Fuck fuck fuck! That hurt like a sonnuva bitch!
Kitori could taste the copper like sensation beginning to seep from where her teeth met her inner check.
“S’alright, s’alright. I like a good fight.” Kitori hissed, her eyes zeroed in on the other Aqua member, as she got uncomfortably close to her prey. Either she did not acknowledge the insult towards her intelligence, or it went over her head completely.
 Other Aqua members had a mixed reaction from either concerned glancing backs to egging on the duo to finish what they started.
“Alright, fuckface-- lets finish this Orre-style!” she snapped, unexpectedly headbutting the Aqua members jaw.
“Winner gets the change!”
  Fuck, did he see right through that?!
Either way, there was no way she was going to bend over for this lazy shit and pay for that drink.
No finger fucking way.
Her teeth clenched as he gave her that shit-eating smirk, the patting on her head just fueled that fire that just never seemed to go out in the first place. She looked him right into those eyes that just happened to be missing some black and blue.
“Oi, jackass.” Kitori spat, clutching the other grunt by the collar of his striped shirt, “How about you get yer own fuckin’ drink then?” she curled her occupied first closer, getting a nice view of the grunts face before she decided she was going to decorate it with a few bruises., “'Cos lemme tell ya somethin’ right now, pretty boy.” The smaller grunt snarled, “Where I come from, you don’t pull this kinda shit without expecting one of these-”
And with that, her other fist, covered by her snag machine, was sent flying across the grunts face.
Whoops. She had a snapping point that was ridiculously easy to reach, didn’t she? When she grabbed in, Lorenz kind of regretted he provoked Kitori. That chick could get really scary alright… The sudden attack had taken him off guard and had been enough to make him lose his balance and fall on his back.
Uh, what the hell was that thing on her arm anyway? Whatever it was, it surely was the reason her punch hurt so much.
“Dude, what’s your damage?“ He rose up as quickly as he had fallen, and proceeded to remove his gloves. Talk about one pointlessly aggressive bitch… “I asked nicely and all. Never forced anything on ya, did I?“
Sheesh, He did ask nicely, didn’t he? And she’s the one who got his coins stuck Arceus-knows-where. And yet she got so angry for no reasons… Eh. Of course, his first assumption was totally correct.
“Eheh, the way you got so defensive, though… The coins are totally in your pocket, right? So much for me being the jackass here!“
He chuckled, a little drop of blood escaping from one of his nostrils. Yep, that last punch had hurt. So it only felt right to give her one in return, right? He threw his fist across Kitori’s face.
“I don’t give a Rattata’s ass about what kind of shitty region you come from. In Hoenn, punching first means you’re just not intelligent enough to clearly articulate proper arguments.“
…was what he was saying, but that didn’t stop him from turning this petty argument into an actual fistfight.
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response to this
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The Return attack hit Kira like a truck. She was actually pushed back from the force of the blow, her paws leaving skid marks in the dirt. It actually surprised the dark type that their opponents had a strong enough relationship to wound her so. 
Kira respected that.
“You know what to do!” Alayne shouts, snapping her pokemon out of it.
Shadows built between the Mightyena’s teeth, swirling and building upon itself until a ball was formed. With a snarl she unleashed her attack, knowing that just one Shadow Ball was not going to end this fight.
The Umbreons paws scraped across the ground, pushed back by the force of the blow. Even for a low-effective move, that Mightyena had some determination...
“Shake it off buddy, c’mon!” Kitori called out to her dark type, “Show this Magma trash who’s boss!”
Umbreon shook itself back into its senses, its eyes zeroed in on its opponent. It wriggled its backside, yellow patterns glowing before making another charge at the larger dark type with another return attack.
magmagruntalayne started following you (a long ass time ago)
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“Alright, alright…” Trey grinned, pulling away after a few seconds from the onslaught of affection. He slung the Umbreon’s front paws over his shoulder, then scruffed at it’s back. That should do it.
