Phech... interesting
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They are called Phech because I say so
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Fragmento pequeño de una historia en la que estaba trabajando en anterior año.
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Fragment of a story I was working on last year.
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They are so cute
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history will say they were just coworkers!!
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Por Cualquier Otro Nombre (By Any Other Name) Capítulo 4: Control de impulsos
Escrita por: @rowansparrow @rowansparrow-writing traducida al Español por: @the-vast-corner-of-the-galaxy
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(Cover creada por @hockeyjedi13)
Esta historia NO ES de mi propiedad, le pertenece a RowanSparrow (Ao3) y @rowansparrow​ @rowansparrow-writing​ en Tumblr. Esto es solo una traducción. Todos los créditos van a Rowan.
Advertencias: Descripciones gráficas de violencia, muerte de personaje Ships: Rex x lectora, Fives x lectora, Echo x lectora, Clon OC x lectora, etc.
Tags: #ByAnyOtherName, #BAON
Palabras: 2.5k
Link a la historia en Español (Archive of our Own): 
Capítulo #4  en Inglés (Tumblr): 
Historia completa en Inglés/ENG (Archive of our Own)
Lista a la lista capítulos en Inglés (Tumblr): https://rowansparrow.tumblr.com/post/660732598811770880/by-any-other-name-masterlist
Resumen: Después de la fiesta, Fives y Echo te acompañan de vuelta a tu apartamento, donde un momento con Fives los pilla a los dos por sorpresa.
Has pasado la mayoría de la noche acampada en el trastero detrás del bar, básicamente intentando evitar interactuar con la mayor cantidad de gente posible. Pero a medida que el sol amenazaba con salir sobre el horizonte de Coruscant, el club se volvió cada vez menos concurrido.Finalmente, te quedaste con solo un puñado de vode arrastrándose, tratando amablemente de ordenar después de la rabia de la noche anterior.
Y luego estaba Fives. 
Le diste una patada en el muslo mientras pasabas, despertando al hombre de una sacudida.
–Es-estoy despierto-¡haar’chak!–Se sentó demasiado rápido desde donde se había desmayado debajo de la barra y se golpeó la frente contra un estante.
–Levántate. Encontré tu armadura.–Le dijiste.–¿Tal vez ponte los pantalones ahora?
Fives se quejó y se frotó la cabeza.–¿Me puedo duchar en tu casa?
–¿No? Anda de vuelta al cuartel.–Te reíste. 
–Ugh… estoy con resaca y si voy de vuelta a la base Rex me va a poner a trabajar.– Fives refunfuñó, mirándote con un puchero.–¿Por favor?
–Lo voy a pensar. Solo ponte algo de ropa. Tu __ es menos apelador en la dura/plena luz del día. 
–Que grosera.–Fives dijo, tomando su traje negro de vos. 
–En realidad… ¡La luz puede hacerlo brillar!–Echo llamó de donde estaba recogiendo basura.–Hardcase detonó una bomba de brillo alrededor de las 0300. La polla de Fives parece una maldita bola de disco.  
–Eso no- oh. Si. Si, tiene razón.–Fives dijo mirándose ahí abajo.–Razón de más para dejarme ducharme en tu apartamento.
Echo se rió disimuladamente, tirando la basura en una bolsa y asentando a algunos otros soldados que se quedaron para ayudar.–Le diré al Capitán que estás indispuesto. 
–Técnicamente sigo con permiso para bajar a tierra y tú también.–Fives replicó, poniéndose de pie al fin. Se las había arreglado para meterse en su traje negro e incluso había puesto la mitad de sus placas, eligiendo dejar la mitad superior de su armadura.–¿Podemos pasar el rato contigo?
–Deja de invitarte al departamento de T/N.–La voz enojadiza de Dogma se quejó desde donde estaba barriendo agresivamente la entrada.–Es descortés. Sin mencionar en contra de las regulaciones. Se supone que no deberíamos fraternizar con los ciudadanos. 
–¿Quién dijo que estamos fraternizando?–Fives dijo.–De hecho,¿Por qué estás aquí?
–Uh, eso es mi culpa.–Tup saludo tímidamente; era un clon de voz suave que era nuevo a la 501, como Dogma. Estaba limpiando las mesas.–Me perdí las luces anoche porque estaba, bueno, aquí, y él vino a buscarme.
–Al parecer todos estaban aquí anoche.–Dogma te lanzó una mirada severa. 
–Estás autorizado a salir de la base con permiso para bajar a tierra.–Respondiste suavemente.–Vengan mañana y les daré bebidas gratis. Llámenlo un gracias por ayudar a limpiar. 
Dogma parecía como si quisiera decir algo, pero cruzó los brazos obstinadamente sobre el pecho.
–Quiere decir, gracias.–Tradujo Tup graciablemente, llevando a Dogma suavemente por el bicep.–Le veremos mañana señorita.¡Un gusto conocerla!
Sonreíste, subiendo tu bolso más arriba por tu hombro y suspirando.–Me vendría bien una siesta. Chicos, si van a venir conmigo a casa, están apunto de perder su viaje.
–Sí señora.–Fives y Echo dijeron en unísono y te siguieron apresuradamente.
No saliste de tu apartamento en días. 
Ya ni siquiera sabías qué día era. No habías comido. Apenas habías dormido.
Vagamente, sabías que la gente venía a visitarte. Echo se había sentado en una silla junto a tu cama y te había hablado en voz baja durante lo que parecieron horas. Jesse había intentado que comieras mientras que Kix te amenazó con una vía intravenosa. Hardcase intento hacerte reír contándote todos los problemas en los que se había metido desde la última vez que te vio. Fives te dijo que Rex había estado recibiendo tu correo, limpiando tu apartamento y mantenerse al día con las cosas tanto como pueda. Pero en realidad no habías visto a Rex en absoluto. No desde que te había dado la noticia.
Estabas empeorando. A pesar de ser consciente de su propia incapacidad para funcionar, sin tener en cuenta cómo todos sus amigos habían acudido a ti con la intención de ayudarte a sanar, simplemente no podía dar el siguiente paso. Aún no.
No estabas sorprendido cuando escuchaste a alguien ingresar el código a la puerta principal un día. Más aún cuando escuchaste pasos pesados afuera del dormitorio, la luz filtrándose en tu dormitorio cuando la puerta se abrió con un silbido.
Las mantas estaban casi sobre tu cabeza, ocultándote del mundo. Tu espalda estaba a las ventanas cerradas. Un suspiro suave se podía escuchar sobre el tintineo de placas de armadura siendo eliminadas. Sentiste un cambio de peso en la cama a lado tuyo, pero elegiste permanecer escondida bajo las sábanas.
 Silencio. Pesado y grueso. Tu cuarto se volvió una tumba. 
–Hueles bastante.–La voz de Fives finalmente rompió el silencio tenso.–Y no de esa manera sexy y áspera de almizcle como me pasa cuando he estado en mi armadura demasiado tiempo. Hueles mal…
Sentiste un movimiento y sabías que había girado su cabeza hacía vos. 
–¿Piensas que tal vez deberías ducharte hoy?–Su voz estaba más suave, más dulce que antes.–¿O comer algo?
Lo ignoraste. En vez, asomaste la cabeza por encima de las sábanas solo para mirar fijamente a la mesita de noche; un holograma de Rose, tu Rose, con su cabeza hacía atrás en plena risa con un brazo colgado a tu alrededor, tus brazos envueltos en su cintura mientras te reias con él. Jalaste las sábanas de vuelta por encima de la cabeza, no queriendo mirarla más.
Otro suspiro suave fue expulsado. Luego las mantas crujieron mientras Fives se metía debajo de ellas contigo con solo su traje negro. Al fin te diste la vuelta para enfrentarlo, finalmente reconociendo su presencia ya que ahora estaba cubierto debajo de las sabanas contigo. 
Te dió una pequeña sonrisa, pero tú no la devolviste. 
–¿Por qué sigues volviendo aquí, Fives?
–Estás sufriendo.–Fives respondió suavemente.–Estamos aquí para ti.
–¿Por qué? Rose está muerto. Ya no tienes que estar aquí.
–Somos tus amigos, T/N.– La voz de Fives estaba firme y cepilló un poco de tu cabello fuera de su cara, ahuecando tu mejilla por solo un latido.–Nos preocupamos por ti tanto como nos preocupamos por Rose.
Cerraste tus ojos. Sentiste un nudo en la garganta, como si estuvieras a punto de llorar de nuevo en cualquier momento, pero no estabas segura si aún tenías lágrimas para llorar. 
–Oye.–Fives te dio un codazo levemente y se acercó más, presionando su frente contra la tuya.–Vas a estar bien.
–No, no lo estaré.
–Sí. Lo vas a estar.–Fives se movió de nuevo, jalándote hacía su pecho mientras te abrazaba.–No se siente así ahora, pero estarás bien. Lo prometo.
Te abrazó por unos minutos más, moviendo un brazo hasta la parte de atrás de tus muslos. Su otra mano se movió a hasta tus hombros y lentamente pero seguramente se levanto de la cama, agarrándote como a un niño en sus brazos. 
–Ahora, te meteremos en la ducha, ¿Ya?– Él te calmó.–Echo ya está en camino con la comida. Luego podemos finalmente ver ese holo-vid del que no te callabas.
–Odias las comedias románticas.–Murmuraste a su cuello.
–Tal vez.–Fives acordó, poniéndote abajo.–Pero tú no.
Se dio la vuelta, prendiendo la ducha para ti.–Voy a ir a encontrarte un cambio de ropa y lavar tus sábanas. Sabrán los dioses que probablemente heden mal como tú. 
Te reíste suavemente, incitando a Fives a sonreir. 
–Ahí está mi niña.–Él abucheó su dedo contra tu nariz.–Anda. Límpiate. 
Te duchaste primero mientras que los soldados ARC devoraron cualquier cosa que pudieran tener en sus manos. Aparentemente, la noche de fiesta los hizo voraz, y sabrán los dioses todo lo que usualmente tenían para comer erán barras de proteína. 
Fives se tomó un tiempo excesivamente largo en la ducha y cuando finalmente salió, casi treinta minutos después, con una toalla alrededor de su cintura y una oleada de vapor arrastrándose detrás de él, se dirigió a la sala de estar.
–¿Tienes ropa de civiles que me pueda poner?–Fives te preguntó, sacudiendo un poco de agua de su pelo- 
–¿No trajiste una muda de ropa?–Echo preguntó, parándose y agarrando su mochila.
–No, Echo, no todos empacamos ropa de miche cuando salimos.–Fives replicó. 
–Tengo algunas de las cosas viejas de Rose en mi cuarto.–Le dijiste.
Un latido de silencio. 
–¿Pensé que habías sacado todas sus cosas?–Echo dijo. 
–Me quedé con algunas.–le hiciste un gesto con la mano.–Está bien.
–Estás segura.–Fives preguntó. 
–No es la gran cosa chicos, en serio.–Te paraste y regresaste al dormitorio. Fingiste como si no hubieras escuchado a Echo regañar a su hermano en un susurro detrás de ti.
Te armaste de valor antes de jalar el casillero debajo de tu cama, dónde ocultaste algunas de las pocas cosas de Rose a las que te habías aferrado. Habías regalado la mayor parte de la ropa de civil que le compraste a otros clones, para que tuvieran cosas que ponerse. Pero te quedaste con algunas de tus favoritas. Una era una hoodie de gran tamaño con el logo de un equipo de bolo-ball delante. Sacaste un par de pantalones de chándal. Los contenidos del casillero se movieron. Tu respiración se enganchó. 
El casco de Rose te miró desde donde estaba escondido debajo de unos pantalones. Las rayas azules suaves en la parte superior y los diseños de pétalos cayendo debajo de los ojos, hasta el borde del casco, te arrestaron. Permitiste que tus dedos cepillen el plastoide por un momento antes de cerrar firmemente el casillero, deslizándolo de vuelta debajo de tu cama con un gruñido. 
–Toma.–Le diste a Fives la ropa, envolviendo tus brazos alrededor de ti.
–Gracias.–Fives te miró.–¿Estás bien?
 Asentiste, yendo a la cocina.–¿Me dejaron algo para comer?–Les molestaste, lanzándole una pequeña sonrisa por encima del hombro.
–Sí, lo que sea que era esa cosa verde en tu refri no hemos tocado.–Fives se rió, entrando al dormitorio para cambiarse. 
Volteaste los ojos y miraste la vuelta de la esquina. Viste cómo se ondulaban los músculos de su espalda mientras agarraba el buzo. Rápidamente, devolviste tu atención a la tarea en cuestión mientras Fives dejaba caer su toalla para cambiarse.
 Fives, Echo, y Rose eran buenos amigos. Los gemelos lo habían llamado cariñosamente su «hermano mayor molesto» en varias ocasiones. Rose los orientó cuando Rex los adoptó a la 501 después de Rishi. Los tres se volvieron como uña y carne desde ahí. Se habían tomado su pérdida con dureza, al igual que tú. No estabas segura de cómo hubieras superado tu dolor sin Fives y Echo. Especialmente Fives.
–¿Te gusta lo que ves?
Saltaste, dándote la vuelta para enfrentarte al clon.–¿Qu-qué?
–En el refri.¿Te gusta alguna cosa de allá adentro?–Fives repitió, viniendo detrás de ti.–Si no¿Podemos pedir algo?
–¿Y quién va a pagar?–Preguntaste, 
–Tú, tal vez.–Fives rió entre dientes, frotando la parte de atrás de su cuello. Estaba cerca de vos, bastante cerca. 
Te diste la vuelta para enfrentarlo, y te sonrió antes de encoger sus hombros.–¿Qué? Preguntó.
No sabes que te hizo hacerlo. Tal vez estabas sola. Tal vez estabas impulsiva. O tal vez viste a Fives casi desnudo demasiadas veces y estaba empezando a afectarte. De cualquier manera, te pusiste de puntillas e impulsivamente le plantaste un beso en sus labios antes de que pudieras pensarlo mejor.
–Wow.–Fives rió entre dientes, frotando la parte  de atrás de su cuello.–Er…T/N- que-
–Nada, lo siento.–Sacudiste tu cabeza, dándote la vuelta rápidamente.–No sé- gracias, supongo, por um- por ayudar a preparar el club y esas cosas. Gracias.–Te estabas sonrojando furiosamente, tratando de escapar de él cuando de repente te agarró por el bicep.
Sus labios estaban en los tuyos un aliento y al siguiente. Tus brazos rodearon sus hombros, cayendo en el beso de inmediato. Sus manos migraron a tus caderas, cortando el beso después de solo unos momentos. Fives luego apretó su frente levemente contra la tuya.
Cuando miraste a sus ojos, estaban encendidos
Cuando volvió a atrapar tus labios, había un hambre ardiendo detrás de cada beso, como si fuera un hombre moribundo y tú fueras su último suspiro de aire. Sus manos se apretaron alrededor de tus caderas, levantándote del suelo sin esfuerzo y colocándote en la encimera. Fives empujó entre tus piernas y te besó con tal intensidad que casi te empujan hacia atrás, reclinándote a medias mientras el hombre mantenía sus manos plantadas en tus muslos. El calor de sus palmas abrazaba tu piel.
Una mano se enredó en su espeso cabello. Distraídamente le diste un pequeño tirón juguetón, extrayendo un sonido muy interesante de Fives. Un sonido que querías escuchar una y otra vez. Cuando se separaron para respirar, con los labios hinchados y brillantes, Fives fue el primero en hablar.
La puerta del baño se abrió abruptamente.
–Gracias, Fives. Apenas me dejaste un poco de maldita agua.– 
Echo detuvo sus esfuerzos de secarse el cabello con una toalla para observar la escena que tenía ante él. Fives estaba apoyado contra el mostrador, luciendo lo más indiferente posible, mientras tú estabas sentado en la mesa con un datapad en tus manos.
–¿Qué… está pasando?– Echo preguntó, apuntando entre ustedes dos.
–Estamos…– Fives te miró, luego de vuelta a Echo.–Estamos… Solo estaba mostrando uh- mostrando a T/N esa nueva- esa, esa um… esa-  estábamos escogiendo una peli para ver.
Maldeciste internamente. Fives no podía mentir su salida de una bolsa de papel. 
–El datapad está al revés.– Echo levantó una ceja. 
–Pillé a Fives mirando porno.
–Me pillaste…¿qué?– Fives repitió, su rostro contrayéndose mientras procesaba tu coartada.
Lo enderezaste rápidamente y soltaste la única excusa que se te ocurrió.
–¡Eso es lo que dije!– replicaste. 
–Yo-. Fives te miró, ligeramente boquiabierto. Después de un momento él suspiro, se resignó a su destino.–Sip. Eso es… eso es lo que definitivamente estaba haciendo.
–Está bien. Mi internet no está encriptado como el de la GAR. Estoy segura de que es refrescante poder acceder la Holonet sin ser vigilado.– Encogiste los hombros 
–Eres un animal y estoy avergonzado de ser tu compañero.–Echo dijo a Fives, golpeándolo juguetonamente con su toalla.
–Ya-¡ya! Kriff, mi error, ¡supongo!–Fives te miró feo y pisoteó hacía el living.–¿Vamos a ver una peli o no?
–Ojalá no sea una de tus sucias.–Echo molestó.
–¡No estaba viendo porno! ¡Cállate!
Suspiraste con alivio, escuchándolos discutir y sentándose en el sofá. Todo parecía estár bien por ahora. Pero no pudiste evitar sentirte extraña cuando Fives plantó a Echo firmemente entre ustedes dos.
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¡Hola! Al fin volví a Tumblr. Desaparecí por un tiempo por problemas de salud mental y mis otras actividades, pero ahora se vuelve con todo. Durante el mes de febrero, terminaré de traducir los capítulos restantes de Por Cualquier Otro Nombre (By Any OtherName), escrita por @rowansparrow @rowansparrow-writing, y lo más probable es que en Marzo, empezaré a traducir What Blooms in Thunder al español (si es que Rowan lo permite).
Además, ¡Esperen el capítulo 4 de Por Cualquier Otro Nombre mañana las 9 PM EST!
-Lux <3
Hello! I finally came back to Tumblr. I disappeared for some time because of mental health issues and my other activities, but now I'm coming back with everything. During the month of February, I will finish translating the remaining chapters of By Any Other Name, written by @rowansparrow @rowansparrow-writing, and in March, I will probably start translating What Blooms in Thunder (if Rowan allows it).
