toshis-switch · 3 years
haha. not to get nsfw on main but speaking a language ur fave isn't familiar with while you degrade them <3
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toshis-switch · 3 years
hi this is a reminder that your selfship is down so fucking bad for you, they pace around their room practicing asking you out, they want every time they touch  you to be perfect, and they love you unconditionally. 
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toshis-switch · 3 years
[9:59] you hold oikawa's hand as you wait.
and you wait.
and you wait.
and you wait a little more until 10:00 AM hits.
you frantically refresh the button for your email until it's at the top of your list. the email from your dream school that you applied to and whether or not you got in. you'd been working hard at aoba johsai to transfer there, and you just hoped that you were good enough to get in. it stares at you with bolded subject font, and grey text. even though you were waiting for this moment patiently, you couldn't bring yourself to open it.
"i can't do it." you tell him. "open it for me?"
you hide your face in his shoulder as you hear him click and assume that he's reading it.
"you got in," he murmurs to you uncharacteristically. "look, babe."
you take a peek at your screen, and lo and behold, he was right. a banner greeting you on your admission to their school was plastered across your laptop screen, and in your whirlwind of emotions, you begin to cry.
oikawa hugs you tightly, laughing at your emotions. "happy crying, love?"
"yes! i didn't think i would get in and it's so unbelievable that i did." you hide your face in your hands as he pulls you closer to his chest.
"it's you! of course you'd get in! i'm not dating the smartest, greatest, most deserving person in the world for nothing, hello."
you whack his arm for that comment.
"y/nnnnnnnnn, that hurt," he says petulantly.
"yeah yeah, you deserve it."
"i do not-"
"do to!"
"...okay maybe a little bit but only for you. no one else."
"as if anyone would be willing to put up with you like i have."
"there would! i have-"
"not your little fanclub."
"...it's not little-"
"tooru," you warn him. "and you also can't say that hajime would do the same."
"since when were you on first name basis with iwa-chan?"
you roll your eyes. "irrelevant."
"you're such a bully. i can't believe your dream school admitted a bully."
"well, they also admitted your girlfriend, so..."
"yeah, my girlfriend is kinda awesome."
"yeah, she bullies me."
"anyone would."
instead of responding, tooru chooses to pull you closer into the tightest embrace.
"i'm so proud of you. and even if you didn't get in, i still would be. i'd be a bit angry and i might have sent a strongly worded e-mail about how you are more than qualified and if they didn't see that then they needed the thickest pair of glasses around-"
"-but that doesn't matter because you got in anyways!!! i love you."
"i love you too. thank you for being with me every step of the way."
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toshis-switch · 3 years
me wanting interactions: :)
me realizing i'll have to post more often to get them: :(
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toshis-switch · 3 years
hey besties!! pls block me if u think reverse racism and/or heterophobia exists!! tysm uwu
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toshis-switch · 3 years
[11:38 AM] oikawa bursts into your room with a grin on his face. you're on a zoom call, chiming into a class discussion concerning the literature that was assigned for you to read.
you both never had the best timing, though, so your class not only hears your noisy, noisy boyfriend surprising you with his presence instead of being across the world at a training camp, but also sees him pulls you away from the screen in your rolling chair.
"surprise, baby!!" he practically yells, smothering your cheeks with kisses.
"oikawa, i'm in class-professor i am so sorry, uh, if i can continue my point in a few moments?"
your professor, thankfully, chuckles and allows you to carry on at a later time, though the chat blows up and you're sure someone probably filmed it for a tiktok.
you click to mute yourself and turn off your camera, and oikawa sheepishly stands by the doorway.
"sorry," he bashfully murmurs, rubbing his feet against the carpet. "i just missed you so much, baby."
you shake your head, smiling at him, before giving him the tightest hug you can. you feel his smile against your skin, and the way he visibly loses all of this tension in his body as he holds you and allows himself to be held by you.