“Hey, maybe we should tell the Magmas ‘bout Orre. Then they can go play in the sand an’ leave us alone.” He smirked, idly scratching between the Umbreon’s ears.
“That sounds rough, though. I mean, I don’t think I could live away from the sea anymore, m’self. Too used to it nowadays, plus water pokes don’t do too well in a desert, heh. So… y’ like Hoenn so far, then? Plannin’ on sticking around?”
While the Umbreon began to affectionately chew on the strangers hair, Kitori let out a snort. Hoenn was alright, but there was no way she was gonna be heading back to Orre any time soon. “Yeah, I’m gonna be here fer a while.”
“Hell, if we get them Team Magma punks on that side of the pond, who knows maybe the other teams in Orre will trash ‘em for us.” Kitori cackled mischievously.
She let out a curt sigh, scratching her Umbreons chin while Trey had occupied between the ears, “You are fucking spoiled, you know that?” A stupid grin took over her face as she heard the various chirping and purring noises coming from the black Pokemon.
aquatrey started following you
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Zo was about to give Flygon the heads-up to start climbing up the canyon wall to keep out of the…whoever-they-were’s sight before his eye caught the black fluffy Pokémon ambling around them. It wasn’t a Poochyena, he knew that much, but he couldn’t remember the name of it. He settled for waving at the Pokémon, only to lose his grip on his own and fall into the sand with a yelp, Flygon rolling their eyes before dropping down to the sand as well, wings making a soft whistling sound before they stilled.
“What the fuck?” The Team Aqua grunt jumped back almost a whole foot when a sudden blur of brown and orange crashed into the sand. The Umbreon at her side began to bark at whatever it was the nearly fell on top of them, leaping to the side and wagging its tail. The Umbreon calmed itself at the snap of its trainers fingers. Not able to identify what it was thanks to the sandstorm, Kitori took a better glimpse.
And just who the hell was this guy?
“Oi, jackass.” Kitori crossed her arms, “Just what in th’ hell do ya think yer doin’?”
Before Kitori could get an answer, the dark type next to her began barking up a storm.
“Dammit Umbreon, what the hell did I just s-”  Kitori was cut off when she saw a large draconic figure land next to the fallen man. “Fuckin’ Arceus-” the Team Aqua grunt was taken aback. “Th’ hell is that?”
teamaquasnagger started following you
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[10/21/2015 12:12:12 AM] Ein Kampf: http://teamaquasnagger.tumblr.com/post/131605951916/this-is-something-that-has-always-bothered-me [10/21/2015 12:12:43 AM] MB: never underestimate the power of focusing on something [10/21/2015 12:12:58 AM] Ein Kampf: which brings up headcanon: it don't take much to startle Ein [10/21/2015 12:14:06 AM] MB: Miror pops a balloon right by his ear. The researchers have never seen Ein run ALMOST fast enough to catch Miror while reaching for his neck
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Deserts! Sand! Well, this sand wasn’t half as nice as the stuff back home, but it was sand, and it still acted like sand, and there was at least a tablespoon of it in his underwear. This was his natural environment! Wes never felt more alive than in the middle of a raging sandstorm. He was in a good mood right now, and not even the yapping black ball of fur was enough to ruin that. An umbreon in the middle of the desert? Where had he seen that before? (Self-referential humor, hah!)
The owner, a rather lovely little lady (and Wes noted with some satisfaction that she was indeed littler than he was), seemed rather flustered over her pokemon’s outburst.
“You gonna start keepin’ a leash on that thing or what?” Wes asked with a little glee in his voice. “Though I’d still recommend it for your own sake, anyways. Lotsa bad people in the sand, you know? Shame if somethin’ were to…you know, happen to it.”
He made sure to give “it” a rather hungry smirk. Eeveelutions fetched high prices no matter where you sold ‘em - an’ it usually wasn’t any ordinary trainers what carried ‘em around, either. His gaze slid back to the girl. So what was she hiding?
