thebookboozer · 6 years
The Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller [Quotes]
The Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller [Quotes]
I could rewrite this entire book here because I loved it so much. Instead I will just post my favorites here.
“I could recognize him by touch alone, by smell; I would know him blind, by the way his breaths came and his feet struck the earth. I would know him in death, at the end of the world.”
“And perhaps it is the greater grief, after all, to be left on earth when another is gone.”
“When he…
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thebookboozer · 6 years
The Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller
The Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller
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 The Song of Achilles
“I could recognize him by touch alone, by smell; I would know him blind, by the way his breaths came and his feet struck the earth. I would know him in death, at the end of the world.”
Get ready to feel all the feels. Every single one. I am going to have to write a more spoilery post to get them all out, I’ll link it when it is up. 
I feel as if I have just lived alongside…
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thebookboozer · 6 years
The Book Boozer Travels: Packing for Costa Rica// Top Ten Items
The Book Boozer Travels: Packing for Costa Rica// Top Ten Items
I have read about 128137439 blogs about what to pack for Costa Rica. So I compiled my own list of things I am bringing, kind of meshing all those suggestions together with some stuff I know I love to pack when I travel that weren’t on those lists. I thought it would be fun to do a post about what I am packing, and then when we get back post about what was most useful, what we shouldn’t have…
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thebookboozer · 6 years
Clockwork Princess by Cassandra Clare [SPOLIERS!]
Clockwork Princess by Cassandra Clare [SPOLIERS!]
First of all, Clockwork Princessis the third book in Cassandra Clare’s Infernal Devices trilogy. If you have not read the first two books in this series (Clockwork Angel & Clockwork Prince), do not read this book. For the love of God do not even continue reading this blog post, because it will completely ruin everything. Leave now, go get  Clockwork Angel (you might as well just get Prince and…
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thebookboozer · 6 years
The Book Boozer Travels: Costa Rica
The Book Boozer Travels: Costa Rica
In a little less than a month we will be on our way to Costa Rica! I will have so much to tell and hopefully some gorgeous pictures to share when we get back, and I will keep you guys updated on what books I read while we are traveling. Our first and last days are full travel days. I am an incessantly light packer, so I will mainly be listening to audiobooks since they are convenient and drain…
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thebookboozer · 6 years
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From Here to Eternity: Traveling the World to Find the Good Death by Caitlin Doughty "There is freedom found in decomposition, a body rendered messy, chaotic, and wild. I relish this image when visualizing what will become of my future corpse."
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thebookboozer · 6 years
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Circe by Madeline Miller “It is a common saying that women are delicate creatures, flowers, eggs, anything that may be crushed in a moment's carelessness.
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thebookboozer · 7 years
Amtrak Travel
Friends of the internet, I need your help! Me and my husband are taking the Amtrak from Salt Lake to Chicago next month, and I have never ridden on a train before. Like, I mean, I have taken short ones when I was a kid but not like a proper train ride. Train travel just isn’t a common thing here. It’s definitely a novelty. When I told my friends and family about your trip the response,…
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thebookboozer · 7 years
I had another baby!
Just kidding, we got a puppy 🙂
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I have never had a dog. Not even as a kid. We always had a cat around, but they basically took care of themselves most of the time. My dad “doesn’t like dogs”, so we never had one. I think we maybe had a couple for a couple days at a time once or twice, but they never worked out. I put that previous statement in air quotes because now that me and my siblings are all adults and living on our own, my parents are empty-nesters. With two dogs.
When we decided to get a dog we knew that we wanted to rescue one. We also knew we wanted a puppy, and not an adult dog. This being because we have small children, and with an older rescue you can never be totally sure what may have happened to them in the past, and run the risk of them being set off by something and either scary or hurting the kids, and we wanted our kids to be able to help raise the puppy as well. Maybe when they are a bit older we will rescue an older dog, but for right now, a puppy it is!
We adopted Lilah through a company here in Utah called the Rescue Rovers. They are a foster company, rather than a shelter, and place rescued or surrendered dogs into foster homes until they are all up to date on their vaccinations, spayed/neutered, and cleared by the vet for adoption. Then they collect applications for the dog. They usually like to have at least three applications in for a dog at a time. Then each family comes to the foster house, meets the dog and interacts with it. Then, once all the applicants meet the dog the foster parent decides which family they think will work best for the dog.
This is what I love about Rescue Rovers. Their number one goal is not just to place dogs into homes, but to place them into homes that they will remain in  for the rest of their lives. When you sign the contract to adopt a dog, you agree that in any event you can no longer care for the dog, you are required to return it to Rescue Rovers to be placed back into a foster family. Their commitment to these animals is amazing, and I am so grateful that they are doing what they can for these pups.
