tomioness · 27 days
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tomioness · 1 month
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tomioness · 1 month
fav tomione smut tropes:
tom speaking parsel while fucking
hemione being a bitch and tom getting hard
tom forcing hermione to call him ‘lord voldemort/my lord’
hermione saying ‘fuck you/ i hate you’ the whole time
& tom grinning because of it while pounding even harder
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tomioness · 1 month
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You’ll be the Death of me by Nocturnia27 - Chapter 9 - Malfoy Library.
Couldn't decide what style I preferred ... so I'll just publish both !
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tomioness · 1 month
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by  Brandon Morales
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tomioness · 1 month
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Finally posting pics of my most favourite fanfic ever:
PEREMO by Virennia @devdevlin
#Peremo is a #Tomione (Tom Riddle|Hermione Granger) fic and can be read on AO3 - https://archiveofourown.org/works/33960232
PLEASE check the trigger warnings, this is a #deaddove 💀🕊️ fic.
The story is amazing. The writing is amazing.
I was granted permission to bind this personal copy, and permission from the amazing artists to include some of their artwork within my typeset. ⚜️ @artofcrumbs ⚜️ @stinkycheesecult
I’ve been working on this typeset for what feels like a year. I completely redesigned it to the first one I printed over a year ago. Every chapter heading, border, scene break, page number motif, I designed and meshed to fit the vibe of the story. The chapter heading changes with a turn in the story in the epilogue. IYKYK. This is a draft bind and printed in black & white but the typeset is in colour for the art. Oh and as you can see the gold metal HTV fought me hard 😠
I put a lotttt of love and effort into this because I wanted it to be special as it’s my FAVOURITE.
But go read it!
You can find me on insta, #DG_BookBindery @ https://www.instagram.com/dg_bookbindery
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tomioness · 1 month
Will you be continuing My (edge) Lord?
🧐 omg i can't believe someone is actually interested in this haha ♥️
there are 2 more chapters planned, which will raise the rating significantly 🔥🔥
before that, however, i want to rework the previous chapters in depth. it's a bit of a cringefest. also there are too many inconsistencies. you can tell that it was only supposed to be a drabble and that i wrote a few things here and there afterwards - like i don't have their shared backstory clear enough at the moment. if i find the patience to take such a critical look at the published material, i'll continue and sprinkle that smut on top.
THOO the smut is halfway done and tom's mouth is so fucking filthy here that i really don't want to withhold it from yall 😮‍💨
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tomioness · 1 month
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Parnham House, Dorset - England
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tomioness · 1 month
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Commission к заключительной главе фф Свежий ветер дует Чёрного озера
Она задумчиво наблюдала за тем, как одна за одной в воздухе загораются свечи. Машинально достала очередной фолиант из стопки и расположила на коленях, открыла титульный лист, принялась бездумно перелистывать страницы. Никакой внешний свет не может заставить отступить тени, поселившиеся в душе.
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tomioness · 1 month
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M | Oneshot | 6k "Show me how much you loathe me, Mudblood."
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tomioness · 1 month
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Château de Versailles by michaelthecanadian.
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tomioness · 1 month
well actually,
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and here is the rest of it. thank you for all your writings! i am more obsessed with your stories than riddle is with hermione.
People had been staring at him for as long as Tom could remember. Frightened, admiring, swooning. Even though he didn't have much in his life, he always had one thing for sure: everyone's undivided attention. He enjoyed it, but didn't let it show. To those around him, this undoubtedly came across as humble, perhaps even politely charming, if not naïve. But still he sensed every pair of eyes on him, always knew where people were staring at, what they wanted and how they were feeling. Sometimes he even knew what people were thinking.
At first it had been blurred images that he saw before his inner eye - then later indistinct tones that sounded like words overheard through a wall. Sometimes, however, he heard someone else's clear thoughts. That was the case with Miss Warren, for example. A weak mind, a paper-thin barrier, a small ego and such loudly screaming self-hating mantras repeating inside her. In fact, he'd actually done her a favor.
But from that day onwards, his life was different for the first time - even if only for a very short time.
