mischief-n-malice · 4 years
Where have we been?
Just an update in general, since we never really posted one:
Mischief & Malice, fickle fae that they are, seem to have abandoned us little human gateways into our realm. Some bitter muttering about how us boring humans have to worry about “budgets” and “vacation” too much. They were…displeased…with their vessels.
But we heard whisper of them again recently when Faerieworlds went virtual. They also joined us for a couple of Abney Park virtual concerts.
Seems that while oldshcool in their ways, Mischief & Malice like a good party. So they’ve adapted to our odd human issues and methods.
Of course COVID just made them even MORE cranky, since everything is shut down, off-limits, etc. and these frail humans don’t go out much anymore. Their politics don’t extend much past disliking the fae court and making cracks about frail humans.
Really makes you wonder why they chose us two particular humans, doesn’t it?
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mischief-n-malice · 4 years
Virtual Faerieworlds 2020
We plan to “attend” the virtual version of Faerieworlds 2020 this year insomuch as anyone else is. This aught to be interesting!
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mischief-n-malice · 5 years
Púcas Day!
Mischief and Malice are forced to behave today, but as always they hope you’ll cause a little mischief (and malice) in their honor.
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mischief-n-malice · 5 years
Faerieworlds 2019
We had a blast, all three days.
We didn’t end-up completely transforming into Mischief & Malice this year; one of us sprouted cat ears and three tails (a sort of nekomata I suppose) and the other sprouted horns, rabbit ears, rabbit tail, and a handful of whiskers (always the jackalope). We really haven’t figured out Mischief or Malice’s whims, honestly. They keep telling us they will grace the festivities with the fullness of their presence one day, but when? Malice says he wants to take a crack at those faerie hunters...and Totoro...
Highlights were rocking to Abney Park, listening to the absolutely beautiful sounds of Karolina Protsenka (11 years old, seriously?), and sorta-Mischief exchanging awkward pleasantries with Toby Froud.
Alot more costumers this year, though less of the super-impressive variety. True to the festival’s name though, a vast quantity of faeries this year! Highlights were a little Malificent with gorgeous feather wings and then there was “birch tree person” who was just creeping us out. Did seem to be “the year of lingerie and undergarments as costumes” (men and women), so there was that I guess?
Music; wonderful. Vendors; great. Hanging out three days with wonderful weirdos; oh yeah. Some great times out in a wonderful, natural setting; sublime. We needed all that!
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mischief-n-malice · 5 years
An evening with Beats Antique!
The April 12th concert at the Fox in Oakland was both fun, and the not-good-kinda-surprise. The music, as always, was a blast. Zoe announced she is pregnant, due in September but was still dancing and balancing as ever. They modified one of the numbers to include a fun number with stuffed animal “babies” that had us in stitches. Just so fun and funny.
But one thing was disappointing: Mischief & Malice, when incognito, have a very simplified animal look about them. Certainly not something you’d see in day-to-day life, certainly kinda odd, but not as out-there odd as we’ve seen at, say, Faerieworlds. Or shots we’ve seen of Beats Antique during concert tours like Creature Carnival (shame we missed those days!). I mean, we expected Grade-A odd.
But near as we could tell...while a few people had some cool clothes on, maybe the odd “costume” here and there, we were the oddest "costumed” creatures in the place.
And where did this crowd learn to enjoy themselves? Aside from smoking fun plant life, they were really kinda sedate by Beats Antique standards. And chunks of the crowd spent more time moaning and complaining and staring at their phones than watching the concert. No souls these people!
We’ve since decided after talking to friends that crowds at the Fox are like this in general (we went to Lindsey Stirling at the Fox and barely anyone danced!); just relatively dull. Maybe next time Beats is in Santa Cruz or someplace fun we’ll go again. They deserved better from their home town!
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mischief-n-malice · 6 years
A Halloween Visit to Clorox
We spent the day at Clorox on Halloween because that’s where Malice’s human works; Mischief’s human took the day off for her work and came along as well. We were one of the Grand Prize winners of the costume party.
This also meant we spent some time on BART as well as the City Center Stabucks and just wandering around by the fountain.
Was fun, and the first time we’ve ever wandered around as Mischief & Malice with the general public outside a specific themed venue.
