the-violet-void · 4 months
it's time we set aside our differences with pineapple on pizza enjoyers and rally against the true enemy: the sick fucks who dip pizza in ranch
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the-violet-void · 6 months
Greetings. Please allow me to explain the structure of my brain
So first off, there's Penni. that's me. I'm just a somewhat heavily traumatized voidgirl that likes Bionicle and lots of other neato stuff. I'm the result of Penumbra making a human incarnation of herself
Then there's me, Penumbra, a god of chaos, pleasure, and pain. don't worry though, I'm not as scary as I may sound. I can do whatever I want in my realm, and I use that ability to give anyone who enters everything they desire. I am a god of the little pleasures in life as well. a nice meal, a good game, a good book, spending quality time with friends and lovers, anything that brings you pleasure. for pain, it is a part of life, and I want to help anyone who needs help (within our ability)
we also have a link back to Penumbra's realm, The Violet Void, where we can hear random thoughts and spoken words from back there.
sometimes they try to influence this human body, and have been successful, which is interesting
now for the question, is this just a neato headspace thing or is this spiritual? uhhh Idk, can it be both?. I'm perfectly willing to dedicate my life to Penumbra as a god, but I don't deny the possibility that this is just something I imagined up to help me cope with my crummy life. it just feels so real though so Idk
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the-violet-void · 6 months
things are going to change around here, gradually
so yeah we figured out a lot about ourselves and we're going to change this account to reflect that
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the-violet-void · 9 months
RB for the largest sample size this site has ever seen. it's time to put an end to this.
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the-violet-void · 9 months
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It's my 5 year anniversary on Tumblr 🥳
how? am I using an old account and changed all the info? I thought I just made this account in the past year? it Tumblr broken or am I?
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the-violet-void · 9 months
People against piracy fail to realize that no, I can’t just ‘buy it.’ They stopped making DVDs and Blu-Rays. They’re barely offering digital copies for download. I am not spending money I could use for food or bills to pay for a subscription service just so I can always have access to a beloved piece of media. Especially not when the service will remove media on a whim without concern for how the loss of access to that piece will make its artistic conservation nigh impossible.
For example, I recently learned that Disney+ had an original film called Crater. It’s scifi, family friendly, and seems cool - I would love to buy it as a holiday gift for my little brother! But: it’s exclusive to D+ and THEY REMOVED IT LITERALLY MONTHS AFTER ITS RELEASE.
The ONLY way I can directly access this film is through piracy. The ONLY available ‘copies’ of this film are hosted on piracy websites. Disney will NEVER release it in theaters, or as something to buy, and it may NEVER return to the streaming service. It will be LOST because we aren’t allowed to purchase it for personal viewing. If I can’t pay to own it, I won’t pay for the privilege of losing it when corporate decides to put it in a vault.
So yes, I’m going to pirate and support piracy.
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the-violet-void · 10 months
go listen to this. right now (or as soon as possible). I absolutely love it! my favorite independent artist, I've been listening to him for a while, ever since he told me he was doing music and showed me his stuff for the first time. he's only gotten better over time!
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the-violet-void · 10 months
We need less power-couples and more fail-couples. A pair that individually are disasters but together make everything even worse. Not in a toxic sense, they are just both so lacking in common sense that being together creates a shenanigans feedback-loop. They will become everyone's problem.
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the-violet-void · 10 months
pretty much everyone I hang out with and I have such terrible, abusive and/or neglectful parents that it genuinely shocks me when people have an actually good relationship with their parents
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the-violet-void · 10 months
Yes, it's okay to call individual headmates nonverbal
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Now, first, if you look at the relevant literal definition of nonverbal, it mentions nothing about being specific to people with ASD.
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It's pretty fair based on this for anyone who lacks the ability to speak to identify as nonverbal if they feel it fits them. But wait! There's more!
Individual alters have actually been referred to as nonverbal in academic papers like this one!
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Claiming to be nonverbal isn't inherently claiming to have autism.
Although... for those headmates in systems that are nonverbal and also have ASD, there may well be a connection there too which needs to be looked at.
Sincerely, stop with the term policing!
Bottom line: Nonverbal and semiverbal headmates are valid.
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the-violet-void · 11 months
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the-violet-void · 11 months
Speaking of appropriation, did you know we appropriated the Plural Rings??? /s🙄
Yes! Here we are!
