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Almost done~ (Gonna fuck around with audio later today, but I’m just posting this just in case I don’t like the end product.)
(which is very possible.)
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Reminder that Jaehee Kang is gorgeous, amazing and under appreciated.
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Reblog if you agree.
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When it’s 2018 and people are still making “just like rika!!11!” jokes and it’s almost as if they never played past the first 2 days your route
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When the majority of the fandom seems to ignore the fact that you risked your life and even got blinded to keep them safe but they only remember the “just like rika” parts of your route
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When the fandom ignores how you decided to do better in school and despite being blinded you continued your studies and even graduated before the rest of your peers
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When the fandom gets mad at you for being the only member of the RFA suspicious of V even though you are 100% correct about not trusting V because lo and behold he was hiding some serious shit from the RFA
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When the fandom hates you just because of your association with Rika and they can’t comprehend how big of a positive impact she had on your life and how you were unaware of her crimes because V kept fucking everything a secret from you
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Possible Soulmate Au
So just a quick explanation before I get to the basic run down I have so far for this Au, I mixed two of my favorite soulmate aus(tattoos and headspace) and smushed them together in a hopefully entertaining way. Enjoy!
- so everyone gets at least one tattoo, the amount however can differ or change over time
- I can see some people having their tattoos(or headspaces) being affected due to trauma; commonly they turn black and white OR they become colorless white outlines
- maybe in some ptsd cases it can disappear all together
- now how the tattoos are viewed by in different countries? That’s has vastly different answer(like most things) depending on what country you are asking
- I see America romanticizing the shit out of them as it does with a lot of shit, and in like the Middle East it’s some serious shit
- (also have a idea that different places call the marks different things)
- in Korea I see it naturally being a very intimate thing so of course no one else may see it but your soulmate
- most only get to have the headspace aspect of this au after they get their soulmate, some people however get them before hand
- can happen in dreams to some(*cough hack* Z E N*cough cough*) and others it happens at will[feeling a strong emotion in childhood typically triggers it]
- some who dream first tend to have good control over the headspace and can typically enter at will faster then most
- some seem to never get their headspace, but it could just be a voice like a conscience
- some learn how to enter, just so they can block them out
- OR like with the tattoos it could just be something blocking the headspace! [i totally can see that with jumin tbh]
Now I’m going to be posting a seperate post about the tattoos that they’d look like on their s/o, the possibility of their headspaces and what not
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Zen in Howl!
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Drew this for my blog! I love them all and I couldn't choose a MC so a left it blank haha, I might color it on a later date
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Beware of wolves and angry grandmas
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hey so, anybody else currently in uhhhhh deep denial???
………me too. So I fixed day 10. MC goes with Seven to magenta and get there just in time!!!! yay
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( •௰•)( •ꙍ•́ )
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Bad Routes
Are Not Fun For Me. Like I love to hear about them, read the theories, and headcanons. Doing it myself though?? It has shown how much of a creampuff I really am, just saying mean things to Zen(the one I’m attempting a bad route with) and I just feel horrible? Like I don’t enjoy this at all, so I’m probably just gonna go back to the good routes and be a big baby :’(
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Jumin and MC...
Everyone seems to love these two the most out of the many ships given to us, Mr. Trustfund is probably one of the most popular. I personally like the twin tomatos best but that's a personal preference, the thing I'm trying to get at is that one of the reasons I don't really like him is cause I grew up just above the poverty line.
My family is as cheap as we can get and my mom was the women who had a binder full of coupons to make sure those $200 groceries(family of 6) came out to at least $150 but that was if we were lucky. My dad had to save up for three years to take me and my sister out on our first cruise. (It was Disney and it was magical)
It'd be hard for me to adjust to suddenly having so much money??? If I was in MC's shoes I'd probably be scared of how money could change someone, expecially having that much so suddenly.
But I'm also charmed thinking of how it would be to show Mr. Trustfund kid the cheaper side of things. Jumin seems to look for quality more then price; even though you can tell that it does come to mind. Maybe he won't think it is as good as the more expensive brand but is surprised that it's better???
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quick doodle of V being all like AYYY YO
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stupid doodle (pose inspiration)
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I turned Zen into a meme 🤣
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