toggle-switch · 6 years
Everyone I RP with deserves a Nobel Peace Prize for not killing me when I don’t reply for like a month
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toggle-switch · 6 years
Tumblr media
So recently I came across a fellow artist who was struggling to find a free art program, and considering dropping the large amount of money for a Photoshop license. I know not everyone can afford such an expensive program, so I’ve compiled a list of programs with no cost to download and use.
Keep in mind all computers are different, so not all will work for everyone. Also, I’ve only ever used Windows, so for the most part, I’m not sure if everything will work for Mac. if in doubt check the website linked.
Photoshop CS2 - (Windows, not sure about Mac.)
FireAlpaca - (Windows and Mac)
Sketchbook Copic Edition - (Windows and Mac)
GIMP - (Windows) (Mac)
Paint tool SAI [cracked]  - (Windows) (Mac)
Paint tool SAI 2 beta - (tumblr post on said program)
iPaint - (Mac)
Paintbrush - (Mac)
Pencil - (Windows, Mac)
Paint.NET - (Windows)
Seashore [still in development, ver 0.5] - (Mac)
ChocoFlop - (Mac)
Inkscape - (Mac and Windows)
ArtRage [Demo] - (Mac and Windows)
OpenCanvas 1.1[must pay for 2.0] - (Windows, not sure about Mac.)
MyPaint - (Windows)
Krita - (Windows)
Vectorian [Supports Animation] - (Windows)
Pixia[Japanese, some English versions] - (Windows)
Asperite - (Windows)
Chasys Draw IES - (Windows)
SmoothDraw - (Windows)
TwistedBrush Open Studio - (Windows)
BOUNS - CTRL+Paint [Great for teaching all kinds of stuff, like how to use digital programs.]
If you know more free programs, please add onto this!
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toggle-switch · 6 years
Totally! I’m starting fresh anyway, and wanna get stuff started again, so yeah. If ask memes help I’ll do that!
People should reblog this if they are okay with receiving ask memes from people they’ve never rped with before. Mutual or not.
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toggle-switch · 6 years
being a fan of your own ocs is frustrating because you literally have to rely on your own productivity for any content
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toggle-switch · 6 years
Which one?
Me, to @ribbonramblingsylveon after they told me to speak in my wierd accent.
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toggle-switch · 6 years
Proof that the English language was secretly designed by Bethesda.
you can make nearly any object into a good insult if you put ‘you absolute’ in front of it
example: you absolute coat hanger
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toggle-switch · 6 years
*blush* You didn’t have to, oh well. Thank you!
Callout post, positive
(GO FOLLOW @toggle-switch !!! They be an amazing person! They do their hardest, he doing his best! Go throw this guy a few good asks and give him some nice interaction!)
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toggle-switch · 6 years
Excuse me!!! Is this blog still open to rping at this time?
Absolutely! Yes, either send me a starter, or ask for one from me.
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toggle-switch · 6 years
If you read the rules and information of a rp page before interaction, can you reblog this, please? I want to see how many do.
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toggle-switch · 6 years
click here to find out your government assigned character crush
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toggle-switch · 6 years
Wait, so you reblogged my promo, and *you* got new followers?
Me, to @ribbonramblingsylveon after they reblogged my promo.
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toggle-switch · 6 years
The Improbabilitea Cafe Promo
“What do you mean we never advertised! No wonder there aren’t any customers! I doubt anyone even knows we’re open!” Auron gave Toggle an incredulous look, confused as to why her partner had never even thought to do anything.
“Well, dear, what exactly should I write? ‘The Improbabilitea Cafe! You’ll come out in one piece, we swear?” Toggle responded, oblivious to the look she was giving him.
Auron’s stone cold glare at that moment would make Medusa green with envy. “No. Maybe something a little more like this?”
Welcome to the Improbabilitea Cafe!
Where no two cups are ever made the same way!
This is a Multimuse, fandomless blog with two members: Toggle, a chaos spirit, and Auron, an order spirit. They run a cafe, which is open to anyone, from anywhere. The house special is Improbabilitea, which has the curious property of tasting like a random edible liquid at every sip. For a earthen, base human some examples include lemonade, lobster bisque, or *gasp* actual tea. Results may vary by ideology, allergy, and species. Basically, it won’t feed a vegetarian clam chowder, a lactose-intolerant person milk, or a dog hot cocoa. That sort of thing. The cafe has existed for about a year now, both in and out of character. So stop on by, grab a seat, and relax! Just, be ready for anything, yeah?
“What’s that about out-of-character?” asked Auron.
“Don’t worry about it, the people reading the flyer will get it.” responded Toggle.
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toggle-switch · 6 years
"Ah yes, the house special. Coming right up!" She goes into the back, and about 5 minutes later, comes out with a teacup full of, shimmering. No, that's about the only word for it, is a cup full of shimmering. It just gives off this impression of being full of possibilities. "Here you go! Careful, I have no idea what temperature it is." She sets down the cup, then starts staring at Ampere's eyes. "You know, two colored eyes really aren't all that common. Any, story behind them?" What is it with these two and obsessing about eyes?