"i love you, toru. i'm so glad you're back. after this we can go hang out and do whatever you want."
"i think that i just want to stay with you."
you never end up finishing your thought in class. you stay cuddled up with your boyfriend, only getting up to sign out of class, and spend the day together, never being away from the other's side, pure, unbridled happiness never leaving either of your hearts.
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toshis-switch · 3 years
the first smut for this blog is officially in the works. i'm kinda nervous bc i haven't written smut in a hot minute but! i'm gonna eat n then work on it bc SPRING BREAK!!
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toshis-switch · 3 years
as an 11 year old i used to write myself as y/n's best friend and would give myself a better character arc than y/n and i think that's hilarious
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toshis-switch · 3 years
judge my sins | oikawa tooru x reader
word count: 1.9k
warnings: very suggestive but nothing explicit (implied femdom/sub!oikawa), fem!reader, royalty!au (prince oikawa and advisor y/n), infidelity, the reader is mean to his wife after his wife draws a knife on him lmaooo, cursing
i drew inspiration from his wife from m-word in @noya-sleftankle's poker face so if u want to imagine it as her be my guest
reblogs/replies are much appreciated esp with some feedback/comments!! <3 please take care of yourselves, take your meds, drink some water, have a snack or go to sleep :)
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you know, that at the end of the night, that it’s you he’ll be thinking about, and you take that, using it to your advantage.
you are dressed to the nines, the long ball gown you adorn reaching the floor, yet the tasteful slit exposes more skin than usual. people try to talk you up, but you have, really, one true reason for being at the ball tonight. prince oikawa would stay in the palm of your hand whether he wanted to be there or not.
alas, he enters the ballroom with his betrothed, a girl from a neighboring kingdom, and wouldn’t know the difference between her left and right foot even if you told her. too arrogant for her own good despite having nothing to offer the world, she thinks that all of the eyes will be trained on her, when in reality, no one spares more than a millisecond in glancing in her direction, her fiancee included.
what she doesn’t know won’t hurt her, though. and it’s not like she knows much at all.
you are the prince’s royal advisor, his right hand, the brains behind the operation.
the person whose name he moans at night. that’s you, no one else.
he makes his rounds with the ditzy girl glued to his arm, and when he reaches you, you sense the surprise at your gown and how you look exactly like the seductress he dreams of. you know him enough to notice how his gaze shifts for a millisecond before plastering on a fake smile.
“advisor y/l/n.”
you curtsy to both of them, but your body is mainly angled towards him, the action allowing him to sneak a peek under your low cut gown. you know he glances at it; after all, you are his, as he is yours.
“good evening, your highnesses. lovely to see you as well.” you smooth out your dress. “i hope you enjoy yourselves at the ball.”
“yes, this is wonderful,” he murmurs. “i hope to catch you for a waltz.”
“whatever pleases you, sir, i am obliged to follow.”
it’s ironic, the titles you use for him in public, knowing that the roles absolutely reverse behind closed doors. you are too alluring for him not to submit to. it’s a tragedy that you were not born into royalty, but at this point, he thanks the heavens that he still gets to feel your skin against his.
he and the princess walk away from you, though he spares you a glance over his shoulder as you take a sip from your flute of champagne.
the music starts, and it’s a slightly uptempo, but still moderately timed waltz. one of the princes from a neighboring kingdom (though, in some fashion, a rival one as well) takes you for a spin around the ballroom, the attention of the crowd in between the two of you and the crowned prince himself.
“prince sugawara, you had never told me that you were such a good dancer. i would have danced with you much sooner had i known.” you smirked at him.
“all things come in their time,” he teases back. “besides, most of the kingdom is watching the both of us. tonight is the biggest ball of the year, after all.”
“yes,” you affirm. “perhaps you’re not so bad after all, your highness.” you smile at him. you continue to dance for two more songs, before tooru decides that, yes, he had enough of seeing you with him.
