theclownprince3 · 2 years
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Gal Gadot for Castro, 2015
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theclownprince3 · 3 years
“...Carl, how do YOU think momentum works?”
Carl the Animator: “Huh?’
Ted the Animator: “In the scene you just completed. Explain.”
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Carl the Animator: “Well, you know… van drives along…”
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Carl the Animator: “…van stops on barge, transferring its momentum… barge floats off. Boom.”
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Ted the Animator: “…I think you mean ‘barge sits around, eventually deciding to float off three seconds later.’”
Carl the Animator: “Momentum transfer, it’s, uh… it’s like a bank transfer. You gotta wait a bit for it to process.”
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theclownprince3 · 3 years
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We never wanted it to begin with (x)
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theclownprince3 · 3 years
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theclownprince3 · 3 years
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theclownprince3 · 3 years
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The killing joke lockscreens
Please like or reblog if u use them :)
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theclownprince3 · 3 years
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theclownprince3 · 3 years
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The Joker VS Noob Saibot (as The Batman Who Laughs) in Mortal Kombat 11
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theclownprince3 · 3 years
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To them you’re just a freak, like me. They need you right now, but when they don’t , they’ll cast you out - like a leper. See, their morals, their “code”…it’s a bad joke, dropped at the first sign of trouble. They’re only as good as the world allows them to be. I’ll show you, when the chips are down, these “civilised people”? They’ll eat each other. See, I’m not a monster. I’m just ahead of the curve.
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theclownprince3 · 3 years
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theclownprince3 · 3 years
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so as usual, i’ll be the bigger man
ZACK SNYDER’S JUSTICE LEAGUE (2021) dir. zack snyder 
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theclownprince3 · 3 years
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theclownprince3 · 3 years
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Nothing is ever as it seems 😈
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theclownprince3 · 3 years
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theclownprince3 · 3 years
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mayans mc week | day 7: anything you want
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theclownprince3 · 3 years
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— thoughts of a stray iii | m.a.w
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theclownprince3 · 3 years
Initial D Headcannons: Favourite Body Part.
Words: 2,998.
In which small descriptions are made about the boys favourite part of Reader-chan, as well as Reader-chan’s favourite part of them.
My first headcannon for Initial D! I decided to make some since I don’t think I’ve seen any for ID. Enjoy!
EDIT: (20/09/2020), I added the girls since I forgot about them. Here’s some love to most of the ID girls!
 Keisuke: He loves your thighs and how soft and smooth they are. He loves trailing his hands up and down them, the feeling of the soft muscles is very satisfying to him. He will definitely use them as a pillow if you two are on the couch watching TV or sitting on his bed as he lies on his back, head on your thighs reading one of the many car magazines he’s collected. If you’re both out driving somewhere, he will frequently put his hand on your thigh as he drives, after he’s finished shifting gears.
 (Y/N): You have a huge weakness for Keisuke’s back. The muscles he’s packing under his shirt make you w e a k. The way those muscles ripple like smooth waves when he rolls his shoulders or stretches is almost hypnotizing. Surprisingly, they’re also very soft. His aren’t tense and constantly solid like someone who’s always working out would be. You like to give him massages from time to time, especially after one of his races when the tension gets to him and his muscles are tight. You simply use it as a clever excuse to help him get rid of said tension but really, you’re pretty much doing just to feel up those perfectly toned and defined, god-like muscles of his.
Ryosuke: Ryo is a man of class, so you can bet that he’s gonna love your ass. Since he is a very professional person in all conditions, he won’t hold your ass in public or even when you’re both leaning against his car at a street race and it would be subtle. But when someone starts eyeing you up and tries flirting with you when you’re not around Ryosuke, but in his general area where he can see you and this stranger, you can bet he’s gonna get a bit possessive. As soon as you walk back to him and is in arm’s length, he’s got an arm wrapped around your waist and his hand is resting on the side of your ass. In more relaxed cases, when you both are chilling at his place watching a movie or sleeping together, he simply likes to rest a hand on top of it, maybe trace patterns lightly against it as well. He’ll occasionally give it a light squeeze to which you normally just roll your eyes and giggle a bit.
 (Y/N): Ryosuke has some amazingly defined forearms that you can’t help but stare at for hours. Watching him type on his laptop, you soon notice the small flexes his arms make when he moves them. Even better is when he’s driving, and you get the pleasure of sitting in his FC as he does his rounds on Akagi. The sharp movements of turning the wheel and shifting gears gets those beautiful arms of his flexing full on. When his button up shirt sleeves are rolled up just past his elbows, you can bet that you’re wetter than a freshmen college girl.
