thelostbaka · 3 years
some ordinary shitpost about Paimon from Genshin Impact Check out my Twitch: https://ift.tt/2LNPWJv Clips used: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eVbIZIxpDKM&t=12s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RiymTrTyJos
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thelostbaka · 3 years
I am going to be 110% honest with you, I cannot a lot of anime cracks like I used to. But, Love is War! Support me on Ko-Fi: https://ift.tt/2PZZMfv Website: https://ift.tt/3il0HDI
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thelostbaka · 3 years
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thelostbaka · 4 years
I forgot I had a Tumblr. Hi!
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thelostbaka · 4 years
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happy Thursday the 20th
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thelostbaka · 4 years
k, so I’ve been living for all the suf ending theories and decided to throw my hand at a mini animation thing for the first time
It’s just a little scene I’ve had in my brain for a while of Steven and his gem having a convo on mask island
I figured we could all suffer together
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thelostbaka · 4 years
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happy Thursday the 20th
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thelostbaka · 4 years
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Miki x Rentaro
Paper Sketches because my tablet is broken
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thelostbaka · 4 years
When Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas requires WWIII technology
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thelostbaka · 4 years
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The internet can be a really wonderful place 
It’s changed the way we learn and research, the way we connect with others, and the way we express ourselves in positive, powerful ways. But it’s no secret that these improvements also present us with unique challenges. We can learn new things faster, but sometimes we have to sort through piles of misinformation while we do—and it’s not always easy to detect. We’re able to connect with people we never would have met otherwise thanks to social media, but it can encourage addictive behavior in the apps that keep us connected. We’re able to express ourselves more easily, but we sometimes overshare in ways detrimental to our careers, reputation, and mental health. 
We—as in Tumblr the company—are not immune to these challenges. You know it. We know it. And we hear you. We recognize that toxicity and negativity happen everywhere online, even on Tumblr. We are constantly striving to learn and utilize new ways to create a safe place for our communities. Opening up this dialogue to anyone who wants to join is the first step we’re taking in 2020 to foster a more positive, collaborative experience. Over the next year, we’ll be rolling out improvements and updates to our platform that improves your experience. 
We can all agree that these challenges exist, but let’s look out for each other; Teach other people and ourselves how to keep the wonderful parts of the internet in view while working through the troublesome bits. These issues are best addressed through honest, open dialogue. 
That’s why we’ve partnered with the UK non-profit, Ditch the Label (@ditchthelabel), to help spread some internet safety awareness as well as facilitate some much-needed conversation between yourselves—the community on Tumblr.
We’re calling it World Wide What
At the heart of this campaign is, well, you. We want to hear from you. Over the next month we’ll focus on six different topics with accompanying videos for discussion. Each one will feature a different real-world problem you’ve most likely faced as an Extremely Online Person (yeah, we see you) and what you can do to mitigate those issues. They’re live right now:
“Fake News, Skewed Views”
“Don’t @ Me” (Cyberbullying) 
“Authenticity Online” 
“Pull Down to Refresh” 
“Felt Cute Might Delete Later” 
“A Safer Internet: Moderation” 
Some posts will be accompanied by Answer Times with guests that can speak knowledgeably about one or more of the topics we’re focusing on. We’re looking at:
1/8 – @medialiteracyed taking questions about fake news
1/15 – @ditchthelabel opening up their ask box to discuss cyberbullying
1/22 – Jameela Jamil, founder of I Weigh, to answer questions about the effects of inauthentic social media personalities
TBD – Someone from the leadership team here at Tumblr to talk about user safety
One of the more beautiful qualities of the Tumblr community is that so many of you spare the time and space to look out for others. If you have someone in your life that you think could use a little guiding light to use social media in a safer way for their mental or physical health, this might be a good resource to send them. 
You can stay tuned for more updates on World Wide What, including when our Answer Times go live, by following this blog. If you want to be notified the moment a post from us goes live, tap or click the silhouette at the top of our page and select “Get notifications.”
In the meantime, we want to hear from you. What kind of impact has social media had on your mental health? If you want to start a conversation with the community, reblog this post or make a new one and tag it so others can easily find it.
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thelostbaka · 4 years
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It’s Miku Monday again!
Fanart of HachiojiP and Giga’s “GimmexGimme”
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thelostbaka · 4 years
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Santa is on strike due to global warming.  All presents this year will be delivered by Sasha the Christmas Tiger.  Milk and cookies may not be sufficient.
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thelostbaka · 4 years
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The bond between “Master” and “Servant”… Is Perfect.
