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I recently saw my blog open in a tab on Soorya’s laptop and now I’m succumbing under the guilt of having not written anything here in the past forever. Today I really learnt the true meaning of not knowing the value of something until it is lost. I LOST MY FAVOURITE TINY BLUE BOOK TODAY. Spoiler to the story that is about to ensue: Heh, I found the tiny blue book again. I had made the tiny blue book’s acquaintance in January, and I had set it aside with the intention of filling it up with my writing (poems, because of course, I’m a dork). And write I did. A grand total of one poem. And then, much like what I did to this poor blog, I forgot about the tiny blue book. Until today, when I remembered that it existed. But of course, the tiny blue book was no where to be found. And I spent most of the day moping about it. Until I harnessed the power that I had in the form of my mother. Obviously, she found it in under a minute. So now my tiny blue book is safe and content. With not one, not two, but THREE poems. In other news, I started German classes at the beginning of April, and that’s still going strong so :D
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Day 25
Starting today, my brother has decided to turn me into a super smart person.
He intends to do so by introducing me to various dead people.
Well, it’ll be more fun than that hopefully xD 
(Little about my brother: He’s 22, and got a job which he’ll be starting in July. He tends to forget that I’m a billion years younger than him, and treats me with scorn when I don’t get things quick enough.
But, I quite enjoyed the first day :D
My brother explained Immanuel Kant’s psychology, and how he never really picked a side between the Rationalists and Empiricists, because he believed that learning anything involves committing experience to memory and using that memory as a priori to make synthetic judgments.
I think that Kant essentially felt that we can never truly know what reality and Truth is because we all individually see things in our own way, in our own reality. 
It’s almost as though we’re all wearing these spectacles that we can’t take off. And we see the world through them, but no two spectacles are the same. So if I have a rose-tinted pair, I will think that reality involves a certain tint of rose, however another may be positive of tints of a pale shade of blue.
And I think that’s pretty cool. These centuries old dead guys are going to be my fast friends, I hope.
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No sleep for me today.
Mph. I don't want sleep anymore. So that's just great. So I had read the Diary of Anne Frank (not my own copy) a year or so ago and I totally forgot what I thought of it. Which is well and good because my cousin gave me a copy a few days ago, so I re-read it on the plane to formulate my opinion on it, again. Anne was so passionate about the things she liked. And she liked literature and history and I have a feeling that we'd have got along. Except she hated math and drooled over boys a lot which might have made matters awkward. Her diary was, of course, her diary. Her confidante who she told her most ridiculous secrets to. So reading it made me feel as though I was trespassing. Going somewhere I ought not to be going. Gosh, the gossip in that book is just preposterous ._. The parts about the War and the life in hiding was more interesting for me than the woes of a thirteen year old girl's love life (I know I'm 13 as well. Shush :P ) Having a younger mind's opinion on it all was definitely amazing. Just the intimate parts made me feel odd, but that's fine. Anne mentioned a bit about stories and fairytales that she wrote (she wanted to be a journalist after all). I wish I could read those :P It doesn't matter if they're childish, I just think that the stories she wrote are the places where her actual mind and a different, kinder sort of intimacy would be exposed. I wonder if they were saved. Or if Otto Frank remembered the ones she narrated to him, and got it published or something. On another note, the birds are chirping a LOT outside my window. Do they do this everyday? How do I sleep through it oh my gosh. It's a very nice sort of chirping though. So yay :D
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Day 18: Happenings.
