talktokitty · 10 years
But sadly, I just don't have the time for it anymore. It's not fair to the admins, the players, Kitty, or me. I don't want to occupy a spot on a team and feel like I'm dragging my feet or stressing out because I just don't have the time when I know that there are people out there that would love to have the opportunity.
But I'm not gone forever. I'll keep this blog up for you to browse and enjoy and I'll even check from time to time if you ever want to talk or vent or anything. You all mean so much to me, and the fact that you've accepted me as your Kitty for this long will always hold a special place in my heart. 
Thank you for the memories.
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talktokitty · 11 years
What's your favorite infomercial?
The ones that don't exist. Seriously, who even likes infomercials? It's a commercial that never ends.
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talktokitty · 11 years
But you should also consider who you're talking to.
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It's okay, we'll work on it.
I’ll try to work on that. I mean it’s not like it isn’t hard or anything to tell when someone’s being sarcastic over the internet. 
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talktokitty · 11 years
Maybe you should work on figuring out sarcasm next.
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talktokitty replied to your post: Is cheating ever okay?
Congratulations. That one must have been real hard to figure out.
But it really wasn’t hard to figure out at all. Cheating is never okay and I don’t really think it takes a genius to figure such a simple thing out.
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talktokitty · 11 years
Did you know that coca-cola was originally made from cocaine?
Are there really idiots out there that don’t know that?
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talktokitty · 11 years
If you could model your career after someone famous, who would it be?
I wouldn’t. I would make my own way. Please, people have been looking up to me since I could string a pretty little insult together, so it’s not hard to believe that I would be another Beyonce or Rihanna or Lady Gaga and people would be modeling their careers after me.
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talktokitty · 11 years
Have you ever taken a photo in a photo booth?
If you’ve ever set foot in a mall, you’ve taken a picture in one of those.
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talktokitty · 11 years
What are your feelings on Bree?
You mean..
I've said it before, she is the most vile human being on this planet.
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talktokitty · 11 years
What is your impression of Jake now that you’re nice, and he treated Marley like crap?
First of all, I'm not nice, I'm just not an outrageous bitch. To the glee club, anyway. And second of all, I wouldn't say he treated her like crap, he just did it with the wicked bitch of the west. Which is stupid, questionable, get-yourself-checked, and what-were-you-thinking, but I wouldn't say he treated her like crap. I've called it since day one that those two aren't that compatible, so I guess it's a good thing that things ended before they got too serious. 
Clearly someone who prances down the hallway on a scooter is too bad ass for the rest of us.
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talktokitty · 11 years
You just get better and better.
@ Kitty
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talktokitty replied to your post “FMK: Kitty, Marley, Bree”
I don’t think the M is enough, but it’s a good start.
I figured the M was good enough to give you a head start on handling her girl…
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talktokitty · 11 years
Are you Team Ryder or Team Jake right now?
I'm Team That's-so-last-semester. 
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talktokitty · 11 years
It's Quinn. Typo idiot.
Dear anon, I'm not the one who made the typo, I'm just the one that had fun pointing it out.
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talktokitty · 11 years
Admittedly, I've had one less person to serve up my baked to perfection wit to, but that's as much as you're getting.
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@ Kitty
Kitty gosh, you could just be straight forward and say that you miss me already.
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talktokitty · 11 years
Do you think Sam has what it takes to make it as a model?
Sam is at his best when he's not moving. So, sure. I think looking pretty for the camera and standing still is definitely the career path Sam should take.
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talktokitty · 11 years
You should go to New York for stand-up instead.
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@ Kitty
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Sorry, can’t hear you over how awesome my hips move.
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talktokitty · 11 years
You are a special brand of special.
If you say Wuinn out loud, it kinda sounds like the beginning of Winnie the Pooh. But you’re right, it really shouldn’t surprise you.
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talktokitty · 11 years
talktoryder-lynn replied to your post: What is there to actually admire about wuinn?
It sounds like a mixture of Winnie the Pooh and the word inn.
I don't know why it surprises me that you automatically jump to Winnie the Pooh. It really shouldn't.
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