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thelostbaka · 4 years
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From Dawn to Dusk
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thelostbaka · 4 years
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Chizuru done with complementary colors
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thelostbaka · 4 years
So, the lack of work I have been putting in for myself & my channel
So, a couple-ish months ago, I moved in with my mother and had to quit my job that was located near my father because of distance. I said to myself that I would try to find better employment in the area to try something new and unique. That’s till I remembered that I have surgery to extract my wisdom teeth the day after Christmas. I have no idea HOW I forgot that existed, but hey, I remembered. So, I said to my mother that I was not gonna find a job till the extraction was over and she agreed that my decision was a smart one. So, I said to her that I was gonna try to be a streamer for a platform called Twitch, and my mother thought that it sounded like a good idea because of my previous success of an old YouTube channel that was taken away from my father for his and my siblings’ own gains. So, I was thinking of how to do everything and I was thinking of a schedule and how to stream after school and after family time at night. I had a thing in mind and tried to keep with it, but there was a few things that was keeping me from it... 1) My brother talks loud on the phone and I do not want him to get all hissy at me and yell for my mother
2) My head has been hurting on and off for a while and it’s possible it’s a result from my wisdom teeth
3) Tiredness
4) Lack of willpower
5) Financial downsides To talk with #1, I have got a new microphone that I invested in that can cancel out my brother but I still feel uncomfortable of streaming when he’s in the room, so I’m still trying to figure out that. He has recently got a job at a medium-end department store and he goes to the gym every night, so I’m free for an hour or so till he’s back home and yelling every 20 seconds. How fun! #2 problems (yay), recently my head has been hurting worse and worse in the past few months and it usually happens when a front or a severe storm moves through the area, but this seems to be worse than what I remember. I know I have a former co-worker that follows me on this platform and I think I would complain to her about my head (no idea, correct me if I’m wrong) and that would affect how I work in the long term. That does apply to me streaming on Twitch or making highlights for YouTube. My headaches and migraines does affect me from working on what I want to do. That makes me sad because I really want to do this but my head is preventing me to do so... I hope when my wisdom teeth are out that these headaches stop. I also got new glasses (thanks, Mom and Grandma!) that has blue-light protection on them, so I hope they can help with my problems as well~
#3 (it seems like all I do is complain about this to my friends, but here we are), I have been extremely tired after I get done with the day. I do have a sleep disorder and it wakes my body out of REM sleep every half-hour to an hour, limiting that 7 hours to like 3-4 and I just feel like I drag on with the day. When I sit on this computer, I feel like I should sleep and not do anything. Just relax with some friends and play a video game or watch a video. Something like that. However, this has been getting worse because I would be nearly falling asleep on a call with my friends and them telling me to go to bed because of it and I feel REALLY BAD about that, and I don’t want to be caught falling asleep on stream as well, so I don’t stream when I’m tired... This has been a normal occurance and I feel bad to myself and to some people who may want to watch me stream. I am getting this slowly-but-surely resolved by getting bloodwork done this Monday to hopefully figure out what I need to balance my sleep and I have been taking naps in the middle of the day to get my body rested up for that several hours I have left within my waking day.
#4 is kinda a weird one (and probably the shortest rant I have), but sometimes I have the lack of willpower to stream? Now, this can be due to many things. It can be related to everything I have been explaining to you right now but it could be also life things. The biggest one of that is StreamLabsOBS not working with me and crashing every 20 seconds while I try to set up a game. I just give up and not stream for several days in hope that it will fix itself, but that just steals from time I could be streaming. However, I’ve been working with this lack of willpower issue and have been trying to think of a better thinking method to take this problem, and not the whole “well, I give up” thing that I’ve been doing for 18 years of my god-forsaking life. #5 is kinda the begger help one, but it’s about finances! As I explained, I quit my job and with that is a lost of a lot of money into my pockets and the first couple weeks had been nothing but spend, spend, spend. I think I spent nearly $800 to get everything resolved against my father. This was mainly phones and cell service to get that away from my father (and no one else had money for god-knows why) but that has put me into a more conservative stance on buying video games that I know I can handle on SLOBS and my computer and what I can do on a daily basis. I do get a form of an allowance from the government, thanks to SSA, but that’s not enough to handle what I want to do with streaming in general. I do want to save up for a new gaming laptop so I can stream better games like Cities:Skylines, Transport Fever 2, or even some GTA V without the funny glitches caused from it. I was hoping that streaming was able to get me like $1 a day, because that dollar helps a long way, but I don’t like to promote it because it sounds too needy. I also have a Ko-Fi page that I used to support my friend when I had my job that I want to promote but can’t due to the same reason... It’s also hard to justify the reason why I go on my computer at night without that financial gain. That sounds so greedy and I HATE THAT but, it’s kinda the truth.... I’m now going to do some promotion links on the bottom, but before I do, I want to say this. I want to say thank you to EVERYONE who has and still is supporting me on what I want to do, it means a lot to me. Without you guys, I would be lost in this adventure of being a Twitch streamer and I will keep everyone updated on what I’m doing and planning on doing on Twitch and YouTube through Twitter or on this here Tumblr page~ Now, here’s some promos... <3 <3 <3 Twitch Website (it’s where I accept donations on stream) Ko-Fi Twitter Discord
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thelostbaka · 4 years
Support her, dang it!
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★ Support me on Ko-Fi! ★
★  https://ko-fi.com/negativediva
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