the-laughing-bearcat · 2 months
Dæmonism 101 - Vocabulary
Here are some quick definitions of different terms used in the daemonism community!
Daemonism: the practice of having a daemon and interacting with them
Daemon: a part of the self that someone can learn to engage with, often appearing in the form of an animal and sharing a deep bond with their daemian
Daemian: a person who has a daemon (or many), a person who practices daemonism
TDF: The Daemon Forum, the first daemonism community
HDM: His Dark Materials, a book series by Philip Pullman which inspired daemonism and also spawned a movie and TV adaptation
CIE day: coming into existence day, a celebration much like a birthday to celebrate the day a daemon came into existence
Projection: the act of visualizing your daemon
Form: an (typically animal) appearance a daemon takes
Settled form: an animal form that a daemon can take which often represents their human
Settled: a daemon that has a settled form, a human whose daemon has a settled form (the opposite would be unsettled)
Form finding: the process of finding a settled form
Analytical form: a form which is found by analyzing behavioural traits of animals and translating them into human personality traits
Pullman form: a form which is found by analyzing myths and beliefs surrounding animals and comparing them to one’s life story
Personal form: a form which has a personal meaning to the daemian and/or daemon
Comfort form: a form which is comfortable to take for the daemian and/or daemon
Aspirational form: a form which represents something the daemian and/or daemon aspire to be
Analysis: an analysis of an animal's behaviour and translating it into human traits, to help with analytical form finding
Reverse analysis: an analysis of a daemian's personality, to help with analytical form finding (also called RA)
Portrait: an analysis of our social perceptions of an animal and their role in myths/stories, translating them into human traits, to help with Pullman form finding
Self-portrait: an analysis of the way a daemian is perceived and the narrative themes in their life, to help with Pullman form finding
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the-laughing-bearcat · 3 months
I mater.
You mater.
We all mater.
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I don't know who needs to hear this, but if the phrase "self care" doesn't resonate with you, try calling it "system maintenance" and see if that clicks.
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the-laughing-bearcat · 4 months
Reminder that this account here will ALWAYS be profic, proship, anticensorship, paraphilia-neutral, anticontact, antiharassment, SALS-accepting, DLDR-accepting, and willing to accept anyone and anything so long as no living, breathing human is harmed.
You are welcome here. You are safe here. And fuck anyone who says otherwise.
*writes about how there's a lot of hate for more odd Therians. Like proship/profiction or pro para(anti contact) therians*
*gets banned*
Like dude you proved my point, just simply having stuff like Profiction and dead dove in my bio has gotten me kicked and banned from Therian things I enjoy like games and chats even though I never mention my fictional likes because it dosent have much to do with my Therian life, I'm sick of being invalidated because of what I like in fiction, like making fun of others isn't going to make you less of a reject sorry to say it but it needs to be said
Therians are known as "Weird, freaky, mentally ill" (by normies) when we're really not but not accepting someone else who is more "Weird, freaky and mentally ill" isn't gonna make normies like you so just be fucking nice for once damn
And shout out to all the profiction, proshipper, dead dove, pro para Therians who don't feel like they can shave a safe place, know that there are people who care about love you for you being yourself and never stop being you you're doing awesome
I love almost all of you, and I'm very happy to be a Therian but I hate being around people who are rude and mad for no good reason, simply be nice to others even if you don't agree with them you can always block them, that's all I got :3 have a beautiful day
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the-laughing-bearcat · 5 months
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It's been a week.
Full origin of the quote unknown, if you can find the definite original writer, let me know. Heard it a while back, keep getting dead ends minus a Pinterest post that leads to a not very consistent Tiktok account.
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the-laughing-bearcat · 6 months
I was making soup. Bouillon decided they quite loved the ingredients. 'nuff said.
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PDF found here
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the-laughing-bearcat · 8 months
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the-laughing-bearcat · 9 months
In the same vein of not idolizing people, please also refrain from making jokes about kidnapping them. Especially when y'all have never interacted.
I see a lot of posts on tiktok along the lines of '[insert user here] is our king / our leader / our god' etc etc etc. Especially with that Opal person.
So here's your reminder that:
•Calling somebody our king/leader/ruler makes us sound like a cult.
