thanedeservedbetter · 6 years
The real suspension of disbelief in Mass Effect has nothing to do with Space Magic or the existence of aliens or evil machines from the dawn of time; it’s putting Mordin Solus and Miranda “I locked eyes with Death and Death blinked first” Lawson on the same ship as Thane Krios and then asking us to believe they wouldn’t have a cure for him after two all-nighters and fifty-seven pots of coffee.  
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thanedeservedbetter · 6 years
Man isn't it just great that Mordin and Thane and Anderson and Shepard and everyone just got to retire after the Reaper War like??? It's so nice everyone lived happily ever after I dunno why everyone has these aus where they die amiright :,)
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That sounds like such an unpleasant AU, why would people do that to themselves. :^)
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thanedeservedbetter · 6 years
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when you meet some dude with a shitty sword
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thanedeservedbetter · 6 years
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mass effect 2 should’ve been gayer
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thanedeservedbetter · 6 years
Hey! What do you guys think a LI Thane would do during Citadel DLC, ranging from the first interactions with Brooks, to the infiltration ball, to the clone, etc.
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thanedeservedbetter · 6 years
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Thane Krios Appreciation week is almost upon us! Tune in to @lizardassassin February 12th-18th, as this blog will be host to all Thane related creations, from fanart, fanfiction, screenshots, gifs, edits, etc. 
When: February 12th-18th
How: Create and share all of your Thane Krios related content: art, fanfictions, playlists, aesthetics, edits, gifs, manips, renders, metas- whatever you have, we want to see it! 
Where: Post your content using the #thaneweek2018 tag and everything will be reblogged onto this blog! Make sure to use the event tag within your first 5 tags so we can see it in the tag! Or, if you’d prefer, you can directly submit your post to this blog as well! If it’s been a couple of days and your post still hasn’t found it’s way onto this blog, please send a message and we will try to track it down.
Our goal is to make a master post at the end for folks to easily search for the content they want.
Ground Rules:
Please be respectful of others. We’re all here because we love Thane Krios and Mass Effect, so lets keep it civil and friendly.
Ideally, we want put together a safe, fun, and stress free week for everyone involved. So please refrain from using slurs, racist, sexist, ableist, homophobic/transphobic language and content in the tags and your submissions. Keep it respectful, utilize the “read more” feature, and tag your post appropriately with the correct trigger warnings. 
NSFW content is welcome, but let’s keep it explicitly consensual and make sure it is tagged appropriately. 
Important tags:
As mentioned above, for the safety and enjoyment of everyone involved, please be courteous and tag your submissions appropriately. Below there is a short list of some important ones to keep in mind for Thane week:
Alternative Universe/Headcanons: Should be tagged as #AU and/or #headcanon, respectively. 
Anything concerning a cure for Kepral’s Syndrome: should be labelled as #Thane Cure tw or #Cure tw and kept under a “Read More.” We want to be respectful to everyone’s vision, but please keep in mind that for many people, the idea of a cure for Kepral’s Syndrome is hurtful and ableist. Let’s try to take care of one another and be mindful of how content affects others. 
Please tag all steamy bits (smut/nudity/etc) as #NSFW so those who are browsing at work or around little ones can do so freely.
Themes: Meant to be a guideline only, if you want or need to follow them. They’re not a requirement, only friendly suggestions to get the conversation going. Each day we will post some prompts relating to the theme for people to go off of.
February 12th: Childhood. 
February 13th: Family Life. 
February 14th: Valentine’s Day. 
February 15th: Crew Life.
February 16th: Religion.
February 17th: Downtime.
February 18th: Free For All. 
Mark it on your calendar: Next week (February 19th-25th) is Kirrahe Appreciation Week, hosted by @keita52 over at @kirrahe-week!!!
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thanedeservedbetter · 6 years
FIC: Kind of Peace
@rock-paperback-scissors, I am your Holiday Harbinger, here to present your gift! I wrote a fluffy, peaceful little semi-holiday-themed Shrios fic for you. The Shepard in this fic is a bit inspired by your Layla, who I read a lot about and absolutely adored. Hope you enjoy!
