Welcome to Ostden!
Date | 05.17.2019 Author | Jae 
If you’re reading this, then is probably your first time on Ostden. In that case, I would like to be the first to welcome you to our beautiful island! I hope that between the sea, sands, and skies you find what you are looking for. 
I am Jae, the Editor-In-Chief of The Ostden Chronicles! I help out by reporting to our residents and guest the events taking place on the island! You can always contact me for more information on any particular event by posting a bulletin. I will try to get back to you as soon as possible! 
In order for you to begin your stay on the island, I would like to direct you to our map. It can be found in the header or through clicking the “Explore” option in our newspaper’s description. This map will allow you to explore the island to your hearts content. There will be monthly mysteries to solve as well as gatherings to attend once the tourism rate kick up just a little higher. 
Our citizens are looking forward to meeting you so I hope you join us soon! 
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