“may i have a dance?” tooru murmurs. he ignores his betrothed's glare at the both of you, obviously wanting his attention. “prince sugawara.”
“prince oikawa.” sugawara nods. “wonderful ball we have here this evening.”
“yes, advisor y/l/n planned most of it, it ought to be good.” tooru nods at sugawara. “but i’m confident that you know that.”
“yes,” sugawara smirks. “wonderful job, advisor.”
“they are a fine asset to our kingdom.” tooru affirms. “let us go, advisor?”
“yes, your highness.” you go to take his arm, but sugawara, never one to miss a chance to mess with the other prince, pulls you towards him, giving you a kiss on the cheek.
“i suspect some thanks is in order for that. alas, i simply wanted to see how our little prince fairs when i spend time with what is his.”
you pull him towards you, whispering in his ear that he is just as much yours as you are his, and that tooru knows that as well.
you curtsy towards sugawara, bidding him a good evening, before making your way back towards tooru, who has a scowl on his face.
“i don’t like to be kept waiting,” he says, taking you for a spin around the ballroom as the same waltz begins again.
“i know how impatient you are, my prince, but you need to wipe that scowl off of your face.” you squeeze his hand, hoping that your touch will make him ease up. it does, though just by a tad.
“are we still meeting tonight?”
“if you would like, my prince. my chambers are always open to you, after all.”
“about three quarters of the hour after the ball ends, i will be there.” he guides you for a spin, then moving you into a dip.
“careful there, your highness,” you smirk at him as he pulls you back upright. “you wouldn’t want anyone seeing more of me than you have, would you now, darling?”
“simply giving them a look at what they can’t have, love. fret not, for i am as much yours as you are mine, yes?”
“of course, your highness.”
never one to break a promise, tooru meets you at your quarters, and as your hand wraps around his neck while he fucks you, the red marks that will be left on his otherwise untainted skin will remind him that it is you he loves.
the next morning, after he slips away to retreat back to his betrothed, you kneel on the side of your bed to pray for forgiveness, and that whatever deity listens to your pleas knows not to judge you for your sins but for the contents of your heart.
what you also know, though, is that this won’t be the last time you’ll be praying for forgiveness. after all, it hasn’t stopped you from taking him again and again, has it?
as tooru’s wedding to the princess draws closer, though, you see him less and less. it doesn’t stop altogether, not until the day he is married. and after watching the prince get married to the princess, you let him pull you aside at the ball that follows.
“i’m afraid i cannot continue our situation, advisor.”
though this day was inevitable, you were still a bit taken aback and hurt. you shake it off, and smile at him.
“of course, sir. if you excuse me, i’d like to adjourn myself from the ball. i have some business with the neighboring kingdom.”
he raises an eyebrow at you. “what is it?”
“just some trade agreements to get in order with the prince. nothing out of the ordinary, i should be back by dawn tomorrow.”
oikawa clears his throat. “will you be seeing prince sugawara?”
“i may run into him, yes.” you fight to hide back a smirk. “we have some things to catch up on.” you curtsy to him. “if you excuse me, your bride is looking quite helpless over there. you must, uh, deal with that, i assume?”
he sighs as she struggles to walk in her big dress (one that she had, no doubt, chosen for herself) and runs to her aid with a plastic smile on his face. you duck out, sighing, but you also know he’ll come back. and you were never one to be wrong.
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you could recognize his quick raps upon your wooden door any day, but you are alarmed, knowing that the guards must know that he is at your door. you open it for him, not having slept due to the fact that you had just gotten out of your bath.
he steps through the door without invitation. “good evening.”
you raise a brow at him. “very rude of you to intrude, sire. what is it?”
he turns to face you. “you know what i want.”