Also, expect chapter 4 of Por Cualquier Otro Nombre tomorrow at 9 PM EST!
-Lux <3
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What Blooms in Thunder: Chapter 12
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Summary: After reuniting with Rose, Rex comes to an important decision.
Chapter Rating: Teen
Warnings: Character Death, Pregnancy mention, discussions of pregnancy, violence, gore, lots and lots of angst, choking, fire, graphic descriptions of injury and violence, head injuries, mention of abortion/terminated pregnancy
Ships: Captain Rex x Female!Reader,  Lieutenant Rose x Female!Reader, other ships tbd.
Tags: #What Blooms in Thunder #WBIT
Word Count: 9.8k
A/N: I know the warnings imply otherwise but for once this chapter is actually slightly happy.
If I missed anything in the warnings/tags that you feel should be included, please let me know.
Thank you @djarrex for beta-reading, and thank you also to @galacticgraffiti for helping me through some Mando'a translations!
Tag List Form. Series Master List
Reblogs are SO appreciated!
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Por Cualquier Otro Nombre (By Any Other Name) Capítulo 3: Los amigos viejos no se olvidan
Escrita por: @rowansparrow @rowansparrow-writing. Traducida al español por @mofftarkinsthunderthighs
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(Cover creada por @hockeyjedi13)
Resumen: Rex te sigue al trastero del bar para 
Rex follows you to the back room of the bar to check on you, and you trade stories about what used to be.
Esta historia NO ES de mi propiedad, le pertenece a RowanSparrow (Ao3) y @rowansparrow​ @rowansparrow-writing​ en Tumblr. Esto es solo una traducción. Todos los créditos van a Rowan.
Clasificación: Audiencia General
Advertencias: leve consumo de alcohol y maldiciones, y un poco de apuestas 
Ships: Rex x lectora, Fives x lectora, Echo x lectora, Clon OC x lectora, etc.
Tags: #ByAnyOtherName, #BAON
Palabras: 1.7k (traducción: 1.9k)
Link a la historia en Español (Archive of our Own) 
Capítulo 3 en Inglés
Historia completa en Inglés/ENG (Archive of our Own)
Lista a la lista capítulos en Inglés (Tumblr) 
No esperaste verlo otra vez. 
Por supuesto, una parte tuya esperaba que te encontrarías con él en 79s de nuevo. ¿Pero cuáles eran las chances de que él estuviera ahí? Cielos, ¿cuáles eran las chances de que él incluso recordó tu nombre? 
Entraste al bar con precaución medida, consciente que no estabas con tus amigas ahora. Aunque ellas no te ofrecieron mucho apoyo moral la anterior última vez que fueron aquí para una salida, aún se sentía extraño venir sola. Vacilaste, buscando a Rose, envolviendo tus brazos a tu alrededor, y de repente sintiéndote increíblemente ansiosa cuando no apareció de inmediato. 
Esta ha sido una estúpida idea. 
Sacudiste tu cabeza. Si ya estabas adivinandote a ti misma, tal vez lo mejor era simplemente irse y salvarte de la vergüenza. Te diste la vuelta hacia la salida rápidamente, lista para salir. Cuales sean los pequeños dioses que están allá afuera deben haber estado cuidando esa noche, porque antes de que atravesaras las puertas, alguien se chocó contra ti. 
–¡Ah, kriff! Perdón señorita!–El clon gorjeó, cuidadoso al estabilizar los vasos en sus manos mientras se movía rápidamente a tu alrededor. Reconociste la huella en la armadura del soldado. Él fue uno de los hombre que sacó a Rose de ti  la noche que se conocieron. 
Te paraste de puntas, con tus ojos siguiéndolo a una mesa redonda en la esquina de atrás de la cantina. El soldado se apuró y se sentó, distribuyendo las bebidas y luego pasando una bebida ámbar al hombre en su derecho. También lo reconociste. Incluso desde una distancia, la barbilla y el tatuaje numérico en su frente eran difíciles de no reconocer. 
Los soldados parecían que estaban esperando por las bebidas reabastecidas, porque tan pronto como el soldado con la huella de la mano en su armadura tomó asiento, el tatuado inmediatamente empezó a repartir cartas. 
Te acercaste un poco más, intentando echar un vistazo de los otros jugadores sin ser demasiado obvia. Tal vez venir aquí fue una buena idea después de todo…
–No, no, ya repartiste la última mano, di’kut.– Un soldado con un de la República mientras le dio un manotazo a las manos del otro hombre.–Es mi turno.
–¡No!– Él protestó.–Echo tenía la última. ¡Después fue a traer bebidas así que ahora es mi turno!
–El objetivo de que yo traiga bebidas era para que puedas repartir mientras yo no estaba.– El que se llamaba Echo arrastró sus palabras. 
–Dejen de pelear y solo repartan las malditas cartas.– Otro clon rezongó. –Sabrá la fuerza que ya perdí suficientes manos a Rose. ¡Terminemos con esto!
Tu corazón dio un vuelco. Rose. Intentaste verte discreta mientras te acercabas más para ver el resto de la mesa. 
–Ah, no seas un mal perdedor, ‘Case. Tendrías más suerte con tus cartas si dejaras de mostrarlas a mi la mitad del tiempo. 
–¡Eso es trampa!–
–Entonces pon tus cartas hacia arriba, vod
La risa de Rose fue lo que finalmente te hizo voltear completamente para enfrentar a la mesa. No estaba con toda su armadura esta vez. En cambio, llevaba una armadura debajo del cinturón, pero la parte de arriba de su cuerpo solo era el traje negro que los clones se ponian debajo de las piezas de armadura. La parte de arriba de su traje estaba levemente desabrochada, mostrando un triángulo del pecho de Rose y lo que parecían ser tatuajes adornando su piel de bronce. Algo de la piel expuesta era suficiente para que tu boca se vuelva completamente seca, una intimidad más tentadora que si estuviera desnudo de abajo. 
Sospechabas que Rose debió haber sentido tu mirar. Mientras la mirada del soldado se desplazaba de sus cartas, sus bellos ojos se dirigieron directamente a ti. Luego, por un momento, te congelaste, tu mandíbula abriendo y cerrándose en pánico mientras pensabas en algo que decir, una explicación de por qué estabas acechando en las sombras, mirándolos. 
Pero Rose dio una sonrisa. 
–¡Oye! ¡Yo te conozco!
Los hombres en la mesa se dieron la vuelta y sentiste el calor subir a tus mejillas. 
–Solo estaba- lo siento, y-yo no quise interrumpir-
–Nah, ¡Ven aquí! Tenemos espacio.– Él alcanzó sobre su hombro, agarrando una silla de una mesa cercana y la balanceo por encima sin esfuerzo. La puso justamente a su lado.–T/N, ¿no?
Asentiste; tu voz no estaba por ahora. ¿Recordó tu nombre? 
–Chicos, esta es T/N.– Rose señaló a los hombres alrededor de la mesa.–Por ahí, esos son Fives y Echo.
Echo te dio un pequeño saludo y Fives sonrió, ofreciendo un pequeño saludo con dos dedos. 
–Este es Jesse, Kix, y-
–Hardcase.– El soldado [inmediatamente] a tu derecha se introdujo y te ofreció su mano. Ya agarraste y él la sacudió con vigor.–¿Sabes jugar Sabacc?
–Eh… no.
–Lo vas a aprender rápido. ¡Rose te puede entrenar! Él es natural.
–Eso es porque él es un estratega y hace trampa.– Jesse murmuró, tomando un trago largo de su bebida. Rose arrugó su nariz y le flasheó una pequeña sonrisa. Fives luego repartió las cartas a todos, y cuando cada hombre tenía una baraja completa de cartas, Rose te entregó sus cartas. 
–Esto aquí es el bote de mano.–Rose explicó, apuntando a un montón de lo que parecía chatarra enfrente de él.–Y ese más grande es el bote de Sabacc. Los ganadores de mano se llevan el bote de mano, y quién gane el juego en general se lleva el bote de Sabacc. ¿Tiene sentido?
Asentiste, intentando seguir a lo largo.–¿Qué están apostando?– Preguntaste, alzando una pequeña bolsa de lona más cercana a ti. Te arriesgaste a echar un vistazo y te sorprendiste de encontrar dos caramelos duros. 
–Contrabando.– Hardcase respondió con complicidad.–O lo que sea que tengamos. 
No que tuviéramos créditos para apostar.
–Cartas arriba, cariño.– Rose te dijo, alcanzando el dorso de tu mano para inclinar tus manos hacia atrás. Incluso a través de su guante, podías sentir el calor de su palma contra tus nudillos. Lo miraste y él te dio una sonrisa encantadora. 
–Ya, Fives repartió… así que Jesse debería empezar, ¿Si?– Kix asintió hacia la mesa. Rose se movió para que él se sentara un poco detrás de ti. Su brazo colocado alrededor de la parte de atrás de tu silla y miró a las cartas por encima de tu hombro. Movió su cabeza abajo, sus labios apenas rozando tu oreja mientras hablaba. 
–Tu objetivo...–Rose murmuró en una voz solo para ti.–Es no sobrepasarse de veintitrés. Cada carta tiene un valor diferente. 
Sentiste un escalofrío recorrer tu columna e intentaste concentrarte en el juego mientras Rose te guiaba en silenciosamente de atrás. Hardcase fue el primero en bombardearse, teatralmente tirando sus cartas a la mesa en un suspiro. Jesse, Kix y Echo fueron eliminados cuando pasaron de 20. Luego el juego se derivó a Fives y a ti. 
Then it came down between you and Fives.
Fives te examinó desde el otro lado de la mesa, arqueando una ceja. Sacó una carta y sonrió afectadamente, sosteniendo su baraja cerca de su pecho.
–Estás en veinte.–Rose susurró a tu oído.–Si sacas algo arriba de tres, vas a bombardearte. Puedes esperar que tu mano sea más alta que la de Fives… o puedes sacar una carta. 
–¿Qué piensas?– Fives sonrió mientras inclinaba la cabeza hacia ti.–¿Te sientes afortunada?
Miraste a Rose de nuevo en busca de orientación, pero el solo encogió sus hombros. Sonreíste, volviendo haci turning back to Fives
Sacaste una carta.
Te abriste un camino hacia el trastero de atrás, apuntalando tus palmas contra las repisas mientras tratabas de estabilizar tu respiración. Tu simplemente no podías recuperar tu aliento; tu pecho apretando más fuerte con cada inhalación rasposa que intentabas.
Te hundiste a tus rodillas, tus manos pegadas detrás de tu cabeza y acurrucada sobre ti misma mientras luchabas por tener aire. 
Brevemente registraste la puerta abriendo y cerrándose detrás de ti. El crujido de la armadura apropiadamente llamó tu atención mientras el Capitán Rex se arrodilló enfrente de ti. Él delicadamente apartó tus manos de tu cabeza. 
–Respira.– Él murmuró.–Vamos. Inhala conmigo, exhala conmigo. 
Intentaste coincidir con su respiración, las lágrimas corriendo por tus mejillas y arruinando tu maquillaje.  
–Inhala...exhala.–Rex repitió, extendiendo una mano para limpiar tus lágrimas. 
–¡No!– le espetaste, alejándote de sus manos. Rex las sostuvo en rendición, sentándose sobre sus talones.
–T/N, necesito que respires, o voy a tener que llamar a Kix.
Cerraste tus ojos, intentando tranquilizarte. La sangre latía a través de tus oídos, e inhalaste un respiro agudo. 
–Inhala… exhala… inhala… exhala… eso es.
Lentamente, tu respiración se relajó y te apoyaste contra la pared, tu cabeza golpeando contra el duracero. 
Rex suspiró y se sentó con las piernas cruzadas frente a ti.–Lo siento… Yo… yo no debí venir.– Dijo suavemente.–No nunca quise molestarte.
–No es tu culpa.–Finalmente dijiste, frotándote la cara con las manos, por agotamiento.–Simplemente es…– Inhalaste un suspiro profundo.–Duro. 
Se sentaron en silencio por harto tiempo. El zumbido distante de la música y los gritos de la cantina eran los únicos ruidos a su alrededor, hasta que Rex finalmente habló. 
–Era uno de los únicos que podía soportar. 
Dejaste que tu cabeza se inclinara hacia él y levantaste una ceja.
–Rose, digo.– Dijo Rex, mirando sus manos.–Amo a todos mis hermanos. Pero los chicos en Torrent… pueden ser insufribles.
Te reíste.–No me imagine. Fives ya es lo suficiente malo cuando está borracho y viene a molestarme. Estás atascado con él todo el tiempo. 
–No tienes idea.–Rex esbozó una pequeña sonrisa y pellizcó la tela de su guante.–Rose… él actuaría cómo los demás, a veces. Hacer travesuras con Fives y Echo. Hacer algo estúpido en el campo de batalla y terminar con Kix, seguro. Lo usual. Pero Rose…–
Rex sacudió la cabeza con cariño, como si estuviera recordando una memoria lejana.–Rose era amable.
Levantaste las rodillas hasta el pecho y cerraste los ojos; una ola de relajación calmandote mientras escuchabas al capitán clon. 
–Era el tipo de soldado al que siempre acudían los shinies.– La voz de Rex llegó a través de la pequeña habitación y centurreaste suavemente, imaginando a Rose hablando con el joven vode de ojos brillantes recién salido de Kamino.
–Los tomaría bajo su alas, mostrarles las literas abiertas… les diría donde esconder sus equipos. Después de sus primeras batallas, él sería el que se sentaría y hablaría hasta que se durmieran
Abriste un ojo al escuchar un golpe duro. Rex se movió para apoyarse contra la pared al lado tuyo, sus ojos también cerrados; su cara relajada mientras hablaba. 
–Era un buen chico.–Rex murmuró. –Y cielos...él te amaba. 
–No.–Susurraste mientras sacudes tu cabeza, dándole una pequeña y triste sonrisa.–No… ahora no.
Rex lo entendió y puso su cabeza encima de la tuya en un gesto afeccionado. Le dió un apretón reconfortante. Luego pareció recordar de repente con quién estaba hablando y rápidamente retiró su mano. Rex se aclaró la garganta y se puso de pie. 
–Entonces.–Agarró su casco del suelo, y luego incómodamente comenzó a avanzar hacia la puerta.–Voy a-voy a dejarte sola. Felicidades por la inauguración. Lo hiciste bien. 
Se fue rápidamente después de eso y te quedaste atrás, mirando al techo y pensando en el pasado. 
0 notes
What Blooms in Thunder: Ch 11 (READ WARNINGS)
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(Banner By @canesjedi31)
Summary: At long last, Gol'Chek is unmasked.
Chapter Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Pregnancy mention, discussions of pregnancy, restraints, brief mentions of sex/allusions to sex, violence, gore, lots and lots of angst, references to trafficking/slavery, implied cannibalism (Or whatever you call it when aliens threaten to eat the humans idk), Rex rips somebody's eye out, choking, fire, graphic descriptions of injury and violence, head injuries, implications of infanticide (basically somebody implies they're gonna kill and eat a baby I'm so sorry)
Ships: Captain Rex x Female!Reader,  Lieutenant Rose x Female!Reader, other ships tbd.
Tags: #What Blooms in Thunder #WBIT
Word Count: 17.8k (This is the last beefy chapter for awhile I promise)
A/N: Please read the warnings carefully, and if you are uncomfortable with something or want more information before proceeding, please DM me! I'm happy to answer questions/help you understand what's coming, your comfort and safety is my priority. Also I swear this is the last insanely long chapter for awhile, I just had a lot to say for this one.
If I missed anything in the warnings/tags that you feel should be included, please let me know.
Thank you @djarrex for beta-reading!
Tag List Form. Series Master List
Reblogs are SO appreciated!
When you opened your eyes, your head was pounding. It was dark, wherever you were, and it took a long moment for your eyes to adjust. You could feel movement, the ground was rumbling under your body, and you tried to stand, only to find that your ankles were bound together. So too were your wrists, and you tried to speak, finding a thick twist of fabric wrapped around your mouth as well.
You tried to cry out, your shout muffled slightly by the gag.
“I wouldn’t make too much noise, if I were you.” A raspy voice rumbled somewhere to your left. “They don’t like it when you make noise.”
A thousand questions rattled in your head. They? Who’s They? Who was speaking? What had happened? Where were Rex and Fives?
Your eyes adjusted a little more, and you felt a swift yet gentle kick to your thigh from your right this time, and you turned, squinting in the darkness. It was faint, and hard to tell exactly who it was in the low light, but you could see the white outline of clone armor sprawled out beside you.
You tried to make out the clone’s face, but the darkness was too much, and it looked like the man was on his stomach, head turned slightly away from you. You couldn’t make him out.
The rumbling, at last, came to a halt, and you scooted back against the wall of – whatever it was you were in. Some kind of transport?
Light suddenly flooded the area as a door in front of you was pulled open, and you squinted in the harsh brightness.
“Nobody move!” A gruff voice barked. “Not a word, and nobody try nothin’ funny, either, or I’ll put a bolt in your brain before you can blink.”
A lone Weequay, flanked by two large Twi’lek males, stood at the opening of the transport. You were shoved in the back alongside about ten other captives, all varying species. The only other human was the clone beside you.
You sighed in relief at Rex’s dark eyes boring into your own from the floor, but that relief was quickly sidelined when you spotted the gruesome gash filleting the skin from his scalp almost down to his eyebrow. He must have hit his head hard when the ship crashed.
The two Twi’leks climbed into the transport, grabbing you and the others one by one, tossing you over their shoulders and loading you into the back of yet another transport, this one open so you could see your surroundings.
“No noise.” One of the Twi’leks growled, taking the gag off from around your mouth and cutting your legs free. “Not one word. And don’t try any tricks either. Your friend already gave us enough trouble.”
You held your tongue, grateful to at least have the gag removed, and watched as Rex was tossed in roughly beside you, grunting at his landing. The Twi’lek chuckled, and kicked Rex in the leg as he walked away for good measure.
You waited until their backs were turned, and then dropped to your knees beside him, removing the gag. “Are you okay?” You whispered. “Rex, your head -.”
“’M’okay,” Rex winced, shifting closer to you. “They got me good when they attacked us. I was too out of it from the crash to fight back.”
“What happened?”
“No talking!” The Weequay shouted again, returning with another prisoner. Rex glared at him, waiting for him to walk away again before continuing.