Shockingly Good Tea
“Welcome to the Improbabilitea Cafe, where no two cups are made the same way! What can I get for you?” says the cat behind the counter. The rich mahogany tones of the wooden counter seem extra deep compared to the golden taps on the different glass vats of iced teas. There is a rainbow of browns, everything from light amber to a deep chocolate brown in each vat, and past those are some less than normal colors. Vibrant blues, eerie reds, and some greens along with any other color you can think of, and some new ones seemingly invented for these drinks. The inside of the cafe is a cool 68 degrees Fahrenheit, a sharp contrast to the sweltering heat outside. There’s some condensation on the vats, making them twinkle, and the spots of light seem to hit the tables and chairs just so, like it was somehow planned that way the entire time. The tables seem to have adapted to the season, the usual wooden tables being replaced with a suitably random assortment of deck furniture. All of this still doesn’t draw any of the strangeness away from the humanoid cat casually polishing the counter, shirt nowhere to be seen with a pair of swimming trunks being the only apparel on him. That and a fedora-and-tie combination that seems like it’s less clothing and more a piece of him. The fact that the room is perfectly air conditioned doesn’t seem to be affecting his seasonal clothing choice in the slightest. “What, cat got your tongue? You got anything in mind to order, or you just gonna stand there gawking? Not that I blame you, I am quite the breathtaking sight. All that concentrated handsomeness must have you overwhelmed, eh?” 
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toggle-switch · 6 years
"Look, I know it's her birthday, and I thought I closed up the café, but I guess I didn't do the ritual correctly. She's still a customer, isn't she?" A blue tinged muzzle peeks out of the staff door, then sharply retreats. "You're right, the resemblance is striking. Look, how about I take this one, while you calm down." A black furred jackal exits the door, with blue highlights on the tips of her ears and paws. She's also noticeably pregnant, about 3 months into the term, by the looks of things. Her striking blue eyes meet Ampere's. "Sorry about that, my husband needs to fix something in the back. My name is Auron, and I am his partner. Now, what would you like me to get you?"
Shockingly Good Tea
“Welcome to the Improbabilitea Cafe, where no two cups are made the same way! What can I get for you?” says the cat behind the counter. The rich mahogany tones of the wooden counter seem extra deep compared to the golden taps on the different glass vats of iced teas. There is a rainbow of browns, everything from light amber to a deep chocolate brown in each vat, and past those are some less than normal colors. Vibrant blues, eerie reds, and some greens along with any other color you can think of, and some new ones seemingly invented for these drinks. The inside of the cafe is a cool 68 degrees Fahrenheit, a sharp contrast to the sweltering heat outside. There’s some condensation on the vats, making them twinkle, and the spots of light seem to hit the tables and chairs just so, like it was somehow planned that way the entire time. The tables seem to have adapted to the season, the usual wooden tables being replaced with a suitably random assortment of deck furniture. All of this still doesn’t draw any of the strangeness away from the humanoid cat casually polishing the counter, shirt nowhere to be seen with a pair of swimming trunks being the only apparel on him. That and a fedora-and-tie combination that seems like it’s less clothing and more a piece of him. The fact that the room is perfectly air conditioned doesn’t seem to be affecting his seasonal clothing choice in the slightest. “What, cat got your tongue? You got anything in mind to order, or you just gonna stand there gawking? Not that I blame you, I am quite the breathtaking sight. All that concentrated handsomeness must have you overwhelmed, eh?” 
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toggle-switch · 6 years
Guess I screwed up the prompt
(For the prompt) You're like this person sized blue chicken in a dress, right?
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toggle-switch · 6 years
The Improbabilitea Café! Now Discord Flavored!
Welcome to the Improbabilitea Café! I'm Toggle Switch, or just Toggle for short, and I'll be your host for your stay. So come on in, hang your coat up, and take a seat!
Rp focused Discord server for any fandom, or even fandomless characters.
Semi-optional meta narrative driven by the community, that permanently change the server
1 on 1, group rp, in a cafe on the edge of everywhere
Just pm me if interested, I will give a link to join, just read the rules and you're good to go! We're having an opening night special event that will be happening for a couple days, so come on in!
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toggle-switch · 6 years
The Café
Yeah, here it is. The post I've been simultaneously looking forward to, and dreading. Let's start with the apologies.
I'm sorry to my fellow rpers for leaving them in the lurch without warning.
I'm sorry to my readers for abandoning them.
I'm sorry to my muses, for neglecting them.
Truth is, I've been putting this off for a while. Mostly out of fear, but I'm not gonna lie, it's a little bit of Laziness. I hit a rough patch. A really rough patch. A "I'm not sure I'm gonna survive this" kind of rough patch. However, that doesn't excuse the fact that I didn't tell anyone. But, there is good news! I'm going to start fresh on here, and I also have a new project that I'll be posting next. But still, this had to be said. I'm sorry. And hopefully, this won't happen again.
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