Rating: T Pairing: Shepard/Thane Krios Word Count: ~3,000 Summary: Post-war, Shepard would most like to be away from people for a little while–Thane excepted. Some others may apply. Also on: AO3
She has to swim up through the darkness to see him.
She can hear him. Fuzzily, as though from a great distance, only catching one word out of three—though how would she know what she’s missing? Only that the cadence and the tone sound familiar to her. A prayer. Like he’s calling her forth from the depths of a furious ocean, the sound of it the only thing that could reach through the waves.
And maybe it is a vast ocean. A sea, as he’d said. She can’t exactly feel her body—maybe a good indication that she doesn’t have one, anymore. When she tries to remember what happened last, she only has…images. Falling. Dust settling. Her hand, bare and bloody, attempting to stretch in front of her and push against some kind of stone. Her fingers crying out in protest.
Shepard remembers pain, but she doesn’t feel any.
The words are clearer now. Maybe one in two, and then she’s only missing a second here or there while something washes and recedes in her ears. The darkness begins to drift away.
It takes a moment to realize that her eyes are open. The room is dim, the lamps off, and only a grayish pre-dawn light hovers in the air as if waiting.
The voice stops speaking. She tries to turn her head and can’t; she tries to remember how she opened her eyes and can’t. But the person in the room with her seems to know, and leans into view so that she doesn’t have to move to look at him.
“Miranda thought you might wake up today,” Thane says. “Are you awake?”
Her lips are very dry. That little touch of sensation has come back to her. Something horrible is waiting behind it, though. She can sense it, though she hardly believes it.
“Are we across the sea?” she asks, her voice a boneless croak.
He lets out a long, relieved breath, and gently presses his forehead to hers. “Not yet, siha.”
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thanedeservedbetter · 6 years
*stabs bioware*
that was for thane you son of a bitch
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thanedeservedbetter · 6 years
All fics are up at AO3!
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thanedeservedbetter · 7 years
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Wow, I’m so glad they finally got it right.
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thanedeservedbetter · 7 years
Hard Left Turn: Shepard Part 2
Notes: Thane Lives AU! Several lines of dialog and the contents of letters from the game are used verbatim. I’m also fudging the time line of the game slightly.
Disclaimer: Mass Effect and its characters are not mine.
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thanedeservedbetter · 7 years
Hard Left Turn: Shepard Part 1
Notes: Thane Lives AU! Several lines of dialog and the contents of letters from the game are used verbatim. I’m also fudging the time line of the game slightly.
Disclaimer: Mass Effect and its characters are not mine.
Summary: Oh fuck it, she thinks as she launched herself into his arms to the hoots and cheers of her crew, I deserve this.
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thanedeservedbetter · 7 years
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Just a lazy morning at Shepard’s apartment…
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thanedeservedbetter · 7 years
Taye, Thane and Kolyat enjoy a little family time after the war is over–though in truth, Thane is feeling out the waters because there is something he needs to do, something he needs his son’s approval for before he does it…Also on AO3 if you prefer
Taye giggled as Thane counted each freckle on her skin, reciting the number out loud before kissing the corresponding mark, his tongue sneaking out from between his lips to tease her. There was a gagging sound behind them. Taye rolled her eyes as she angled slightly away from the stove where she was cooking french toast, remaining firmly ensconced in Thane’s arms; she glanced at Kolyat and smiled. He’d finally graced them with his presence after sleeping half the morning away—or maybe he was just trying to give them a few minutes alone; it was nice to have a moment of peace and quiet as a family now that the war was over.
“Must you?” Kolyat laughed rolling his eyes and picking a chopped strawberry out of the bowl of fruit Taye had prepared earlier.
Her hand flew to her collarbone, a sarcastic smirk on her face as she winked at the nineteen-year-old. “I believe I must…I mean I did give him one of my lungs, let me enjoy it; we’re allowed a little indulgence.”