•Most of the time, that person didn't consent to be called king/leader/ruler.
•You don't know that person offline.
Seriously, do NOT idolize people on the internet, especially to such a rabid degree that you're then lashing out at others who are 'too similar'. Not only is it weird, but that could be the shittiest person alive offline or even on a different account. If you're going to idolize any man, idolize somebody you know well in real life, who has made a positive impact on you. Idolize the mentors you truly know.
Don't idolize some stranger because they're good at prancing around on all fours.
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the-laughing-bearcat · 9 months
I see a lot of posts on tiktok along the lines of '[insert user here] is our king / our leader / our god' etc etc etc. Especially with that Opal person.
So here's your reminder that:
•Calling somebody our king/leader/ruler makes us sound like a cult.
•Most of the time, that person didn't consent to be called king/leader/ruler.
•You don't know that person offline.
Seriously, do NOT idolize people on the internet, especially to such a rabid degree that you're then lashing out at others who are 'too similar'. Not only is it weird, but that could be the shittiest person alive offline or even on a different account. If you're going to idolize any man, idolize somebody you know well in real life, who has made a positive impact on you. Idolize the mentors you truly know.
Don't idolize some stranger because they're good at prancing around on all fours.
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the-laughing-bearcat · 10 months
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the-laughing-bearcat · 10 months
To those of you a bit confused with Daemonism, here's the awesome Introduction To Daemonism panel that was presented at OtherCon 2023!
@edgysilver it wouldn't let me link in a comment, but here ya go.
Along with being alterhuman (though I'm terribly inactive here, whoops) I'm ALSO a Daemian (and before y'all get pissy, understand that Damianism has helped a LOT with my anxiety...and maybe learn what it actually is first.)
Anyways, here's me and my Daemon, Bouillon. They're meant to be a binturong, I just can't draw.
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the-laughing-bearcat · 10 months
Along with being alterhuman (though I'm terribly inactive here, whoops) I'm ALSO a Daemian (and before y'all get pissy, understand that Damianism has helped a LOT with my anxiety...and maybe learn what it actually is first.)
Anyways, here's me and my Daemon, Bouillon. They're meant to be a binturong, I just can't draw.
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Exactly! Quadrobics may be COMMON in the Therian community, but Quadrobics ≠ Therianthropy. And I feel like the rise of Therian Quadrobic Tiktok is really just confusing people into thinking that quadrobics is a therian-only thing, or you MUST do quadrobics to be a Therian. And in reality, that couldn't be more far from the truth.
Quadrobics is a practice, almost a sport. It can be applied to a variety of uses. It is a workout for many parts of your body, a way to teach balance, and also a movement style useful for keeping a lower profile or performing as a non-human entity in, say, a haunted house, or a theatre production. It DOES NOT belong to the Therian community, nor has it EVER belonged to the Therian community. Which has, oddly enough, made a lot of little kids cry.
And yes! Y'all in the other reposts are SO right! You DO NOT need to do quadrobics to be a Therian, either. And if you think doing quadrobics makes you a Therian or makes you more of a Therian, you're wrong. Because you aren't a faker because you can't scamper around on all fours. In all honesty, I feel like there are MORE faker who scamper around on all fours because that's all they take therianthropy to be! Some people don't connect through quadruped movement. Some people find too much pain in the quadruped movement. Some people aren't even quadruped theriotypes (looking at you, salmon Therian who claims quadruped movement connects them to being a salmon. Pardon my pun, but something is rather fishy there). And so you don't do or can't do quadrobics and that is HELLA OKAY!
Now, have I done quadrobics in the past? Most certainly. But you know why I learned them and what I used them for? To work at a haunted house. My theriotypes may be quadruped, but if I'm connecting with them, yeah, standing on all fours does absolutely nothing but make my shoulder hurt. In all honesty, I think quadrobics makes it HARDER to connect with my theriotypes. So, probably saying it now, I am a Therian who has been awakened for over a decade, and I HATE the popularity of quadrobics in therianthropy.
I wish therian tiktok wasn’t just people doing quadrobics
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We will not discuss how horribly long this damn coat takes to draw.
First pic by yours truly, second by PROTOXUR on Discord.
Sure, he tends to be a rockstar, but come on, slightly manipulative supercomputers are my JAM!
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