“Pirates.” He said grimly. “At least, I think that’s who we’re dealing with. I hope that’s who we’re dealing with. Pirates are one thing, but the Empire, bounty hunters… that’s something else.”
He fell silent again as the Twi’leks returned, and resumed once they’d gone away again to collect another prisoner. “When I came to, you and Fives were both unconscious.” Rex said. “The ship was on fire, the hull was full of smoke. I got you out first and went back in for Fives. I only left you for a minute, just one minute and -.” He shook his head. “When I came back you were gone, and one of those karking tailheads rushed me. He clocked me before I could even react.”
He shook his head bitterly. “I took my helmet off. Put it on you so you could breathe through the smoke.”
Your stomach knotted. Rex had been hurt because he’d tried to keep you safe. “I’m sorry.”
“You don’t have anything to be sorry for.” Rex soothed, and tried to squeeze your hand. “We’ll be alright. We’ve gotten through worse, yeah?” He gave you a small smile.
“They must have seen the ship go down and came to try and scrap it for valuables.” You murmured, but even that explanation didn’t feel right. Why were there so many other prisoners?
“Where’s Fives?” You asked softly, looking around. “I didn’t see him on our transport.”
“I didn’t either.” Rex said, biting his lip and wincing again as the wind picked up, agitating his wound. “Maybe he got away. He can comm Athena, send for help.”
“Or maybe they killed him.”
Rex glanced at you, shaking his head. “Nah. He’s alive somewhere. He’s too smart to get offed by kriffin’ pirates.”
The two of you fell silent again as the second transport began to move, pulling you through the woods. You followed a trail, every now and then stopping at watch posts where guards inspected the cargo and then allowed the transport to move on.
“They seem… sophisticated, for pirates.” You whispered.
Rex’s lips were pressed into a tight line. You could tell he was thinking the same thing.
When the transport finally came to a stop, you were outside a massive fortress. The tall structure climbed high, poking above the tree line almost like a mountain.
“What is this place?” You murmured.
“I’m – I’m not sure.” Rex’s eyes narrowed as two huge doors pulled open, swallowing the transport inside. Two more transports were unloading as you pulled in, and you spotted another familiar white and blue set of armor being marched out of one of them.
“Rex.” You hissed. “Fives, there he is.”
He looked even worse than Rex, one of his eyes was swollen and blackened, a purpling bruise already forming down the side of his face and across his battered nose, which was caked with blood and almost certainly broken, and he had a slight limp when he moved. Nevertheless, his expression was ablaze, and you could see his calculated look as his good eye swept the perimeter, no doubt clocking every armed pirate surrounding him and trying to come up with a plan.
A huge Trandoshan, one of the biggest you’d ever seen, stood near a set of double doors leading out of the hangar as the other pirates marched their prisoners forward. You and Rex fell into line, several paces behind Fives, as the Trandoshan looked over each prisoner in turn.
“Weak.” He sneered at an older-looking Rodian woman. “Take her to the Underground.”
The woman started to squeak out a protest, but the Trandoshan kicked her hard in the back, knocking her forward. You saw Fives ball his fists up ahead, and Rex tensed at your side.
“No talking.” The Trandoshan hissed, reptilian lips curling up in a toothy grin. “Now, this one,” He eyed the Togrutan male in front of him. “This one’s strong. Level two.”
He assigned locations for various prisoners, finally coming to Fives. “Well, what do we have here?” He chuckled, a big hand reaching out to grip Fives’ chin. “They got a little rough with you, didn’t they, boy?”
Fives jerked his chin away, scowling up at the Trandoshan but, to your relief, held his tongue.
“You steal this armor, kid? Or is it yours?” The Trandoshan mused, grabbing Fives by the hair this time and tilting his head back, looking him over. “Hard to tell what you are, with your face bashed in.”
“He was with these two!” The Weequay shouted, yanking you out of the lineup while one of the Twi’leks grabbed Rex, shoving him forward as well.
The Trandoshan hissed lowly, wandering over first to Rex. He cackled, forked tongue sliding over sharp fangs.
“Oh, they’re clones, alright.” He sneered, dropping his head to look eye-level at Rex. “Defectors? That didn’t look like an Imperial ship out there.”
Rex didn’t answer, his jaw tight as he stared the Trandoshan down. The lizard chuckled.
“Whatever,” he drawled. “We’ll find out soon enough. Take them to Level Four. I want their armor stripped. Republic relics like that will go for a high price to the right seller.”
“And after?” The Weequay asked. “Where should we take ‘em after?”
“Top floor.” The Trandoshan mused. “I want to know who they are.”
“And her?”
The Trandoshan seemed to finally notice you, looking at you absently. “What about her?”
“She was with ‘em. What do we do with her?”
The Trandoshan studied you for a moment, and turned to Rex.
“What is she to you?”
“A prisoner.” Fives interrupted before Rex could speak. “We were transporting her to the Empire, but were attacked by Rebel smugglers. The Empire won’t give a damn what becomes of her, they wanted her dead anyway, but the Rebellion would pay a high price to see her returned alive.” He raised an eyebrow. “If money is what you’re interested in, that is.”
He spoke quickly, with the slightest bit of urgency behind his otherwise calm voice. It was the finest lie you’d ever seen Fives tell, and you prayed to whatever gods were listening that the Trandoshan bought it.
The Trandoshan raised an eyebrow, and with hardly a word, raised one massive hand and struck you hard across the face.
You gasped, your bound wrists preventing you from adequately breaking your fall as you fell at once, the force of the blow knocking you to the ground. Your shoulder cracked painfully against the ground, and you cried out, rolling over onto your back and raising your tied wrists in defense, curling your legs back to kick your attacker if he tried to hit you again.
Upon impact, both Fives and Rex gasped, and Rex had managed two furious steps towards the Trandoshan before the Weequay subdued him with a violent shock from an electrostaff, bringing Rex to his knees beside you.
The Trandoshan chuckled, watching as blood trickled from the corner of your mouth and nose, your cheek burning in pain from the impact of his hand.
“Seems you care a lot for this… prisoner.” The Trandoshan dragged out the word, tilting his head towards the clones once more. “Take her with them. If they won’t tell us what we want to know, I’m sure their little lady friend can help convince them.”
The Weequay yanked you to your feet, and you whimpered slightly as pain rocketed up your arm, but you bit your lip hard, not wanting to give them the satisfaction of knowing you were hurt.
The three of you were separated from the rest of the group, instead taken down a long hallway to a turbo-lift. Rex’s eyes flicked anxiously towards you, but you kept your head down, not wanting to draw the ire of the Trandoshan any further.
You shot up the lift, rising through the massive fortress until finally coming to a stop at the top floor. Immediately, you were greeted by a wide hallway fanning out to a series of doors surrounding a dome-like main room. More guards stood in front of each door, their species obscured by red armor and black-tinted visors across their helmets, but judging from the various size and shape of the guards, you guessed this band of pirates – whoever they were – was not particular about who joined their crew.
“Take these two, the bosses want ‘em stripped of their armor.” The Weequay said.
“What d’you want us to redress ‘em in?” One of the guards asked.
“The standard uniform is fine.” The Weequay chuckled, raising an eyebrow. “Or better yet, don’t bother redressing them. I’ve always wondered how these freaks were engineered.” His eyes raked over the clones, yellowing teeth jutting out from around the gnarled flesh of his lips. “Did your creators design all the proper hardware down south for you boys, or did they leave that part out?”
He turned instead to you, his foul breath sweeping up your cheeks as he spoke. “I bet you know, don’t you? Tell me, did the Kaminoans give ‘em the good stuff, or is it barren and smooth as -.”
You didn’t think, you just acted. Between one word in the next, you headbutted the Weequay as hard as you could. You reeled slightly from the shock, but whatever pain you felt was mitigated almost at once as the pathetic creature howled in pain, blood gushing from his nose. Fives and Rex rushed the two guards in their moment of distraction, and a full-on brawl had broken out in the hallway.
“You bitch!” The Weequay wailed, ripping a vibro-blade from a sheath on his leg. “I’ll gut you like a worm, you fucking -.”
Two blaster shots echoed through the corridor, and the commotion ceased at once. One of the guards had Fives pinned, two broad hands around his throat as Fives struggled to breathe. Rex had a long electro-staff pointed at the other guard, and had it raised to strike as another Trandoshan entered the room, smoke rising from the barrel of his blaster.
“I thought I heard a fuss out here.” The man said, his voice considerably smooth and proper. He was dressed elegantly, and he holstered his blaster, folding his hands neatly in front of him.
“Gentlemen, please, the less you resist, the easier this process goes.” He continued, addressing Rex and Fives. “I apologize for my men. They can be somewhat rough.” He added, eying Fives and Rex carefully. “We will have your wounds treated at once.”
“Who are you?” Rex demanded, keeping his weapon pointed at the guard on the ground but his eyes trained on the newcomer. “What is this place?”
“All your questions will be answered, I assure you.” He soothed. “Please, step into the room behind you. Your bindings will be removed and so too will your armor, but we will provide you with adequate clothing in the interim.”
The Trandoshan then turned to you, extending his hand. “My sincerest apologies, darling. Come, are you hungry? My men told me of your crashed vessel. You must be exhausted.”
You didn’t take his hand, drawing back slightly and keeping your guard up. “Don’t come near me.” You snapped, hands balling into fists as you prepared to defend yourself.
“There’s no need for violence.” The Trandoshan continued. “We are simply protecting ourselves. You understand, with the galaxy in the state it is in these days, one cannot be too careful with intruders on our world.”
He let his hand fall, instead gesturing towards the grandest of the doors lining the room. “We will wait for your companions in my office, and then we can have a reasonable discussion like adults, yes?”
You remained firmly rooted in place, and the Trandoshan sighed.
“My dear,” He began. “I have asked you twice now to do as you are told. My patience will not extend a third time.” His slitted eyes flicked towards Rex and Fives. “If you would like this to be as quick and painless as possible, I suggest you listen to me.”
You hesitated, but only for a moment, glancing back at Fives and Rex. Sensing your concern, the Trandoshan spoke again.
“Your friends will not be harmed,” He added. “Provided, of course, they behave themselves.”
Fives huffed a soft laugh, and Rex kept his eyes narrowed. You sighed softly, not seeing a better alternative, and reluctantly followed the Trandoshan, leaving Fives and Rex to be escorted into the other room.
Your gut twisted again as you looked around the room. A series of screens lined the far wall – they appeared to be surveillance footage from around the compound. The footage changed every few seconds, showing a different room or area. You could see inside various prison cells, the hangar where the transports were stored, separate rooms for guards, the outside paths, the massive front entrance, the room you were standing in -.
You paused, your gaze flickering back to the screen displaying the trail you’d been brought in on. The footage was focused on one of the guard postings, except the two guards appeared to be slumped on the ground, motionless. There was a flash of black directly in front of the screen before it suddenly changed to static.
“As you can see,” The Trandoshan began, drawing your attention. “We have state of the art security around our facility.”
You pried your eyes away from him and glanced back to the screen. The footage had already changed, showing a different guard posting where you could clearly see two men talking, leaning absently against the checkpoint.
Perhaps it had been your imagination.
“Have a seat.” The Trandoshan continued, gesturing to a large sprawling couch in the center of the room. It was arranged in a crescent moon shape, and the Trandoshan took a seat opposite you. “Can I get you anything? Food, drink?”
You shook your head, cautiously taking a seat. Your eyes flickered over to the security cameras again, but you didn’t see whatever room Rex and Fives were in. “Who are you?”
“My name is Thresh.” He said. “I believe you have already met one of my brothers, Drax?”
“Yeah,” you groused, your cheek tingling from the memory. “I’ve met him.”
“My apologies.” Thresh replied. “I try to greet most of our guests myself, but I am just one man, you understand.” He lolled his head back slightly, rolling his neck until the joints popped. “My other brother should be joining us shortly.”
As if cued, another massive Trandoshan entered the room, arms the size of tree trunks crossed over his chest as he stood behind the couch, over his brother’s shoulder, across from you.
“Ah, lovely, this is Renn.” Thresh introduced. “Brother, this is - .” he chuckled. “Forgive me, darling, I never asked your name.”
You scrambled for just a moment. “Athena.” You said after a beat. “Athena… Soto.”
Thresh hummed, amused. “Very well. Ms. Soto is our guest this evening.” Thresh said calmly.
Renn growled low in the back of his throat, the sound morphing into a deep, throaty chuckle. “I see why you picked her.” He rumbled. “Can smell ‘er from over here.”
“Excuse me?” You demanded, eyes spitting daggers at Renn. “You can what?”
“Forgive him.” Thresh drawled. “He forgets his manners quite easily.”
You narrowed your eyes at Renn, but didn’t continue. You didn’t want to know what it was exactly that the Trandoshan could smell.
“Please, dear girl, allow me to send for food and drink for you.” Thresh tried again. “You’ll need your strength.”
You kept your eyes narrowed. “What do you do with these people?” You asked instead. “The ones you capture?”
“We redistribute them based on the needs of our employers.” Thresh replied calmly. “Or whoever else wishes to partake of our services.”
You cocked up an eyebrow. “So you’re trafficking them.” You said bluntly.
Renn chuckled. “She’s quick.”
Thresh sucked in a breath, shaking his head at you. “Such a filthy word.” He said smoothly. “No, we are not trafficking. Merely… relocating.” He spread his arms wide. “As you can see, our facility can more than accommodate our guests. They are kept in pristine condition while under our care. And you, too, shall be. So long as you continue to be on your best behavior.”
You opened your mouth to press further, but the door was thrown open with a great deal of force, the massive structure ricocheting off the wall and making you flinch. Drax, the Trandoshan who hit you, stalked into the room, dragging Rex behind him by the collar of his shirt.
“Finished.” He said, throwing Rex down on the floor in the center of the circular couch.
Rex was bound and gagged once again, his wrists in binders held together by chains. Blood dripped from a new injury along his cheekbone, the splatter landing on the otherwise pristine floor as he straightened up. He looked as though he’d been hit again, his lower lip split and bloodied around the gag. They’d removed his armor and blacks as well, leaving him instead with just a black long-sleeved shirt and loose black pants. On his back was a silver emblem that looked like three Trandoshan skulls facing one another. He lifted his head, bearing his teeth slightly at Thresh as he huffed.
“You said you wouldn’t hurt them!” You accused, whipping your head to face Thresh.
“Oops.” Drax replied, nudging Rex again with his foot before walking to the other side of the couch. “My hand must’ve slipped.”
You slid from the couch, trying not to draw too much attention to yourself as you dropped to your knees beside him. “Look at me, where are you hurt?” You whispered, trying to turn his head towards you. Rex kept his eyes glued on the Trandoshans, his breathing a measured, careful battle cadence.
“Where’s the other one?” Thresh asked, looking Rex over thoughtfully.
“The Underground.” Drax replied with a low hiss. “He couldn’t behave himself. Apparently, the brat had a knife hidden in his armor. Both of ‘em made the mistake of fighting back.”
It was then you noticed the slashes across the Trandoshan’s thick skin of his arm. He had been steadily oozing blood the entire time he’d been talking, blood running down his fingertips and puddling at his feet.
“I see.” Thresh frowned. “Clean yourself up. You’re making a mess.”
He watched as Drax grunted, tossing a large sack onto the table in front of him, stepping over Rex to go clean his wound.
“We found that stuff in their ship.” Drax called, washing his arm and bandaging it off to the side. “Take a look.”
Thresh pawed absently through the bag, withdrawing various weapons – Rex’s blaster pistols, your own blaster, Fives’ blaster, a vibro-blade you knew Rex carried on him, a small backup gun of yours, among others – a few credits, which he pocketed, commlinks, a holo-recorder, and –.
“Well, what do we have here?” Thresh mused, withdrawing a familiar weapon from the bag. He threw a switch on the side, and the Darksaber roared to life, crackling black light as he turned it slowly in his grip.
“What are a couple of clones doing with this?” He mused, looking down at Rex for a moment before turning back to Drax. “Did you scan them?”
“Yup.” The Trandoshan winced, finally finishing bandaging his arm and returning to the center of the room. “Guess the Republic knew what they were doing, putting those identifiers in their wrists, eh?” He chuckled and pressed a few buttons along his wrist com, and a holo-still illuminated from his comm.
“The other one is ARC-5555, codenamed ‘Fives’.” He reported. “Says here he’s dead, was killed by the Coruscant Guard after making an attempt on the Chancellor’s life.” Drax scoffed. “Didn’t try hard enough, apparently.”
He swiped a finger through the holo, and the screen changed to this time showing Rex’s face. “And this one is CT-7567, codenamed ‘Rex’. Presumed Killed in Action after leaving the planet Mandalore when his superiors lost contact with him and the cruiser he was on. Says here the cruiser’s tracking systems, homing beacons, communications, everything all deactivated at once, indicating catastrophic system failure. No survivors reported.”
Drax whistled. “This one’s got quite the record. Saw a lot of action, one of the higher-ranking officers in the GAR. Served under Anakin Skywalker, apparently.”
Thresh hummed, and leaned down slightly to eye Rex closer. “The Empire most likely will not have any interest in the other one. What is his condition, the one called Fives?”
“If left untreated?” Drax chuckled. “He’ll be dead before dawn.”
“Very well.” Thresh sighed. “Take care of the mess, then. Such a waste.”
He nodded, and your heart began to race, your hand finding Rex’s and squeezing tight.
“What about this one?” Renn finally spoke up, stepping around the couch to loom over you and Rex. “What are we going to do with him?”
Thresh considered it for a moment, and a slow smile crept across his face, sharp teeth shining.
“Contact the Empire.” He said. “I am sure they would love to have their asset returned to them.”
“The Empire won’t want him either.” You said quickly, your heart pounding in your chest as Renn grabbed you roughly, pulling you back away from Rex. “They have no use for a rogue clone, he won’t be of any use to them. All you’d be doing is calling the Empire’s attention to yourself, and you don’t want that – Get off of me!”
“True.” Thresh hummed again, and this time grabbed a fistful of Rex’s hair, yanking his head back as he brought the Darksaber against his neck.
“I wonder what they’ll pay for just his head.”
“NO!” You shrieked, kicking and struggling against Renn as the Trandoshan laughed, pulling you tightly against his chest in an almost suffocating grip.
“Careful, Renn, don’t damage her.” Thresh called as Drax subdued Rex, holding him still as Thresh raised the Darksaber over his head. “She’s of no use to us if the fetus is dead.”