“tell me.” you don’t miss a beat, never one to let yourself be taken by surprise or seen vulnerable.
he takes a step closer to you. “you already know. i don’t want it to seem that i think less of you and have to say what is in between the lines.”
you smirk, looking at him in disdain. “spell it out for me, tooru. tell me how i am the only one that you want, that i’m the only one that can satisfy you, and that you belong to me.”
“fine.” you motion towards the door with your eyes and a quirk of your head. “get out.”
“i am your king-”
“and what am i? who am i?”
the air is silent, poised with words unsaid and memories of the unholy things.
“you…” he takes another step closer to you. he caresses your cheek as you feel your back press against the cold stone wall of your palace chambers, but you both know who remains in control.
you’d never thought a king would kneel in front of you, especially in your own chambers, but he is on his knees, his head bowed like you were a deity sent to be in his presence, like he was unworthy to serve you, let alone be in your presence.
“you are the person who owns me, body, heart, mind and soul.” he murmurs to you. “and i am but your humble servant.”
“good. up, tooru.”
god, he was addicted to the way you said his name.
“be good for me.”
not once is he not touching your body that night, whether it be his hips, fingers, or tongue flush against your skin. it brings him to tears, the amount of pleasure he gets from just being around you. it astounds him, baffles him, even, how much power you have over him, but it’s where he feels the most alive.
when he is in your arms, fast asleep, you stare at the ceiling, asking the gods to judge your sins—you’re no longer afraid of what they could put against you.
you love him, after all.
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his wife corners you the next day. you’re not surprised, considering her aggression and possessive nature. the kingdom may not see past her facade, but you see firsthand her monstrosity of a personality.
“what did you do with him?” she says, holding a dagger to your neck. you roll her eyes at her cheesy antics.
“you know what i did to him.” you smirk at her. “go ahead. put that knife in my neck. and never feel his touch ever again.”
her glare falters, her grip on her dagger loosening, and you take it out of her grasp.
“he will never need you like he needs me, never want you like he wants me, and never fuck you like he fucks me. you are disposable, and you will never be his.” you take her dagger with you as you walk to the other side of the castle to attend a meeting, but not before she attempts to tackle you. you merely take a step to the side as she faceplants on the floor. you look down at her desperation, wanting to make her plead.
“please…” she murmurs helplessly. “no more.”
you lean towards her on the ground.
a simple word of dissent falls from your lips as her tears begin to cascade.
“because i can’t give away what’s mine, can i?”
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toshis-switch · 3 years
hq as buzzfeed unsolved
a/n: as someone obsessed with buzzfeed unsolved, i thought i'd make a little compilation of quotes and who i think from hq would say them LOL expect more of these bc i had to stop when i passed the ten picture limit (dividers) warning: language
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kageyama: oh my god, it’s fucking horrifying.
hinata: there’s an elk though. there’s a deer over there.
tsukishima: well, there’s the remains and rubble of one of the greatest unsolved mysteries of all time and you’re looking at the fucking deer in the forest...
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bokuto: *telling a scary story* the hotel as a whole seems to be active. visitors and employees claim that doors lock themselves shut, footsteps can be heard, shadows follow you-
akaashi: shadows do tend to follow you though...that's sort of how they work
bokuto: (・―��)
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tendou: you may not like this, i'm gonna try and agitate it. i'm just going to be as crude as possible.
semi: cool.
tendou: fuck you goatman!
semi: holy shit, dude.
tendou: was that good?
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iwaizumi: *talking about salem, town of witch trials* next week we're going to investigate a town that you guys have told us to investigate for a long time.
oikawa: we had a great time...hanging around in this town.
iwaizumi: oh my god.
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suna: hey there demons, it's me...ya boi.
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atsumu: oh shit, what up, i'm taking a selfie with some demons yo~ hell yeah, woah~ great. that'd be good. gonna snap that.
osamu: ( ಠ_ಠ)
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nishinoya: and if you want to deliver us a message, please whisper it faintly into one of our ears.
asahi: oh you, son of a...
nishinoya: or-or something. okay, or make asahi's tummy grumble. and here we go.
