tays-daisy · 2 days
News reports indicate that officials got access to Whatsapp messages and other communications between the FOUR adults involved in this (two trans males, one older male, and one younger woman). They report that this male sought and gained custody of his child, who had been living in Oregon, for the purpose of creating porn of her sexual abuse.
He should be in an all-male prison, where the other inmates can serve him the punishment the state failed to.
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Thanks to the brave, tolerant, loving, kind & caring TRAs and the equally braindead government.
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tays-daisy · 4 days
i can't upload the audios for some reason but here's the link to the memos!
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tays-daisy · 7 days
[See the Read-First Introduction before proceeding]
                                                    TIER 1
Psychotherapist Rita Powers murdered by her patient, a transwoman, because Powers didn’t think he was an appropriate candidate for sex reassignment surgery Note, in the link, that the transgender community blamed Powers for being murdered, saying that if she had just given her patient what he wanted, she would still be alive. In other words, ‘she asked for it.’ Sound familiar?
                                                  TIER 2
Cheryl Partsch punched in teeth for questioning cross-dressing man in women’s restroom. His punch cost her $60K in medical bills. Note that Patrick doesn’t identify as a woman, but still punched Cheryl in the teeth for being concerned about his presence in the women’s restroom, and called her questioning a “hate crime.”
Feminists assaulted in Transgender Attack at Portland conference for Social Change
Violent Zoey Tur grabs panelist by the neck and threatens to send him “home in an ambulance” live on the air The panelist’s crime? Mentioning biology.
UK trans athlete Lauren Jeska, attempts to murder an official and attacks two other officials from British Athletics for reviewing the medals won while competing as a woman.  Lauren Jeska is male.
                                                   TIER 3
Rochester Radio Hosts Fired After making transgender jokes
General fired from academic post over transgender bathroom joke
Gavin McInnes fired for thought catalog post, “Transphobia is Perfectly Natural”
Daycare workers fired for ‘misgendering’ confused student
ESPN fires Curt Schilling for sharing a ‘transphobic’ meme
Transactivists attempt to fire Meghan Murphy for writing about Laverne Cox
Transwoman & business owner Janelle Bahan threatens to fire any woman who might be a feminist
Woman’s Planet Fitness Membership cancelled for concern over transwoman in locker room
Transactivist attempts to fire ‘transphobe’ Elizabeth Hungerford for her Open Letter to Smith College Worthy of note: The same transactivist is now trans-critical, has since apologized, and now experiences abuse from the trans community.
Vassar College transactivist students attempt to fire Professor
New York City enacts $$$ 6-figure fine for “misgendering”*
Canada Prime Minister Justin Trudeau introduces bill that punishes “misgendering” with up to two years in prison* * Challenge for transactivists: can you find any comparable punishments for people who call women bitches, sluts, cunts or whores? Hell, most rapists don’t even face consequences this severe for raping people.
YMCA fires rape victim for expressing fear of being raped in gender neutral bathrooms
Georgia ACLU leader Maya Dillard Smith pressured to resign after asking too many questions about transgender bathroom bill
Transactivists violently harass, deplatform and attempt to fire Ruth Barrett Because she signed a petition and had an opinion about MichFest. How dare she!
Macy’s fires Catholic employee for disagreeing with transgender bathroom policy The policy was never made known to him, and he promised to uphold the policy, but they still fired him.
Renee Gerlich is banned from a community book market and subsequently lost her job and was the target of a bullying pact launched against her by a trans spokesperson from the New Zealand Prostitutes’ Collective.
                                                  TIER 4
BOLD links = this person has been deplatformed repeatedly (Meaning, this list is longer than it looks.)
Derrick Jensen disinvited from Oregon State University over “transphobia” (Response)
Lawrence University invokes last minute BAN on Earth Day Keynote Speaker Lierre Keith due to her Feminist views on Gender
Rachel Ivey of Deep Green Resistance “End of Gender” presentation cancelled at Bluestockings…   …and at Unitarian Church of Philadelphia
Julie Bindel repeatedly deplatformed for her gender-critical views
Lesbian activist stripped of Grand Marshall honors over “transphobic” Facebook posts
Cindy Sheehan talks about being targeted by “trans bullies”
Glosswitch commissiond, then un-commissioned, to write for feminist site even though she was initially told she could write “ANYTHING”
Janet Mock and followers target GenderTrender blog, shut it down & suspend blogger
Campus “Vagina Monologues” cancelled for being about vaginas (which is “exclusive” to transwomen)
Lesbian Outsmart review of Julia Serano’s “Excluded” removed from website for “insensitive” trans-critical remarks
New York Times transgender/gay rights debate features 2 transwomen, 4 gay males, but NO women or lesbians
Christine Benvenuto essay removed, AND bookshop event cancelled, after petition & harassment by her transwoman ex-spouse
Bev Jo disinvited from Butch Voices by transwoman
Iconic Michigan Women’s Music Festival ends after long fight over trans-inclusivity Organizers were threatened for years by transacitivists for having a female-only vision of the festival
Vulva Cupcake event called “violent” – transactivists attempt to cancel it
Woman’s Bruce Jenner rant deleted by YouTube
Iconic feminist Carol Adams targeted by “transphobia” misinformation/deplatforming campaign No evidence of her alleged transphobia was ever provided by her accusers.