Time seemed to stop as all sound left you, your body heavy and leaden as blood rushed through your head, your heartbeat pounding in your ears.
“What -.” You managed weakly, going slightly slack against Renn. “What – you -.”
“We can smell it.” Renn hissed in your ear, his forked tongue sliding along your neck and around your jaw, sharp teeth threatening your flesh. “That sweet, delicious little thing. You thought you could keep it a secret?”
Thresh disengaged the Darksaber, stepping away from Rex for a moment to instead cradle your jaw in a large hand, a clawed thumb grazing your lower lip.
“I’m sorry, Ms. Soto.” He sighed. “I truly hoped you wouldn’t find out this way. It’s always much easier when the mother simply believes the child was… lost.”
You tried to pull away from him, a horrified expression crossing your face as you tried to process his words. What was he talking about? How did he know –
“The hunt,” Thresh began softly, claws digging slightly into your cheek. “Was such an exquisite thing, back in the day. We would take entire villages. The women, typically, we kept for ourselves. But a few, alongside the men, we turned loose, and hunted down one by one.” He grinned, his tongue sliding over his lower lip. “And the children?”
He grinned, pulling away as blood beaded on your cheeks in his absence. He licked your blood from his claws. “Well… human meat always tastes sweetest when it’s young, unspoiled… fresh.”
The weight of what he was implying settled heavy on your shoulders, and you looked past him to Rex. At first, Rex’s expression was a careful mask, ironclad and unyielding, but when he met your eyes, when he saw your expression, it hit him too.
This wasn’t a bluff. This wasn’t a game.
“I’m sorry.” You whispered to him, reflexive tears welling in your eyes. “I didn’t know how to tell you, I’m so sorry.”
Rex’s eyes blew wide, and ice-cold fear washed over his expression as his gaze flickered between you and the Trandoshans. Panic was etched into his eyes, and he yelled something behind the gag, starting to rise to his feet only for Drax to kick him back to the ground.
“Ah, I see.” Thresh mused, looking thoughtfully between the two of you. “He’s the father, isn’t he? Is that what you’re so concerned about?”
Drax chuckled. “I didn’t know clones could breed.”
Thresh looked down at Rex, crouching slightly to look at him better. “What’s the matter, Daddy?” He cooed at him. “Did Mama keep one too many secrets?”
Rex lifted his head, and your gut plunged.
You had never seen so much fury in his eyes.
He tried to lash out again, shouting something muffled as Thresh took a step back, shaking his head.
“Ah, well. The Empire may still reward us handsomely upon news of your death. And even if you don’t, having her is victory enough.” He reached one large hand down, cupping Rex’s jaw even as the soldier seethed.
“You have nothing to worry about.” He soothed. “She will be well-cared for, here. When the time comes, we will simply cut it out of her. They will go together. It’s lovelier that way.” He grinned. “And we shall feast.”
You screamed his name again, even as Drax forced Rex back down to his knees, holding him still as Thresh took the Darksaber in hand, igniting the weapon.
“Turn her around.” Thresh told Renn absently. “The stress of watching this may be too much for the fetus. We don’t want her losing it too soon.”
“NO!” You screamed again, a sob ripping its way through your throat as you struggled against the Trandoshan’s arms. “No! No, let GO OF ME!”
Renn didn’t move.
“Renn.” Thresh sighed, eying his brother as he brought the Darksaber up against Rex’s neck. “I said -.”
“Look.” Renn interrupted, his focus on the security footage lining the far wall.
Thresh heaved another sigh, clearly angry about being interrupted, but looked over his shoulder at the screens anyway. His forehead creased almost instantaneously, a frown dipping across his face as he disengaged the blade, stepping away from Rex and instead towards the screens.
“What is it?” Drax called.
Renn, meanwhile, released you, and you fell at once to your knees. Drax huffed, not wanting to be left out, and shoved Rex roughly against the ground, instead picking up a blaster and pointing it firmly at you both.
“Try anything, and I kill you both.” He snapped.
You stood shakily, trying to pull Rex up with you. He followed your movements, keeping his eyes trained on the Trandoshans as Drax turned over his shoulder, looking towards his brothers.
“What is it?” He repeated. “Somebody tell me what’s goin’ on!”
“The guards are dead.” Renn replied. “All of ‘em. Every single one at all the watch posts up and down the path. They’re all dead.”
“What?” Drax said, incredulous. He glanced back at you and Rex, and took a tentative step towards the screens so he could see better, keeping his blaster trained on you.
You glanced past his shoulder, looking towards the screens to see what the other two Trandoshans were focused on.
They were shuffling through the screens that showed footage from outside the stronghold. Each guard post, one by one, the guards were all dead.
“Put the guards on high alert.” Thresh said quietly. “And tell them to -.”
He paused, coming to a stop at the feed showing the front entrance to the fortress, where you and the others had first been brought. A lone figure stood in the dirt, facing the fortress. A black cloak concealed most of his form, his hood pulled up over his head.
Behind him, strapped to his back, was a long, dangerous staff.
You turned abruptly towards Rex. He had pulled his gag off now that Drax’s back was turned, and still had his eyes focused only on the Trandoshans, watching their every move.
“Rex.” You whispered shakily. “Rex, I’m – I’m so sorry, I –.”
Drax abruptly turned to face the two of you again, baring his teeth. “I said no funny business!”
You shut up immediately, and Rex clenched his fists, tugging experimentally on the binders to see how far his reach could go. While his wrists were bound together, he could still maneuver slightly. His eyes flicked down towards the table, where his blasters were strewn out among their other weapons.
He only needed one hand to shoot.
“Who is that guy?” Drax called, trying to be involved once again. “What’s he doin’?”
You glanced to Rex, watching his eyes flit from the table to Drax and then to the Trandoshans. You could hear the gears turning in his head, formulating an escape plan. Your mind raced right alongside his.
If he goes for the blaster and Drax catches him, he’ll shoot us both. We’ll have to get out of the way quick, or Rex will have to be faster than Drax. As soon as someone starts shooting, Renn and Thresh will draw. Would I be quick enough to get a weapon too? If both of us are shooting, we have a chance –
“Who are you?” Thresh said into a microphone at the base of the console. “State your business.”
The shadowy figure did not move. He kept his hands folded in front of him, head tilted down as if in contemplation.
“He couldn’t’ve taken out all those guards by himself.” Renn muttered to Thresh. “There’s gotta be an army out there. One of the clones must’ve found a way to call for help. They’re baiting us.”
Drax overheard this, and turned back to the two of you, brandishing his blaster threateningly. “Did one of you send a signal?” He demanded. “Who is that guy?! A friend of yours?!”
Thresh raised his wrist comm to his lips. “Apprehend him.” He instructed his guards.
You watched as the two Twi’leks approached the cloaked man, guns raised. The man allowed them to get within arms-reach, the first Twi reaching out to take his arm, trying to pull it behind his back to cuff him.
The man twisted, one hand clamping down on the Twi’s wrist, holding his arm in place while his other hand went under his armpit, flicking his wrist around 180 degrees with a sharp snap of the Twi’s arm breaking. His elbow drove into the face of the other Twi, and he pulled a vibro blade from a sheath at his wrist, one stroke slitting the throat of the Twi on his right.
He twirled the blade once between dexterous fingers, and with a flick, sent the knife sailing cleanly through the throat of the other Twi. The Twi’lek gurgled for a moment, blood spouting up over his lips as he swayed, and then dropped face-first, driving the blade out the other side of his throat.
“What –.” Thresh sputtered for a moment, fumbling for his wrist comm again. “Kill him. Kill him now.”
The man reached up to his hood, pushing it back away from his face. The bone mask looked just as frightening through a screen, and he undid the ties to his cloak, letting it fall as more guards flowed from the mouth of the fortress, blasters raised. Still, the intruder did not move, jet-black armor shining in the setting sun, still, steady, strong as a mountain.
“We’ve got him surrounded, sir.” The Weequay reported. “At your order.”
“Do it.” Thresh spat. “Kill him.”
He drew his staff.
And suddenly, behind the Trandoshans, Rex began to laugh.
All heads turned towards him, the Captain’s shoulders shaking slightly as he bent over, soft, almost hysterical giggles sneaking past his lips.
“Hey.” Drax snapped. “What’s so funny?” He grabbed Rex by the collar, hoisting him up and staring him down at eye-level. “What are you laughing at? Who is that guy?”
Rex snickered again, a smug grin lighting up his features as he stared the Trandoshan down. When he spoke, his voice was low.
“You’re fucked.”
As blaster fire rang out against the mountain battling at the mouth of the stronghold, so too echoed the roar of the sea.
None of the Trandoshans expected Rex to move, and certainly not to move so quickly. The violent roar that ripped itself free from Rex’s chest startled everyone in the room, and that one moment of pause was all it took for Rex to headbutt Drax, forcing him backwards onto the ground and bashing his bound fists into the Trandoshan’s face with as much savagery as he could muster, his fingers plunging into Drax’s slitted yellow eyes and curling.
You lunged for the table in the same instant, snatching one of Rex’s blasters and unloading the clip into Renn as he advanced. You struck him onetwothreefourfivesixseveneightnine times and didn’t stop until long after his body hit the floor.
Drax had managed to shove Rex off, blood gushing from between his fingers. When Drax pulled his blood-slick hand away from his face, his left eye was little more than sludge, oozing out of his skull and down his cheek. “I’ll kill you!”
He lunged at Rex, but the blinding pain slowed his movements, and Rex dove on him again, this time wrapping the chains from his binders around the Trandoshan’s neck, dragging him down to the ground and choking him, tugging as hard as he could against the Trandoshan’s throat.
You switched to face Thresh as Rex dealt with Drax, but the third brother fled the moment the shooting began, and you caught a glimpse of him fleeing out a hidden door in the wall before you could squeeze off a shot.
Drax hauled Rex over his shoulder, flipping so Rex was flat on his back, wrists pinned above his head as the Trandoshan snapped his jaws, bearing down towards Rex’s skull. You turned, focusing your blaster on Drax but missed with their positions shifted again, this time with Rex wrestling him into the table, shattering it and sending your weapons flying.
The Darksaber.
Thresh had discarded it on the console, and you bolted over, snatching it up at once.
You slid it across the ground towards him, and Rex grabbed it, driving it into Drax’s face and igniting it, the blade pulverizing his skull in an instant. Rex flinched as gore spewed across his body, turning his head away to avoid the brunt of it as the Trandoshan’s heavy body collapsed atop him.
He shoved the body off with a grunt, sitting up and wiping the mess from his face as best he could, turning back towards you. “You alright?”
You nodded, still thoroughly shaken up. You had the overwhelming urge to vomit, though you weren’t sure if that was due to the situation, or the –.
“Rex.” Your face crumpled in relief and regret, the tears beginning to spill before you could stop them. “I’m – I’m so sorry, I didn’t want to keep it a secret. I just needed to think and I didn’t – I didn’t know how to tell you –.”
“It’s alright.” Rex cut you off. “We’ll talk about it later, we have bigger problems on our hands.” He held the Darksaber out to you. “Cut these binders off, will you?”
You nodded, swiping at your cheeks and trying to steady yourself again as you took the blade from him, cutting his wrists free at last.
The Captain wasted no time, bending quickly and grabbing your weapons and supplies once again, loading everything up into the little sack. You recognized his stance, the way he held himself too stiff. He was still in soldier mode, focused on ensuring your survival and his, but you could still see the wild-eyed fear, the raw terror, just behind his eyes.
“Rex -.” You tried again, your voice soft.
Rex finally took a moment, pausing to look at you. He pulled you into his arms, and you clutched him tight.
“We’re okay.” Rex breathed into your scalp. “We’re okay. We’re getting out of here. All of us.” He pulled back to look at you, his eyes dropping to settle on your tummy. “All of us.”
You nodded, and you looked to the cameras. The Outlander stood alone, surrounded by bodies, his staff clutched tightly in hand.
“He’s coming for us.” You whispered. “We have to go.”
Suddenly, the cameras all went black, and the room was bathed in darkness.
Red emergency lights flashed through the room, and a loud alarm blasted through the fortress.
“Emergency protocol activated.” A woman’s robotic voice rattled through the room. “Initiating lockdown sequence.”
Rex reignited the Darksaber, holding it in one hand and a blaster in the other.
“Come on.” He told you quickly. “Let’s get out of here.”
Gol’Chek knew he was staring, but he couldn’t bring himself to look away either. How could he, when looking upon the face of a goddess?
The All-Mother was radiant. Breathtaking, even. She stood much taller than Gol’Chek, towering and fierce and yet did not feel imposing at all. Her long dark hair fell in waves down her back, ears fanning elegantly out from either side of her rounded skull. Her eyes were dark, just as the other Garbak eyes were, but Gol’Chek had always found the dark orbs inviting, seeing entire galaxies swimming in the black. For the All-Mother, this held true. Supernovas, entire star systems and every constellation imaginable swam in the black abyss of her all-seeing eyes.
The most notable difference, however, was her skin. Garbak fur tended to be varying shades of green, allowing for easy camouflage in their forest and jungle habitats. The All-Mother, however, was an elegant silver, her entire form emitting an ethereal glow that finally convinced Gol’Chek to avert his eyes.
He found himself kneeling before he even completely registered his own movement, bowing his head in both an act of respect and complete awe of the being before him.
The All-Mother hummed, and if Gol’Chek had still been looking at her, he would’ve seen an amused smile on her lips.
“There are some among the Garbaks who did not kneel, upon our meeting.” She said, her voice ringing out like a perfect chord. “And yet here you are, Sky-Dweller. I did not anticipate such reverence or respect from your kind. How curious.”
Gol’Chek did not know how to reply, and instead elected to stay quiet, keeping his head bowed and eyes trained on the grass below him.
A large, warm hand settled atop his head, and he felt an exquisite warmth swell through his entire being at just her touch, and he lifted his head at once, tilting into her touch.
“Rise, child.” She said, a slender finger tracing the edge of his jaw. “You have more than earned the right to stand before me.”
Slowly, Gol’Chek rose, and found his voice. “My lady,” he began, not knowing what else to call her. “I –.” He looked around, trying to come up with something to say. “Where is the mountain?”
“We are still there.” The All-Mother assured, amused. “A mortal cannot know the realm beyond life, so when a mortal enters my domain, it takes the shape of the place they love most.” She looked around, smiling into the breeze. “You’ve chosen well. This is a lovely place.”
“This river,” Gol’Chek murmured, stepping up to the bank and running his fingers through the cool water. “Ju’Lah and I spend a great deal of time here. I have fond memories of it.”
He turned, rising to his feet once more. “I was told to come find you, that you might have answers for me about my past.”
“I have one answer, and one answer only.” The All-Mother replied. “All great warriors who survive Ancient’s Pass, who earn the right to confer with me face to face, are given their one reward: A question. A single question, to which I will grant you the answer you seek.”
She folded her hands neatly in front of her. “Choose wisely, child. You may ask only one thing of me. There will not be another.”
Gol’Chek considered this. He looked back toward the river for a moment, just a moment was all he needed, and then turned back to the goddess.
“Someone is coming to attack the village.” He said. “I have seen it. The Garbaks will die.”
“This is not a question.” She replied. “If it is strength you seek, or perhaps wisdom -.”
“My lady,” Gol’Chek cut her off as respectfully as he could. “I am not here to demand favors of you, or ask for anything more than you are willing to give.” He took a deep breath. “Tell me how to save them. That’s all I want to know.”
The goddess was silent, studying Gol’Chek with her dark eyes.
“You climbed this mountain seeking answers about your past.” She said. “You wanted clarity, Gol’Chek, on the person you have become, and perhaps the person you were before.” She tilted her head to the side. “You understand, my child, that there will not be another opportunity to ask for something else? You have but one question, one chance to ask for anything I can grant you. This is your choice?”
“Yes.” Gol’Chek answered at once. “Yes. Tell me how to save the Garbaks.”
The All-Mother studied him for a long while, the stars dancing in her eyes as she blinked.
“You are a curious creature, Sky-Dweller.”
She turned away from him, moving instead to seat herself upon a large boulder near the riverbed.
“Tell me, do you know why so few have succeeded in traversing Ancient’s Pass?” She asked.
“I… I was told it is due to the challenging nature of the Pass.” Gol’Chek answered, a little confused. “Confronting one’s past, present, and future… I imagine it can drive even the greatest of warriors mad.”
“Indeed.” She said. “I have seen many warriors across many millennia climb this mountain, Gol’Chek. The few who make it to the top always seek the same things.” She unfurled a fist, revealing a small, glowing orb in her palm. She danced a finger around it, a strange script swirling in the fog of the orb.
“Power. Wisdom. Love. Strength.” She curled her finger on each word. “Some ask for strength or wisdom not for themselves, but so they can protect their village, so they can lead their tribe as I willed it to be. Others simply desire power, or wish death upon their enemies, or ask that the person they love will love them in return.”
She pulled her finger away from the orb, balancing it against her palm. “Visitors to my domain always desire things for themselves, even if disguised in good intentions.” She turned back towards him. “You, however, have asked not for something to make you stronger, something to make you more powerful, or smarter, or wiser. You, Gol’Chek, have simply asked for possibility.”
“I… don’t understand, my lady.” Gol’Chek said tentatively. “Have I done something wrong?”
The All-Mother laughed – a gentle, comforting sound.
“No, sweet boy.” She murmured. “You’ve done nothing wrong.”
Gol’Chek hesitated near the water, unsure of whether or not the All-Mother was toying with him or not.
“Come.” She beckoned him forward. “Your staff. I would like to see it.”
He stepped forward – albeit a bit cautiously – and handed Bel’Rune’s staff to her. She held the orb in her other hand, and slowly passed the staff through the center of the orb. As the staff emerged from the other side, a silver script burned itself into the wood, glowing for just a moment before dimming into a black char.
“I thought it strange,” she began. “For Ak’Shah to offer his life for a human. You remind me very much of him.” She hummed quietly. “Nevertheless, I made him a promise when he climbed the mountain himself, many years ago, and I always keep my word.”
“What did you promise him?”
She smiled, not looking up from the orb. “He asked for wisdom. The mantle of clan leader is a heavy burden to carry. He asked for wisdom to know when to take a life, and when to spare one.” For a moment, the orb glowed green, and Gol’Chek saw the silhouette of a young male Garbak before it vanished.
“I thought his wish was a noble one.” She said. “I gave him the wisdom he sought, and with it, I granted him a gift, a Recitation.”
