the-ratt-king · 4 days
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I recently designed some stickers for my favorite bots, I may end up selling them if I can finally fix my printer lol
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the-ratt-king · 28 days
Bonus cos this one panel is cute:
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the-ratt-king · 6 months
All things end
Death is inevitable. It's a concept I, myself, have encountered both closely and at a distance, and one I have struggled to comprehend. Above all else--above my own, personal confusions and beliefs--I take pain seriously. I've never been one to enjoy a story that includes pain for the sake of drama or shock. Such trifles have no value for the reader or story being told. And "taking it seriously" doesn't mean I place an unrealistically heavy burden on pains. It simply means I approach it with as much grace as I am able.
None of this means I write stories that center around or completely avoid pains of a vast variety. What is life without pain, and what is a joyful story without sorrow? So, let me provide a little insight into why, when, and how pains, specifically deaths, occur in my written works.
Major spoilers for Logical Proposals, by the way. As of posting this, chapter 36 hasn't been published yet, so if you want to enter it completely spoiler-free, then do not read. If you do not want to know what will happen in the next several chapters, then do not read. Seriously.
I've mentioned before that I try to make every character survive the situations I place them in, and when they simply can't for whatever reason, then I decide their death is warranted. This is true but not the full picture.
I'll walk you through the death of Enemy, for example. I knew from before he entered the story that he was going to die young. Why? Because I needed him to for the sake of the Waves' story. I've read discourse on having characters die to motivate another character and how this is wrong. Yes, it can be when there are clear, underlying reasons behind the death, such as with fridging. I kept Enemy from falling into that category by 1) ensuring his character was properly fleshed out and 2) playing out the battle he'd die in to ensure he could not possibly survive it. I knew I needed Soundwave and Shockwave to suffer the death of another child to enhance their respective understandings of themselves and help disillusion themselves from the war. I also knew Enemy was a stubborn fragger. So, I cultivated a scenario where Enemy's one weakness was directly exploited to make sure he died: Flip Sides. The one person Enemy would die for without hesitation.
With all of this in mind, I wrote chapters featuring Enemy to establish his physical weakness (weak joints), tensions with his family (to aid in emphasizing his love for his younger brother), and his obvious affinity for Flip Sides. This helped set up the battle choreography, where Enemy would be unable to pull himself and Flip out of a dangerous situation and ultimately fall to his death in Flip's name.
This is the kind of protocol I work through. Determine what must happen in the story first (a death/deaths), find which character(s) is(are) best suited for the role(s), then plan out in what way they would have to die such that survival is unbelievable no matter how desired. With characters like Enemy, the death scene was easy to set up. With characters like Besatbox and Slugfest, they actually slid through one or more planned-to-die-here scenes before they succumbed to the narrative. Hence why Beast survives that first mission he failed and why Fester goes so long with his blurred enemy lines.
All of this brings me to one difficult goal of Logical Proposals: strip the Waves down completely to then rebuild them. This includes the inevitable death of every cassette who participates in the war. I cannot enact my plans to have Soundwave and Shockwave reevaluate, reconstruct, and revive themselves in their respective ways while a part of their lives pertaining to the war co-exists. I legit plan to remove them entirely from all things war to accomplish this. A full reset in the climax and falling action of Logical Proposals.
So, now we're reaching that point in the story. I'm at step two in my protocol. And here, I get a bit subjective with who will make it to the Earth Arc. If you've read Commonalities and Misunderstandings, then you already know who lives: Ravage, Laserbeak, Buzzsaw, Rumble, Frenzy, and Ratbat. Why them? Because when you think of Soundwave's cassettes, you likely think of the OG five (Rav, Laser, Buzz, and the Terrors) from the G1 cartoon. Ratbat gets added on since he's a bit more popular, as well. Most people don't know any other cassettes. So, I decided to give a nod to this by having only the eldest five plus Ratbat live on Earth. As in, most humans would only know of those five or six (Ratty is s neutral, so most won't know of him). Like I said, it's subjective. But it's the decision I ultimately made after wrestling with the idea of keeping all cassettes around for the entire story.
Keeping them all alive, however, does not benefit my narrative goals. I want to tackle dichotomies: war and peace, love/hate and indifference, death and life, joy and grief, and knowledge and ignorance. I can't do that if all the kids live. If the Waves never know grief, then their joys are lackluster. If they never understand death, then they won't know how hard they have to fight for life. If they don't hate and love with urgency, then they will fall into indifference. If they never feel the consequences of war, then why would they ever chose peace?
Thus, I will strip them down with the promise of building back their lives in a way that enhances them in some meaningful way. And thus, death is necessary.
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the-ratt-king · 7 months
Thank you for writing such a fantastic story! I'm glad you liked my silly little comic!! <3<3
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Here's a little logical proposal comic I've had mostly finished for ages now, megatron is was so silly in this story.
Bonus spoilers for chap 34
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I joke but I hope you know this moment haunts me... @vivificanousprime
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the-ratt-king · 7 months
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Here's a little logical proposal comic I've had mostly finished for ages now, megatron is was so silly in this story.
Bonus spoilers for chap 34
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I joke but I hope you know this moment haunts me... @vivificanousprime
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the-ratt-king · 8 months
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Heres is a little sneak peak at something I'm currently working on
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the-ratt-king · 9 months
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congratulations grimlock you are the father
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the-ratt-king · 9 months
Never thought I’d live to see the day.
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the-ratt-king · 9 months
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i did enjoy the new season can you tell?
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the-ratt-king · 9 months
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I love this screenshot so much omg look at them! 😭😭
The silly!!
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the-ratt-king · 9 months
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the-ratt-king · 9 months
Starscream at Hashtag:
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the-ratt-king · 9 months
I watch em on YouTube (https://youtube.com/@TranformersEarthspark) all of them are up there rn :))
If anyone has links to totally not illegal sites to watch ES would u be so kind and totally not dm them to me tyy
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the-ratt-king · 10 months
I forgot to mention this is for earth spark :)
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the-ratt-king · 10 months
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the-ratt-king · 11 months
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the-ratt-king · 1 year
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I don't really do human-formers I'm not creative enough, but for whatever reason, this bastard sprung out of my head fully formed late last night as I was re-watching his episode.
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