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*makki and mattsun approaching haunted building*
makki: i think we should let them know that we're entering. y'know just give them a quick, hEY GhOuLs! tHe bOYs aRe hERE!
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bokuto: every human is capable of comitting murder if you push them enough. i just don't know if this is enough of a push.
kuroo: okay...
bokuto: it's true!
kuroo: is that so?
bokuto: yeah...i bet you would murder me if i pushed you enough.
kuroo: yeah, probably.
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🏷: @crescenttooru @iwaizoom @mirakeul @kimkai-is-my-man @jeannie-beannie @camcam1617 @lvrkuroo @kookie-doughs @mellowknightcolorfarm @waitforitillwritemywayout @toworuu @miyalove @hikariakaashi @kurooru @kei7ime @kookie-doughs @akinorii @haajiime @satosimp @ochabby @miyadarling @kac-chowsballs
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toshis-switch · 3 years
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92K notes · View notes
toshis-switch · 3 years
judge my sins | oikawa tooru x reader
word count: 1.9k
warnings: very suggestive but nothing explicit (implied femdom/sub!oikawa), fem!reader, royalty!au (prince oikawa and advisor y/n), infidelity, the reader is mean to his wife after his wife draws a knife on him lmaooo, cursing
i drew inspiration from his wife from m-word in @noya-sleftankle's poker face so if u want to imagine it as her be my guest
reblogs/replies are much appreciated esp with some feedback/comments!! <3 please take care of yourselves, take your meds, drink some water, have a snack or go to sleep :)
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you know, that at the end of the night, that it’s you he’ll be thinking about, and you take that, using it to your advantage.
you are dressed to the nines, the long ball gown you adorn reaching the floor, yet the tasteful slit exposes more skin than usual. people try to talk you up, but you have, really, one true reason for being at the ball tonight. prince oikawa would stay in the palm of your hand whether he wanted to be there or not.
alas, he enters the ballroom with his betrothed, a girl from a neighboring kingdom, and wouldn’t know the difference between her left and right foot even if you told her. too arrogant for her own good despite having nothing to offer the world, she thinks that all of the eyes will be trained on her, when in reality, no one spares more than a millisecond in glancing in her direction, her fiancee included.
what she doesn’t know won’t hurt her, though. and it’s not like she knows much at all.
you are the prince’s royal advisor, his right hand, the brains behind the operation.
the person whose name he moans at night. that’s you, no one else.
he makes his rounds with the ditzy girl glued to his arm, and when he reaches you, you sense the surprise at your gown and how you look exactly like the seductress he dreams of. you know him enough to notice how his gaze shifts for a millisecond before plastering on a fake smile.
“advisor y/l/n.”
you curtsy to both of them, but your body is mainly angled towards him, the action allowing him to sneak a peek under your low cut gown. you know he glances at it; after all, you are his, as he is yours.
“good evening, your highnesses. lovely to see you as well.” you smooth out your dress. “i hope you enjoy yourselves at the ball.”
“yes, this is wonderful,” he murmurs. “i hope to catch you for a waltz.”
“whatever pleases you, sir, i am obliged to follow.”
it’s ironic, the titles you use for him in public, knowing that the roles absolutely reverse behind closed doors. you are too alluring for him not to submit to. it’s a tragedy that you were not born into royalty, but at this point, he thanks the heavens that he still gets to feel your skin against his.
he and the princess walk away from you, though he spares you a glance over his shoulder as you take a sip from your flute of champagne.
the music starts, and it’s a slightly uptempo, but still moderately timed waltz. one of the princes from a neighboring kingdom (though, in some fashion, a rival one as well) takes you for a spin around the ballroom, the attention of the crowd in between the two of you and the crowned prince himself.
“prince sugawara, you had never told me that you were such a good dancer. i would have danced with you much sooner had i known.” you smirked at him.