“And what did that entail?” Gol’Chek asked.
“It allowed him to summon me from my domain one time, and one time only.” She replied. “I would grant him any wish, no matter how great. I knew a man like Ak’Shah would not take such a gift lightly, and would use it well.”
“What did he use it for?”
She chuckled. “My dear, I thought it was obvious.”
Gol’Chek stiffened slightly, suddenly becoming very aware of himself.
“I found it an odd choice, to revive a human he’d only just met.” She continued, her eyes never leaving the staff and orb. “But I should not have doubted Ak’Shah’s wisdom. He knew, even then, you were destined for much more.”
“But I still don’t understand.” Gol’Chek pressed. “Why did he save me?”
“Because,” The All-Mother answered patiently. “You are selfless in all that you do.”
The orb evaporated, and the All-Mother held his staff in hand.
“You, Gol’Chek, were a man worthy of being saved.” She stood. “And because of this, I will grant you a gift.”
She rolled the staff in her hands. “I carved this staff from the branches of a tree called Nysien that has grown in my realm since the dawn of the universe.” She said. “It was a gift for Bel’Rune, when she climbed this mountain long ago.”
She passed it to Gol’Chek. “It belongs now to you. This weapon of the gods now knows you as its master. It will yield to you and you alone. It will bend to your will, adhere to your summons, and will serve as an extension of your very being. I trust you will put it to good use.”
Gol’Chek accepted the weapon with grace, tracing his thumb over the writing on the staff. “Thank you.”
“I will also grant you my blessing.” She told him, taking a step towards him. She cupped his face in her large hands and brought her lips to rest against his temple. The radiant warmth Gol’Chek felt wash over him was nearly instantaneous, a divine peace unlike anything he had ever known before.
When she pulled back, she spoke again. “I have granted you Attunement, Sky-Dweller. Through my blessing, you will be able to commune with those Attuned, and channel the life around you to heal your wounds and those of others.” She smirked. “An attribute, as well, to the Garbak blood now flowing in your veins.”
He nodded, gripping the staff tighter. “I understand. I thank you, my lady, for your gift. I will use it well.”
“I trust you will.” She said.
He held the staff carefully in his grip, testing its weight in his hands before hesitantly speaking again. “My lady, forgive me.” He began quietly. “But… you didn’t answer my question.” He raised his head. “The Garbaks. How can I save them?”
At this, the All-Mother’s smile faded.
“You cannot.”
All the air was driven from Gol’Chek’s lungs, and the staff loosened from his grip.
“I – that’s not – But that isn’t what I asked for!” Gol’Chek sputtered. “You said you’d grant me any wish, I want to know how to save them! There has to be a way!”
“There is no way.” She continued, her voice eerily calm. “The events that lead to the deaths of your people are already in motion. Even as we speak, they are dying.”
“What?” Horror rolled over his expression, panic setting in. “How – How long have I been here? You have to send me back, please! I have to get to them – I – this is my fault.” He whipped around, back towards the river, as though the village may materialize before him. “I can’t let them die, none of this would’ve happened if I’d left with Rex -.”
“If you’d left with Rex, they’d be dead anyway. Isn’t that what you learned?” She asked.
“You have to stop this!” He shouted, turning back to the All-Mother and storming up to her. “You’re a goddess, you are everything to them. They’re your people, please, spare them!”
“I cannot.” She said, her voice still eerily calm. “My child, even I do not possess the power to undo what has been done. The past is resolute. It is carved out in the stones of time, and cannot be changed.”
“Bullshit!” Gol’Chek spat. “You brought me back from the dead! Ak’Shah cheated death, I was spared!”
“You were not dead.” The goddess reminded him. “Not entirely. You were on the cusp, a breath away from eternity. Ak’Shah bonded his soul with yours to ensure your survival. To save someone on the brink of death and restore their life force, to exchange one life for another, is permissible. What you are asking of me is to change the past, which I cannot do.”
“So you’ll step aside and watch them die?!” Gol’Chek shouted.
“Once a soul exits this realm, it cannot return to its former being. To do so would corrupt and twist it into something of true evil, one I cannot well imagine.” She gave him a sad look. “All I can grant is a temporary restoration of a spirit, recalling them back to this realm for only a limited time. Death cannot be undone, my child. A soul may return temporarily, but it must always return from whence it came.”
His breath came in ragged pants, scrambling for any sort of loophole, any sort of answer that he could live with. “They can’t all die.” He begged. “You can’t allow the extermination of your entire race, I cannot believe that. Please, tell me, is there anything I can do? Anything to save even one?”
The All-Mother’s eyes were alight, stars soaring across her eyes as they flicked rapidly back and forth, viewing a million different futures, endless possibilities and paths, all leading to the same singular outcome.
“One.” She echoed. “One life can still be spared. One life has escaped the carnage, but Death will catch them soon.”
“Who?” Gol’Chek continued, desperate. “Please, tell me who, tell me what to do!”
“I cannot.” The All-Mother’s eyes swam with silent tears, weeping for the tremendous loss of life, all the innocent blood shed on her land. “I can only answer one question, my child. I have told you all I can.”
“You cannot allow this!” Gol’Chek shouted, gripping his staff tightly again. “This can’t have all been for nothing!”
“I can grant you one final gift.” She said instead. “But it comes at a price.”
“Anything.” Gol’Chek said immediately. “Anything you want, it’s yours. I can’t let them all die.”
At once, she seized him, one large hand wrapping around his skull. He screamed as white-hot agony seared through his body. He felt something being burned into his skin, branding him, marking him as a son of a goddess.
“You are the creation of an angry god.” She called to him over his screams. “My people will not be slaughtered in vain. You, Gol’Chek, are the Final Son of our people. With this responsibility, I grant you life.”
When she pulled her hand away, he ripped his tunic open, staring down at himself.
Every inch of his skin sizzled a brilliant silver before fading into thin white scars. A strange writing, a foreign script, branded onto his skin. It matched the script on his staff.
“So long as the Garbak draws breath, so too will you.” The All-Mother said. “Human limitations will no longer hinder you. From now, until the day you die, you will know the way of our kind. Your life extended, your stamina fortified, your body capable of revival from injury of its own accord.”
“What is this?” He asked, his body trembling from the new scars. “What is this?!”
“A Recitation.” She told him. “Speak it aloud in your darkest hour, and I will come to your aid. But be warned,” She cautioned. “The Recitation may be used but once, and it carries a high price.” She folded her hands in front of her again. “The Recitation will become readable to you upon your exit from my realm. Only you will be able to understand the words I have written.”
He nodded once, steeling himself and gripping the staff tight. “Take me back.” He said. “I have to find them, the survivor.”
“The survivor followed you to the base of the mountain.” The All-Mother instructed. “She fled, upon the arrival of the oppressors. You will find her nearby.”
She gave him a serious look. “You are Keeper of the Final Daughter, Gol’Chek. Do what you can to save her.”
Gol’Chek’s eyes widened. “Ju’Lah.”
The All-Mother extended her arms wide. “Go. Waste no time. You can still save her, but you must hurry.” White light surged around her, blinding him even as she spoke. “Good luck, Gol’Chek. Until we meet again.”
When he reopened his eyes, he was back at the bottom of the mountain.
He could hear blaster fire far in the distance, could see columns of smoke rising through the trees. His people were under attack.
Gol’Chek ran towards the flames.
Fives fought to stay conscious, half-carried and half-dragged through the fortress until he was brought to a cell. The man dragging him deactivated the ray shield, shoving him roughly inside and sealing it back up behind him.
Fives tried to push himself up slightly, his breathing coming in a wheeze. Fuck. His ribs were broken, for sure. He worried a lung might’ve been punctured too. He couldn’t walk, either. Couldn’t stand. Shit.
He coughed, blood spattering across the floor as he lifted his head once again.
Fives rolled over, staring up at the ceiling. “Haar’chak.” He groaned, dragging his definitely broken arm over to lie across his abdomen. He didn’t look at his fingers – the Trandoshan shabuir had broken each digit, one by one, and Fives didn’t have to look to know his hands were mangled beyond repair.
He wanted to sleep. He was so tired, and breathing was too hard for now.
He wanted to close his eyes, but could hear someone snapping at him, someone calling for him through the haze of bright light and white-hot pain. Someone was telling him to stay awake, don’t close your eyes, stay conscious, I need you to stay awake.
He tilted his head to the side, eyes glassy and vision blurred. Someone was leaning over him, that voice still telling him to stay awake, stay awake, stay awake.
“’M’tired.” He slurred, his eyes drifting shut. “Hurts.”
“I know.” A female voice insisted. “I know it hurts. I’m trying to fix it, but please, I still need you. Stay awake.”
Fives wanted to laugh. Wanted to roll his eyes. Wanted to bite back with some quip about how Athena always needed him for something or other, and she could sit her pretty ass down until he was good and ready.
“My name isn’t Athena.” The voice said. “My name is Ju’Lah.”
Fives forced his eyes back open, tilting his head to look at his – rescuer? Captor? Fellow prisoner? – and decided that he must have died and was now being punished for Maker knows what.
Because if this kid was in front of him again, it could only be as a punishment.
“Gotta be kriffin’ kiddin’ me.” He groaned, letting his eyes close again as he raised a hand, covering his own eyes in dismay. “Somebody beat you to the punch, kid. I’m already dead.”
“No you aren’t, idiot.” Ju’Lah said. “Hold still, I’m almost finished with your other hand.”
It was then that Fives noticed his fingers on his left hand no longer burned with agony – better yet, he could move them – and he sat up slightly, his vision clearing.
The Garbak girl was kneeling beside him, a hood pulled up over her head. A faint light emitted from her palms as she pressed her hands against his injuries. Her eyes were squeezed shut in concentration, her fingers trembling slightly as they worked on his other hand.
She exhaled heavily, pulling her hands away and slumping back slightly, taking a few steadying breaths. “I can’t do more, not now.” She told him quietly. “I’m sorry, I would if I could but I – I don’t have the strength for it.”
“What did you do, kid?” Fives asked, sitting up a little more. The pain coursing through his body had subsided to little more than a dull ache, and as he took inventory of his body, he determined that his bones were stitched back together, any life-threatening injuries healed. He was still caked in his own blood, and not much could be said for the bruising and scrapes, but he could fight, and that was enough for Ju’Lah.
“Can you stand?” She asked him once she caught her breath, rising to her feet.
“Yeah, yeah I think so.” Fives nodded, and cautiously rose to his feet. When he did, he realized the child in front of him was tiny, a skinny little thing with massive ears and big black eyes looking up at him from just above his elbows. She certainly didn't look like a Jedi, but what else could have saved him from the brink of death? “What… are you?”
“I’m a Garbak.” Ju’Lah replied bluntly. “Listen, we don’t have much time, I need you to pay attention.”
Fives raised an eyebrow. “Last time I saw you, you were trying to kill me.”
“Was not. You were trying to kill me.” Ju’Lah protested, crossing her arms and sticking out her tongue. Fives had to catch himself from sticking his tongue out right back.
“How’d you get in here?”
She pointed up at the ceiling, and Fives saw a ventilation shaft with the grate hanging open, swinging lightly against the ceiling.
“Huh.” He said, staring up at it. “Yeah, that’ll do it.”
“You won’t fit, dummy.” She told him with a sigh. “I can get you out, but I need to know you won’t run off the second I let you out.”
“Why?” Fives crossed his arms, looking her up and down. “What do you want from me?”
Ju’Lah hesitated, and for the first time, she seemed unsure of herself. “My bu – my guardian – is on his way here. He’s coming to kill you. All of you. And he won’t stop until he does.”
“So he sent you ahead to scout everything out for him?” Fives scoffed. “Thanks for healing me, kid. I guess your old man wanted a fair fight, eh?”
“No! Listen to me!” Ju’Lah stomped her foot, her fists balling up at her sides. “He doesn’t know I’m here. I snuck off after he left. I came to warn you, and to help you.” Her eyes filled with a heaviness that made Fives’ chest ache. Kriff, nobody as young as her should ever have a look like that.
“He’s… different.” She said quietly. “And it’s my fault, I made him put on the helmet, and I – I knew he wasn’t stable, ever since we left Coruscant and he found that apartment and started remembering things, he’s been different. He can’t tell what’s real, he’s seeing things, hearing things, and I should’ve – it’s getting worse, he’s not himself, anymore.” She sounded like she was close to tears. “He’s scary, and I can’t stop him. I can’t fix him.”
She looked up at Fives again.
“I need your help.” She admitted. “That – that other man, Rex. He’s the only one who can do it. It has to be him. Rex is the only one who can bring him back.”
“Bring who back?” Fives asked, narrowing his eyes. “Who is he? Who’s the guy in the mask?”
Ju’Lah squeezed her eyes shut, as though preparing herself to divulge a long-kept secret.
“I’m sorry, Buir.” She whispered. Then, after a deep breath, she reopened her eyes. “It’s -.”
Sirens suddenly blared all around them, red flashing light illuminating the corridor.
“Emergency protocol activated. Initiating lockdown sequence.”
“Kriff, that doesn’t sound good.” Fives growled. Ju’Lah grabbed his hand, closing her eyes for just a moment and focusing before the ray shield locking them in dissipated.
“Come on.” She told him urgently. “We need to find the others, quickly.”
Far above Fives and Ju’Lah, you and Rex began to exit the control room.
“Rex, wait – hang on!” You said, tugging on his hand to no avail.
“We need to find Fives, and find our armor.” Rex said. “They said they took him to the Underground.”
“Listen to me. We need to split up.” You told him, gripping your blaster tighter and finally managing to pull your hand free. Rex looked at you as though you’d grown a second head.
“On what planet do you think I’m letting you go anywhere on your own right now?!”
“Listen,” you insisted, keeping your voice as calm as you could. “I don’t like it either, but the guards will all be sidetracked with the Outlander. You can get Fives and get your gear. I can stay in the control room and watch the Outlander on the screens, keep an eye on his movements.” You said, jerking your head back towards the room you’d just come from. “There’s a control panel there, maybe I can undo the emergency lockdown. And we have to free the other captives too, we can’t just leave them here.”
Rex considered this, turning towards the lift for a moment and then turning back to you. “We won’t be able to get a transport out of here if the whole place is locked up tight.” He conceded.
“Exactly.” You said, relieved he was listening. “Renn and Drax are dead, and Thresh ran. I’ll be fine in there. I’ll seal the entrances and as soon as I see it’s clear, I’ll make a break for it.” You knelt down, taking the comms from Ren and Drax’s bodies, tossing one to Rex. “So we can stay in contact, and listen to the movements of the guards.”
Rex surged forward suddenly, cupping your cheeks in his hands and planting a kiss on your mouth. “Gods, you’re smart.” He said breathlessly. He kissed you again before pulling back at last, sliding the comm into his pocket and drawing a blaster alongside the Darksaber. “Do not leave this room until I tell you it’s clear.” He warned.
“I won’t.” you assured him. “I promise.”
Rex nodded, starting towards the door before pausing one more time.
“Cyare,” he began. “There’s – there’s something else I need to tell you. The Outlander, I –.”
The alarms blared loudly all over again, and the automated voice echoed again.
“Self-destruct sequence initiated. Self-destruct in T-Minus 30 minutes.”
“There’s no time!” You shouted to Rex over the alarms. “Go!”
The Captain nodded, turning and hurrying out the door once more.
You turned your attention onto the cameras, fumbling with the controls for just a moment until you learned how to toggle the screens, switching back and forth until you finally found the Outlander, zeroing in on him.
“I have eyes on him.” You called into the commlink. “He’s still making his way through the ground floor.”
You watched for a moment, horrified, as the Outlander wielded his staff effortlessly, cutting down anyone who got even remotely close to him. Even when the guards began to run, he hunted them down, one by one. “Kriff, Rex, he’s taken out every guard to come at him and he’s barely slowing down.”
Ju’Lah and Fives emerged from the Underground together, the child leading the way.
“They were on the top floor.” Fives called to her, sprinting to keep up. Despite her size, Ju’Lah was fast.
“Then we need to get there quickly!” She called back. “And we need to disable this damned security protocol! We won’t be able to get out of here if we don’t –.”
“Watch out!” Fives cut her off, snatching her up off the ground and darting down a side hallway right as blaster fire erupted into the hallway they’d just been. Guards had rounded the corner, and Ju’Lah wrenched herself free of Fives’s grasp, drawing her bow and peeking around the corner, quickly firing at the guards.
“Do you have an extra blaster?!” Fives shouted as Ju’Lah drew back again, narrowly missing getting hit.
“Where’s yours?!” She shot back.
“I was in a prison cell!”
“Then you better find a new one!”
Fives grumbled under his breath. “I liked you better when I had an excuse to shoot at you.”
Ju’Lah took out the last of the guards, and Fives surged forward, this time scooping up a discarded blaster from one of the bodies.
“We need to find our armor and weapons.” He told her. “I’m not going to be much help without it.”
Ju’Lah rolled her eyes. “I should’ve left you to rot in that cell, you’re just slowing me down.”
“Excuse me, I would’ve been just fine without you!” Fives snapped back.
“Please, you would’ve bled out long before anybody else came for you.”
“Oh I hate you, I hate you so much.” Fives muttered, but trailed along behind her anyway. “Mean, tiny little child.”
Ju’Lah suddenly froze, shooting her arm out so Fives couldn’t move past her, and a body flew past the open hall in front of them and slammed into the wall. A moment later, Gol’Chek rounded the corner.
“Oh, skrag.” Fives whispered, raising his blaster.
Blood glistened on his black armor, the mask on his face lined with back spatter, misted with red where he’d no doubt put his staff to use. In the low light of the hall, under the gleam of the red alarms, he looked even more frightening.
“Ju’Lah.” He hummed, cocking his head to one side. “It was foolish of you to leave the ship.”
“Go.” Ju’Lah said quietly to Fives, dark eyes trained on the intruder. “Go, find the others as quickly as you can.”
“Not a chance.” Fives growled back, keeping his blaster trained on Gol’Chek. “I’m not leaving you to deal with him by yourself.”
“He doesn’t want me, he wants you and the others.” Ju’Lah snapped. “I’ll be fine, but you need to run.”
“So good of you, little one, to round up our quarry.” Gol’Chek continued, taking a dangerous step forward. His voice was dark, distorted, unlike anything Ju’Lah had ever heard from him before. “I am glad we can finally begin to put this behind us.”