The numerous malicious attacks in the school, culminating in the murder of an innocent, defenceless student, kept Hogwarts under a spell. Everyone seemed to think they were important enough to be the next victim. Amazing how fear led people to become so self-centered, even arrogant. Suddenly, everyone was only concerned with themselves.
No pairs of dreamy eyes lingered on Tom's full lips, or on the delicate dimples that outlined his smile. No girl's gaze was lost in his hair, no men imagining running his fingertips through it.
None of his few followers even dared to look near Tom. The ground at their feet had apparently become increasingly important over the last few days, the way their eyes were glued to it. Surprisingly rarely did he get to see them at all.
For a few days Tom came to realize what the existence of a normal person, of a nothing, felt like. And he had never had a stronger desire to shout it out, to proclaim loudly what he had created; what power he carried within him, what he was, who he was, WHO they should fear.
And in all the emptiness that suddendly surrounded him, all the absence of affection, awe, envy and desire - one thing came into sharper focus. Two dark, narrowed eyes, separated by a critical crease, boring into him, scrutinizing him, doubting him.
Tom had never caught her doing that. He could feel her attention, her gaze piercing him - but whenever he turned to her discreetly, her eyes were absorbed in a book. Nevertheless, he knew. He saw it, even if she didn't let herself be caught. Every night when he went to bed and drew the curtains of his bed, she looked at him. Direct, hostile, determined, her eyes stared back at him from his foe-glass.
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tomioness · 1 month
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My love knows how to kill.
Yours can burn.
That makes us even.
Gio Rosso
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tomioness · 2 months
1:32am - (4/12)
“No,” Riddle breathed. Hermione’s head whipped in response, slightly shocking the boy with the force of her curls. Her eyes met his, and a snarl adorned her face.
Tom Riddle found himself staring at Hermione Granger bemusedly, miserably. She looks lovely.
“What, Riddle? What is it? Have you not wormed yourself into every aspect of my life, like a disease? And here you are, the nerve, asking for me to stay. I hate you. I hate you. Leave me alone, never speak to me,” she twisted her arm painfully, struggling to get away from the clearly insane Slytherin.
His grip loosened, to Tom’s displeasure, but that was all the leverage Hermione needed. Clenching her fist, she lifted her arm for momentum, and swung. She had only wished she were wearing rings that day. Her blow landed on the edge of Tom’s jaw, and the rosy bloom of pain fluttered beneath her fingers. Ron would have been proud. Harry, too.
Despite the pain, satisfaction flowed through the Gryffindor, only slightly dashed when Tom pushed her away from him. Hermione bit her tongue in anger, eyes narrowed. You dare.
Meanwhile, Tom was hunched over a few feet away from her, his feet pigeon-toed in his anguish. Mudbloody girl, the dirty… the filthy, bloody angel. Thankfully, he supposed, she didn’t break his jaw. He grinned at the thought of her right hook a few moments earlier.
Hermione glanced at Tom wearily, her stomach twisting at the eerily beautiful scene of his white teeth stained with blood. They truly were perfect. He must have bit his tongue when she hit him. Serves him right, she sniffed. Then, frowning, she swiftly backtracked, meaning to grasp her previously discarded wand behind the stone brazier. Before she could though, she felt a glimmer, almost beautiful, yet souring in her stomach anyway. The organ lurched, and she desperately watched her wand fly into the awaiting palm of one Slytherin student, Tom fucking Riddle.
His fingers wrapped around her vine wood wand, and for a moment, Tom felt balanced, calm. He suspected it had to do with Hermione’s wand in his hand. Once he was certain the blood flow was stemmed, glimpsing at the mess on his shirt and tie, he rose to his full height, towering over the muggleborn witch.
Suddenly, unnervingly, his regard turned to her. Hermione’s eyes widened, fuck this, she thought grimly, before turning and attempting to escape down the corridor. She could get her wand, any wand, later. She didn’t need this, not today, and she definitely didn’t need Tom trying to use her own wand against her.
The little lioness made it halfway down the hall before Riddle lifted his arm. She should have known. Of course she couldn’t run from him. He never let them run. A particularly vicious Stupefy hit her in the back, and she tumbled painfully to the cold floor below.
