Hey 😘 have you read wrong by hoseokiehopie?
I don’t remember the last time I read anything :( I’ll check it out though!
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I just read an amazing fic by jhsjoonies, it was very angsty but also fluffy and she posted up a sequel with an different ending as well! It’s called bloom!
I’ll definitely go check it out, thank you for your rec!!!
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Pairing: jungkook x reader
Type: youtuber!au/fan account!au
Warnings: - none -
Updates: 1:30 PM CST (every day for now)
⤷ never miss an update! Apply to tag list here!
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⤷ You and Jungkook are vloggers on Youtube, being rivals since you both gained a following. Everyone thinks you hate each other because of the constant shade. The funny thing is, is that you both run fan accounts for the other and no one knows.
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⭐️ introduction - profiles
⭐️ one - childish
⭐️ two - flexin’
⭐️ three - babe
⭐️ four - what’s wrong?
⭐️ five - don’t lie to me
⭐️ six - no you don’t
⭐️ seven - vidcon
⭐️ eight - what a shame
⭐️ nine - top two
⭐️ ten -
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General Tags;
Authors ~ ‘A: {Author Name}’
Genre ~ ‘G: {Genre}
Member ~ ’M: {Member’s Name}’
Pairing ~ ‘P: {Member x Reader}’
Title ~ ’T: {Title of Fic}
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So I initially read this chapter first, yes chapter 11 and not 1 and I was automatically hooked, the angst at the end was something I had been craving. And so when I finally got the time to read the entire thing which I did all in one night like I kid you not I finished at 7:15am this morning and I started around 1:30am my eyes hurt and I’m dead af from waking up early but it was so worth it. I’m not much of a smut reader but everything about this series all tie together so wonderfully. There’s so much detail, character development, heart aching plot with a really good backstory for the characters! I love the relationship JK and the reader has but at the same time it’s so frustrating?! To me, JK’s been a closed book and he’s so hard to read but I love that!! I can’t wait for more ☹️🤧
New Rules Ch 11.
Word Count: 8,364
“Hmm?” he says, clearly distracted by your damp clothing… and the way it clings to your form. “Don’t you need a shower too? I don’t want you to catch a cold.”
“Ah, in a bit,” you impatiently brush him off, perfectly aware that your courage may flee you at any moment. And if you don’t get this out now, you might never be able to. “I just really need to say something to you.”
“Okay,” he says, eyebrows raising with curiosity, “Go ahead.”
You suck in a deep breath through your teeth, unsure how to approach him on this. And his half-naked form, spread out across your bed in just a towel, is doing nothing to help your concentration. The breath whooshes out from your lungs in one long stream, “Damn it, Jungkook can you put on some clothes first?!”
He frowns at that, “My clothes are still wet.”
“I still have some of your clothes from the last time we—from the last time,” you correct yourself, face heating at the reminder of the night you spent in his bed, “You can wear those.”
“Nah. It’s warm in here. I’m good like this.”
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You get to know your partner a bit better.
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word count: 5.3k genre: friends to lovers i guess
if you enjoy reading my stories, please consider supporting me using buymeacoffee or patreon as i am trying to turn writing into a job. thank you! :)
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Hold me tight (don’t hold me back)
Summary: when a door closes, another one opens, but what happens when the door isn’t fully closed? 
Pairing: Jungkook x Reader x Taehyung 
| part one | part two >
A/N:So im reposting the first serie, I changed a few things, let me know what you think
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I had this saved in my drafts to rec for a while now - so don’t say that I’m being biased okay. Can’t wait for the next part!!!
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- BTS replaces you
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hey hey ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) i recommend that you read “forgotten” by my best internet friend @yongles
I’ll look into it! thank you!
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psst... you should read this bts scenarios post of “You Find Out He Cheated” and “The Aftermath” by Beyond-The-Scene-What... there’s 7 scenarios which means 7 times the angst hehe
Ahhh I’ve read some of their works before but I will definitely check back!! Thank you!