Lilah, our sweet shepherd mix, is about 11 weeks old. She was found with her two sisters in a cardboard box on the side of the highway in New Mexico when they were about six weeks old. New Mexico has few resources for dogs, so the puppies were transported up to Utah and placed into Rescue Rovers. Their sweet foster mom Dana then took them into her house and raised them until they were old enough to go up for adoption. Not only do these foster families take them in for all their shots, appointments, and surgeries, but Lilah was already about 75% potty trained and 100% kennel trained. She sleeps through the night snug in her own bed and doesn’t make a peep. These foster families are not just a stepping stone for these dogs. They aren’t just biding their time there until a family comes to take them home. They are being trained with the skills to give them the highest possible chance to have a successful adoption into a family that can keep them forever.
Bless their hearts for that because I would just keep all of the puppies. I would be that lady.
Click here to visit the Rescue Rovers website if you are interested in adopting, fostering, or donating.
Lilah I had another baby! Just kidding, we got a puppy 🙂 I have never had a dog.
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thebookboozer · 7 years
Born a Crime by Trevor Noah
Born a Crime by Trevor Noah
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I haven’t enjoyed a book this much in a long time people. Granted, I haven’t read nearly as much as I used too, but I still firmly believe that statement would still be true. Trevor Noah has a story to tell, and my god can he tell a story. This one just happens to be about his life, up until the days following his mother being shot in the head. You might know Trevor Noah from his stand up, and…
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thebookboozer · 7 years
Rebecca by Daphne Du Maurier
Rebecca by Daphne Du Maurier
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Guys, if you’ve been around for a minute you know I tend to have a hard time with classics. By hard time I mean I hate them. I try, I really do, but more often than not they leave me with a bad time-wasted taste in my mouth. So when my book club decided on Rebecca by Daphne Du Maurier I was slightly hesitant. I hate being the person who doesn’t read the book club book. I had bailed on a couple in…
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thebookboozer · 7 years
I have tried to not post too much about the current events in this country. However, I can’t not post about the Women’s March, and the posts that I have seen in regard to it. I have seen more friends that I would like posting about how they think that the Women’s March is pointless. And it just gets me right in the stomach. Please, please, look around you for a second. Look outside of your own…
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thebookboozer · 8 years
Back in the Swing
Back in the Swing
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I’ve started this blog three different times today, and I still have no direction. What I do have is spit up on my sweatpants, a slobbery baby on my lap, and one clean hand to type with while simultaneously using it to drink my luke-warm cup of coffee. All of that makes it sound like I’m in a bad mood, doesn’t it? Well, my friends, that is misleading. It is snowing, Caroline is full of baby…
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thebookboozer · 8 years
Book Review: My Sister's Grave by Robert Dugoni
Book Review: My Sister’s Grave by Robert Dugoni
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An ex-sharp shooting chemistry teacher turned homicide detective investigates the death of her sister after remains are discovered that force her to question the innocence of the man who was convicted of the murder twenty years ago. Sounds a little ridiculous, yeah? Well, for the most part it isn’t. Tracy Crosswhite is an intriguing character on her own, but I could have done without the wild…
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thebookboozer · 8 years
My Faith Crisis in America
My Faith Crisis in America
Well, I wish this wasn’t my first post back on the blog. But here we are. I’ve never let myself belong to anything that I didn’t completely believe in. It’s the reason that I have never conformed to one particular faith or belief system. It’s not necessarily something I have ever struggled with. I was raised by amazing parents who fostered that part of me. They encouraged me to follow my heart…
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thebookboozer · 8 years
Facelifts & The Future
Facelifts & The Future
Guys. I know. I left you all again. But I had another cute baby! Forgiven? Also, Im changing this place up a bit. I miss being able to blog, and since I have two littles now, reading happens a lot less often as I would like. I would really love to be able to read as much as I used to and bring you the same weekly reviews, I swear. It’s not my fault. Talk to my two year old. So- I’m going to be…
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thebookboozer · 9 years
And Then There Were None by Agatha Christie
And Then There Were None by Agatha Christie
Hey guys! I just posted my review of And Then There Were None by Agatha Christie over on the Appraising Pages blog! I will be contributing over there every now and then, you guys should go give it a follow! Plus the Appraising Pages shop is full over bookish tshirts and jewlery, Justine is amazing and I am so happy to be a part of her blog! You can find it here! I am on the tail end of listening…
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