Ju’Lah sheathed her bow, instead reaching into her cloak and withdrawing a lightsaber, a brilliant white blade igniting from the hilt. She pointed it immediately towards Gol’Chek. “Stay back!”
He chuckled. “So, you’re a thief and a traitor now, Ju’Lah?” He mused. “What would your father think?”
“This wasn’t yours to keep.” She spat back. “And don’t you dare mention my father.” She softened slightly, but only for a moment. “My father… he wouldn’t do this. You wouldn’t do this. This isn’t you.”
He hummed. “This is tiresome.” He said, bored already of the conversation. “My patience is wearing thin. Step aside.”
“No.” Ju’Lah gripped the White Blade tighter, ears flattening back behind her head in warning. “This isn’t you. Something’s – something’s wrong with you, can’t you see? The things you see, the things you hear… they aren’t real.” She squared her shoulders.
“I said,” he lifted his staff, matching her stance with the Blade. “Step. Aside.”
The child stood her ground. “I won’t.”
“Then you will die.”
He turned abruptly, driving the staff into a control panel on his left, and the blast door directly behind Fives and Ju’Lah began to close.
“GO!” Ju’Lah whipped around, and a strong force threw Fives backwards through the descending door.
“Wait – no!”
He rose to his feet again, scrambling for the blaster, but he wasn’t quick enough.
The last thing he saw before the door slammed shut was the staff clashing with the White Blade.
Back in the control room, your fingers were flying over the keys, managing to unlock and release all of the other prison cells across the stronghold. You hoped the prisoners would all be able to find their own way out. If nothing else, at least the pandemonium would serve as a good distraction.
“I released the prisoners.” You reported to Rex. “Stay alert. I lost track of the Outlander.”
“I found our way out of here.” Rex reported back. “There’s a ship hangar, but we need to get the hangar doors open, looks like they shut during the lockdown. Can you reopen them?”
“Yes, I can try.” You said, fumbling with the controls again for a moment. You swore softly, finally jerking your head up to the screens again at the sound of commotion. “Did it work?”
“Yes! They’re rising!” Rex sounded relieved. “The other prisoners can escape this way as well.”
“All that’s left now is to find Fives and we can get out of here.” You said, a cautious smile creeping over your features. Maybe you would all survive this, after all.
“Stop!” Ju’Lah shouted, blocking the swing of his staff, but only just barely. “Buir, it’s me, it’s Ju’Lah! Lah’ika!” She was near-tears, frightened panic taking over her resolve. “Wake up!”
“Ignorant child.” Gol’Chek spat, swinging his staff at her again. “You think you can keep secrets from me? You think I haven’t sensed your betrayal, your contempt for me?!” He snarled, bashing the blunt end of the staff towards her head, which she narrowly blocked.
“You forget, little one,” He growled. “We live inside one another’s heads. Every thought you have, every secret you carry, every whisper of your mind – I know it too.” He clashed with her again, pinning her tiny body against the wall, threatening to push her blade into her own neck. “We are bound, Ju’Lah. There is nothing you can hide from me.”
Ju’Lah dropped to her stomach, bolting between his legs and circling around behind him, trying to slash at his knees with the Blade only to be blocked once more.
“Then hear me now!” She shouted at him, tears blurring her vision. “You know I’m telling you the truth! It’s in your head!”
She’s lying to you.
It’s a trick.
She’s on their side now.
They all deserve to die.
“Listen to me!” She cried again, shrieking as she narrowly dodged his staff once more. “Buir! Don’t!”
Kill her.
The staff collided with her at last, knocking her clear across the room and into the opposite wall. Her body slumped to the ground, motionless, the lightsaber clattering from her grip.
“See if there are cameras in the Underground.” Rex’s voice rattled through your commlink. “We need to figure out where Fives is.”
You quickly switched the view, trying to find footage of the Underground, but you had no idea what you were looking for. Instead, you flipped quickly from camera to camera, trying to find something familiar.
“I don’t – wait! I see him!” You zoomed in. Fives was alone, slinging a heavy-laden pack over his shoulder. He was back in his armor and was shoving Rex's in the pack as he moved. “He has your armor. He seems alright.”
“Good. I’ll head that way and try to link up with him. Do you see the Outlander?” Rex asked. “Once you know the coast is clear, start heading towards the hangar. Fives and I will meet you there.”
“Um…” You paused, scanning the cameras again and trying to find him. When you did, your heart thudded in your chest. “He’s… he’s standing over the kid. The little girl from the market on Kaller.” You relayed to him.
“What’s he doing?”
“He…” You swallowed, taking in the scene before you. “I think – it looks like she’s dead. Or – or just unconscious, I can’t tell. I think he attacked her.” Your voice cracked. “Why would he attack her? She’s a kid – I thought they were on the same team?”
“Where is he?”
“Looks like… the kid is on the main floor. He’s stepping away from her now. He’s moving towards the lift.” Your stomach sank. “Rex, I think he’s coming here.”
Rex was quiet on the other end, but you could hear his footsteps. It sounded like he was running.
“Can you get out?” he asked quickly. “Is there any other way out?”
“Yes.” You said, looking around quickly. “The passage Thresh went through. I just have to figure out how to activate it.”
The woman’s voice rang out around you again. “Self-Destruct in T-Minus 25 minutes.”
“Get out as soon as you can. Get to the hangar with Fives, and if I don’t arrive before the countdown ends, leave without me.”
“Rex?” You repeated, your voice more urgent now. “What is it? What are you doing?”
“I failed him once. I’m not going to do it again.”
“What are you talking about?!”
“I love you. I’ll see you soon.”
“Rex?!” The commlink fell silent. “Rex! Shit!” You flashed through the cameras again, trying to find where Rex was. Instead, all you found was The Outlander.
He had risen from the turbo lift, and sure enough, was bound right for where you were barricaded into the control room.
“Shit.” You swore again, looking around. Thresh had been near the control panel. There must be some kind of panic button nearby, something that triggered the secret passage to open -.
“Ah!” Your fingers caught on a small release switch hidden under the main console, and you flipped it quickly. The passage in the wall opened up once more, and you made a run for it, quickly sealing it behind you and descending down the steps before you.
Gol’Chek stalked through the halls, focused despite the incessant chatter of the voices swirling around in his head.
Kill them. That’s the only way to stop this once and for all.
They have it coming.
They left you behind.
Look what they turned you into.
Someone was shouting at him. Was it the Rex in his head? Was it you? He thought he saw you out of the corner of his eye, but when he turned it was just another trick of the light. Was that Ju’Lah calling for him now? No. She betrayed him. You should have killed her too.
He gripped the side of his head for just a moment, shaking himself before turning to the left. A long walkway bridged the two sections of the fortress, overlooking a massive chasm where the main reactors powering the facility were kept.
He made it nearly halfway before someone was shouting at him again.
“Shut up.” He whispered, gripping the railing tightly. “Shut up.”
Again, someone shouted. This time, it was a name. His name? No. That isn’t your name. We killed him, remember? That isn’t who you are anymore.
He wrenched his eyes open, straightening up. That voice was real.
He turned.
Rex stood on the opposite end of the walkway, one blaster trained on him and the Darksaber clutched in his fist.
“Take off your mask.” Rex shouted over the roar of the alarms. “I want to see you face to face.”
Gol’Chek hummed softly, and with one fluid movement, he obliged.
He pushed the skull mask upwards so it rested on the crown of his head. He wore a scowl, three jagged scars cutting across his features, a brilliant crimson rimming the amber of his eyes. He was different. Changed.
But Rex knew him all the same.
His blaster lowered almost at once. “Rose.” He repeated himself, his voice breaking. “It’s you.”
“What’s the matter, Captain?” Gol’Chek grinned, teeth flashing. “You look as though you’ve seen a ghost.”
“I thought you were dead.” Rex said. “Kriff, how – how are you alive?”
“Surprised to see me?” Gol’Chek asked, spreading his arms wide. “I would be too, especially after you looked me in the eye and left me to rot.”
Rex looked utterly heartbroken. “The last thing I wanted to do was leave you behind.” He said, reaching for his brother. “I have spent every day since wishing it was me and not you -.”
“LIAR!” He roared so loud that Rex took two steps back, gripping the blade tightly in his hand. “You think I didn’t see you? You think I didn’t know, all this time?”
“Rose –.”
“The way you looked at her.” He seethed. “The way – the way the two of you talk.” He grabbed at his head for a moment. “SHUT UP!” He shouted at something behind him.
“Rose…” Rex holstered his blaster, holding his free hand up in surrender. He kept the Darksaber lit but lowered below his hip. “Rose, listen to me.”
“No. No, I’m – I’m not listening to you anymore!” Gol’Chek snarled, snapping his head back towards Rex. “I’m tired of listening to you. It would’ve been so much easier for you if I’d stayed dead, right?” He chuckled, mania crawling into his expression.
“Of course not.” Rex hissed. “Nothing has been easy, Rose! Part of me died with you, part of her died that day!”
“I WASN’T DEAD!” He screamed. “You left me. Alive. You let the rocks and rubble bury me because you were too much of a coward to end it yourself, too weak to save your man!”
“I didn’t want to leave you!” Rex shouted back. “I hated myself for leaving you behind, Rose!”
“Look at what became of me!” Gol’Chek wailed, scraping a hand over his face. “Look at what I’ve become! Why couldn’t you have just killed me?! Isn’t that what you karking wanted?!”
“None of this is what I wanted!” Rex pleaded, cautioning a step closer. “Rose, please. This doesn’t have to end like this. We can talk, we can fix this, just – just come home.”
An explosion roared through the fortress, and the two men rocked on the platform for just a moment. The reactor below them groaned in muted agony, and fire licked its way into the lower corridors.
You’ve seen this before. You have foreseen it.
“Self-destruct in T-Minus 15 minutes.”
Kill him. Do it now.
“You left me for dead.” He whispered, sliding his staff out in front of him.
Remember your daughters. You might have still had a future with them if he hadn’t left you for dead.
“You stole… everything from me.” He snarled. “My future. My life. My family.”
With finality, he yanked his mask back down, concealing his face once more. “I’m taking it back.”
Rex braced himself, gripping the Darksaber tighter.
Behind the mask, he bared his teeth. What was his name? Did it matter anymore? Did anything matter anymore?
He would kill this man before him. Then it would be over. It would all be over.
He was already halfway across the walkway by the time Rex raised the Darksaber in defense, and the staff crashed down against his blade louder than a crack of blooming thunder.
“Kid. Kid, wake up.”
Ju’Lah whimpered slightly, eyes blinking open hazily as the man kneeling over her took shape.
“Oh thank kriff,” Fives sighed, rocking back on his heels. “Can you stand? Never mind, I’m carrying you.”
His arms were under her before she could make a sound, cradling her small form against his chest.
“You came back?”
“Damn right I came back, karking di’kut, I shouldn’t have left to begin with.” He griped. “Took way too long to get those kriffin’ doors open again. Can’t believe you pushed me out. What were you thinking, fighting him by yourself?”
Ju’Lah thunked her head lightly against his armor, humming quietly.
“You had enough time… to go get your armor, I see.”
“Well if I was going to take on that shabuir I needed a better gun.” Fives chuckled.
Ju’Lah barely responded, aching too much to speak. She knew her body was already working quickly to heal itself, but the pain was still great, greater even knowing who inflicted it upon her.
“It – it could’ve been worse.” She managed around a wince. “He was holding back.”
“That was him holding back?” Fives said, dumbfounded as he held her a little tighter, like he could protect her from Gol’Chek as long as she stayed in his arms.
“He’s still in there.” Ju’Lah murmured into his armor. “He’s fighting back.”
Fives shifted his grip on her so her head was tucked on his shoulder, her body nestled in the crook of his arm while his other hand drew his blaster, peering around the corner. “Hang in there, kid.” He whispered. “We’re getting out of here, and you’re coming with us.”
“No.” She protested, pushing slightly against him. “I gotta find him. I can’t – agh – I can’t go without him.”
“I’m not asking, I’m telling.” Fives replied. “You’re hurt, you can’t even walk, much less pick another fight.”
“Not gonna pick a fight.” She slurred slightly, eyes drifting shut again. Fives swore again, and a door suddenly wooshed open to his right, and he drew his blaster.
The stairs had led you down to the first floor, right near the hangar, and you’d popped out directly beside Fives.
“Oh, kriff!” He sagged slightly against the wall, relieved.
“What’s going on?” You demanded, rushing up to him and noticing the girl in his arms. “Is she –?”
“She’s alive, just banged up.” Fives said quickly, passing her over to you. “We need transport off this rock.”
“I know. Have you seen Rex?” You looked over his bloodied face and the slightly hunched way he carried himself. “Are you okay?”
“I’ll live, and I haven’t seen him.” Fives said as Ju’Lah weakly tried to get out of your grip. “Can you get us a ship?”
“What are you going to do?” You asked warily.
“Somebody’s gotta track down the Captain.” Fives said.
“No, no more splitting up!” You insisted. “Rex told me to find a ship and wait for him, with you.”
“You really want to leave him behind?” Fives snapped. “I’ve lost enough brothers, I’m not losing Rex too.”
With a sudden forcefulness, Ju’Lah wrenched herself free from your grasp. She had one arm wrapped around her midsection, clearly in pain and not nearly as fast as usual, but she still was far quicker than either of you, and she took off back down the hall in the direction you had come from.
“Kid – get back here!” Fives shouted after her, then grumbled. “I knew I should’ve smothered her when I had the chance.”
You gave chase even as the automated voice around you warned that you only had fifteen minutes left before the self-destruct sequence initiated.
Right as you rounded the corner to chase after her, you saw her flick her wrist, and a column of burning debris collapsed in front of you, blocking your path after her.
“Come on!” You shouted to Fives, turning back towards the hidden staircase. “I know another way around.”
Fire licked up around Rex as he grit his teeth, struggling to push back against the weight of Gol’Chek and his staff bearing down on him.
With a roar, he drove his foot into Gol’Chek’s abdomen, flinging him backwards long enough for Rex to scramble to his feet.
“Your name is Rose Sarad.” He said quickly. “You chose that name. You and Y/N, you chose it together.”
Rex blocked again as Gol’Chek took another swing. While he blocked the staff, he missed Gol’Chek’s fist swinging around from the right, clocking him hard in the jaw. Disoriented, Rex fell backwards, and barely rolled out of the way as Gol’Chek’s staff pierced the walkway where he’d been laying.
“Your name is Rose Sarad!” Rex repeated, scrambling to his feet again. “Your number was CT-25-7673. Your batchmates – you called yourselves Summit Squad. You had a twin, his name was Shout -.”
“ENOUGH!” Gol’Chek wrenched the staff free from the platform, clashing with Rex’s blade once more. The heat of the Darksaber was enough to singe Rex’s skin, so close to his body from how violently Gol’Chek pressed down against him.
“Your name is Rose Sarad!” Rex raised his voice, and broke the union of their blades, bringing it up again to block three quick strikes of Gol’Chek’s staff in succession. “Your batchmates were Shout, Dusk, Pip, and – kriff – Leo!”
Gol’Chek roared again, swiping the staff to the left, this time raising his wrist as the vibroblade disengaged from his holster. He slashed across Rex’s bicep and then again across his chest, the second strike just a graze as Rex was able to jump backwards in time.
Rex didn’t strike him back. He only blocked, only tried to disarm Gol’Chek, however he could.
“Your name… is Rose Sarad.” Rex said around a pant, leveling the Darksaber at the other man again. “You like music. That old pre-war osik you can only find on that diner jukebox – we went there together once. We had caff, and the woman behind the counter gave us Jogan tart for free.”
“I SAID SHUT UP!” The staff swiped through Rex’s legs this time, driving him once again to his back as he raised the Darksaber in the nick of time, avoiding getting his head bashed in by the blunt end of the other man’s weapon.
He was sitting in a booth. Red leather booth. Chipped caf mug. His ribs hurt – he had a still-healing wound there. His armor paint was fresh, brand new. 501st blue – no longer a shiny. Blond hair across from him, eyes tired but mouth quirked up in a smile. “How do you know the words to every kriffin’ song on that player, Rose?”
He blinked, and his distraction allowed for Rex to kick him off once again. Rex pushed him back a few feet, finally going on the offensive and forcing Gol’Chek further down the walkway as he struck at him.
“Your name is Rose Sarad!” Rex shouted with each swing of the blade. “You get tattoos after every mission you survive. Roses, all up and down your arms and back and legs. I went with you to get the one on your back, the one you got for your brother. I was there.”
The buzz of a tattoo gun. Pain, but only for a moment. Chin resting on the back of the chair, staring straight ahead. Neon light reflecting on peeling paint. Rex is sitting in a dingy chair across from him, arms folded and eyes focused.
Fire climbed higher around them, swallowing up the ground below them and inching ever closer towards the reactor.
You and Fives emerged from the hidden staircase, back in the main control room. It took you a frantic moment of prying the doors open – the control panel had long since ceased to function as smoke filtered into the room from lower levels – before the two of you were back out in the hallway.
“You take the left, I’ll take the right.” Fives said breathlessly. “We’ll meet in the middle. Go!”
Ju’Lah fought her way through the growing flames, licks of it clinging to her cloak as she ran before she finally shed it entirely, clamoring as fast as she could towards where she saw two men locked in combat, high above the flames.
“Your name is Rose Sarad.” Rex insisted again, his grip on the Darksaber wavering slightly, his prior injuries at the hands of the Trandoshans returning with a vengeance. “You – kriff, osik – you used to sneak onto the roof with her. You used to stay up there with her long past lights out.”
That roof. Wind in your hair. He’s kneeling. He’s asking you something. Something important.
“Your name is Rose Sarad.” Rex said again, gripping the railing of the bridge for stability. “You scrunch your nose when you smile and you bite your lip when you think. You used to sneak food from the canteen and bring it back to the barracks for the shinies fresh off the front who couldn’t even get themselves out of bed.”
Someone is crying. They haven’t even taken their armor off. They’re getting blood and dirt and battle grime on their cot. Rose is trying to convince them to eat something.
He remembered this. This was real.
“Your name is Rose Sarad, but your favorite flower is the – ah kark, what are they called – the snapdragons, the ones we saw on Naboo, and because of them, your favorite color is yellow.” Rex was cautious, disengaging the Darksaber and tucking it back onto his belt, taking a slow step forward. “You hate the sound of forks on the canteen trays, you’re the only vod besides Cody I trust with touching up my armor paint, and you’re the only kriffin’ person I let talk back to me.”