“Speaking of changin’ the subject,” he said, abruptly changing into a casual tone, “some storm, huh?” He kicked a plume of sand into the air, with his hands tucked into his pockets. Today was a good day. Friendly day. “All windy and shit. I’m on my way to sunny Mauville or whatever, an’ I heard one way there was a desert, ‘nd I couldn’t help myself. You know if you die out here it might be years ‘fore someone turns your body up?” He snickered, the way a hyena’d snicker if it snickered instead of laughed. “Well, hypothetically.”
“They can try, but they gonna be missin’ some teeth an’ gainin’ some bruises if they do end up tryin’ somethin’.” She snapped her fingers at her side, giving the Umbreon a quick ‘git over ‘ere’ as it seated itself at her side. Needless to say that smirk definitely rubbed her the wrong way, but she kept the friendly demeanor- for now.
Wait- the fuck was with the dead bodies comment? That came out of fucking nowhere... Then again, she was getting that vibe out of this kid in general.
... Goddamn, and she thought Chibuzo was weird...
“I uh...had enough of my share of desert back where I’m from.” The trainer crossed her arms, her foot fidgeting in the sand. “Just droppin’ some shit off an’ gettin’ the hell outta here.” 
Check your Pockets- Kitori/Wes (Post Colosseum)
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Alayne just grinned and snatches a pokeball off of her belt. She didn’t even need to look to make sure whose ball it was; she knew every scratch and groove better than her own appearance. “Kira. Let’s show these two whose got the better dark type.”
The Mightyena didn’t even wait for the ball to be thrown. She bursts out of her home and lands with a thud. A growl builds up in her throat the moment she locks eyes on the Umbreon 
The Umbreon looked back at its trainer before turning back to the Mightyena ahead of it. The The dark type took a couple steps back, its eyes not leaving its opponents. The Mightyenas growl were returned by the determined Umbreon. With little warning, the Pokemon launched itself at its opponent with a Return attack.
“Atta’ boy Umbreon!” Kitori pumped her fist, confident in her starter Pokemons capabilities.
magmagruntalayne started following you (a long ass time ago)
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I don’t know
But it happened
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Reblog if your muse is a lil shit
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Send 💪 ( ◕ ‸ ◕ 💪 ) for my muse’s reaction to yours showing off their arm muscles
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Oh wow, that Misty girl broke up with her last boyfriend because he said Starmies looked stupid? Good. He was probably just one huge pile of— Hey what with all the noise?
Lorenz looked up from his magazine to see what all the ruckus in front of the drinks dispenser was about. Kitori was literaly wrestling it out with the machine. Oh shit, did it get blocked again?
And she said it herself. Yep. It did. Shit.
He rose from his seat and walked toward the machine. Gosh, he would really have been better off doing it on his own. It would have been way faster and maybe he would have his drink right now.
There was also the possibility that Kitori simply stuffed the coins in her pocket, though… The woes of being part of a group of criminals: Criminals aren’t the most trustworthy people of the world.
Either ways, it was Kitori’s fault he was drinkless at the moment.
“Well, that sucks.” He smirks, and pats the other grunt on the top of her head. “Sounds like you’re gonna have to pay me back.”
Fuck, did he see right through that?!
Either way, there was no way she was going to bend over for this lazy shit and pay for that drink.
No finger fucking way.
Her teeth clenched as he gave her that shit-eating smirk, the patting on her head just fueled that fire that just never seemed to go out in the first place. She looked him right into those eyes that just happened to be missing some black and blue.
"Oi, jackass.” Kitori spat, clutching the other grunt by the collar of his striped shirt, “How about you get yer own fuckin’ drink then?” she curled her occupied first closer, getting a nice view of the grunts face before she decided she was going to decorate it with a few bruises., “'Cos lemme tell ya somethin’ right now, pretty boy.” The smaller grunt snarled, “Where I come from, you don’t pull this kinda shit without expecting one of these-”
And with that, her other fist, covered by her snag machine, was sent flying across the grunts face.
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“Ahah, I don’t mind.” Demonstrating the point, he makes to pick up and cradle the Umbreon.
