tfbambi · 9 years
( Whenever Bambi spoke of his parents Branam could always feel his  heartstrings begin to tear, an unfathomable agony that no one should ever have to endure … especially a soul so pure as the one before him. Feigning the smallest of smiles at the fact that Dainan was willing to  share the memory with him. ) I am so thankful that that memory has not faded from your grasp and that you shared it with me … I have no  objection to the coronation of national pumpkin pastie day be on the  first of September !! ( Hand tentatively moving towards his own to show him some sort of reassurance but the fear of rejection kept him from lacing their fingers together ) Whenever you are ready … just tell me and we will go, no matter what hour.
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What did I do in a past life to deserve someone as wonderful as you,  hm ? Anyone else I pitched this idea to would have laughed and told  me it was silliness. First of September; it’s set. ( Bambi was observant;  see. Years of being quiet, being on the periphery; it gave him the time  to develop skills of extraordinary observation. Dainan saw & perceived  so much. And so when he noticed Branam’s hand inch its way towards  his own, his heart was indescribably warmed. He could see how hard  Branam was trying. He could see his heart. With his own hand closing  the remaining distance, Dainan interlocked their fingers tenderly. ) Well,  first we need to pass out N.E.W.Ts. ( He didn’t want to push Branam to  talking about anything that made him feel uncomfortable; but the end of  the school year was approaching — and it was approaching fast. What Branam and Dainan had between them was still new; and the boy began to wonder if Branam’s version of the future had any place for him. )
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tfbambi · 9 years
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{ summaaaah talks } 
I WILL BE ON TONIGHT AFTER I COME HOME, YOU HAVE MY SWORD — AND MY BOW, AND MY AXE MY WORD (gdi sorry I just did an extended edition lotr marathon with my friends and that is the reason why I was absent yesterday!) i love you all, precious pumpkins !!! 
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tfbambi · 9 years
Is there any other date that holds any significance to you that we  could use that is closer to autumn ? Like a birthday or the anniversary of a fond memory? —- Just snowballing a few ideas but the date is completely up to you since you were the one who came up with the idea  ..–  It is honestly a pain to deal with, never being able to relax ‘n all. ( The smile that had settled onto his features was quickly evaporating to worry as the words permeated his conscious. ) You were never invisible .. Not for a single moment.  ( Eyes inadvertently falling from Dainan’s own, cruel  uncertainty reclaiming him for itself once more. ) I would love to go to New Zealand with you – if that is what you wish … Hope you don’t mind me asking, but would you want to return to your home or just tour it all over, from top to bottom ?
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Well there is one day — ... But it’s faraway from me now. It feels like I’ve  lived a thousand lifetimes since; but .. yeah — ... It was the very first day of spring in New Zealand, so the first day of Autumn in America; the first of September. Mum and Dad planned one of our camping trips, and we  set off early that morning so that as we hiked we would see the sunrise.  — What we didn’t plan on or take into account was my mum’s allergies; pollen and all, to flare up ! She spent the entire three days we were out  there sneezing up a storm and scaring all the wildlife away — ( A deeply fond smile etches itself along the edge of his lips; reduced to a mess of  emotions as he hears Branam’s interjected reassurance. ) To return back home... would be something I could do if you were with me, I think. 
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tfbambi · 9 years
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“Alright, a bride can only dream I suppose.” Aurora sighed dramatically, pretending to stare wistfully off into the distance. “Perhaps my wedding won’t be quite as perfect as I’d envisioned…” The girl tried to keep a straight face but ended up grinning playfully anyway, pinching the beret off his head and placing it on her own. “We’ll just have to find you a different hat to wear. I’m sure there’s plenty in this place. Perhaps even a tiara?” She laughed, quirking an eyebrow at him before turning around to explore the rest of the room.
