thunderwords · 3 years
jack and neil
there are two boys. one dark hair and dark skin. wants to fix you and mend you. we’ll call him jack.
jack wants to hold you and hug you. jack wants to see inside you and worship you. jack asks “hows your day” and you can’t tell him you’re in scattered pieces all over the living room. jack is nice, jack says goodnight i’ll see you soon. jack leads you to a garden and you ran away. jack shows you stormless sky but you wanted hurricanes. jack wants you. jack wants who he think is you.
there are two boys. one dark hair and a crooked teeth. we’ll call him neil.
neil wants to hold you and love you. neil’s in pieces and you want to save him. neil’s a chipped boy with dragons for a tongue. neil took your heart out and you drank the blood of his hands. nick ripped you apart and you begged for more cause it’s fun. nick loves you. nick holds youre hand and lead you to the morgue. nick wants you. nick knows you and every windows in your little soul. nick wants who you are.
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thunderwords · 3 years
savior complex.
i remember the screaming and shouting
teary eyed with failure in understanding
logic trailed away in an empty train
stuck in a closet of childlike hopes
lovely gestures, empty lovers
i truly am trying to understand you
why wont you do that to me too?
i try to understand the anger in your face
sumburnt like, throat dried
we screamed to loud
drenched me in gasoline
gaslight me
i’m just a little person
with a savior complex
you close your eyes,
i’ll wash off the blood,
i’ll take care of the rest.
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thunderwords · 3 years
i want to stay here
in my parents’ couch
in the arms of my mother
closing my eyes
while she rubbed by back
breathing, alive, slowly
while my father pats my head
i don’t wanna go outside
to my room,
alone with my monsters
swimming in a flood of my own making
every nightmare scripted in my head
i don’t wanna go outside
i want to stay here
with my mother, with her
please don’t make me go
i want to stay here.
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thunderwords · 3 years
july’s first
i am a big bowl of anxiety
eyes brimming with tears,
body stood on the edge of a cliff
nail scratches on my arms and legs,
i am hoping to tear this skin away
i’m hoping none of the pieces stay
billy joel said to slow down, crazy child
but i am still shaking,
driving 1000 miles per hour
i am still running god knows from what
my heart’s still beating chased by a bark
i didn’t see this coming when i was 9
when i stood on my balcony i saw the future ahead of me
never knowning in 8 years the desire to jump of it,
either to crack my skull, or to escape this plastic skeleton i called home
i dont know.
i dont know.
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thunderwords · 3 years
he and i were very different, and yet the same. as if the fire that’s burning inside of our soul came from the same pit. he is every bit of love i have ever imagined. destructive and beautiful and chaotic and calm. i lie awake at night wondering if i really do love him or was my heart looking for it’s destroyer. and these paths i’ve wondered into, they were cold and dark and gloomy. but at the end of the bridge was his hand, holding out to me like death in front of a morgue. i too have looked for myself in every city and every painting and every eyes and all i could found was him. i longed for him. for his touch, his love, his laugh. i will forever be in poison if his love was a venom . i will forever be in flames if loving him was hell. i will die if he is, truly, death.
-excerpt from a book i didn’t and probably would never write.
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thunderwords · 3 years
i never know.
his name carved into the arm
where my scars once laid bare
i have never known love
like the one we used to share
the blood on my tongue
started to taste like heaven
and my throat’s scratched with a song
nobody could remember
you have painted me
in colours i never believed exist
and i am now alive
with this bullet inside my veins
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thunderwords · 3 years
hi everyone so i just set up my ko-fi account and i would really appreciate it! i’m a struggling student and with covid around, i struggle to save money cause my parents cut out my daily money. there’s problem with dad’s income (covid to blame too) and all that stuff. again, i would really appreciate it! thank you have a nice day:))
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thunderwords · 3 years
another life
he was looking at me. brown amber eyes staring me down, giving me warmth the sun never could. his hands holding mine,
“i dont ever want to lose you”
but tears were brimming down my face. i can’t hold this ache in it’s place. i was gonna burst into flames and this man would be the end of my days
“i will find you, in another life, another body i’m in. and i will not rest, for the life of me, before i found you.”
the waves caught him and washed him away. there’s nothing here but the little love he left on the palm of my hands. i’d jump to the ocean too, if i could. i’d drain the ocean in a heartbeat, if i could. i’d give up my dreams, if i could.
i am waiting.
i am waiting.
i am waiting.
when will you come?
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thunderwords · 3 years
ruin me! do ruin me
throw me to the hardwood floor
but do hold my broken self
and shape me however you want
let me fill that void in the cracks of your heart
let me sing you to sleep everytime you awoke startled
lit me in flames!
oh love, i do beg you
then i’ll be in the light with you
and i’ll live the life poets have told
you have killed me too many times
for me to know what is life
paint your dreams
with the red in your hands
carry me! do not left me stranded
for i am the dark sky that wishes
to be enlighten by your lovely eyes.
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thunderwords · 3 years
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this is the offical ‘i care’ symbol this is how it works: basically you reblog this and your followers know that you care and that they can message you about anything anon or not and you will reply back or at least look at there message. if you care about your followers please reblog
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thunderwords · 3 years
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my sister and her piano always bring back such nostalgic memories. i remembered when i was around 8 she’d play the same song over and over and i’d dance in the back (i just started ballet, shut up). just dancing freely, feet stepping here and there on the cold marble. floating without any chip on my shoulder. my heart was still full, impatiently waiting to get older. to actually live, instead of merely existing. nowadays, hearing her play the same exact song on the same exact piano brings back and old memory of me. the once innocent, free, positive version of me. the one that’s not yet tainted by the cruel deeds of this world. and i’d smile at her, silently speaking my worries that i’m not yet the woman she wished to become. i would also give my promise, that i’m on my way there. and i will not stop even if my knuckles went red and my mind went hazy. i am on my way.