PantheaCon female-only spiritual rites infiltrated by transactivists Sex-specific events are no longer allowed at PantheaCon — not even traditional rites based on exclusively female experiences such as menstruation, which have always been deeply revered in many Pagan traditions
Kate Smurthwaite’s comedy show cancelled for “transphobia” even though she’s demonstrably supportive of trans people
Female Erasure Book faces pre-emptive attacks
Royal College of Psychiatrists Transgender Conference cancelled after trans complaints
Cardiff University cancels Germaine Greer lecture after trans-critical remarks
Sheila Jeffreys targeted by “transphobia” de-platforming campaign
Jeremy Clarkson Amazon Show cancelled for trans-critical remarks
Potentially $568 million in economic damages, countless event cancellations, and corporate withdrawals and in North Carolina following HB2 decision
Everyday Feminism pulls article by Alice Dreger about sex ed; cites disagreement about ‘trans issues’
For Books’ Sake takes down, apologizes for, sharing FeministCurrent article…calls it transphobic but does not explain how it’s transphobic
Ruth Greenberg denied venue for lesbian-focused, trans-inclusive event based on year-old “transphobic” tweet
Thistle Pettersen banned from the community radio station, WORT 89.9 FM, AND she was also prevented from organizing a yearly women-focused music & arts festival in Madison, WI due to accusations of ‘transphobia’. Please take the time to read this one, if you can: PART 1, PART 2, PART 3, PART 4.
Professor tells student she is not allowed to share trans-critical views during class discussions
Twitter bot corrects tweets that “misgender” Caitlyn Jenner
Vancouver Women’s Library harassed and threatened for having “TERF” and “SWERF” literature in their catalogue. This is despite the fact that the library is trans-inclusive. According to this Guerrilla Feminist Collective post, transactivists have also assaulted a library visitor and stolen the library’s sign. Support the VWL by donating and signing this petition!
Thistle Pettersen has again been silenced and pressured to not perform at an event she started organizing.
Rhéa Jean, author and PhD, was accused of transphobia and censored from speaking at a seminar on the transgender movement.   The seminar was cancelled.
Meghan Murphy has a post she wrote for rabble arguing against Planned Parenthood’s dehumanizing use of the word ‘menstruators’ to describe women censored without notice or explanation. When pressed, she finally got a response claiming the post includes ‘transphobic language.’ To date no one has explained exactly what that ‘transphobic language’ was. She quit in protest.
                                                TIER 5
Laci Green doxxed for saying “tranny” years ago, even though she apologized Yes, THE Laci Green that liberal feminists love so much.
Cathy Brennan was stalked and harassed by a group of transactivists in Olympia for refusing to say that a homosexual male could also identify as a lesbian.
There are so many open threats of violence made against trans-critical people, particularly against lesbians and/or radical feminists, that I cannot list them all. So I’ll summarize instead:
Transactivists are known to threaten to withdraw support for feminist causes/organizations if they fail to openly pledge allegiance to transgender ideology. Many such organizations are in desperate need of social support and funding, so they don’t have much of a choice except to go along with what transactivists tell them to say. The message is clear: “Your rights are important, but validating my beliefs is more important.”
One example:
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Ask ANY radical /gender critical/trans critical feminist, and they will tell you: we get deleted, harassed, banned and blocked more than anyone. Many of us have lost real-life friends over trans-critical Facebook posts or even for asking questions. It seems that transactivists patrol Facebook for the slightest hint of “transphobia” so they can pile-on and virtue-signal what a Good Trans Ally they are.
Again, there are too many examples to post here, so here are just a few examples: (x)(x)(x)
TERF BLACKLISTS Transactivists on Tumblr often make lists of alleged “TERFs” and command their followers not to engage with, or reblog anything from, people on the lists. Some examples:
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The “TERF hive” commands trans allies to censor, harass, report, block and otherwise shut down trans-critical sites:
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DIE CIS SCUM This is a popular slogan in transactivists circles. Transactivists argue that their use of this slogan is okay because “they’re more oppressed than cis people.” As you can see in the picture below, it’s a very threatening slogan, especially when tattooed on the body of a male holding a baseball bat.
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#KILLALLTERFS A favorite hashtag of transactivists. Many examples of these open threats of violence can be found on the following websites:
TERF is a Slur | Violent Receipts | Violent Trans Male Witness
Here is a small sampling of the kinds of threats made against us by transactivists, taken from the 3 links above ^
Anti-feminist protesters at the Vancouver Women’s Library Launch from GFC on Vimeo.