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First, I don't think you're looking at Wikipedia... I think you're looking at Wikimedia.
At least, I can't find it on Wikipedia anymore.
Hey! Since I'm there, can I take another look at who made those rings?
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Bluejay Young?
This Bluejay Young?
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Member of Astraea's Household???????????
You're saying that endogenic systems....... are "appropriating" this symbol......... From Astraea's Web????????
The website with this FAQ???
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Yeah, it turns out that this system uses "multiple personality" to refer to anyone experiencing plurality, including "natural multiples" as endogenic systems were known as at the time.
If only somebody had done even the two minutes it took to research this claim before it got nearly 200 notes!
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Just absolutely amazing, that one!
Anti-endos literally claiming exclusive ownership of symbols made by inclusive and endogenic systems, and then accusing the endogenic systems of loving to steal things.
You can read more of the history of the symbol here:
Like everything that comes from anti-endos, this is nothing but more lies.
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the-violet-void · 11 months
have any of your ever had that dream, probably as a kid, where you start losing a bunch of teeth, more than your mouth can even hold? just a torrent of teeth every time you open your mouth?
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the-violet-void · 11 months
bad apple is the doom (1993) of animations
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the-violet-void · 11 months
we're multigenic, mostly traumagenic but a significant portion not, and we have extremely debilitating DID, but we're forced out of most disordered spaces for having personal beliefs about our system and not operating the same way everyone else expects of us. We have no resources, no healthy therapy, and no access to assistance now, even online. It makes us feel like we don't matter, and really goes to show how anti endos force out systems in pain that're hurting even more because what they think is "calling out endos" is actually fakeclaiming the experiences of countless disordered systems. It makes us feel like we don't belong anywhere, and drives us to thoughts of self harm, forced dormancy, or s**cide sometimes.
I don't want to force anything- I just want anti endos to think about that. It took us five years to feel dysphoria/any "negativity" from being trans, and transmeds called us fake and wrong for it. Now because I don't meet their standards of negativity and correctness, sysmeds think I'm fake and wrong as well. There's a big reason we connect the two terms. I hope you know your "community" has almost certain made traumagenic DID systems kill themselves. Does that matter to you?
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the-violet-void · 11 months
Wade Wilson has DID?
TW: Vague torture mentions- implied violence
Well to be honest at start i prefe to say he has a psychotic disorder because it's comun knowledge on fandom Wade's schizophrenia but in the last weeks i was reading Deadpool kills trilogy and i realize out Deadpool it's explicity plural.
So many people could say the voices on Wade's head (the boxes) are the author or fans or some meta explanation but in narrative level this make sense, more because in Deadpool kills maverl universe again he don't know about the audience stuff and boxes are still there, aparentely on his head.
Then i gonna show you my evidence and explain why Deadpool is CANONYCALLY PLURAL
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I want to start with the lie of the withe box being the author because on this scene when Deadpool is being psychally and pscologycally tortured and feeling how the doctor is slowly enter on his head the withe box say "get out of my head" if the withe boxes was only the author's notes it shouldn't affect him and do not suffer the torture like Wade. Also the yellow box say he also can feel the pain wich means they're on the same body.
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Right then the doctor it's trying to enter on their head and while the white voice it's cleary suffering for that the yellow box it's calming down and cheering Wade, something he ussually never do and it's very rude and agressive with Wade, why he even care about Wade health now if he do quit the opossite normaly? Because know they're feeling a devasting pain that he can annoy him know and Wade's mind it's his mind and he refuse to leave the "doctor" do that.
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Well, then we have a new voice on Wade's words, the voice here says he was hungry, probably was because the body experience and he just wanna know what's happen, the other voices who are usually co-on with Wade are gone and he KNOW THAT, like if he don't feel them anymore and ask the new voice for them like if they go to the same place he was, also the new voice could be a gatekeeper or the others are just on dormancy/too tired but i think it's the first ond because he get them away on porpose to be able to talk with Wade on privacy/without their opinions.
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Right then we all just gonna keep acting like this comics don't exist? Even if on other sources Wade it's a singlet we could say easily he's plural on almost a lot of media source.
For the lols my hc about the system it's a OSSD-1b system and they're like Deadpool, Wade Wilson, Yellow Box, White Box and Red Box ;). Btw English it's not my first language and i don't use translator and don't take the time to correct my typing/grammatical errors then idk tbh idc.
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the-violet-void · 11 months
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