“all things come in their time,” he teases back. “besides, most of the kingdom is watching the both of us. tonight is the biggest ball of the year, after all.”
“yes,” you affirm. “perhaps you’re not so bad after all, your highness.” you smile at him. you continue to dance for two more songs, before tooru decides that, yes, he had enough of seeing you with him.
“may i have a dance?” tooru murmurs. he ignores his betrothed's glare at the both of you, obviously wanting his attention. “prince sugawara.”
“prince oikawa.” sugawara nods. “wonderful ball we have here this evening.”
“yes, advisor y/l/n planned most of it, it ought to be good.” tooru nods at sugawara. “but i’m confident that you know that.”
“yes,” sugawara smirks. “wonderful job, advisor.”
“they are a fine asset to our kingdom.” tooru affirms. “let us go, advisor?”
“yes, your highness.” you go to take his arm, but sugawara, never one to miss a chance to mess with the other prince, pulls you towards him, giving you a kiss on the cheek.
“i suspect some thanks is in order for that. alas, i simply wanted to see how our little prince fairs when i spend time with what is his.”
you pull him towards you, whispering in his ear that he is just as much yours as you are his, and that tooru knows that as well.
you curtsy towards sugawara, bidding him a good evening, before making your way back towards tooru, who has a scowl on his face.
“i don’t like to be kept waiting,” he says, taking you for a spin around the ballroom as the same waltz begins again.
“i know how impatient you are, my prince, but you need to wipe that scowl off of your face.” you squeeze his hand, hoping that your touch will make him ease up. it does, though just by a tad.
“are we still meeting tonight?”
“if you would like, my prince. my chambers are always open to you, after all.”
“about three quarters of the hour after the ball ends, i will be there.” he guides you for a spin, then moving you into a dip.
“careful there, your highness,” you smirk at him as he pulls you back upright. “you wouldn’t want anyone seeing more of me than you have, would you now, darling?”
“simply giving them a look at what they can’t have, love. fret not, for i am as much yours as you are mine, yes?”
“of course, your highness.”
never one to break a promise, tooru meets you at your quarters, and as your hand wraps around his neck while he fucks you, the red marks that will be left on his otherwise untainted skin will remind him that it is you he loves.
the next morning, after he slips away to retreat back to his betrothed, you kneel on the side of your bed to pray for forgiveness, and that whatever deity listens to your pleas knows not to judge you for your sins but for the contents of your heart.
what you also know, though, is that this won’t be the last time you’ll be praying for forgiveness. after all, it hasn’t stopped you from taking him again and again, has it?
as tooru’s wedding to the princess draws closer, though, you see him less and less. it doesn’t stop altogether, not until the day he is married. and after watching the prince get married to the princess, you let him pull you aside at the ball that follows.
“i’m afraid i cannot continue our situation, advisor.”
though this day was inevitable, you were still a bit taken aback and hurt. you shake it off, and smile at him.
“of course, sir. if you excuse me, i’d like to adjourn myself from the ball. i have some business with the neighboring kingdom.”
he raises an eyebrow at you. “what is it?”
“just some trade agreements to get in order with the prince. nothing out of the ordinary, i should be back by dawn tomorrow.”
oikawa clears his throat. “will you be seeing prince sugawara?”
“i may run into him, yes.” you fight to hide back a smirk. “we have some things to catch up on.” you curtsy to him. “if you excuse me, your bride is looking quite helpless over there. you must, uh, deal with that, i assume?”
he sighs as she struggles to walk in her big dress (one that she had, no doubt, chosen for herself) and runs to her aid with a plastic smile on his face. you duck out, sighing, but you also know he’ll come back. and you were never one to be wrong.
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you could recognize his quick raps upon your wooden door any day, but you are alarmed, knowing that the guards must know that he is at your door. you open it for him, not having slept due to the fact that you had just gotten out of your bath.
he steps through the door without invitation. “good evening.”
you raise a brow at him. “very rude of you to intrude, sire. what is it?”
he turns to face you. “you know what i want.”