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❝ Oh don’t even joke about making me don a tiara - ❞ The boy  laughed whimsically, pausing a moment as his expression grew  startlingly serious; brown hues locking with Aurora’s brilliant blue ones. ❝ Because I’d look absolutely fantastic in it. ❞ With that, he waggled both his brows playfully — a warm laugh falling from his lips as he let grinned broadly; glad to be rid of the beret. Placing  his hands on Aurora’s shoulders, Dainan followed behind her —  marvelling at the eclectic collection of outfits and accessories that covered every inch of the room. ❝ — What in the world is this !? ❞ Bambi exclaimed as a fluoro-pink feather boa caught his attention.  ❝ Surely they didn’t get these feathers from a bird ? A colour like  this couldn’t possibly be found on any self-respecting bird !! ❞
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tfbambi · 9 years
“I put my heart and soul into my work, and I have lost my mind in the process." Vincent Van Gogh (1853-1890)
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tfbambi · 9 years
Do you suppose pumpkin’s are in season during June ? Or would people be more interested in peaches since it is summer and all of that .. but that is just the entrepreneur getting the best of me, being concerned with the consumers buying cycle and triggers and what not —– either way I am certain we could still seize the day from Peaches and Cream and all of the baby boomers … ( Only now is he finally starting to grow more secure emulating the other’s warmth so proudly on his countenance. ) You are far too kind to me than I deserve.  I have practically dragged you through hell and high waters over the last majority of the decade that we have known each other … We can spend the rest of our lives going where ever your heart desires.
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What would I do without you, hey ? Didn’t even think of whether or not pumpkin’s’d be in season -- !! I’m glad you’ve got that entrepreneurial  sense & finesse to you, though. Very professional, Mister Branam Hale.  ( He’s all unabashed quips and affectionate cheer  — a proper contrast  between how he used to be around Branam; always restrained, always  careful. ) Nonsense. The time before I met you was dark.  You gave me hope, Bran — You saw me when I was invisible. ( He looks away briskly;  embarrassed ; Perhaps he’s said too much this time. ) Well that certainly  doesn’t sound like a bad way to spend the rest of my life at all. Roadtrips around America, hikes and ski-trips in the European alps; maybe -- we .. could even visit New Zealand. I haven’t been back since I was a child. 
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tfbambi · 9 years
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       “ the netherlands is probably my new favorite country and all             should try to be just like them!! man, i wish i was born a dog.              i bet there aren’t a lot of homeless dogs there either!“
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❝ We’ll make a Dutchman of you yet, I think.  What say you to jumping the mothership and  moving to the great national dog nation ? ❞  Dainan joked about in an flurry of warmth & cheer — in evident good spirits. 
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tfbambi · 9 years
He could help but laugh, one large hand moving to rest on the back of his neck whilst his head shook. “Your sarcasm doesn’t go unnoticed, you know?” He replied in his usual low tones, lips quirked in amusement. “Honestly, it was there a day ago, it must’ve gotten ripped off in my sleep or something. It’s very distressing, I’ll have you know, my inability to grow any kind of body hair.”
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If there was just one word to describe the entirety of Dainan  Beaufort; it would be earnest. The boy truly hadn’t a single sarcastic bone in his body — but oftentimes his words were spoken with such a profound air of sincerity,  that sarcasm  was usually what people deduced from his words. He’d truly  believed Ariel ; but there was little point in correcting him now, Dainan thought — instead, offering a smile. ❝ Say, y’don’t think there might be some sort of charm to help cultivate body hair growth now, do you ? Or maybe even a spell that transplants  body hair — ‘cause I’ve got an excess of it !! I’d be happy to  lend you some; for a fee, of course. ❞ He joked about warmly. 
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tfbambi · 9 years
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tfbambi · 9 years
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“Aw, really? Well if you really want to tag along, that’s perfectly alright with me— so long as if we catch the actual perp, you leave em’ to me.” Tiffany smiled warmly, giggling a bit as Dainan continued talking about his moonlighting. “Alright, enough talk about that. You’re still lucky I haven’t reported you– or better yet, turned out for one of your shows.”