Tom’s slow strides lead him to kneel over her unconscious form, taking in all that was Hermione. The slope of her lip, the curve of her cheek, the round button of a nose. His eyes danced over her face, before slowly crushing her cheek to his cool palm.
She unnerved him.
That, in itself, pledged reason to get rid of her immediately, but for the first time, Tom had been a bit slow on this uptake, and he was beginning to realize it would cost him dearly.
She was…
Scintillating. Dazzling. Brilliant. She matched him, blow for blow, in ways he had never dreamed of. She was clever, oh, so very clever, and she knew it. And her magic? Ambrosia to his magical proclivities. Oh, no, Tom Riddle was many things, but he wasn’t stupid.
He knew that her eyes could make him more and less of a mortal than ever. He couldn’t quite understand, however, what that would mean for him. Drawing his hand away from her dark flesh, he stood, wand at the ready.
Lifting her body into an empty classroom nearby was easy, and Tom could only thank Merlin that no portrait’s had been present to witness their little lovers’ quarrel, he snickered. Laying her on the table, he studied her once more.
No, the young Riddle boy wasn’t stupid. He knew Hermione would be a wrench in his plans one way, or another.
No, he thought, that won’t do at all.
With an expert flick of his wrist and a heavy sigh, the doors bolted shut. Another glimmer, and the classroom disappeared into silence.
Ropes slithered over her body, and a soft moan escaped her lips. It was a shame, he thought, rolling up his sleeves. He’d expect them to get messy, given the task in front of him, despite already looking positively demented.
Yes, it’d be a shame. But one could not ignore destiny, not for anyone, and not for her. He hoped she’d understand. He pressed a soft kiss on her cheek.
Her body shook, and her eyes widened. He stood there, his body covering hers lovingly while she jerked into him. Her soft lips parted, and a symphony rang.
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tomioness · 2 months
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An’ they haven’t invented a spell our Hermione can’ do
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tomioness · 2 months
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tomioness · 2 months
People had been staring at him for as long as Tom could remember. Frightened, admiring, swooning. Even though he didn’t have much in his life, he always had one thing  for sure: everyone’s undivided attention. Tom enjoyed it, but didn’t let it show. To those around him, this undoubtedly came across as humble, perhaps even politely charming, if not naïve. But still he sensed every pair of eyes on him, always knew where people were staring at, what they wanted and how they were feeling. Sometimes he even knew what people were thinking.
At first it had been blurred images that he saw before his inner eye - then later indistinct tones that sounded like words overheard through a wall. Sometimes, however, he heard someone else’s clear thoughts. That was the case with Miss Warren, for example. A weak mind, a paper-thin barrier, a small ego and such loudly screaming self-hating mantras repeating inside her. In fact, he’d actually done her a favor.
But from that day onwards, his life was different for the first time - even if only for a very short time.
The numerous malicious attacks in the school, culminating in the murder of an innocent, defenseless 6th year student, kept Hogwarts under a spell. Everyone seemed to think they were important enough to be the next victim. Amazing how fear led people to become so self-centered, even arrogant. Suddenly, everyone was only concerned with themselves.
No pair of dreamy eyes lingered on Tom’s full lips, or on the delicate dimples that outlined his smile. No girl’s gaze was lost in his hair, no boy imagined running his fingers through it.
None of his few followers even dared to look near Tom. The ground at their feet had apparently become increasingly important over the last few days, the way their eyes were glued to it. Surprisingly rarely did he get to see them at all.
For a few days Tom came to realize what the existence of a normal person, of being a nothing, felt like. And he had never had a stronger desire to shout it out, to proclaim loudly what he had created; what power he carried within him, what he was, who he was, WHO they should fear.
And in all the emptiness that suddenly surrounded him, all the absence of affection, awe, envy and desire - one thing came into sharper focus. Two dark, narrowed eyes, separated by a critical crease, boring into him, scrutinizing him, doubting him.
Tom had never caught her doing that. He could feel her attention, her gaze piercing him - but whenever he turned to her discreetly, her eyes were absorbed in a book. Nevertheless, he knew. He saw it, even if she didn’t let herself be caught. Every night when he went to bed and drew the curtains of his bed, she looked at him. Direct, hostile, determined, her eyes stared back at him from his foe-glass.
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