This blog is going on hiatus indefinitely.
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XMFC » Favorite Erik outfits
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Michael Fassbender / The Counselor
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Plot: It's been years since father and daughter have crossed paths. He had left her at a Sokovian asylum as a young girl. Now, on the side of the X-Men, Erik infiltrates the Avenger's tower during the Grand Opening and is caught by none other than Wanda.
Tags: X-Men Evolution canon, Daddy!Magneto, Erik Lehnsherr, Wanda Maximoff, Avengers, X-Men
Ongoing, WIP
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Michael Fassbender / Man on a Motorcycle
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Erik Lehnsherr + full magnetokinetic powers
{ insp }
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Looking for all of these face claims/ character writers except Erik. Send me a message if you’re a Marvel Role Player!
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Cast X-men
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Summary: Bucky is in Bucharest hiding out. Erik has been tracking him for two years trying to find him to help him accept his abilities in being an enhanced human, in being The Winter Soldier. Will this help him overcome his trigger words? Or will Bucky continue to resist?
Tags: AU, Canon divergent, Ignore the timeline, Possible Mentor!Magneto. Definite angst in Resistant!Bucky. References to the Holocaust, WWII, torture, and manipulation.
WIP as of October 4, 2017. Interested in joining the RPG? Send me a message!
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Drabble. Setting: Poland, 1983, Ten years after Magneto’s assault on the White House His head was spinning. “What… is this?” he mumbled between clenched teeth, setting down the heavy machinery and pulling his eye protection off. It had been years since he’d felt such a restriction in his head. The invisible touch seemed too familiar. It had a certain… feel to it. “Charles,” Henrik groaned quietly. Clenching his eyes shut, he could focus better on the feeling flitting through his brain as if… as if Charles Xavier was trying to find him across an ocean. And succeeding. He pushed back as hard as he could, yet needling into people’s minds had never been his power. Outwardly, a bodily tremor coursed through him in the strain. Screws and ink pens upon a nearby desk began to rattle against the metal surface in response. The entire building felt alive to him. He could never shut off his gift, but he had been able to ignore it when focused on work. But now, provoked by the intrusion into his mind, he could feel every minuscule scrap of metal within a quarter mile. And he worked in a metal factory. It lit his veins aflame, a call of like to like. He had but to clench his fist and every bit of it would heed his will. The desire to act in rebellion against the intrusion grew strong, taunting him to answer yes to that call. “Henrik? You are okay?” The concerned voice behind him was too close. Standing upright from his half lean against a metal banister, Henrik turned his head just enough to see who it was. The foreman. He nodded slightly. The foreman was a good friend of his and his wife’s. Too much movement felt like a drill was slowly turning into his temple. “Headache,” he mumbled. His eyes watered slightly for effect. How convenient. These people, his co-workers, brothers of the machinist trade, were innocent. They were regular men, humans, fathers, brothers, husbands and sons in the small village he had resided and hidden in for ten years. They didn’t know who he really was. They knew and befriended him as a human named Henrik. They had no idea that a decade prior, he had been known as Erik Lehnsherr, the mutant Magneto who dropped a stadium around the White House in America. They knew the story. They saw him broadcast live on television speaking to the world, calling loudly with a show of force and destruction in his wake that mutants should come out of hiding. No longer lurk in the shadows but stand proudly and fight back against the humans that had oppressed them for years. No mutant should be left to cower. No mutant should face a possible future where another Holocaust should attempt to wipe out an entire race. Never again. Yet the mutant currently tapping his brain seeking a response would get none from Henrik this day. He was no longer Erik Lehnsherr. He was Henrik. A… human. The word felt wrong and against everything he had ever believed in. Yet, his family awaited his shift to end so he could return to them. His family and these people were bigger than himself now. He had been trying Charles' way, to live with humanity for a decade. He would persevere. Allowing himself to smile slightly to the foreman, he slipped his eye protection back on, a mask to hide the pain and resentment settled well into his heart. “I’ll get back to work. It’s nothing.” But it was everything to him.
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RP Call for Marvel Writers
I am one of the Mods/Admins of a brand new RP Group on Google Plus (G+). This platform is similar to Facebook. It comes with a messaging platform called Hangouts which we use to communicate.
Group Information WHO ARE WE? We are Heroes and Villains with a passion for our characters and the stories we build together. We are strictly 18+. No exceptions. Literacy is required. Semi to Multi-para literacy is expected for most posts. We do not write one-liner RP. RP experience is not required, but it is expected that you do some research on your character first. CANON? While the MCU is best known, comic book history is fine to incorporate here as well. We are considered partially canon-divergent. We will manipulate canon to best suit our needs, however, it is expected that your character should be as close to canon as possible. Canon divergence is a term used that diverges relatively narrowly from canon, with a point of departure in a character’s backstory or even during canon. THE GROUP: This is a multi-verse styled group. Each thread can be independent from other threads. AU and canon plots will happen.
TAKEN CHARACTERS: Erik/Magneto, Wanda/Scarlet Witch, Bucky/Winter Soldier, Natasha/Black Widow
OPEN CHARACTERS: Anyone from Marvel to include Avengers, SHIELD, X-Men, and Humans included in Marvel. No OCs at this time.
Interested in joining us on G+? Send me a message and Apply!
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From https://www.pinterest.com/pin/516647388494836736/
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//First Post...
Okay, here is my first post. I have created this blog on October 2, 2017. This blog is intended to be a place to post Erik/Magneto drabbles as well as reblogging some amazing things that catch my fancy. The writing will be mine. Any gifs or edits will not be unless I’ve specifically said so.
I also will use this blog to reach out to other Indie writers for RP opportunities. I am seeking other Indie Marvel writers to come and join the Brotherhood of Mutants--er, I mean *cough* join a brand new RP group of Avengers and Mutants alike on Google Plus. We’re semi-literate and have a passion for these stories. If you do as well, send me a message or an ask! Check out my links for more information (these are still in progress as of October 2).
RP Group || Open || Taken || Apply
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“Touch has a memory.”
– John Keats
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