tis-tics · 2 days
It’s both pride month and TS awareness month. I am four times as strong as a non-Tourettic cis-het person.
fucking fear me
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tis-tics · 2 days
This a PSA!!! Never try to hold down someone who is ticcing or having a tic attack!!! Seizure rules apply!! The tics could possibly hurt you, and if you stop us the tic may just get more violent. There is also a certain satisfaction whenever we tic, and by holding us down you are taking that away. Obviously some people may want you to hold them down, but as a general rule do not do so unless you have been instructed to by the individual or know that they prefer it for a fact!!!!
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tis-tics · 5 days
Living with tics sucks. One second you’re perfectly fine and the next you look like your having a seizure
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tis-tics · 8 days
I swear I wouldn't survive today without them, its one of those "every sound annoys me and makes me want to claw my ears off" days
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tis-tics · 11 days
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I used to live with someone who just couldn't understand my need to temporarily remove myself from social situations. No matter how many times I tried explaining it to them they just couldn't get it. So glad I only lived with them for a year.
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tis-tics · 13 days
Reminder that tics from Tourettes and tic disorders are brief movements and sounds.
If you're experiencing prolonged wrist/foot/facial contractures (bending and tightening), its likely n o t caused by a tic and should be evaluated by a professional.
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tis-tics · 13 days
i need to remind sighted-people once again that Lasik is not a magical cure for all vision problems.
the amount of people who i tell about my visual impairment who then tell me to get Lasik as if its some sort of secret cure, is ridiculous.
like first of all, Lasik isn't just a casual surgery to have. it can have serious serious side-effects and lead to life-long damage. second, it only treats certain eye conditions, like near/farsightedness, dry eyes, cataracts, etc. it cannot fix my diplopia, that's not what its used for.
please, if you have blind or visually impaired friends or family members, learn just some of the basics. it stops us from constantly having to have these conversations.
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tis-tics · 13 days
I hate being disabled like I have an immense amount of energy that's trapped inside me to the point where I'm literally shacking, but also I feel like I could faint at any second
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tis-tics · 14 days
What NOT to say to someone with tics
About a year ago I asked for people with tics/Tourette's to send me things not to say to people with tics. I am so sorry it has taken me so long to post this.
"I'm so sorry" - this could make someone feel bad about being disability and it feels condescending
"Well you don't look like you have Tourette's" - Tourette's doesn't have a look and not all disabilities are visible
"Just relax" - being relaxed doesn't necessarily make tics go away
"Stop hitting yourself" - don't you think I would if I could.
"Have you tried yoga" - yoga wont magically make someone's tics go away
"But I didn't see you tic" - tics fluctuate so just because you didn't see someone tic doesn't mean they are faking
"You have tics, do you swear?!" - not everyone with tics has coprolalia and its a stereotype that all people with tics swear
"Can you stop that please" - tics are involuntary, someone can't just stop having a tic because you find it annoying
"So you can say whatever you want and not get in trouble" - this is just not true at all, people with Tourette's face a lot of discrimination because they can't control what they say and people think they are faking so they can be rude
"Well if you take medication, why aren't your tics gone?" - medication doesn't make tics go away fully
"Can you tic *insert word/movement here* for me?" - this is just so rude!!
"I wish I had tics" - even if you mean this in a positive way, it is still really disrespectful
There are so many more not on this list as well!
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tis-tics · 16 days
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tis-tics · 18 days
Autism culture is collecting things and then losing interest and giving up halfway into the collection
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tis-tics · 18 days
i forgot to share but ive finished decorating my chair! (for now?)
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[ID: two pictures of a punk style decorated manual wheelchair. it has a black frame and bright red pushrims and spoke skins. the first picture shows the back of the chair, theres a black patch on the backrest with the words "hands off!" painted in red, and two white hands with red X's over them flank the words on both sides. there are 4 stickers: the top left is a heart with a dagger through it with text reading "no spoons left, only knives", the top right is a plague doctor with a speech bubble reading "have you tried leeches?", the third and fourth are in the back rigidizer bar. they are right next to each other, and both have a red medical symbol. the one on the left has red text that reads "not accepting unsolicited medical advice". the push handles have black plaid fabric with silver spikes on it wrapped around them. the second picture is the chair from the side, showing the red spokes. /end ID]
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tis-tics · 18 days
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[image: a photo of an orange pill bottle being thrown into a garbage can. Text reads "TOURETTE SYNDROME AWARENESS MONTH? YALL BOUT TO BE VERY AWARE"]
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tis-tics · 19 days
autistic culture is thinking bracelets look rlly cool and cute and rlly wishing you could wear them but you cant bc they're sensory hell to you :(
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tis-tics · 20 days
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tis-tics · 20 days
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I had seen this image around in the tourettes and tic disorder tags, and only now did i find out it's the tourettes flag.
Anyways I like it :D It feels fitting :)
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tis-tics · 20 days
Me: oh i sure have liked not ticcing all that much these past few weeks I’m sure todays going to be the same-
My brain: :)
Me: no
My brain: :) time to yell
Me: nO
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