“Orre’s gotta be a bit of a change from Lilycove, eh? S’pretty quiet ‘round here. I mean, other than Magmas stirrin’ up shit every now an’ then.”
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Kitori couldn’t help but feel a smidge of jealousy when her Umbreon chirped rather loudly, licking the other grunts face. 
Good luck getting him off your ass now, kiddo.
“Well, the law enforcement actually does work ‘round here, that’s been the biggest shocker for me so far.” Kitori really did miss the law enforcement of Orre; or lack of it, anyways. “Otherwise, nothin’ but desert over there. Them Magma jackoffs would’ve had a goddamn field day over there I imagine.”
aquatrey started following you
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Send “▶▶️” To Get A Glimpse At A Scene From My Muse’s Future. Send “◀️◀️” To Get A Glimpse At A Memory From My Muse’s Past.
“Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck-”
The waves crashed violently into the cave walls, Kitori could almost hear the rain pounding on the rock over her head. God, she knew the old man was talking about expanding the sea, and hell if she even gave a shit about it; but this?
Cold sweats covered her body when she saw that the growing sea had consumed most of the stairway coming into Team Aqua’s base, water splashed onto the floor before her feet. It had barely been an hour and the entire entrance had been flooded out. With no signs of stopping anytime soon, the whole base would be flooded out within a couple of hours. Her stomach wrenched at the thought of inevitable drowning. Snapping herself back to reality, Kitori scrambled to the teleporters leading to the main bedroom chamber. She could only hope to whatever divinity that someone had conveniently left behind a Pokemon with surf.  Bedsheets were tossed aside, drawers were pulled from their stands, bags were thrown mercilessly onto one side of the room as the frantic grunt swiped every nook and cranny to find her ticket out of this sinking hellhole. Nothing.
The sound of splashing water nearly jumped the redhead, “The hell-?!” She yelped, almost falling over before realizing the sound came from a puddle under her. How in the hell did water get down here already?! Looking at the corners, her answer was found: the air vents were flooding out. Fucking perfect.
Teleporting back to the entrance, sea water was already making its way onto the tile of the floor as the waves grew more aggressive. She swallowed hard when she realized her fate now relied on the pokeball that her fingertips trembled over. She did in fact have a pokemon that knew surf, per se; however, there was also the likelihood of it trying to bite her limbs off rather than surfing. Hesitantly hitting the release button, a Croconaw emerged from the pokeball.
“Okay…” The trainer let out a sharp inhale as the Croconaw let out a sharp hiss the second she took a step forward, “I ain’t entirely sure jus’ what I did to piss you off. But fer th’ love of Arceus, we’re talkin’ life or death here. So I am beggin’ you here: put that aside for ten minutes. Please just- just surf for me.” Kitori leaned over to pick the Croconaw up.
A sudden shriek boomed over the sound of the crashing waves.
A sharp and burning sensation took over Kitori’s left arm where the Croconaw sank its fangs. Blood began to mix with the sea water as she tried to pull the aggressive Pokemon from her arm, only causing the Pokemon to shake its head and grip stronger. Not even thinking to recall the Pokemon, the grunt panicked,shoving her other hand against the water types shoulder. “CROCONAW. STOP IT.”
The Croconaw, as if returning to its senses from some hyper emotional state, stopped dead in its tracks, loosening its jaws from its trainers mangled arm.
Her fear- clouded mind clearing for just a moment, Kitori recalled the pokemon back into its Pokeball.
Trapped in what would soon to be watery tomb, and injured to top it off, the defeated grunt curled up against the wall, letting it sink in that there was no escape.Umbreon and Croconaw would hopefully have a chance should someone find their Pokeballs washed up somewhere, but as for her, this was it.
God, she missed Orre about now….
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I’ve been in a belly dancer mood for the past two days.
I also really need to make an art blog so I have a spot to actually post this crap.
On a bright note, I’m almost done with an overdue as fuck drabble.
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