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Angst that I needed
3:00AM - Jungkook
Pairing: Jungkook x Y/N
Genre: Angst 
Warnings: swearing, slight smut, cheating
Request: nochu707 asked: Since your requests are open could I get a super duper angst with ya boi jungkook?? Thank youuu 😚💗
Summary: Jungkook hasn’t been subtle when being unfaithful, sometimes it’s even right beside you when he thinks you’re asleep. 
A/N: Ah, my first request! I hope you like it! Feel free to send requests anytime and tell me if I need to improve! Thank you!
Part 2
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The bed that you currently sleep in shook aggressively underneath you, panting and the occasional “fuck” could be heard throughout the once silent room. You lay there, facing away from them with your eyes tightened shut, only letting out a small tear at a time. It was hard not to let out any sobs but you held back, just like the many nights before. You couldn’t understand why he, your husband of two years and boyfriend for three, could do this so easily right in front of you. Of course, he had no idea you were awake but he still fucked your best friend right beside you. He couldn’t even have the decency to do it elsewhere. 
“Baby, you’re so good,” your best friend muttered as they finally finished. Only heavy breathing could be heard now. “When are you going to end it with her? When can we finally be together?”
A pang of pain shoots through your heart. Don’t answer, Jungkook, please. You shouldn’t have expect so much from him but you almost let out a loud sob as you heard his reply. 
How could they do this to you? You wondered, how long had this been going on for? They were once both the people you cared about most in the world, now they are both people you hate. Hate is such a strong word, your love for Jungkook was indescribable but right now all you want to do is hate him. Hate them both. 
“You should go before she wakes up,” Jungkook whispers. She. He can’t even say your name. 
You don’t hear a reply, only some shuffling around your’s and Jungkook’s bedroom. You assume your ‘best friend’ is putting her clothes on. 
“I love you, Kookie,” your best friend says out loud, not even bothering to be quiet. Another pang to your heart. 
Jungkook doesn’t answer and just rolls to face you. He wraps one arm around you and kisses the back of your head before going to sleep. All you want to do is push him off and take a shower. You felt dirty, how dare he cuddle you and act like nothing just happened. 
As soon as you heard quiet snores fall from his mouth you got out of the bed carefully, not wanting to wake him up. You headed downstairs to the kitchen to get a glass of water, mostly to dwell on what just happened. You thought everything was fine with your relationship with Jungkook. He seemed ecstatic when you told him you were pregnant, he seemed so happy that he was going to be a father. What changed? Did he not want you or your baby anymore? 
Tears streamed down your face as you thought about the two of them together. She used to promise you that if anyone hurt you then she’d punch them in the nose. Now she’s the one that’s hurting you, she’s hurt you more than anyone. You thought you could trust her, and him. You thought that you both loved you so much that they’d never want to hurt you. You thought wrong. 
“Baby,” Jungkook breaks you out of your thoughts and you jump slightly. “What are you doing awake? What’s wrong?”
You want to laugh at the concerned look on his face. Fake. “Sorry, Kook. This little one has been mixing my emotions up lately.”
Great lie, Y/N. you tell yourself. Just like them. Jungkook smiles and comes closer, his hands touch your swollen belly and he look genuinely happy. 
“I love you, Y/N,” he smiles. Don’t lie. “I can’t wait to see our little princess or prince. They’re going to be beautiful.”
You nod and put a fake smile on your face. All you want to do is cry and scream and tell him to get the fuck away from you. You can’t though, you just want to bring your baby up in a good environment. Even if that means that you get hurt in the process. Although, it seemed that Jungkook was going to leave you soon anyway. 
“Come on, let’s go back to bed,” Jungkook says while leading you to the bedroom. You let him guide you, not bothering to argue back. This is going to be a long night, you thought as you looked at the clock which showed, 3:00AM. 
The next day you find yourself alone in bed, at some point during the night you must have fallen asleep. You sit up in the cold, empty bed and rub your bump. You pick up your phone and see that you received a text from Jungkook.