 Takumi: Takumi has a soft spot for your hands. He loves the way your smooth, small fingers fit perfectly with his when interlocked together with his slightly bigger ones. His hands are soft too, but slightly rougher due to the deliveries and work at the gas station. He adores how gentle you are when you run your fingers through his hair, and anywhere else on him. He finds them very relaxing and comforting; like a safe spot to run to when you have nowhere else to go, and you know you’ll be safe there.
 (Y/N): You adore his face. The entirety of it is simply perfect in your eyes. From his smooth eyebrows, sleepy doe eyes, button nose, to those small, soft lips of his. He was God’s best creation. (And we all know Bunta is God.) You ended up getting a habit of spacing out like Takumi, but to stare at his face instead of thinking of nothing. Anytime the two of you are alone, you enjoy trailing your fingers along his features and trace the outlines. He always has a blush on his adorable cheeks when you do it, but certainly never complains.
 Takeshi: Takeshi is a man of culture and loves all of you as a whole. But if he had to pick one thing he loves the most about your body, it would have to be your thighs. They’re just so soft. Your hips would be a very close second for him, since he always has a hand resting on one and when laying down his arms are wrapped around them. What gets him giddy the most is when he lays on his stomach between your legs, his face half buried in one of your thighs with arms wrapped securely around your lower hips. You can guarantee that this man is the happiest in the world during this moment.
 (Y/N): Takeshi likes to wear those long, loose collared shirts that goes down past his hips and hides his upper figure besides his arms. He’s got some sexy defined arms, sure, but it’s what he’s got under his shirt that’s truly heavenly. In the rare moments you’re alone with him and he takes his shirt off, you’re basically drooling in milliseconds. This man has a godly set of abs and a sinfully delicious v-line. You would shamelessly feel up his stomach and trace the V along his hips until your finger reached the waistband of his pants. This act normally resulted in the two of you doing some delectably sinful things in bed for quite a few hours.
 Shingo: This man is a hips kind of guy. With your hips, he gets a thigh and ass combo out of it. You can be sure that Shingo will touch all three of them as much as he can. Otherwise he “just might die” if you don’t let him. He’s a very proud guy and loves to show off, that includes you. At a street race, he’ll hold your thigh if you are sitting on the hood of his car. If you’re both leaning on the side, he’s holding your hip, and if you’re both standing completely, yep, your ass. You’ve given up at telling him not to do it so much in front of people, but he always retorts back with, “Just showing them all that you’re mine, babe” and his signature cocky smirk.
 (Y/N): You got a sweet spot for his arms. He’s got some finely toned and defined forearms, and his biceps are hella packed with muscle. You love seeing him cross his arms, watching them flex as he does so and staying tight once settled in their position. Just imagining the feeling of them being wrapped around you tightly and feeling the small ripple of the muscles moving on your skin is enough to make you weak in the knees. He knows the effect it has on you and give you a smirk that moves his nose a cute way. There’s something about his nose that you like, you can’t just put your finger on what it is.
 Itsuki: This innocent boy absolutely adores your mouth; more specifically, your smile. Every time you smile, and your cheeks lift up a bit, his entire world brightens up. The little crease under your eyes and on the bridge of your nose, makes him want to drop to his knees and praise God for your existence. When your bright white teeth make their appearance from behind your soft lips, he wonders how he ever landed such an angel like you.
 (Y/N): You love Itsuki’s hands. He’s naturally a very sweet and gentle guy so you’d obviously know his hands would be just as gentle with you. His hands were fairly soft, often moisturized as well. The work at the gas station has roughened his palms up a little bit, but you liked the feeling of both textures.
 Iketani: Koichiro is obsessed with your hair. The way your silky soft locks flow in the breeze and reflect the light of the sun make this man s i m p for you. If you have long hair, he loves running his fingers through it and even brushes it from time to time just see to see the smooth waves of silk. When you have your hair pinned up with clips and pins, he always asks to take them out when the day is over, and you no longer need them in. He loves undoing any braids you have just to feel the softness of the hair that was tangled together in such a beautiful way. If you have short hair or are sporting a tomboy look, where you barely need to brush it at all or have no need for clips and pins, he loves the way it fits your facial structure and compliments it at the same time. You and him will play with hair gel and put the short strands in wacky places to stand up funny.
 (Y/N): You love how Iketani’s hands are calloused and well worked. With how much he works on his car, they roughened up quite a bit. His arms are also a great thing to feel. He’s very in shape and his arms have great proof of that. You like to stop by at the gas station occasionally to watch him work on his car a bit and when he replaces his S13’s tires, your eyes gleam at being able to see his arms lift up the wheels, his rough hands holding onto them as he puts it back on the car.