“tell me.” you don’t miss a beat, never one to let yourself be taken by surprise or seen vulnerable.
he takes a step closer to you. “you already know. i don’t want it to seem that i think less of you and have to say what is in between the lines.”
you smirk, looking at him in disdain. “spell it out for me, tooru. tell me how i am the only one that you want, that i’m the only one that can satisfy you, and that you belong to me.”
“fine.” you motion towards the door with your eyes and a quirk of your head. “get out.”
“i am your king-”
“and what am i? who am i?”
the air is silent, poised with words unsaid and memories of the unholy things.
“you…” he takes another step closer to you. he caresses your cheek as you feel your back press against the cold stone wall of your palace chambers, but you both know who remains in control.
you’d never thought a king would kneel in front of you, especially in your own chambers, but he is on his knees, his head bowed like you were a deity sent to be in his presence, like he was unworthy to serve you, let alone be in your presence.
“you are the person who owns me, body, heart, mind and soul.” he murmurs to you. “and i am but your humble servant.”
“good. up, tooru.”
god, he was addicted to the way you said his name.
“be good for me.”
not once is he not touching your body that night, whether it be his hips, fingers, or tongue flush against your skin. it brings him to tears, the amount of pleasure he gets from just being around you. it astounds him, baffles him, even, how much power you have over him, but it’s where he feels the most alive.
when he is in your arms, fast asleep, you stare at the ceiling, asking the gods to judge your sins—you’re no longer afraid of what they could put against you.
you love him, after all.
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his wife corners you the next day. you’re not surprised, considering her aggression and possessive nature. the kingdom may not see past her facade, but you see firsthand her monstrosity of a personality.
“what did you do with him?” she says, holding a dagger to your neck. you roll her eyes at her cheesy antics.
“you know what i did to him.” you smirk at her. “go ahead. put that knife in my neck. and never feel his touch ever again.”
her glare falters, her grip on her dagger loosening, and you take it out of her grasp.
“he will never need you like he needs me, never want you like he wants me, and never fuck you like he fucks me. you are disposable, and you will never be his.” you take her dagger with you as you walk to the other side of the castle to attend a meeting, but not before she attempts to tackle you. you merely take a step to the side as she faceplants on the floor. you look down at her desperation, wanting to make her plead.
“please…” she murmurs helplessly. “no more.”
you lean towards her on the ground.
a simple word of dissent falls from your lips as her tears begin to cascade.
“because i can’t give away what’s mine, can i?”
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toshis-switch · 3 years
omg thank you for 100 followers <3
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toshis-switch · 3 years
ok so this has been bothering me for like the longest time so sit down and please stop appropriating japanese culture. u may not realize ur doing it, so just take a second to listen. if any other japanese wanna add on to this post, feel free to do so. if u are not japanese, please do not try to defend ur ignorance or racism, rather listen and change ur behavior.
stop saying the word “jap” as a substitute for japanese. jap is a racial slur that was popularized in america after pearl harbor and all through the japanese internment. it’s not a shortened version of the word japanese like brits are to british. we are japanese, not japs.
acknowledge japanese imperialism. do not defend it. what the japanese did in ww2 was horrible, so make sure u know about it and use that knowledge to think critically about any japanese media u may consume.
stop japancore. japan is a country with a deep culture. my culture is not ur aesthetic.
on the same note of japancore, do not use shinto shrines as part of ur moodbaord. that is a religion still practiced to this day in japan. it’s not ur aesthetic. also realize that shintoism has been used as means to empower the emperor during japanese imperialism in ww2. they forced people into that religion and locked up those who didn’t comply. (it’s ok if u practice it ofc, just research and know what u are following)
again with moodboards, this is slightly more forgivable, but please don’t use japanese language for ur aesthetic. while i encourage anyone who wants to learn it to try and learn it, it’s not there for ur aesthetic. i can explain more on this if anyone would like, but i’ll just leave it at that for now.