From: Jungkook
Hey, babe and bump!:* I have practice with the guys all day today, I’ll see you when I get home! Don’t wait up, love you xxx
Practice again, another thing that takes Jungkook away from you. You didn’t mind that though, you’d rather him go to practice than to fuck your best friend. You get up and head downstairs, what could you do today? You really did not want to call your best friend, what would you even say? ‘Hey, I know you’re fucking my husband but want to hang out today while he’s at practice?’ Ha, you think to yourself, looks like it’s just going to be a Netflix day. 
A few hours later you hear a knock on your door. You pause the current episode of American Horror Story and quickly get up to answer the door. To your surprise Taehyung stands at the door with two white bags in his hand. 
“I thought you, Jungkook and I could hang out and have a movie day,” he smiles brightly, showing his box smile. 
You look at him confused, “I thought you guys had practice today?”
“What?” Taehyung furrows his eyebrows. “We have a weeks break, did Jungkook not tell you?”
Realisation hits you square in the face and all you can do is drop to your knees and let out a loud scream. Taehyung jumps and quickly wraps his arms around you asking what’s wrong. You can’t answer, the rage and sadness fills you up and all you can do is howl and scream.
“He’s a fucking liar! I should’ve known!” You scream loudly as you cover your face with your hands.
“Y/N, what’s wrong?” Taehyung demands, worry is written all over his face. 
He closes the front door and leads you to the living room to sit you on the sofa, he leaves the white bags by the front door. Taehyung kneels in front of you and makes you look at him.
“What happened?” He asks.
You clear your nose and wipe away the tears. “It’s Jungkook,” you sob. “He’s cheating on me with my best friend.”
Taehyung stays quiet for a few minutes and just stares at your hysterical figure. Your tears don’t seem to be stopping and you feel physically sick. You hold onto your bump, the only source of comfort you feel like you have in that moment. 
“What do you mean Jungkook’s cheating on you?” Taehyung finally breaks the silence. 
“He’s been fucking my best friend for weeks now, right beside me in bed when he thinks I’m asleep,” you reply. You grip onto your hair tightly, wanting to feel pain elsewhere than your heart. 
“Fucking bastard,” is all that Taehyung says and grabs your hands, stopping you from ripping your hair out.
Taehyung hugs you and you both sit in that position for hours while you cry on him. His t-shirt is completely soaked through but he doesn’t mind, all Taehyung can think about is killing that bastard, Jeon Jungkook. 
Jungkook finally arrives home at 1:00AM. He opens the door quietly and tiptoes throughout the house, careful not to wake you up. He hears muffles noise coming from the living room and decides to investigate, he assumes you fell asleep on the sofa while watching TV. He opens the door of the living room carefully and sees you sleeping on Taehyung’s chest while Taehyung stares directly at him. Taehyung lifts you off him carefully and lays you down on the sofa. He points directly at Jungkook, basically telling him to come outside with him. 
“Where the fuck have you been?” Taehyung whisper-yells, clearly angry at the younger male. 
“I decided to go do some extra practice,” Jungkook shrugs. “What are you doing here so late with my wife?”
Taehyung cackles fakely, “like you have any right to start accusing her and I of anything. And don’t give me bullshit excuses, I’m not your pregnant wife, you don’t need to lie to me.” 
Jungkook pushes Taehyung slightly. “What the fuck are you going on about?”
Taehyung shakes his head and bites his lip, he thought he knew Jeon Jungkook. They had been best friends for years, since Jungkook was only a young teen. He never thought Jungkook could be such a monster, this wasn’t how he was before. What happened? You really think you know someone, and they always turn out to be strangers in the end. 
“All I’m going to say, Jungkook, is that Y/N knows everything so don’t think you’re being clever,” Taehyung says before leaving the once happy couple’s house. 
Jungkook’s stomach drops as he wonders how much you really do know. Maybe that’s the reason you’re never in bed with him when he wakes up during the night. Maybe that’s the reason he hears you sobbing downstairs every night. Jungkook feels sick and he knows that there’s nothing he can do to solve this. 
“I’m so sorry, Y/N,” Jungkook whispers and a tear slides down his face. “I really do love you.”