He huffed a small laugh, risking another step as Gol’Chek stayed still, eyes on Rex and yet they were hazy, unfocused.
“Your name is Rose Sarad.” He repeated. “You love the rain but hate getting your armor wet. You hate the way it gets through the cracks and soaks your blacks. You carry fresh socks with you in your pack and have a spare set to boot.”
He was just a few feet from him now, one hand outstretched as though trying to pat a wild animal.
“Your name is Rose Sarad.” He whispered. “You are the man who goes back and saves innocent people even if you’re the only one willing to do it. You are the man who tells your Captain dying doesn’t hurt just to make him feel better, even as he’s leaving you.” There are unshed tears burning in the back of Rex’s throat, but he presses on, mere inches away from Gol’Chek.
“Your name is Rose Sarad.” He touched Gol’Chek’s mask, thumb brushing over the bone. “You are my brother. You are my best friend.” He brought his other hand up to rest on the mask, looking him in the eye. “And I’m not going anywhere without you. Not this time.”
“I’m not leaving you behind.”
He’s back underground. The pipe is through his gut. He can’t breathe.
Rex eased the mask off his face. Set it aside. “Rose?” He began quietly, studying the other man’s wild eyes. They were unfocused, flitting rapidly from side to side.
They left you there to die.
Rex tossed a desperate look over his shoulder and wished he hadn’t. Rose was watching him, betrayal written across his features. In another instant, the debris collapsed in around him and Rose disappeared from sight. The Captain fought back, pushing against Fives and trying to return to his fallen brother.
“He’s gone, Rex! He’s gone!” Fives shouted over the roar of the building collapse, gripping the ascension cable with one hand and holding tight to Rex with the other. “Hang on!”
His hands were around Rex’s throat before the man could react, and he surged forward, pinning Rex underneath him. He drew one fist back, driving it into Rex’s face as hard as he could. He felt bones shatter under his knuckles, and drew back again, preparing another strike.
“Finish the mission!” Gol’Chek shouted in his face, hitting him again. “Do it right this time! Just let me die!” He punctuated his words with every strike of his fist. “Kill me! Kill me! Kill me!”
“It’s okay.”
He paused, bloodied fist raised over his head. Rex was wheezing, blood caked across his face and oozing steadily from his nose and mouth. He raised a shaking hand to Gol’Chek’s arm, not to push him off, not to fight him, but to hold him.
“It’s okay.” Rex repeated, his voice thick. “It’s okay.”
He was frozen. He wanted to hit him again, wanted to tighten the hand that was still around his throat. All it would take was a twist, or a slow squeeze, or hells, he could slash Rex’s throat open and be done with it. It could be quick. It could all be over. But Gol’Chek hesitated.
“Your name… is Rose Sarad.” Rex wheezed again, blood fluttering over his lips and spattering across his chin. He lifted his hand further up Gol’Chek’s arm, settling his palm flat against the warrior’s cheek, cradling him. “You know who you are.”
He is in 79’s.
A woman starts to sit down a few seats away from him, and he chuckles, raising his voice.
“I wouldn’t do that if I were you.”
You look indignant. “It’s a bar.” You say when you finally find your voice. “Am I not allowed to order a drink?”
“No, I mean I wouldn’t sit in that stool.” He replies, tilting his drink towards the stool you’d been about to occupy. “Saw a shiny piss himself in that seat a few minutes ago. Guess he’d had a few too many.”
She’s smart-mouthed, he thinks. And pretty.
You wrinkle your nose at the seat, and he fights off a laugh as you speak. “Is that a common occurrence?”
He takes another drink. “You must be new here.”
You step up beside him. Motion to the seat at his immediate left. “Nobody peed on this one, right?”
“Not tonight.”
The bartender slides a whiskey in front of you, and he’s impressed.
“Strong drink.” He says, glancing up at you again. “You the nervous type?”
“Just a lot of strangers.” You say cagily. You turn, like you’re looking for someone, and he sticks out his hand to you.
“What’s your name?”
You look back at him.
“I’m Rose.” He shakes your hand, and he grins. “Now we aren’t strangers anymore.”
His hold on Rex’s neck fell slack, the crimson haze across his eyes fading away until nothing remains but sweet honey. He felt warmth on his face, something wet rolling down his cheeks and sticking to Rex’s fingers. He worried, for just a moment, that he was bleeding, until he leaned further into Rex’s hand.
He was crying.
“…Rex.” He managed weakly, his face crumpling as his shoulders slumped, cheek pressing further into Rex’s palm. “Rex.”
The Captain managed a smile, and sagged with relief. “Hey, brother.” He breathed. “We’re -.”
The blaster bolt ripped through Gol’Chek’s chest from behind, gliding cleanly over Rex’s head as Gol’Chek’s eyes widened in surprise.
A second one, this time through his shoulder, forcing him halfway into a slump over Rex.
“No.” Rex whispered, his other hand flying up to grab at Gol’Chek’s cheeks. “No. No. No, no, no! NO!”
A third hits him squarely in the back, and this time the bolt exited through his chest and grazed Rex’s shoulder. “STOP!” Rex shouted at the would-be attacker, wrapping his arms around Gol’Chek and trying to flip them over, using his own body as a shield. “STOP IT! DON’T SHOOT HIM!”
Your jaw was set, your blaster trained squarely on the Outlander as he knelt over Rex, your Captain, your love, the father of your child.
You fired yet again, aiming for the back of Outlander’s head but it stuck his upper bicep instead as Rex moved. Rex had already shifted his grip, cradling the man against his chest and ripping his own blaster from its holster, firing once at you. His aim was impeccable, even from a distance, even when injured, and he shot the blaster cleanly from your hand with only a small burn on your wrist to show for it.
On the other side of the bridge, Fives had emerged, his blaster also raised. While Rex had shifted Gol’Chek away from you, and disarmed you from afar, he hadn’t noticed Fives, and Fives had a clear shot right at Gol’Chek’s slumping head.
Time seemed to move in slow motion. Rex registered the sound of the blast but not quick enough to adjust his grip, not quick enough to shield his Lieutenant, not quick enough, not strong enough, not enough–.
The bolt collided instead with the White Blade, and Ju’Lah planted herself on the platform firmly between Fives and the pair of clones.
“I got him! I hit him!” You shouted, scrambling for your blaster again as Fives started forward. “Did I kill him?”
“Rose.” Rex sat up slightly, gripping the other man’s cheeks. “No, fuck, please, not again, I’m not kriffin’ doing this again!”
You skidded to a stop a few feet away, your eyes finally landing on the unmasked Outlander as Rex rolled him over. Fives joined you only a beat later, looking down at him from the other side.
“Maker,” Fives whispered, his blaster clattering to the ground in shock. “That’s – it’s impossible.”
You stared down at the familiar face on the body cradled in Rex’s arms, locked eyes with the Outlander, free from behind the mask for the first time since you’d met.
The eyes of the man who dragged you from the burning Lounge.
The eyes of the man whose hand brushed over the ring around your neck for just a moment before he’d fled.
The eyes of the man who you thought was dead.
The man you loved. The man you still love.
The man you shot.
Someone was screaming. You thought it might have been you.
What have you done?
“Get out of my way.” Ju’Lah snapped, shoving roughly at Rex. “I said move!”
She had to pry Rex’s fingers off of Gol’Chek, dropping to her knees beside him as her hands immediately flew to his chest, where the worst of the damage was. “I’m here, I’m right here.” She told him quietly, pressing her palms flat against the blaster wound. She closed her eyes, trying to focus, but the roar of the alarms and the scent of smoke, the rising flames that were now dangerously close to the reactor, all made Attunement difficult.
“What – what is she doing?” You asked, finally snapping out of your stupor and dropping beside him. “What are you doing?!”
“Shut up.” She hissed, squeezing her eyes shut tighter and trying to focus. She was injured too, her body working overtime to try and heal both of them. “I’m – I’m not strong enough.” She said softly, pulling her bloody hands away and instead turning to Fives. “Carry him.” She ordered. “We have to get back to our ship. I can help him better there.”
Fives didn’t hesitate. He stooped, gathering Gol’Chek’s prostrate form into his arms while Rex grabbed his staff for him. You helped him up, letting the Captain halfway lean on you as the five of you hurried back towards the control room.
“Fire’s completely taken over the lift, the stairs might be our only way out.” Fives called to Ju’Lah as she led the group.
“T-Minus 5 minutes to self-destruct.”
“Hurry.” She said, motioning for the four of you to go through first as she brought up the rear. The smoke thickened as soon as you were halfway down the stairs, and as you pushed open the door at the bottom floor, you were greeted by a wall of fire.
“We’re trapped!” You shouted over your shoulder. “There’s no way out!”
“We’ve gotta go through it!” Fives called back. “That reactor’s going to blow any minute!”
“Move.” Ju’Lah shoved her way to the front again, extending both her hands. It took a moment, but slowly, the fire began to part, forming a path.
“Go!” She gritted out. “I can’t – I can’t hold it for long!”
You quickly moved through the wall of flame, still supporting Rex while Fives forged ahead, keeping Gol’Chek clutched close.
“Ju…” He mumbled against Fives, barely conscious. “Ju’Lah…”
“She’s right behind us.” Fives promised. “Hang in there, vod, we’re getting you out.”
The four of you managed to make it out of the hangar at long last, and you gasped, starting to collapse against the grass only for Rex to tug you back to your feet.
“We need to get out of range.” He gritted, voice thick with the blood still streaming steadily from his brutalized face. “It’s gonna blow, we need to move.”
You turned over your shoulder. Gol’Chek had shoved himself free of Fives, trying and failing to rise to his feet to go back into the fire. “JU’LAH!!!”
The fire crackled as it swallowed up the hangar, and the girl was nowhere in sight.
“Let go of me.” He snarled up at Fives, already wavering between consciousness and unconsciousness. “I gotta – I have to get her – I gotta get her –.”
Fives set him down as you and Rex turned, trying to grab his arms and drag him away from the blast zone.
“NO!” Gol’Chek roared, but his struggles were uncoordinated, slowed by his injuries. “I can’t leave her – Ju’Lah!!”
Fives yanked his helmet free from the bag of armor he’d slung over his shoulder, pulling it on quickly.
“Fives – what are you doing? FIVES!”
Your cries fell on deaf ears as Fives turned, sprinting back into the burning structure.
“We have to move back!” Rex roared over the fire, still half-dragging Gol’Chek and tugging insistently on your arm. “Back! Now!”
You kept your eyes fixed on the inferno, waiting for Fives to reemerge.
An agonizing minute went by, the sounds of the structure collapsing as fire swallowed it whole and internal explosions ricocheting through the building deafening you even as you struggled to move further back, away from the carnage.
At last, Fives leapt out of the fire, armor singed in soot and smoke sizzling through burns singed through his blacks, but Ju’Lah was clutched firmly to his chest, his head ducked and running for his life.
“It’s gonna blow!” He shouted.
Rex felt a hand around his leg and glanced down. Gol’Chek reached up for him, straining despite his grave wounds.
“My staff.” He gritted out. “Give it to me.”
Rex trusted his brother, passing the weapon over quickly. Gol’Chek managed to push himself up into a kneeling position, blaster wounds still faintly sizzling on his back.
“Get behind me.”
Rex turned to you, wrapping his arms tightly around you and sinking down behind Gol’Chek, pressing his back against the other man’s as Fives sank to a crouch behind him as well, Ju’Lah still shielded in his grip.
Gol’Chek drove his staff into the ground, gripping it tightly in both fists as the structure finally exploded, fire sweeping over them in a wave.
Rex squeezed his eyes shut, shocked when he wasn’t burned alive instantaneously, and cautiously reopened his eyes.
A faint silver light emitted from Gol’Chek’s staff, one hand fisting the neck of the weapon while the other was outstretched towards the flames, holding them at bay. It was hot. Way too hot, hot to the point that it hurt to breathe, but they did not burn.
The warrior grit his teeth, straining against the force of keeping the shield up, and Rex shifted his weight, pushing back against Gol’Chek, giving him something to brace against.
A second set of hands outstretched beside Gol’Chek, and Ju’Lah moved shakily beside him, pushing back against the flames with all her might.
As the explosion subsided, the flames retreating to devour the singed trees and what remained of the structure, Gol’Chek slumped forward, Ju’Lah following suit. While the girl managed to remain semi-upright, Gol’Chek collapsed, body hitting the dirt with a final dull thud, finally letting his eyes slip closed.
They were alive.
He kept them alive.
Tag List: @canesjedi31 @dar-manda-rjct @pro-fangirls-unsocial-life @gotomarvelgal @embarrassedauthornerd @djarrex @chromia7567 @kaorikoizumi @cheesemachine44 @bubblyacey @a-c-lee @kirinpl @coffeeandtodd @matchxd @the-girl-of-rain-and-shadows @salaminus @space-b33 @raeshinfandomblog @taz-107 @badbatch-simp24 @rintheemolion @frietiemeloen @lottemoppie13 @ladykatakuri @fat-zygerrian @ashotofspotchka @paige6768 @mackyyii @imrelatedtothe501st @frankiescap @letitrainathousandflames @theroguesully @sammi9498 @bobafettuccini @baba-fett @megafrost4 @captainrexsfuturewife @nyravioppri @galacticgraffiti @starwarsmeninhelmets @thegirlwhosesilencespeaksloudest @whore4rex @droids-you-are-looking-for @boomtowngirl @remadster @itsagrimm​
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What Blooms in Thunder: Chapter Ten
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(banner by @canesjedi31)
Summary: The trio reunites with a person from your past, and you meet some new allies - and new enemies. In the past, Gol’Chek confronts his future.
Chapter Rating: Mature 
Warnings: Pregnancy mention, discussions of pregnancy, violence, gore, lots and lots of angst, you’re going to cry a lot babes. Gol’Chek is once again unhinged.
Ships: Captain Rex x Female!Reader,  Lieutenant Rose x Female!Reader, other ships tbd.
Tags: #What Blooms in Thunder #WBIT
Word Count: 13.5k (I’m sorry these chapters have been so fucking long omg)
A/N: I changed the Bad Batch’s design (Echo’s in particular) because I think the animated designs for them are terrible lmao.  Also Hunter has curls because I said so. Have some Dad!Rose and Dad!Rex content you didn’t know you needed. Have some Unwell!Gol’Chek to make you cry.
If I missed anything in the warnings/tags that you feel should be included, please let me know.
Thank you @djarrex for beta-reading!
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What Blooms in Thunder: Chapter Ten
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(banner by @canesjedi31)
Summary: The trio reunites with a person from your past, and you meet some new allies - and new enemies. In the past, Gol’Chek confronts his future.
Chapter Rating: Mature 
Warnings: Pregnancy mention, discussions of pregnancy, violence, gore, lots and lots of angst, you’re going to cry a lot babes. Gol’Chek is once again unhinged.
Ships: Captain Rex x Female!Reader,  Lieutenant Rose x Female!Reader, other ships tbd.
Tags: #What Blooms in Thunder #WBIT
Word Count: 13.5k (I’m sorry these chapters have been so fucking long omg)
A/N: I changed the Bad Batch’s design (Echo’s in particular) because I think the animated designs for them are terrible lmao.  Also Hunter has curls because I said so. Have some Dad!Rose and Dad!Rex content you didn’t know you needed. Have some Unwell!Gol’Chek to make you cry.
If I missed anything in the warnings/tags that you feel should be included, please let me know.
Thank you @djarrex for beta-reading!
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What Blooms in Thunder: Chapter Nine (READ WARNINGS)
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Banner courtesy of @canesjedi31​
Hello everyone! Just like Chapter 9 of BAON, Chapter 9 of WBIT is also VERY heavy with warnings and potential triggers. Please read the warnings and tags carefully before proceeding. 
Summary: A month after joining the Rebellion, you notice something about yourself. Meanwhile, Rex makes an important discovery, and Gol’Chek grapples with people from his past. 
Chapter Rating: EXPLICIT (MINORS DNI, 18+ ONLY)
Warnings: Unprotected PiV x2 (You get TWO smut scenes this chapter, besties), implied prostitution, hate-fucking (?), choking, descriptions of self-harm, suicide mention, graphic descriptions of violence and gore, pregnancy mention, references to pregnancy termination, one (1) mild reference to p*dophilia, smoke inhalation/suffocation. 
Ships: Captain Rex x Female!Reader,  Lieutenant Rose x Female!Reader, other ships tbd.
Tags: #What Blooms in Thunder #WBIT
Word Count: 15.3k (*slaps chapter* this bad boy can fit so much drama in it)
A/N: Once again, please read the warnings CAREFULLY and please tag appropriately in reblogs. If there is anything you don’t feel comfortable reading or would like more details on before proceeding, feel free to DM me and I can summarize the chapter for you or give you details before you read.
If I missed anything in the warnings/tags that you feel should be included, please let me know. 
Thank you @djarrex​ for beta-reading!
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Hola, seguramente notaron que no estoy actualizando la traducción de By Any Other Name (Por Cualquier Otro Nombre). Bueno, primera cosa, me gustaría decir que mil disculpas a los que están esperando los otros capítulos. Entre Noviembre y este mes, estuve demasiado ocupado con el colegio y otras actividades, lo cual no me dio tiempo de escribir. También tuve muchos problemas con mi salud mental, pero ahora estoy un poco mejor.
Esta semana ni la siguiente lograré traducir más capítulos porque estoy en época de exámenes finales. Sin embargo, después del 16 de diciembre, voy a estar de vacaciones, y lograré actualizar PCON ¡Esperense el Capítulo 3 el 18 de diciembre!
Si quieren PCON en su traducción original, vayan a @rowansparrow y @rowansparrow-writing y RowanSparrow en Ao3
Hi, y'all probably noticed that I didn't update the translation of BAON. Well, firstly, I'd like to say I'm really sorry to those who are waiting for the other chapters. In between November and this month, I have been extremely busy with school and other activities, which didn't give me enough time to write. I also had a lot of issues with my mental health, but now I am a bit better
Neither this week or next week I will translate more chapters because I have final exams. However, after the 16th, I will be on break, and I will get to update Por Cualquier Otro Nombre. Expect chapter 3 on December 18!