do not self id as a weeb. being a weeb is incredibly harmful, as it dismisses many of the horrible things japan has done to asia. please read this post for more (i agree with the original post of this, but not with the op’s response. i added it here because i wanted to use it as means for thinking critically about it).
please do not support hetalia or aot. hetalia sort of glorifies japanese imperialism as well as nazism and makes it into this cutesy lil thing that makes u go “awww 🥰” at ww2. aot has antisemitic themes within it and again glorifies japanese imperialism.
if u are going thru with a name change, do not choose a japanese name that u found online after a google search. names in japan are more than just names, there’s a whole process that involves it that is dependent on ur time of birth as well as stroke count for the written name. additionally, it further appropriates the culture when a non japanese person uses a japanese name simply bc they found it cute. this also applies to online aliases. a name from ur own culture or language is good enough.
do not fetishize us. this goes for every culture and race but just stop. we are not “babies” and we are not here for ur entertainment. we are people too.
do not say “i wish i was japanese.” don’t say that for any culture at all unless u are also prepared to face the years of oppression and racism that comes with it.
do not say we have privilege simply because japanese tend to have lighter skin to other poc. this can be said about many east asians countries as well. asia isn’t just pale skin, it comes in a multitude of shades as well as cultures from other countries. we do not have privilege because we do not benefit from the system like white people do.
i’m just done with racism going unnoticed because of ignorance. if u did/do any of these things, whatever. just realize how ur behavior has added to japanese racism and learn from it. further, please help stop anti-asian violence. i live near where an attack was done to an elder. please use these links to help asian lives.
stop aapi hate
post with resources, petitions, and donation links
news source about anti-asian crimes within recent times
twitter post about anti-asian hate crime with graphics
how to support asians
a post about comparing blm and protect asian lives and why it’s harmful to both movements
google doc with a full list of many resources on aapi
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toshis-switch · 3 years
I’ve been seeing a bunch of tiktoks and textposts going around saying stuff like, “you really think you could pull oikawa?” or “if your fave is suna, I hope you realize he’s probably out of your league.”
first of all, what a terrible vibe to be putting out into the universe. don’t say crap like that! people are already always so concerned over physical appearance; don’t make them insecure about liking a certain “hot” character.
second, it’s incorrect. that’s not how love works. when you fall in love with someone, everything about them starts to look beautiful to you, even things you may not have necessarily been attracted to before. I remember my first boyfriend— he was a kid I’d known for a long time, maybe since I was around 10 years old, and I’d never found him at all attractive until one day, for some reason or other, things just clicked. his crooked nose became endearing to me, his perpetually messy hair was suddenly cute rather than annoying.
and that’s how love and attraction works. yeah, there are people that the general population considers more attractive than others, but physical appearance is not a factor in love. it’s a factor in attraction. more often than not, though, the physical attraction comes second, after the emotional spark. and the emotional spark is dependent on personality, situation, and a little bit of luck. you can’t help who you fall in love with, oftentimes regardless of how they look.
so what that all goes to say is please don’t worry about being pretty enough for your fictional crush. oikawa would not write you off for your physical insecurities. bakugo would not laugh in your face. that’s just not how it works. if you’re going to worry about anything, worry about making yourself beautiful from the inside out, because that’s what people really notice. being physically hot won’t do you any favors if you’re not kind, intelligent, and enjoyable to be around. not to be trite, but that sort of true beauty truly overrides any power physical attributes may hold. so please— don’t concern yourself with things outside of your control. it’s okay. they would like you.
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toshis-switch · 3 years
hola psa minors pls dni w/ my blog esp the nsfw stuff coming up as well
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toshis-switch · 3 years
being mad at Osamu Miya so you go and stab the yolks of the eggs he’s frying on the stove
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