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This is super cute and I loved it!!! brb as I go read it again
A Little Too Late (Jungkook X Reader)[One Shot]
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Jungkook X Reader
Genre: Romance, Angst, Fluff
Word Count: 5K+
Summary: Jungkook is proposing to his 2 year long girlfriend with the help of his best friend (y/n). What Jungkook doesn’t know is that you are head over heels for him. You are torn in half whether to confess or not before it is too late. Meanwhile, you decide you have to, of course, help him plan the perfect proposal.
This Chapter is Dedicated to : @bangpenguins, @bunnybubkook, @randombtsprincessa, @kitten-dont, @b-angst-tan, and @jikookbias28
Thank you all for being here with me. I have reached 1.6K followers, so this is a gift for you all as well. Sorry for the delay. Work got pretty hectic. I hope you all enjoy :D
Chapter Edited Mostly by @b-angst-tan : Thank you Doll
Fic Soundtrack: Say It First- Sam Smith & Leave Your Lover- Sam Smith
Leave me loves and Feedback :D
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Don’t read this while listening to The Truth Untold and while it’s thundering and lightning outside because you’ll cry... like I did 😭 my heart hurts but in such a good way?! This is the angst I’ve been longing 🤧finally got around to reading oppamansae’s work after being recommend for a while... what took me so long 😭
Too Late
Plot: You never really knew that it was too late, until you saw him standing in the end of the aisle, smiling at his fiancé. 
Pairing: Kim Namjoon x reader
Genre: Angst, non-idol au!
Note: I took quite a while with this, considering it’s exam week(s). Writing is pretty much my escape/break. Namjoon deserves so much more appreciation, so I gave this my all~ I hope you like it. 1,387 Words
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How did you manage to fuck up this bad?
“Kim Namjoon, do you take Park Mari to be your lawfully wedded wife?”
You had 15 whole years to admit your feelings to him; 15 whole years to tell him that the only thing on your mind, no matter where you were, was your best friend. Yet, you told yourself you never got the time. You always said that you would do it tomorrow, but you just couldn’t. You would always leave him with other girls, because you had no self worth – or maybe you were just too much of a coward to ruin what you already shared with him.
“I do.”
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ohoh! totally check out @doraehan for amazing fics (if you’re into stray kids tho..) ps,,i love your blog????!
I’m not all into stray kids 😭 but thank you for the rec anyway!!
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If you’re looking for pure fluff (and some minor angst here and there) I recommend @lovelyyyoongi!!! I found her by her recent fic “what are best friends for?”
@lovelyyyoongi, her? ughhhh hate her… JKJK LOVE YOU BB - someone recommended you and I will head on over over to your blog later and read your ‘what are best friends for’ fic, I wonder why I haven’t read your work yet to be fair, I have a list of things to read and well, you’re on it too now!
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If you’re looking for pure fluff (and some minor angst here and there) I recommend @lovelyyyoongi!!! I found her by her recent fic “what are best friends for?”
@lovelyyyoongi, her? ughhhh hate her... JKJK LOVE YOU BB - someone recommended you and I will head on over over to your blog later and read your ‘what are best friends for’ fic, I wonder why I haven’t read your work yet to be fair, I have a list of things to read and well, you’re on it too now!
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HOW DID I EVEN FORGET TO REBLOG THIS SERIES?! Another brilliantly presented series and iuajbdgakbsg I love it! I can’t wait for the other members’ Covert Campus series - she even has a masterlist for it too! It’s a longer series and really worth reading, I enjoyed it so much and really, y’all are missing out if you don’t read this au just saying 
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“Stop being a bitch baby.”
part 1
This is an Introduction to Jungkooks “Y/N” 
She is a freshman and is an Arts Major (it’s pretty obvious) and Yoongi’s younger sister.Yoongi is extremely protective of her because of what’s she’s been through. She is very insecure because of it also and is very introverted and only has two friends (They’re actually Jin’s and Namjoon’s “Y/N”). She also ends up sharing a class with Jungkook but that’s later. And yes Y/N totally disobeyed Yoongi and followed the account. With notifications on.
I’m sorry if this is confusing already lol but I can answer qs and stuff.
  • ↝  •next•
Covert Campus masterlist
back to masterlist
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