 Kenji: Kenji is a sucker for your waist. He loves how the curves of it accent your body’s figure. This man will hold onto your waist with both arms forever if he could. But most of time he has to settle for just one arm going around the side. He like to give it small squeezes from time to time just to feel the softness of your side muscles and move his hand up and down repeating the process.
 (Y/N): Kenji’s hair is definitely your favourite. The style of how its cut and his side bangs fit him oh so perfectly. It super soft, too! You have a habit of purposely messing his hair up and having the strands stick out in every direction. He cheeks turn pink when you do it and tells you to stop, but you both know he loves it. (It’s why he doesn’t fight it. He knows his fate.) With his messy hair and blushing cheeks, he is so much cuter!
Kenta: This boy loves your arms. Especially when they’re wrapped around him. You give great hugs and the feeling of your arms is always very stress-relieving and calming to him. He likes to run his hands up and down them slowly as he hugs you from behind, his nose buried in your hair, taking in the nice scent. If you’re both laying together, he will happily be the little spoon if it means he gets to feel your arms wrapped tightly around him.
 (Y/N): Kenta loves getting his tans, but sometimes if he’s in the sun too long, he gets tan lines where his clothes covered his skin. And boy, do you love those tan lines on his shoulders when he wears tank tops. His shoulders and top part of his chest are dark, as well as part of his collarbones and upper back, but the light shades of skin that replicate the straps of his tank top compared to his darker tone, is hot as hell to you.
 Kyoichi: This man, is an ass man. He will 100% hold your ass square on at all times. You can bet said ass that he’s gonna have a firm grip on it at races. You’re a gorgeous lady and a lot of people notice you. Kyoichi would be damned if some other guy sparked your interest and you left him for them. So, to prevent that, he shows the people who you belong to. You like to steal his jackets and wear them almost everywhere as well, making him happier, but he doesn’t outwardly show that. It gives him reassurance that you want to be as close to him as possible and no one else. But that isn’t stopping Emperor Kyoichi from holding his woman’s ass like the proud man he is.
 (Y/N): Kyoichi has some hella good muscles. Your particular favourite would have to be his thighs. When the two of you get going with your sinful delights and he slips his thigh in between yours, the strong muscles rubbing and flexing against yours as he leans on it gets you h o t. When his arms work their magic as well, holding you firmly and keeping you still, the definition and sharpness of them just intensifies that heat your already feeling.
 Rin: The oldest Hojo brother loves the curve of your hips up to your waist. The feeling of your soft skin gracing his hands as he trails them over your sides, gently and smoothly. He likes to leave soft kisses on the side of your hips and waist while having a secure hold on your other side. With all the hardships in his life and the pain he’s dealt with for many years, your presence alone had brought a new light of life to him. He started to see the beauty in things again and that’s thanks to you.
 (Y/N): Rin has some lovely hands. They are thin and long, a bit calloused, probably from holding the steering wheel of his GT-R roughly often and when he works on it. When the two of lay in bed together you like to hold both of his hands in yours and trace them and small shapes on his palms. He always wears a small smile as he watches you take great interest in his hands. When you notice he’s watching you, you ruffle up his long soft locks a bit to which he groans in slight protest but lets you do it anyway. He’s a huge softie whether he’s gonna admit it or not.
 Go: The younger Hojo bro hands down, is a tits man. He just loves your boobs beyond all rational reason. When alone, he will lay his head on your upper chest just under your chin and shamelessly stare straight at your cleavage. He likes to massage them a bit because it “keeps them in a perfect state” according to him, seeming to believe that if boobs are massaged routinely, they will be in peak condition. “I don’t think that’s how it works” you’d tell him, but he’d simply shrug and continue doing his thing. This man has no shame.
 (Y/N): There are a few things you dearly love about Go, consisting greatly of his broad shoulders and silky hair in that sexy style he always wears it in. You even have a little spot for that small mole just above his lip. Something about it fits him so well and makes him just a bit sexier. You can’t deny though, the feeling of his strong shoulders gets you giddy every time you touch them. When he carries you on his back you love to rest your head on one of those godly shoulders and thrive in the salvation that they give you.
 Wataru: Wataru loves your distinct facial features more than anything. Everything about your face is unique even if the differences are small to barely noticeable. He loves your cheekbones and the smooth arch of the bridge of your nose. His smooth, slim fingers trailing ever so softly along your face and leaving light, loving kisses on your soft lips, nose, cheeks, and jaw. If this boy can kiss you everywhere, he will.
