the-dreamed-up-poetry 3 years
" Fuck you my child is completely fine"
Your child is over obsessed with classic romance.
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the-dreamed-up-poetry 3 years
I have never thought of a Library wedding until I came across with the pictures of it on Pinterest. Now am obsessed.
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the-dreamed-up-poetry 3 years
Vibez by Zayn is a song which I can listen on rainy nights and write untamed poems.
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the-dreamed-up-poetry 3 years
I want to watch one direction interviews with you, is that too much to ask for?
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the-dreamed-up-poetry 3 years
I want to watch interviews of one direction together, is that too much to ask for?
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the-dreamed-up-poetry 3 years
If you fall for me I want you to learn what's one direction, what's Larry stylinson , what's Zarry stylik , what's Narry, what's Niam and all.
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the-dreamed-up-poetry 3 years
The thin fine paper and pitch black ink writes and holds emotions of many wandering minds
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