Also worth considering:
These major “feminist”/women’s websites will publish pro-transgender pieces but won’t publish “transphobic” (trans-critical, gender-critical or radical feminist) pieces:
Feministing, EverydayFeminism, Jezebel, xoJane, The Frisky, Bitch Media, The Establishment, Refinery29, Bustle, Black Girl Dangerous…
Autostraddle even blatantly admits to being inclined to give trans*people more money for their writing (source)
Many trans-critical writers have had to resort to publishing on Right-wing websites just to have a platform, even though they do not sympathize, or want to associate, with the Right. (This is part of where the “radfems are conservative” stereotype comes from.)
So now the question is:
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tays-daisy · 15 days
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Even God chose the bear.
Proverbs 17:12
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tays-daisy · 15 days
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tays-daisy · 28 days
If anyone knows more about this, PLEASE can I have it?
The person that made the Taylor Swift/Mountain Goats playlist is gonna have a field day with Florida!!!
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tays-daisy · 1 month
I was going to just block you, but im curious.
Why are you actually a terf? I'm genuinely wondering why.
Im sure you'll say something about biology or nature or the purity of womanhood but even so I just want to know why on earth someone can think like this.
Reply to this, don't, I don't care. Your words can't hurt me either.
hey :) So I'm a terf for the simple reason that I hate gender.
Gender is an oppressive social construct that has been designed to keep women in their place. For millenia, men have treated women like cattle in large parts of the world. You might ask yourself why these women never revolted? They make up half the population, so why did they never stand up, for thousands upon thousands of years?
It's clear that the reason is not that women like being subjugated, because there have been many matriarchal or egalitarian cultures. There has to be a social reason. So how could women in so many cultures be kept from revolting?
The reason is an ideological "superstructure". In philosophy, an ideological superstructure are the legal, religious and cultural institutions that justify material oppression. For the oppression of women, this superstructure is the concept of "gender".
The WHO defines gender as "the characteristics of women, men, girls and boys that are socially constructed. This includes norms, behaviours and roles associated with being a woman, man, girl or boy [...]." These norms and roles are constructed to justify the oppression of women to themselves and to others.
So what does that have to do with trans people?
A trans person is, according to Wikipedia, "someone whose gender identity differs from that typically associated with the sex they were assigned at birth." So that means that they don't identify with the gender that was imposed onto them. But now that we know that gender is an oppressive social construct, it would make sense to ask why anyone would identify with the oppressive social construct that was assigned to them. Why would any woman want to identify with the stereotypes that were constructed to subjugate her?
I think that we can go even further and say that no woman should identify with the norms and roles that were constructed to subjugate them. (Or, differently said: There should be no cis women. No women should identify with the norms, behaviours and roles associated with being a woman)
That is why I think that the entire concept of gender identity, and the idea that you can identify with the very superstructure that was only built to oppress you, is a convenient way for patriarchy to pass on it's millenia-old oppression as "inclusive" and "woke".
Gender is not something we should identify into and out of. The entire concept of gender is already toxic. There are biological males, biological females, and intersex people. Everything else is the ideological superstructure that needs to be abolished.
I hope that answered your question :) If you have any more questions, you can feel free to ask
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tays-daisy · 2 months
I'm not a TERF because I do not exclude trans men or nonbinary women in my feminism. I do specifically exclude all males from my feminism, though.
I'm a MERF
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tays-daisy · 2 months
I had the time of my life booping tumblrs with you
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tays-daisy · 2 months
dnis in your bio/pinned post aren't nearly as effective as actively blocking and making your blog inhospitable. observe:
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tays-daisy · 2 months
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daily affirmation
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tays-daisy · 2 months
If you’re in this community, you’re a target. We are gender atheists in a community of fanatics. We have extremely unpopular ideas and there are tech-savvy and well-connected users who want us to go away. I know a lot of us have gotten messages or replies about what people want to do to us. Almost all of them are completely full of shit. But not everyone.
There was an article written several years ago now, following the money on the political spending for this movement. Unsurprisingly, this article was scrubbed off the internet and is very difficult to find on google. It jumps from place to place. Here is a copy of it.
The broader movement to eradicate women as a medical and legal class is run by people, largely men, who are wealthy, well-connected, and tech-savvy. This movement is run by people who are willing to break the law, stack the deck, and do whatever it takes to “win.” And the entire time, they’ll cry about how you’re making them feel unsafe.
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tays-daisy · 2 months
Being GNC and not transitioning is the most punk thing you can do actually
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tays-daisy · 3 months
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tays-daisy · 3 months
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— Leslie Jones, from her memoir Leslie F*cking Jones
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tays-daisy · 4 months
I think women and children’s rights to like be full members of modern society without being bombarded w constant imagery of sexual violence against women is more important than porn stars ability to advertise on social media websites
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tays-daisy · 4 months
Rashida Tlaib has set up a petition to send to the White House to recognize and stop the ethnic cleansing and forced displacement happening in Gaza. If you’re a US citizen please sign. I have no illusions that this will change policy, but the public outcry against their actions must continue. We will not be distracted or discouraged from continuing to object to these humans rights violations.
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