thehealingiris · 2 years
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same english VA 😂
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thehealingiris · 2 years
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*cookie runs your hades*
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thehealingiris · 3 years
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i got obsessed with the cookie game…..
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thehealingiris · 3 years
cringe culture is stupid actually. buy a skateboard because sk8 made you want to learn. sign up for a swim club because free! got you interested in it. pick up a book on astronomy because koisuru asteroid caught your attention. join the school volleyball team because haikyuu!! made it look like fun. give ice skating a try because yuri!!! on ice captivated you. practice the choreography to your favorite love live! song, learn to play an instrument you liked in k-on!, make your own robot inspired by the mechs in neon genesis evangelion. don’t be afraid to give something fun and new a shot because you think the reason is embarrassing.
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thehealingiris · 3 years
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full illustration i did for Tropical Punch!, a summer-themed SK8 zine organized by @rollround! 🌴☀️
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thehealingiris · 3 years
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Shadow - Sk8 The Infinity Cosplay Hiromi Higa. Posted this costest for his Birthday, I’m currently working on a full cosplay for him. He is an amazing character who deserves so much more love!
I also have no idea how Tumblr works anymore.
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thehealingiris · 3 years
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Maybe 𝒚𝒐𝒖'𝒓𝒆 just underdressed 🥶
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thehealingiris · 3 years
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I love with all of their friendships !! (And more than friendships for some of them) I made them into pins on my Etsy
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thehealingiris · 3 years
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I love the duality of this man <3
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thehealingiris · 3 years
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thehealingiris · 3 years
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thehealingiris · 3 years
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“I saw the news and hopped over!”
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thehealingiris · 3 years
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Heyo! It’s been a very long time since I was active on tumblr, I’m not even sure if there are any cosplayers still active on here??😅 anyway, have some Antonio 🎻♥️
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thehealingiris · 4 years
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Did a tarot reading of past, present & future.
It sucks but kinda accurate. I hope I will be able to change the future, but I doubt it.
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thehealingiris · 4 years
little ways to change your life:
learn how to write a new style of handwriting. try wearing your hair or makeup differently. find a new perfume you like.
do things for yourself, not for the validation of others. resist the temptation to post everything online.
start doing something you usually can't be bothered to do. like making your bed, folding everything neatly, stretching every hour, going on jogs, making a healthy meal from scratch or sleeping earlier.
make your surroundings as cozy and as pleasing for you to look at as possible.
bake delicious but sometimes deformed pastries. write things that no one "gets". wear clothes and hairstyles that make u happy. crotchet a sock badly. draw a picture that won't be aesthetic on instagram. let go of the perfect image of who you need to be. do things for yourself.
be messy. self-expression isn't always pretty. scribble messily in a notebook. draw messily an idea for a character. write a messy draft for a story.
learn your thing from scratch, whether it's astronomy, greek mythology, flower species, piano, japanese, making jam, drawing comics, or something completely different.
let yourself fully enjoy everyday things like food, commute, and your morning routines. slow down and notice every single thing that makes you feel nice.
appreciate nature, like the sunlight streaming through in the morning, the sound of rain, and the colors of sunsets.
notice the deeper meanings and emotions in songs, poetry and paintings.
let people in. give new loves and friendships a chance. initiate conversations when you want.
read as much as you can. read different genres, popular and unpopular books, classics and new releases. give every book that catches your eye a chance.
enjoy your solitude like you're a character in a movie. if you can, go out for walks alone. visit the park to look at dogs, a café to people-watch, or a library to spend the afternoon buried in a book. bring a journal everywhere with you, and write poetry and quotes and doodles.
collect little things, like vinyls, pretty rocks and shells, stuffed animals, whatever makes you happy.
find a sport you like. pretend you're a superhero. dance like no one's watching. swim like you're a mermaid. exercise is supposed to be fun, so find one that you like.
make self care a priority. this includes taking your meds on time, starting to study for a test after procrastinating for weeks, deleting things that trigger negative emotions, and knowing when to let go and ask for help.
distance yourself from sources of negativity. learn to be ok on your own. know your worth and boundaries.
let go of the past. forgive yourself for the things you regret and start again.
let go of old relationships. there's a difference between missing someone and wanting them back in your life.
let go of your need to be perfect. it does more harm than good.
never compare yourself. it will always feel like a losing battle, no matter how amazing you really are.
keep in touch with people you don't speak to much. even a message can brighten someone's day.
be kind to everyone you meet, even strangers. if someone makes you happy, make them happier. compliment often, and be less judgemental. give someone a smile, you never know how much it means to them.
wake up earlier in the morning. wake up with the sun and fall asleep with the moon.
if you want to be calmer and more productive, remove things on your phone and social media apps that you don't need. (which is most of them).
make a list of qualities in the person you dream of becoming. write about your ideal life with what you have. make goals to be the happiest and healthiest version of yourself.
don't suppress your emotions, but don't overthink them either. have a kinder relationship with your body and your thoughts.
don't be afraid to ask for help, whether it's a teacher, therapist, friend, doctor or parent.
remember that healing and loving yourself is just starting over and over. it's not too late. you're still young and you can move and grow at your own pace. your peak is yet to come.
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thehealingiris · 4 years
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thehealingiris · 4 years
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