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mischief-n-malice · 6 years
All Hallows Fantasy Faire
The All Hallows Fantasy Faire in Sonora was, as always, alot of fun. We only go for one day, always Saturday.
A number of firsts for us: at least one child afraid of Mischief (usually they love her), and at least one child who thought Malice was the best thing ever (usually small children are quite scared of him). We had one little child who wanted to play with Malice’s tail so badly she tried to follow us around, much to the laughter of us and the mom.
Beast Cub was showing-off a black bird-thing fursuit commission and...wow. The wearer knew their birds and acted the part, including the articulated beak. Did I mention there were lights embedded all over it? Cool glove/claws? Just awesome.
Mischief & Malice were in the Group division for the costume contest this year (that makes the third division in four years!); but still no win. But...awesome costumes from participants.
They are getting better at the burning harvest man but still haven’t gotten it figured out. On the flipside, the fire dancers were incredible, especially the guy we kept calling Smiley. Music for the fire performance was Loreena McKennitt and Beats Antique (neither was live, FYI), which is always wonderful and somehow appropriate.
The bands on stage during the day were nice, music was still far too loud and distorted, but better than last year. They really need a better sound tech. Still not enough seating. The first year we went they had quite a bit more seating in the stage area and scattered throughout the venue; not sure why the last three years have been sparser.
Still, if you like to dress-up (adult or child!) in a festival atmosphere, this event is tough to beat.
Photos we took of ourselves were kinda “meh” this year but we’ll post at least a few eventually. As always, we púcas are vain creatures, so if you spot photos of us posted by someone else, please let us know!
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mischief-n-malice · 6 years
Happy Púcas Day
Mischief & Malice have to be nice today (November 1), but you’re welcome to cause some mischief, malice, or just random chaos on our behalf—we won’t mind. *evil grin*
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mischief-n-malice · 6 years
Fun at Faerieworlds!
We attended Friday and Saturday (decided to skip Sunday since our weak human forms caught some sort of sickness) and we had a blast!
Abney Park and Beats Antique know how to put on a performance, and all the performers on the main stage were extraordinary (we didn’t get to see the Village Stage acts). The whole event was a joy; “a bunch of beautiful weirdos,” as someone said.
Oh and the venue itself was great...out in nature and away from the city. The parking is quite a hike itself, but the rest of the event is fairly compact, if hilly.
Also some really great costumes...alter egos...fursonas...
Consider it a given that we’ll be attending again next year and on one of the three days, Mischief & Malice will grace the proceedings with their presence. We’ll...find some way to keep Malice from eating Totoro...
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mischief-n-malice · 6 years
At Faerieworlds soon!
We changed our minds and will be at Faerieworlds for all three days, August 24-26 (non-camping). We’ve talked Mischief & Malice into staying hidden and behaving themselves while we scope out the festival incognito for them, but chances are good a little bit of them will poke through and be visible on our human personas. So you will likely not recognize us; or is your faerie sight good enough to figure out who we are?
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mischief-n-malice · 6 years
Tickets for Sonora All Hallows Fantasy Faire
We purchased our tickets for the All Hallows Fantasy Faire, see you there on Saturday, October 27th!
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mischief-n-malice · 6 years
Happy Ēostre Fools Day!
The last time this happened was in 1956, and the next time will be in 2029. This is a very special day of power for Mischief—she thinks of it as “her holiday” actually—when Easter Sunday falls on April Fool’s Day.
Maybe we should call it Mischief’s Day? In the United States, it would probably be Jackalope Awareness Day or something equally watered-down. ;-p
What better day to celebrate the joys of mischief than the mirthful twisting of Ēostre’s favorite holiday? Come on, you know you want to!
So Mischief hopes that you all caused a little mischief in her honor on April 1st, 2018.
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mischief-n-malice · 6 years
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We are Mischief & Malice, púcas from an older time. We are courtless fae; proud Fel who have forged our own path.
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mischief-n-malice · 6 years
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Mischief, the jackalope from a much earlier and wilder time in fae history.
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mischief-n-malice · 6 years
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Some closeups of the custom leather work on Mischief’s walking staff.
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mischief-n-malice · 6 years
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Do not mess with a jackalope with front teeth like those!
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mischief-n-malice · 6 years
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Mischief has a small collection of feathers and fur hanging from the chains on her back.
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