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❝ Absolutely. Wouldn’t want to steal that moment of  triumph and satisfaction from you, Tiff. Truthfully — I  wouldn’t dare get in the way. ❞ He replied with a soft  laugh; shrugging his shoulders together with a sheepish  grin as Tiffany teased. ❝ Surely you wouldn’t; have a  heart, Head girl !! ❞ 
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tfbambi · 9 years
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“I’ll try my very hardest.” Christian nodded his head faux graciously, before snickering. “Well, seeing as you’re already helping yourself, who am I to stop you?” He picked up another cookie himself, before tapping it into Dainan’s. “Cheers!”
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❝ The art of baking a good cookie has always eluded me. ❞  Dainan mused with a soft grin; teeth sinking into the chewy treat — though he didn’t need to alert Christian to this fact;  the poor lad had certainly had his fill of Bambi’s scorched & burned cookies over the past seven years. ❝ — Speaking of  eluding though; where’ve you been lately ? If your goal was  to ignore me until graduation, you were doing a great job  till today. ❞ 
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tfbambi · 9 years
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     “The Netherlands is the only country to have its own national dog. How cool is that??”
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❝ A national dog ? -- Right, well then; I’ll be right back: Just gonna’ go lodge the forms for my pending change in citizenship - No way am I not becoming Dutch; dogs are the greatest. ❞ 
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tfbambi · 9 years
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{ summaaaah talks } 
whenever I’m having a bad day ( and even when I’m having a good day that I would love to make even better !!! ) — I listen to my tiny tiny tiny son luke newberry singing “Round Shouldered Man” from when he was 10/11 and was performing in The Secret Garden musical — BECAUSE IT’S THE LOVELIEST THING EVER HE SOUNDS SO TINY AND WONDERFUL :’)
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tfbambi · 9 years
aesthetics [54/?] ↴ 
kieren walker
“ botany and bambi are practically synonymous. ”
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tfbambi · 9 years
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“Oh mon Dieu! Regardez-vous que vous êtes si adorable. Comme un petit bébé.” Aurora laughed, reaching up to straighten the hat properly on his head. With a shake of her head she replied, “No, no you don’t look foolish at all. You look very sweet, in fact I think you should wear it to the wedding.” She teased, giggling slightly at his flustered expression. Taking a step back the small girl placed her hands on her hips and nodded with a satisfied smile. “I think it’s rather handsome actually, you can definitely pull it off.”
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❝ Oh mon dieu, indeed. ❞ The boy groaned softly with a breath of laughter that was nevertheless light and warm. After allowing  Aurora to dote and fuss over his beret’ed self to her very heart’s content, Dainan inched a slow turn to inspect his reflection in the  sizeable mirror to their left —an exclamation that was an odd mix  of surprise and sheer dread escaping him. ❝ The only reason I’m  not tossing this beret straight off of my head and into a fiery chasm  is because I love you, and I would do a world of things for you ...  But wearing this beret to your wedding is where I draw the line !!  So long as we live in a world where actual people have actual  eyes — I will never wear a beret — no matter snug the fit. ❞ Bambi laughed his playful complaint.
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tfbambi · 9 years
Before we even get too far ahead of ourselves —– we have not even decided upon a date to dedicate everyone’s favourite  holiday!  Of course, we can go where ever you would like, it does not matter to me .. they all sound lovely to me, especially the Thoreau House. Not a lot of my favorite authors have any significant places in America but while we are in New York we could visit Central Park ?! Possibly St. Patrick’s Cathedral if we have time? My father has a picture of it in his office and the architecture is truly exceptional, I’ve always wanted to go.
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How about today ; June 21st ? — Since we thought the day  up today, we might as well popularise it’s celebration on the  very same day, right ? National Pumpkin Pastie Day’s gonna’  steal the thunder from right under both Peaches and Cream  and the baby boomers noses — no contest !! ( He’s grinning  from ear to ear, now — Happiness etched into each and every  slight inflection of his expression. ) Both Central Park and the  Cathedral are definitely up on the list of places we’ll be visiting  amidst our American adventure, then — Anywhere you want to  go is somewhere that I wanna’ be. We’ll visit all the places you  want; even if it takes the rest of our lives !!
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tfbambi · 9 years
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