 (Y/N): Your favourite part on Wataru is his eyes. The shape of them are slim and sharp, making them stand out the most. He looks even hotter when he’s pissed. His eyes narrowing down, and the ends of his eyebrows become pointed, hot damn. If he was still mad about whatever pissed him off earlier, you can bet there’s a good chance you’re in for some rough sex.
 Nobuhiko: This genius has a love for your back. He adores the curves it holds and the dip that follows your spine. Your shoulder blades are smooth and relaxed, your lower back is curvy and perfection in his eyes. When he’s stressed or worked up about something, he has a habit of resting his head on the middle of your back, arms wrapped around your waist. Part of his chest may also be on top of you, but the little bit of his weight is quite comforting.
 (Y/N): His neck is one hell of a sweet spot for you. His Adam’s apple only makes you weaker. The way it moves up and down when he swallows or talks with that rich voice of his, is a glorious thing. The muscles on the side of his neck are a bit noticeable and a line on each side makes a long V down to his clavicle. It’s gorgeous and you love leaving kisses and light bight marks on it. On a nonphysical part of him, his glasses are another weak spot. His hair only pairs together with the slightly nerdy look he’s sporting, and it fits him amazingly. He knows you love it and when he reads, he’ll slide his glasses down slowly over time without you noticing until they’re resting on the tip of his nose. When you realize where they’re at and how you can see his eyes not covered by glasses, you can’t help but blush and wear a cheesy smile. He’s so cute with and without them!
 Mako: Mako is a wholesome girl, hands down. She definitely loves your face and how every part of it makes you, you. Every curve and sharp definition of your jaw, to the shape and colour of your eyes is astounding in her eyes. The way your hair style compliments your facial structure and other features blending right in is another soft spot to her. You can bet she’ll trace the outlines of your face and run her fingers through or along your hair when you’re both alone.
 (Y/N): To you, Mako has some gorgeous hair. Those long reddish-brown locks that softly sway in the breeze is mesmerizing. She could put her hair in any style, and it will always look beautiful. Her bangs somehow make her both look cuter and hotter at the same time. She would easily fall asleep if you run your fingers through her hair long enough, as well. (Which probably won’t take long at all.)
 Sayuki: Sayuki is a lady who knows what she likes and she sure as hell has a thing for your stomach. The way your muscles define its shape and give off a small ripple of movement when they tense up, gets her all heated up. If you’re packing some abs, you can guarantee she will feel you up as much as possible. She’ll always give compliments about how perfect they are and how the shape of you is so damn perfect.
 (Y/N): Let’s be real, Sayuki is packing a rack. As soon as you took interest in her, you became a tits kind of person. She’s a very confident lady who loves to show off her body shape. When she wears tank tops or dresses that show off a lot a bit of her cleavage, you’re most likely staring with no shame. (You’re just like Go, honestly.) She’ll most likely roll her eyes, put on a smirk and say something along the lines of, “See something you like?” If you’re alone together you’d most likely say something like, “Hell yeah I do.” If it’s in a public setting with a lot of people around and someone notices, your answer might be a bit more shy -if you get a bit embarrassed in public-, which might come out as, “uhh, well, m-maybe? …. Y-yeah.”
 Mika: Mika loves your forearms. Since she plays golf a lot it requires a lot of arm usage, thus you can be sure that she’d take notice in yours. She’d always hook her arm around yours when you both are walking together or sitting close. If you two are watching TV on the couch, she’ll lean into you and gently hold your arm as she cuddles up with you. She’ll give them small massages and rub them up and down unconsciously as well, loving the feel of those muscles.
 (Y/N): Again, since Mika is a golf player, it not only requires a lot of arm work, but upper body as well. She’s got some lovely curves, and slightly defined places along her upper body from the time she’s spent on practicing her postures. Going to the beach with her is definitely a treat since those gorgeous curves will be showing the whole time and reflecting water droplets which never fails to get you staring.
Kaori: Kaori is a wholesome girl so she’s going to love every part of you, and it would have to be your personality. It’s not a physical part of you, but she deserves an exception. She loves hearing everything you talk about passionately and what your dreams of the future are. She’s very supportive and encouraging to urge you further to achieve those dreams. She loves every aspect of you and even if you have differences and things you don’t have in common with each other, she’ll be there for you every step of the way.
 (Y/N): This beautiful lady has some gorgeous curly hair. It’s silky smooth and very shiny. Anytime she would stand out in the sun, you’d think she’s a goddess with how it shines and fits her entire being so… perfectly. It frames her face in just the right way, compliments her skin tone, and the bit of makeup that she wears, beautifully. Running your fingers through it feels like an ocean of silk.
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