Downtown Chicago is as busy as New York. But by gosh it's a billion times cleaner o.o We went by train to the Union Station and then went to the Willis Building (super tall scary skyscraper \m/ ) They had this cubicle on the top floor, made of some deadly kind of glass (the floor and ceiling too), that was popping out to the side of the building. The idea of that is that you get a view of 270° around, and the top and bottom. GAH. \m/ After that we took a water taxi to the Millenium Park :D WOW. Just. Asdfghjkl. And now I'm hungry and we're going to a Thai restaurant for dinner :D yay :) AND WE'RE LEAVING TOMORROW OH MY GOD I'M FEELING SO SAD THAT I'M LEAVING BUT I'M FEELING SO HAPPY THAT I'M GOING BACK HOME AND THIS MIX OF EMOTIONS CANNOT BE HEALTHY FOR YOU I'M DYING ON THE INSIDE YET THERE'S ALSO A RAINBOW GROWING INSIDE ME. GOSH. THESE FEELS USUALLY COME ONLY FROM BOOKS FOR ME AND I'D LIKE IT TO REMAIN THAT WAY THANK YOU VERY MUCH. Just kidding :P This feeling is kind of like me, I suppose. Crazy, but alright :)
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Day 16 :)
I’ve been on my feet for the last two days continuously. BUT I LOVED EVERY SECOND OF IT. Yesterday, we went to the Rockefeller Centre (ahem. ‘Center’ over here.) And we took a tour all around and saw the first skyscrapers of the world. Usually “skyscraper” reminds you of shiny stainless steel and not sandstone and gothic windows, but the very first skyscapers were very……. Retro xD . Except the insides wherein there’s brass everywhere *.*And we saw the underground city of Rockefeller. And Top of the Rock, duh xP Then we went to my cousin’s place and we had this cousins’ reunion :D
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Day 13 :D
The competition in Detroit was amazing :D we got to learn a lot! And we're taking a lot back from there. Including a Best Presentation Award. And a 100 dollars :P Our demo is this pretty much new idea (our parents were considering getting a lawyer to patent it. But we were like nah that needs money so no yuck. No one likes money, right xD ) in which we designed an animation on an animation software (we used Alice) parsed it through an xml parser (for java) whose code we wrote (Alice saves it's files in an xml format. So.) Then we added the parsed code to the code of an app that we wrote, which controls the robot. If you wanna know more you could ask me anytime (literally any time. It's 1:40 am here and I'm still awake for some crazy reason -.- ), even though you probably don't wanna know more because it's a tad bit boring for non-roboty people. So I'll just switch topics now xD I'm in Washinton D. C. The Americans couldn't have chosen a better capital for their nation. America is an amazing place. The people are friendly, and their history is just so thick! Now, I'm more of a science and math and maybe even literature person. But I also like history. I am NOT a boring person. And I am sane. I hate the way history is taught in schools. They mash it up and turn it into a pool of terror. Poor history. It's not all that bad, but it's getting all this fire for nothing. It's burning away because kids are scared of the dreary drag of the past. We don't realise how alluring it actually is. Oh god. The Smithsonian is like stepping into a world of magic. And their Air and Space department made me tear up with joy (gosh I'm a geek. I'm sorry. Does the fact that I bought an Einstein bobble-head that speaks famous Einstein quotes make me seem like a less ridiculous person? No? Damn it.) Anywho. I'm leaving for New York tomorrow :D I can't wait :D Eep :)
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New Friend in German Class: So Ishaa, you say you're from Maharashtra. Why are you in Bangalore?
Me: Well. Hitler was Austrian. He landed up in Germany. So.
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Halli. The Dark Side is much better dude :D It has me B)
Oooo :O I'm damn tempted now xD
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Yes I did xP
xD I'm scared now.
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Following her was my first objective xD And you told her about me?! WHAT?! WHAAAT?!!
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Hello, tumblr :D
So, the things that people have told me about tumblr can be divided widely into two groups. Those who’ve vehemently opposed my joining this site because it is a soulless void of addictiveness (hey, not my words). And those who insist that this shattered world cannot be fixed until I join this site (hello, Soorya xD ). 
So after finally exhausting all excuses to NOT create an account, here I am!
I’m not entirely sure what this blog is, or what it will grow to be. But let’s hope that it’s nice :D
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