If you want to read Por Cualquier Otro Nombre in its original language, go to @rowansparrow and @rowansparrow-writing and RowanSparrow on Ao3
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Me after reading this chapter:
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I actually predicted many of the things on this chapter, and now I am ascending in my knowledge
Okay, so when I was looking through What Blooms in Thunder when it released on Ao3, I was looking through the tags and I saw a tag which said: "I diagnose Rex with dad". "it's what he deserves". At first I was like: huh that's weird. Then I went to Tumblr to see the fic, and I noticed something weird on its cover: a picture of a pregnant woman. "Wait a minute," I thought to myself that day. "That cannot be a coincidence." As I began to read more and more of WBIT, I started to connect the pieces, and I talked to my friends (who are also reading it) and told them about my theory: Y/N was gonna get pregnant with Rex's child. We kept talking about it as more chapters go released, and when we were reading Chapter 9, I went crazy. Y'all would've seen my face when I got to the part where Y/N starts feeling *nauseous*
ny actual reaction pics on discord:
(yes, this was when I was reading it)
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What Blooms in Thunder: Chapter Nine (READ WARNINGS)
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Banner courtesy of @canesjedi31​
Hello everyone! Just like Chapter 9 of BAON, Chapter 9 of WBIT is also VERY heavy with warnings and potential triggers. Please read the warnings and tags carefully before proceeding. 
Summary: A month after joining the Rebellion, you notice something about yourself. Meanwhile, Rex makes an important discovery, and Gol’Chek grapples with people from his past. 
Chapter Rating: EXPLICIT (MINORS DNI, 18+ ONLY)
Warnings: Unprotected PiV x2 (You get TWO smut scenes this chapter, besties), implied prostitution, hate-fucking (?), choking, descriptions of self-harm, suicide mention, graphic descriptions of violence and gore, pregnancy mention, references to pregnancy termination, one (1) mild reference to p*dophilia, smoke inhalation/suffocation. 
Ships: Captain Rex x Female!Reader,  Lieutenant Rose x Female!Reader, other ships tbd.
Tags: #What Blooms in Thunder #WBIT
Word Count: 15.3k (*slaps chapter* this bad boy can fit so much drama in it)
A/N: Once again, please read the warnings CAREFULLY and please tag appropriately in reblogs. If there is anything you don’t feel comfortable reading or would like more details on before proceeding, feel free to DM me and I can summarize the chapter for you or give you details before you read.
If I missed anything in the warnings/tags that you feel should be included, please let me know. 
Thank you @djarrex​ for beta-reading!
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What Blooms in Thunder: Chapter Eight
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Banner by @hockeyjedi13
Summary: After losing the trio on Kaller, Gol’Chek is forced to confront memories that he’d rather keep buried. Meanwhile, Rex, Fives, and reader meet Athena Brisbane, a rebel captain. 
Chapter Rating: Mature
Warnings: Violence, angst, like HEAVY angst, some significant gore/nightmare sequences.
Ships: Captain Rex x Female!Reader,  Lieutenant Rose x Female!Reader, other ships tbd.
Tags: #What Blooms in Thunder #WBIT
Word Count: 9.3k
A/N: Get ready to meet Summit Squad :,) 
Thank you @djarrex​ for beta-reading!
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What Blooms in Thunder: Chapter Seven
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(Banner Courtesy of @hockeyjedi13​)
Summary: Worlds collide as Gol’Chek, Ju’Lah, and the trio all finally cross paths. However, Gol’Chek and Ju’Lah aren’t the only ones hunting them down.
Chapter Rating: Teen
Warnings: Violence, angst, swearing, not a whole lot of warnings this time around, friends. 
Ships: Captain Rex x Female!Reader,  Lieutenant Rose x Female!Reader, other ships tbd.
Tags: #What Blooms in Thunder #WBIT
Word Count: 7.1k
A/N: I’m sorry this took almost a whole month to update. I have been going through a lot in my personal life, and I’m grateful to everyone who still supports this work. <3 
Thank you @djarrex​ for beta-reading!
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I made a quiz to assign you a bad batch member, it’s pretty random but fun!
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Por cualquier otro nombre (By Any Other Name)- Capítulo 2: Las luces se encienden
Escrita por: @rowansparrow @rowansparrow-writing traducida al Español por: @mofftarkinsthunderthighs
Esta historia NO ES de mi propiedad, le pertenece a RowanSparrow (Ao3) y @rowansparrow @rowansparrow-writing en Tumblr. Esto es solo una traducción. Todos los créditos van a Rowan.
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(Cover creada por @hockeyjedi13​)
Clasificación: M
Advertencias: Descripciones gráficas de violencia, muerte de personaje 
Ships: Rex x lectora, Fives x lectora, Echo x lectora, Clon OC x lectora, etc.
Tags: #ByAnyOtherName, #BAON
Palabras: 2k
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Resumen: Es la noche de apertura en El Salón Rosa, y los clones están aquí para pasarla bien. Pero una cara de tu pasado reaparece, y trae una serie de memorias.
Abriste tu camino a codazos a través de multitudes de personas, haciendo todo lo posible por no derramar licor sobre ti mientras te movías, una tarea casi imposible viendo como toda la gente en el club estaba aplastada en la pista de baile mientras las luces estroboscópicas brillaban por encima. 
–¡FIVES!– gritaste sobre la música, finalmente recurriendo a codear más violentamente para llegar al centro de la pista. Obviamente, ese bastardo estaba en medio de la multitud, con lindas perlas azules envueltas en su cuello y en sus hombros, y su pelo empapado en… ¿Sudor? ¿Alcohol? ¿Alguna combinación impía de los dos? Lo que sea que era, hizo que sus rizos se peguen a su frente. 
–¡Nena! él gritó y sonrió, blandiendo su botella de licor caro.–¡Todos están amando esto!
–¡Esto no es una inauguración calmada!– gritaste de vuelta. Tuviste dificultad manteniendo tu equilibrio cuando el trasero de un clon chocó con tu espalda.–¡Tiene que haber 200 personas aquí adentro! ¡Tal vez más! Solo tenías que invitar a unas cuantas personas de la 501!– Viste la botella en su mano.–¡Esa es vodka Alderaania de primera calidad! ¡Cada botella cuesta casi 75 créditos!
–¡Entonces es bueno que sea lo suficientemente alto para alcanzarla!– Fives replicó, tirando la botella hacia atrás. 
–Eso no es lo que...– frotaste tus manos sobre tu cara en exasperación y procesaste la audacidad de tu amigo borracho. Lo ibas a matar, así de simple. Fives era un maldito hombre muerto. 
Tu cara involuntariamente se frunció mientras salías de la pista a codazos, yendo apresurada detrás del bar. Los meseros que contrataste la peleaban para apurarse. Afortunadamente, parecía que todo estaba más o menos bajo control. La mayoría del caos venía de la pista de baile. 
Trepaste sobre una banqueta y examinaste el club. Fives, ese borracho hijo de puta, estaba rodeado de clones, en distintas etapas de desvestimiento. De los pedazos de armadura que pudiste localizar, parecían azules de la 501, naranjas de la 212 y amarillo del batallón del Comandante Bly, la 327.  
Entrecerraste tus ojos para ver mejor. No… ese era Bly. 
Fuiste a las mesas elegantes distribuidas en las esquinas del club. La mayoria de la gente estaba reunida en la mesa más grande, en donde el Comandante Wolffe y el Comandante Cody estaban en un juego de manos. Podías ver a Waxer y Boil parados detrás de Cody, incitándolo junto con Crys y Wooley. Los labios de Wolffe se fueron para atrás en en casi gruñido mientras Boost, Sinker y otro soldado que no reconocías– creías que su nombre era Comet– saltaban arriba y abajo, gritando igual de fuerte. Los espectadores se pusieron alrededor para ver el icónico enfrentamiento.  
Las otras mesas estaban ocupadas por ambos ciudadanos y clones. 
Localizaste a Echo en un momento raro, cuando no estaba pegado a su gemelo. En lugar, estaba sentado cómodamente con un twiĺek, un brazo colgando flojamente en el canapé mientras hablaba. 
Maldijiste de nuevo, metiéndote entre canapés y mesas antes de ir al bar de vuelta, está vez en el otro lado. Te arriesgaste a pararte en la banqueta de nuevo, examinando el otro lado del bar. 
Hardcase y Jesse estaban cerca de la cabina del DJ. Parecían estar discutiendo con el DJ, pero alrededor de 10 segundos después, los dos se dieron los cinco y un tema popular de baile rugió por todo el club. Esto resultó en los gritos y aplausos más ruidosos de los clones que escuchaste en tu vida. 
Viste abajo y Kix te sonrió. Te ofreció su mano. 
–No es que no disfrute la oportunidad de ver bajo tu vestido.– dijo con una ceja levantada. –Pero me preocupaba un poco que te ibas a caer.
Tomaste tu mano agradecidamente, bajándote rápidamente con su ayuda.–Esto es mucho más gente de la que planeé.–le dijiste, con tu voz un poco ronca por los constantes gritos sobre la música. 
–Se corrió la voz acerca del club.– Kix rió un poco.–Una vez que Fives abrió su bocota, la mitad de la GAR ya sabía. 
Te quejaste, agarrando tus mejillas enrojecidas en frustración. Kix volteó sus ojos a tu estrés antes de llamar a un mesero. 
–Un trago para T/N, por favor.– Kix dijo.
–¿Me estás pidiendo una bebida en mi propio club?–preguntaste, sin mirar a Kix. En lugar de eso, mirabas la entrada principal, donde viste al Comandante Fox entrar. El clon en armadura roja tuvo un pequeño vistazo del club lleno, asintiendo antes de darse la maldita vuelta y salir del edificio. 
–Parece que te vendría bien una.– Kix respondió, con una pequeña risa. Su sonrisa se agrandó, como si algo detrás de ti le llamó su atención.–Fives está desnudo. No te des la vuelta.
–Él… ¿qué?– Te diste la vuelta.
Fives de alguna manera llegó al escenario que estaba al fondo del club. Tu intención original para el escenario era para tener shows privados y conciertos para los clones– tal vez ocasionalmente tener algún tipo de entretenimiento más arriesgado como un show de strippers cruzó tu mente una o dos veces– pero ahora Fives ya se subió ahí, y estaba con nada más que su kama y esas malditas perlas azules. Sus caderas desnudas se movían al tempo de la música y mostró su despabilado culo a toda la GAR. Tuviste un pequeño vistazo de su  __ por parte de Jesse, que solo estaba en los pantalones negros que lo protegian de su armadura, bailando en frente de Fives mientras Hardcase se subió al escenario para unirse. 
 Kix se rió de nuevo, dándote la bebida.–¿No era lo que tenías en mente, amor? Él bromeó. 
De vuelta en la entrada, Fox reluctantemente fue arrastrado por Thorn y Hound, seguidos por Thire. Ausentemente, te preguntaste si Stone tuvo la mala suerte de tener que quedarse por hacer papeleo. 
–Por nada del mundo.– suspiraste en derrota. Agarraste la bebida y te la tomaste en un solo trago. Kix arqueó una ceja al ver eso. 
–Si no puedes vencerlos,–dijiste, golpeando el vaso sobre la mesa.–Únete a ellos.
–Ese es el espíritu, Kix asintió, apoyándose sobre el bar.–Ay no, Jesse se está quitando los pantalones...– Kix entendió su mano a medias.–No...parala, no hagas eso.– Arrastró sus palabras con apatía irónica antes de encoger sus hombros, apoyándose de vuelta para tomar otro sorbo de su bebida. –Muy tarde. 
Como si de repente recordara su rol de médico en el grupo, el clon levantó su voz. –¡Si alguien se cae de ese escenario, se van a poner su maldita bacta solos! ¡Estoy fuera de servicio!
Dudaste que los muchachos lo podían escuchar, pero igual sonreíste, yendo detrás del bar para ayudar a preparar las bebidas. 
Los clones estaban gritando la letra de la canción en unísono. No pudiste evitar reírte al notar a Fives dirigiendo el cantar del escenario, flanqueado por un semi desnudo Hardcase y Jesse. Ah bueno. Se estaban divirtiendo, y eso era lo que importaba. 
Los gritos de tu izquierda señalaron que el enfrentamiento de juego de manos terminó, y la manera en la que los soldados de la 212 brincaban te indicaron que el Comandante Mariscal Cody ganó.
Sacudiste tu cabeza afectuosamente y viste a la Guardía de Coruscant sentándose en una mesa lo más lejos posible de la acción. 
–¿Maralei?–llamaste a una de tus meseras. –Lleva a los chicos de ahí algunas bebidas. La casa invita.
–Por supuesto.–Ella sonrió y se puso a trabajar. 
Luego volviste al bar, y te detuviste en tus pistas, tu estómago cayendo hasta el piso, porque alguien llamó tu atención.
El clon en frente tuyo se desplazó, su casco sostenido firmemente a su lado. Intento mirar a cualquier lado menos a ti, pero a la vez no podía quitar su vista de la tuya...indefensa, esperanzada.
Su lengua salió disparada hacia sus labios mojados y aclaró su garganta. Incluso con el zumbido de la música, los gritos y la cacofonía de sonidos alrededor tuyo, la voz del Capitán Rex sonó cierta como un acorde perfecto. 
–Ha… pasado bastante tiempo, T/N.
Abriste la puerta, y tu sonrisa se perdió levemente cuando viste quién estaba al otro lado. El Capitán Rex se quitó el casco lentamente, sosteniéndolo a su lado. Lo sabías, lo sabías incluso antes de que él hablara. Lo podías ver en sus ojos. 
–No –Sacudiste tu cabeza hacia los lados, con lágrimas formándose en tus ojos antes de que pudieras detenerlas.–Estás mal. No lo digas. No- no es cierto. 
–Lo siento.– Él susurró. –Lo siento muchísimo…
–¡No es cierto! Sacudiste tu cabeza más rotundamente que antes. Te agarraste el pelo, tus uñas escarbando en tu cuero cabelludo mientras tus manos pasaron por tu cara. –¡ESTÁS MINTIENDO!
–¡T/N!– Rex agarró tus muñecas, jalandolas suavemente de tu cara mientras te instaba a que volvieras a tu apartamento, cerrando la puerta detrás de él. –T/N, para-
–¡NO!! ¡NO! ¡MIENTES!– Sintiendo la primitiva necesidad de luchar contra él, como si su partida cambiaría las noticias inevitables, golpeaste tus puños contra su pecho. Era inutil. Aunque él estaba sin armadura, dudabas que podrías lastimarlo.–¡ESTÁS MINTIENDO! ÉL VA A VOLVER!
–T/N...– Rex te agarro por los bíceps suavemente mientras te hundiste contra él, sollozos destrozando tu cuerpo. 
–Él va a volver.– Lloraste, tu frente apoyada en el pecho de Rex. –Tiene que volver… lo prometió. Él dijo que vendría a casa… ¡a mi!
–Ya no está, T/N. Rose está-
Alguien empezó a gritar: un grito primitivo, horrendo, desgarrador grito que sonaba como si fuera arrancado de la misma fibra del alma de una persona. Te diste cuenta que eras tú. 
Tus rodillas se rindieron y te hundiste en el suelo. Rex te deja caer y te agarra en sus brazos, meciéndote hacia adelante y atrás en un gesto tierno, desesperado en traerte algún tipo de comfort. 
–Lo siento mucho, lo siento mucho, T/N...– Él susurró, metiendo tu cabeza debajo de su mentón. Oíste su voz temblar mientras lo repetía.–Lo siento mucho. 
–Ha… pasado bastante tiempo, T/N.
Te sacaste de tu estupor, finalmente rompiendo el contacto visual con el Capitán Rex y volviendo a las bebidas. 
–Me sorprende verte aquí.– Tu voz era cortante, un poco más dura de lo que pretendías. 
–Sí, yo eh...– Él se frotó su mano en la parte de atrás de su cuello.–Fives mencionó una pequeña reunión… aunque parece que esto es más involucrado que eso.
Resoplaste una risa, pero negaste a ver su mirada. Forzaste a tus manos a quedarse firmes mientras le servías su bebida favorita. 
–Me sorprende que la recuerdas.–Rex dijo mientras le diste el vaso
–Es un hábito, creo. 
Rex se quedó callado ante eso y miró su bebida antes de tomar un sorbo lento. Sentías que tenías que decir algo, cualquier cosa para romper la tensión formándose a través del cuarto, pero no podías hacer que ni una palabra salga. 
 Rex parecía que estaba peleando una pequeña batalla. Después de un momento, él finalmente te miro, abrió su boca para hablar, pero fue interrumpido antes de que dijera una palabra. 
–¡Capitán! ¡Lo lograste!– Fives lanzó su brazo alrededor de los hombros del Capitán.–Finalmente decidiste parar de esconderte en tu litera, ¿no?
–Kriff. Fives, ¿dónde está tu ropa?– Rex se alejó de Fives, dándole un fuerte empujón. 
–Por ahí–respondió Fives, vagamente, apoyándose en el bar, meneando sus caderas mientras movía sus cejas en tu dirección. –¿Cómo lo que ves?
–Quita tus brazos sudorosos de mi bar.–le dijiste pellizcando su bicep levemente. Estaba manchado con pintura corporal ahora, con una familiar huella de mano azul marcada en su pectoral. Viste un poquito de una segunda huella marcada en su nalga cuando se dio la vuelta para agarrar algo. 
–Ya no tengo nada de… ¡lo que sea que era esto!– Fives declaró, poniendo la botella vacía de vodka en el mostrador. Estaba arrastrando sus palabras muy ligeramente.–Otra. Por favor.– añadió por si acaso. 
–Dije por favor. Te pedí educadamente. Capitán, dile que le pedí educadamente.
–Fives, dale un poco de espacio.–Rex murmuró y sacó su mano para pellizcar su naríz. 
–No estás lo suficientemente borracho, señor.–Fives replicó y se agarró del bar con optimismo.–Solo… dejame encontrar algo para arreglar eso. 
Esta escena se repitió incontables veces antes. Yo podía recordar claramente como si fuera ayer. Fives, borracho y riéndose, entre el Capitán Rex, que volteaba sus ojos. Y en el otro lado, riendo igual de fuerte, estaba…
Sentiste las lágrimas formándose en las esquinas de tus ojos antes de que las pudieras parar. Te diste la vuelta rápidamente, yendo hacia el cuarto de atrás antes de que cualquiera de los hombres te pudiera detener
–T/N, ¡espera!
No importaba que eran clones. Todas sus voces aún sonaban tan diferentes a vos. Pero por un momento, un solo momento… podías pretender que era Rose el que te llamaba.
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