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thunderwords · 3 years
dear anxiety,
why are you here?
what have you done to me?
i’m confused
cause i could feel my chest become hollow
somehow i’m sinking in a water so shallow
you carved runes in my arms
and you made me forget who i am
every word that rolled out of my tongue
is violence along with a gun
and every punch i throw to the wall
is an “i hate you” to my shadow
you are suffocating me
taking my breath
as i speak every promise to the window
you made me cry
when there’s nothing to cry for
what have you done to me?
and why am i still keeping you with me?
Just for fun. Let’s all write a poem about anxiety. 
Start with, Dear anxiety…
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thunderwords · 3 years
“hello, mister moon!”
i shout to you
let me see that wrecked madmen
let me see him
let me ask him all the question
burning inside my veins
why does my back hurt?
the scars where my wings were
mister moon, the fire’s everywhere
i am screaming,
“do give me your reasons!”
as to why this pain is different
cause i’ve fallen from a hundred trees
but i stood up still with a broken knee
why is this different?
why cant i stand up?
why does it hurt, mister moon?
why does this ache keeps digging
and my chest is hollow
the knife you twisted in my heart
they filled the emptiness of being
my heart’s beating
but i’ve died a long time ago.
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thunderwords · 3 years
until dust we became.
do you remember it?
the promise that rolled out of our tongues
stucked like a melody in a song
something so beautiful, so mundane
heals all the sadness and all the pain
a time when i looked into your eyes
and i could fell myself calming down
the sunlight made your eyes so brown
and i swear,
it’s the most exquisite shade i’ve seen
‘until dust we became’
repeated each night before we went to bed
the dreamland of forever,
the happily ever after
we could’ve had it all
i could’ve had you
i longed for your warmth
as you wiped my tear-stained cheeks
as you cast away anyone that dares to harm
as you hugged my pain away
i’ve always dreamt of death
but that moment, right there,
i do not wished for it
i wished for you, forever
jumping in a cold river
hands intertwined as i shiver
sleeping on the couch, waiting for you
marching through the door
bringing my home like a lover
running around in the garden
as our fear jumped away in the cold ocean
and i was fearless,
jumping head first
i would do anything for you
crossed every stream in my dream
for my lover, my sunshine beam
and until dust we became,
until we were swallowed by the flame,
nothing more than a name,
i was yours and you were mine
through the end.
(but we parted our ways
before we had the chance to.)
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thunderwords · 3 years
i’m the youngest of three
i was a child when they know who they want to be
i was a child when the moved to a different city
i was a child when they’re a women already
i have these expectations,
sitting at my shoulders like altercations
they chipped my shoulder,
and send me to a river
i have cried myself to sleep
wishing i was six feet deep
and i clawed my way
i tried to keep myself sane
but i am about to burst
like there is this storm of pain,
or an avalanche waiting to destroy
everything that hides in my brain
and i woke up so worried
my heart’s pounding out of my chest
i have this devil
laughing at every move ever
and i am so scared
god, i am so scared
and i tried not to
i build a wall inside my head
and i cried i cried and i beg
i beg for the fear to knock on another door
but he’s waiting outside the morgue
and he’s holding his hand out,
and he’s offering comfort without doubt
he messed with my head,
made my nails a weapon
and created crescents in my hand
he locked me in chains,
and asked me to breathe
i told my mom
my mom told me to be at peace
to be okay with my tears
but how am i supposed to do that
when i have been angry my entire life?
when i came to the dark and made him my friend
when i buried my pain
and became lovers with the rain
with every drizzle that came
i made them a hurricane
i do not know of peace
and how to be at peace
i do not know how to sit in a tree
and not wait a broken knee
i am alive
but i have not lived
how can one be alive
if she walks around with death in hand
how can one be alive
when her shoes is pointing away from the sand
how can one be alive and at peace
if she hasn’t known it in years?
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thunderwords · 3 years
i was going to tell you.
you looked me in the eyes
as my lips breath out the smoke
as if asking “why?”
asking “why are you hiding behind this hooded cloak?”
and i was going to tell you
about the boy who lit me aflame
who told me he loved me
as his knife made the pain
who told me he’d do anything for me
as his feet were runinng away
i was going to tell you
about the constant worry
the heartbeat in my chest became a tune
for the wrecked madmen in the moon
a tune so doomed,
the only worthy answer is a fist to my head
i was going to tell you
about the losing sleep
the sinking deep
and the almost jumping off the balcony
i was going to tell you
abou the ruins i became
the chaos i’m in
the way i hold my darkness
and said “ i love you”
i was going to tell you,
but i was never one to open up
so i rolled the rug
and i smiled,
i said
“i just love the way it makes me feel”
even if it’s not a lie,
it wasn’t the whole truth
just because i want to die,
doesn’t mean i dont want to dance in the roof.
(for ‘daphne’. if you’re reading this, i’m sorry i drifted away and i’m sorry i’ve changed)
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thunderwords · 3 years
dearest aphrodite,
goddess of love,
something i have not believed in now
i am sorry
but you made me
burn my hand with a stove
for a man who’d rather skip breakfast
you made me
prick my hand with a thorn
for a man who’d rather a lily than a rose
i was left broken and scattered
and you told me to believe in love
what love?
which part of this is love?
which part in being locked in a cage is love?
i was thrown in the shadows
and i became one with the dark
i became a ghost,
haunting the ones that i lost
you can’t see me,
but oh, how i feel
i do not want a love that kills me
for even if i wished to die,
it will not by the hand of a man i loved
so i refuse this love,
if it meant cutting my wings away
if it meant losing myself
i refuse your love, aphrodite
with love,
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