It had been an adjustment and probably not something she should have even considered during the Reaper War, but losing him had never been an option. The tech Cerberus had laced through her lungs was just what he needed, and because they were mostly synthetic she’d been a match…besides, she liked that a piece of her was always going to be with him. He hadn’t collapsed into a coughing fit since the operation, the lung she’d given him was all circuitry and synthetic tissue and prevented water from building up and causing another episode of his Kepral’s Syndrome. She’d barely let him out of her sight since, her psyche needing reassurance that he was here and still in one piece…not that Thane minded; he loved having her close. Taye pulled out of his embrace, leaving him to finish making breakfast as she kissed Kolyat’s forehead, he made a big show of wiping it off, but no one could miss the smile playing about his lips—she’d given him back his father.
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thanedeservedbetter · 7 years
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I hope this letter finds you well | a fanmix for thane and shepard. I made this with my own (stubbornly canon-ignoring) version of Shrios in mind: they go through their share of hardships caused by war and illness, but in the end… they both get to live. 
[playlist on youtube]
aventine | agnes obel There is a grove, there is a plot, Deep in the snow, breaking your heart. warrior | laura marling One morning I awoke to someone calling me, A priestess I’d seen once in some arcana dream, And she pulled an orange from the ground, Is this my warrior, I am found.
foreigner’s god | hozier Her eyes look sharp and steady, Into the empty parts of me, Still my heart is heavy, With the hate of some other man’s beliefs.
how do you feel today | gabrielle aplin
The sound of your laugh has a ring of weariness, The night has a thousand eyes and your smile of heaviness, I’ve always asked for nothing but you’ve found it hard to see, So I gathered all I had and laid it down before you feet. louisa | lord huron Good for nothing is the name they’ll remember me by, Done nothing with my life for no one, I’m just waiting to die, I turned my back on the world, You know I’d given up on living til I met you, girl. ghost town | first aid kit And I found myself attached to this railroad track, But I’ll come back to you someday. good grief | bastille What’s gonna be left of the world if you’re not in it? love won’t be leaving | anna calvi I draw my name in the sand, In the hope it’ll find you.
the universe | gregory alan isakov The universe, she’s wounded, But she’s still got infinity ahead of her, She’s still got you and me.
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thanedeservedbetter · 7 years
Thane AU
After destroying the Collector base and gleefully telling the Illusive Man to shove his organization and his human-centric agenda where the sun doesn’t shine, Shepard has three priorities: repair the major damages the Normandy suffered  during their trip through the Omega 4 Relay and in the galactic core, send all her reports, scans, and evidence about the Collectors and the Reapers in to Alliance HQ, and go on that desert vacation she and Thane have so often talked about.
With the work side of things soon out of the way, she takes Thane to Earth to tour the most picturesque deserts and arid locations of the planet. It’s not something she would be particularly keen to do, but it’s for him. And boy, does he love it. He could stand for hours rooted to one spot, taking in the scenery, the warm sun, and the dry air around them. Shepard is bored out of her mind, but she tries not to show it. She takes copious amounts of pictures and holovids, and smiles when he turns to her with that sweet quirk of his lips, telling her how much he’s enjoying this time they can spend together.
Unfortunately, it doesn’t last. He promised her to get that lung transplant after all, so he travels to the Citadel for the operation, and she’s soon called away by the Alliance for debriefs and to lead the preparation efforts for the Reaper attack that’s sure to come.
She’s on Earth when the Reapers hit. Communicating with Thane is impossible under the circumstances, and not knowing whether he’s safe drives her mad, but she can’t dwell on that right now; she has Reapers to fight and alliances to make. It’s a relief when they finally make it to the Citadel. Thane is still recovering in the hospital, but he’s alive, doing well, and as soon as he’s done with his therapy sessions, he’ll join her on the Normandy again.
