should not use my name or anything in there report with out my permission (which they can't). Seriously though i think this experiment is kinda cool. Really interesting. I love social experiments and this one is huge! Is it a little scary. Yes. Cause who knows who or what there giving this info to. But Americans should not be making as big a deal about this as they are. You signed up for it. Read the fine print.
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trueamericanvet 10 years
Bums, and peoples excuses not to work
Get a job! I'm sorry i know the economy sucks right now but there are jobs out there. You just have to lower your standards. My step mom needed to go back to work and it has taken her less then 2 weeks to get 3 job offers . Are they great? no! there shit small jobs that someone at 50 dosn't want to do but she needs the money so that's that. The main reason for unemployment in the country is people not wanting to take the crappy job. I went thru 3 jobs since i got out of the Navy. Every time something better came along i left a job. Why? Cause i needed money and wasn't to proud to work below my skill and Qual level. So Come on People! No more "there's no jobs out there" talk! there are jobs. Work a crap one till you find the good one!
On a Side note about my step mom. She has a friend who has been crying poverty for over a year saying she can't get a job. My step mom obviously proved her wrong.
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trueamericanvet 10 years
Your Opinion
Is doing stupid actions while drunk and excuse for doing them? Does this count for murder? If your doing stupid things and someone accidentally dies is drunkenness an excuse? If guilt is your answer what should the punishment be? Is it more lenient because someone wasn't in the right state of mind?
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trueamericanvet 10 years
Thought for today.
Pick one person you know and do something nice for them. Paticuarly a person you dont like. The outcast at work or someone who just gets on your nerves. People need to stop being so selfish and self centered. Even if only for 5 minutes to tell someone they look nice today or you like there tie.
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trueamericanvet 10 years
Why gays still get discriminated
Now i know in this Day and age some people still are stupid when it comes to being prejudice against homosexuals/transsexuals. My personal feeling is at this point a lot would stop if Gay people just went on with there lives and acted like they do in everyday life. If they want to be treated as equals and like nothing is different (cause there's not there still humans) then, no more parade. Now the marriage thing i have no opinion on, To me marriage is a word. A word started by the church, Technically anyone "married" in a court house is only a civil union since it wasn't in a church. So to me give them a word. Its part of the freedoms that make this country great. Now heres some of that hypocrisy. I also feel that those clubs and also social centers (similar to Ymca and youth centers) that openly say for Gay, Bi, and trans are wrong. Only for the fact that we can't have ones that say straight. It makes for reverse discrimination and needs to stop. however again about the freedom of this beautiful country it is your to have those places. while it should be a right to have straight ones. There is nothing stopping a gay couple from walking into a Ymca and making out, but a straight couple can't go to one of these places? WTF? now Gays are getting there own secret clubs? that starts sounding like they get treated better then straight people. I know this is not the case. All i am saying is it is time for Gay people to just start acting normal. Not special. Hold your Boyfriend/Girlfriends hand walking down the street. Its ok! the less you draw attention to yourself the less people need to take notice of you. We live in a country where your free. Do what you want and stop caring what a few people think or think you need to be special. Also everything that happens that's bad to you is not because your gay. maybe you suck at your job, lol i digress. My point is this is America. Use your freedom, enjoy it. Gays are allowed to be open in the military now, so its not as bad as you think. and if there's some parts of the country that don't like you. FUCK IT! don't go there! Everyone is not Gonna like you.
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trueamericanvet 10 years
Religion in Schools
It was on the News again today about a teacher making a stink about a child reading the bible in school. Ok last i checked the bible is a book and that we want to encourage our kids to read. This country was founded on religious freedom, that's what our main foundation is. I feel that if its ok for Muslims to still pray in the air port then it is ok to read the bible in school. Personally i believe there should be prayer or religious rooms in schools (for religions that don't call it prayer) for the Muslims and other religions that require daily rituals to be completed. We have freedom. freedom basically means doing what you want. If a kid wants to get a soap box and stand in the cafeteria and start preaching, its his right. However that child must understand its everyone else right to tell him to shut up!This also applies to Christmas decorations in schools. If all the teachers are christian, and there the ones decorating the school, Then they have a right to express there beliefs in anyway they see fit! Now if the school says they must keep it to there classroom i can understand but still if there decorating there right. Any other religions that want to be represented grab some decorations, find a spot and throw them up. Short of your religion telling you to kill small animals in the hallway or skinning fellow students alive, you should be able to represent, practice, and pray or read what ever has to do with your religion in school. Just don't let it effect your class work.
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