That day comes sooner than they expected when Cerberus attacks the station. Thane gets injured during his fight with Kai Leng, but thankfully, his injuries are not life threatening. Shepard doesn’t want to wait anymore; as soon as Thane is patched up, she takes him to her ship—and to her room. Under Dr. Chakwas’s and Mordin’s care, he recovers quickly and joins Shepard on their missions. He’s by her side till the end, and when it’s her turn to be nursed back to health after the war, he’s right there with her, taking care of her and making sure that she’ll take her medications and do her physical therapy exercises.
Once she can walk again, they get married—with Kolyat’s blessings—and spend their honeymoon on Earth… in a desert.
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thanedeservedbetter · 7 years
"Don't make it into a big deal." for Charley and Thane?
Thank you for the prompt, Chorus! I love writing for Shrios SO MUCH. Ahhh my babies!
The dog tags weighed heavy in her hands. She never thought she’d see them again, but of course, Liara had recovered them, from Admiral Hackett of all people. Charley didn’t bother asking where Hackett had gotten them. Most likely, she wouldn’t have liked the response. Closing her fist over the tags, Charley took a deep breath before pushing the release in front of her. As the doors hissed opened, her eyes caught sight of the man she loved. He was lying in his hospital bed, his dark eyes staring out of the windows. His surgery had been only a few days ago, but according to Dr. Michel, he was healing remarkably fast.
Once she had stepped into the room, she was committed. Charley wasn’t sure how long he’d be healing, and she wanted him aboard the Normandy with her, but Kolyat was on the Citadel with him. Kolyat would be able to take care of him. It took him a moment to turn towards her, but when he did, the smile that was on his face eased her worries.
“Siha, you came.” He almost sounded surprised. She didn’t like to think that anything could keep her away from his side, but this war was getting worse. There was a good chance she may not return.
“I told you I would.” She took his hand in hers. Thane squeezed it lightly, the smile still upon his face. It was good to see his strength returning. “How are you feeling?”
“Much better. The doctors here are some of the best. I’m in good hands.” He pressed a kiss to her palm. “You do not need to worry over me, Siha.”
Charley smiled, wryly. “That’s what I do, Thane. I worry. I won’t be able to stop no matter what you say.”
He nodded, understanding completely, yet not needing to say so. “Kolyat has visited.”
Charley saw a bouquet of flowers on the window sill and she smiled, knowing that her friends had sent it from the Normandy. “Dr. Michel told me others have too.”
“Yes, your cousin. Iris is a capable doctor and a kind woman. I like her.” Patting Charley on the hand, he leaned back against the pillows, the smile still on his face. “Now tell me, Shepard. What brings you here today?”
Charley laughed. Thane knew her too well. “What? I can’t visit my husband in the hospital after he’s had life saving surgery.”
Thane managed a small chuckle before groaning, the pain of his operation still too much for him. “Please, Siha. Don’t make me laugh. You’re notorious for doing that.”
The soldier leaned forward and kissed Thane’s head, grateful for every moment she got with him before the battle began. The galaxy was full of uncertainties, but the Reapers were the worst threat she had ever faced. She wanted to leave a legacy, but she wasn’t sure if she had succeeded. After pulling away, she handed Thane the dog tags in her hand. Her dog tags.
He gave her a confused look. “What is this for?”
“Just in case.”
Thane shook his head. “Siha-”
“Don’t make it into a big deal.” She told him harshly, knowing that no matter what happened, there would never be another person in the galaxy she could love more than him. “It is what it is. I’m not saying that something is going to happen. This is just in case. I wanted you to have them.”
Thane was silent for a moment, pondering her words. When he finally spoke, he was calm, collected. “I will keep them safe, Siha, but I warn you, I will climb out of this bed and fight every Reaper in the galaxy to make sure you come home.”
Charley grinned, knowing that every word he spoke was truth. “I’d expect no less, Thane.”
The drell moved slightly to make room in bed for Charley. She laid beside him, her head on his shoulder, listening to the sound of his even breathing, feeling his hand in hers. It was wonderful. It was peaceful. If only she could lay there forever. Closing her eyes, she felt herself finally happy. “I love you.”
“I love you, Siha.”
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